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Tournament Anything Goes Money Tour - Signups [CASH PRIZE: $100 to Winner, $50 to Second]

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ag cash tour.png
shoutout in the hills for art
Approved by Seldanna

Tournament Rules:
  • General tournament rules and regulations.
  • Best of three, single elimination.
  • This tournament will be a Bo3 played in each of the standard SWSH Anything Goes, USUM Anything Goes, and ORAS Anything Goes formats.
  • Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown! or the SmogTours server
  • Replays are mandatory to prevent disputes.
  • First match will be played in SWSH and loser picks after.
  • More information for each gen can be found here: SWSH, USUM, ORAS.
Winner will receive $100 and 2nd place will receive $50!


Geysers  vs  Skarph
Nevelle  vs  Aberforth
Mack Knife  vs  80 yrs
perfect minun  vs  txitxas
Nick.see  vs  Latvian
Yokago  vs  Manan999
Highlord  vs  Ballfire
Junaa  vs  cy
Josepharas1  vs  Inder
crying  vs  TJ
Amberr  vs  polt
Trade  vs  Bread Sandwich
thomaswrld999  vs  RTM
Rose The Beloved  vs  halaman95
TectonicDestroyer  vs  Snoms
IBM  vs  giove97
Swastik  vs  zioziotrip
WSun1  vs  omi
1729is56time  vs  Gray
Eevoboost  vs  TylerTheMilotic
lotiasite  vs  Garay oak
Nael222  vs  ToasterBoi420
MZ  vs  chlo
Sunesis  vs  Farce Of The Death
Crunchman  vs  Fc
Ragnarok45ddd  vs  pdt
SiTuM  vs  Archiiiie17
brokenmotor  vs  TDR
cleffa hater  vs  SellSword
Snak  vs  Mr.Bossaru
cromagnet  vs  weakermaker
Dockiva~~  vs  Rhmsitb

Deadline will be on Sunday, April 24th at 11:59 PM EDT (GMT-4).
Last edited:
Geysers  vs  Skarph
Nevelle  vs  Aberforth
Mack Knife  vs  80 yrs
perfect minun  vs  MaliVGC
Nick.see  vs  Latvian
Yokago  vs  Manan999
Highlord  vs  Ballfire
Junaa  vs  cy
Josepharas1  vs  Inder
crying  vs  TJ
Amberr  vs  polt
thomaswrld999  vs  RTM
Rose The Beloved  vs  halaman95
TectonicDestroyer  vs  Snoms
IBM  vs  giove97
Swastik  vs  zioziotrip
WSun1  vs  omi
1729is56time  vs  Gray
Eevoboost  vs  TylerTheMilotic
lotiasite  vs  Garay oak
Nael222  vs  ToasterBoi420
MZ  vs  chlo
Sunesis  vs  Farce Of The Death
Crunchman  vs  Fc
Ragnarok45ddd  vs  pdt
SiTuM  vs  Archiiiie17
brokenmotor  vs  TDR
cleffa hater  vs  SellSword
Snak  vs  Mr.Bossaru
cromagnet  vs  weakermaker
Dockiva~~  vs  Rhmsitb

HLs (closest to call):
crying vs TJ
MZ vs chlo
Highlord vs Ballfire
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