AG Anything Goes Winter Seasonal - Round 2

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UPL Champion

Welcome to the Anything Goes Winter Seasonal! This seasonal will be part of the 2020 AG Tournament Circuit. Entering in this seasonal will earn you the points for an overall AG leaderboard, which contributes to achieving the prestigious AG Circuit Champion Ribbon!

Tournament Rules:
  • This tour is in the National Dex Anything Goes format.
  • General tournament rules and regulations can be found here.
  • The banlist for this tournament is the same as the National Dex Anything Goes ladder of the Smogon University server of Pokemon Showdown, and can be found here.
  • Best of three, double elimination.
  • If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
  • Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown!.
  • SS cartridge win conditions are in place; there are no ties.
  • Replays are recommended to prevent disputes.
Winner's Bracket:
Pigeons vs arifgoku (Extension)
ADF Test vs Chloe
masterball200 vs Shivam3299
Guardsweeper vs ice-master-523
HGgamer vs bigtalk
bratpun vs Reffrey
boyn vs Sets
pichus vs zugubu royale
Zrp200 vs Catalystic
HellsRuin vs Satanic Beast
SolarflareRo vs Sificon
MDB vs byronthewellwell
pazza vs Staxi
Bread Sandwich vs MorganORNot
Ktütverde vs iNoLife
GotCookies vs Monsareeasy

Loser's Bracket:
Funbot28 vs Dollainthewoods (Extension)
RaJ.Shoot vs 7shoes
PurpleGatorade vs P4ndaK1ng11
Alfaz999 vs neomon
cromagnet42 vs TectonicDestroyer
The Mighty Stallion vs yedla
damflame 3 vs comme des garcons
lotiasite vs Shadowmonstr4
BaconEatinAssassin vs Unicorns
Aidou vs YaBoiJD
Poke Dabz vs Some Bob
LaBalladeDesCieux vs The Thunderbirds
iKiQ vs mc56556
MagicallyEnchantedPuppies vs Viduf
Ninjawarrior7778 vs tier
supreeee vs wehavecancer

Deadline: Monday 27th January 4pm GMT
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Bird fact: songbirds have 2 main molt strategies - complex basic strategy (CBS) and complex alternate strategy (CAS). Both are characterized by a preformative molt between the first prebasic and second prebasic molts, but differ in the presence (CAS) versus absence (CBS) of a prealternate molt as part of their regular molt cycle.
first blood won 2-0 for r1 ggs

Winner's Bracket:
Pigeons vs arifgoku
ADF Test vs Chloe
masterball200 vs Shivam3299
Guardsweeper vs ice-master-523 - not predicting this one, im actually so annoyed that we're seeing this matchup so early
HGgamer vs bigtalk
bratpun vs Reffrey
boyn vs Sets
(Winner of Viduf vs pichus) vs zugubu royale
Zrp200 vs (Winner of Funbot28 vs Catalystic)
HellsRuin vs Satanic Beast
SolarflareRo vs Sificon
MDB vs byronthewellwell
pazza vs (Winner of Staxi vs cromagnet42)
Bread Sandwich vs MorganORNot
Ktütverde vs iNoLife
GotCookies vs Monsareeasy

Loser's Bracket:
(Loser of Funbot28 vs Catalystic) vs Dollainthewoods
RaJ.Shoot vs 7shoes
PurpleGatorade vs P4ndaK1ng11
Alfaz999 vs neomon
(Loser of Staxi vs cromagnet42) vs TectonicDestroyer
The Mighty Stallion vs yedla
damflame 3
vs comme des garcons
lotiasite vs Shadowmonstr4
BaconEatinAssassin vs Unicorns
Aidou vs YaBoiJD
Poke Dabz vs Some Bob
vs The Thunderbirds
iKiQ vs mc56556
MagicallyEnchantedPuppies vs (Loser of Viduf vs pichus)
Ninjawarrior7778 vs tier
supreeee vs wehavecancer
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I though I would make some predictions
There are a lot of good matches here and I am excited to see who comes out on top

Pigeons vs arifgoku - I think pigeons will come out on top but I think this will be a lot closer than most people would expect, arifgoku has been getting very good at gen 8 so this should be a fun one to watch

ADF Test vs Chloe - I could see this game going either way, both players are very good, chloe has been playing gen 8 ag more so I will give to edge to her

Guardsweeper vs ice-master-523 - Icemaster is coming hot off of his kickoff win and is arguably the best gen 8 ag player right now but Guardsweeper will put up a fight and make this an interesting one

MDB vs byronthewellwell - MDB has been playing gen 8 ladder for the past couple days and I have been impressed with his results

Funbot28 vs Catalystic - Cata is an amazing ag player but this one will be very close

BaconEatinAssassin vs Unicorns - I think bacon should win although it would be really sad to see either player lose r2
Requesting an extension vs cata. We weren't able to get online in days that either of us were free and vice versa. I think a one day extension should suffice as he won't be able to play on Wednesday all day apparently.
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