Antar's Videorama & Trade Thread

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cmt for

Raikou (shiny) / Nick: "ライコウ" / Rash
Available UT, Lv. 30
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
Egg moves: Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Weather Ball
christian's (Full Redis); HP Ice 70; Pokemon Movie 10 event;

Suicune (shiny) / Nick: "スイクン" / Relaxed
Available Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/30/31/3
Egg moves: Sheer Cold, Air Slash, Extremespeed, Aqua Ring
EVs: 244/34/0/232/0/0
christian's (Full Redis); HP Electric 70; Pokemon Movie 10 event
Hello! I don't post much here. I've lurked for a couple years though. Love your YouTube videos. You have a very strong voice which makes them interesting to listen to. Hopefully, you'll pick up and get more views.

Anyways, on-topic, I have a Dream World Sandshrew. Unfortunately, I'm not well-versed in RNG, so I can't promise anything about IVs but I don't mind soft-reseting for the gender. I wanted a Scizor for use at the Battle Subway, if you could hatch the Scyther in the "Rookies" section and give it a Metal Coat, I wouldn't mind trading. Hopefully, you don't find this too unreasonable. Thanks.
@Bonsly, that would be fine, except that Dream World Pokemon can't be SR'd for gender, only nature and stats. If you have a female Sandshrew, I'd gladly trade you a Scizor for it, but while I don't care at all about stats or nature, it NEEDS to be a female.
Oh, is that the case? That's unfortunate. My Sandshrew is a male then. Well, I'll go back to Dream World and see if I can catch another. Unfortunately, Dream World is fairly unreliable and I can't go on it daily so I have no way to gauge how long that would take. So please have no inclination to wait for me, if you can get the Sandshrew somewhere else, by all means. In the meantime, I'll try to get one for you and if I can, I'll post back. Sorry about that.
from dw I have :porygon,kangaskhan,stantler,barboach,corphish,magby,voltorb,pidgey,swablu,skorupi,nidoran Female,golbat,geodude,kabuto,gligar,cubone,phanpy,hippopotas,spoink,elgyem,pawniard,smoochum,petilil

event:shiny pichu,mew,jirachy,shiny entei,shiny raikou,shiny suicune.

and i want any non hack tornadus
from dw I have :porygon,kangaskhan,stantler,barboach,corphish,magby,voltorb,pidgey,swablu,skorupi,nidoran Female,golbat,geodude,kabuto,gligar,cubone,phanpy,hippopotas,spoink,elgyem,pawniard,smoochum,

event:shiny pichu,mew,jirachy,shiny entei,shiny raikou,shiny suicune.

and i want any non hack tornadus

Which of those DW Pokemon are female? And did you obtain them yourself through the Dream World? Or through some other means?
it's all female and is all legit non hack from DW.I never use AR or something like that.I find a legit non hack tornadus from GTS but i interest also for one manaphy i don't care for stats, i want to be only non hack,if you have any tell me.
Hi there Antar, I saw a few Pokemon that I wanted an I think I have something that you may be interested in:

More Info:
That's a genuine ES Zigzagoon from an actual Pokemon Box disc. The ability it has upon hatching is always Pickup, but I'm not sure if it'll get Gluttony when it evolves. I think that has something to do with the PID, but I don't know how I could tell. Maybe you could?
The nature doesn't look too great, but considering this thing really can't be RNGed (at least to my knowledge), I think it's a fair compromise, considering that the nature could've been bad for Atk or Spe X_X.
Pokecheck does not recognize the PID, and it will say in the legality analysis that Extremespeed is "Hacked/Event Only (245)". Trust me, it's legit, idk why Pokecheck can't recognize it.

So, if you are interested in it, here's what I was looking at (I'll come back later and pick one):

Raikou (shiny) / Nick: "ライコウ" / Rash
Available UT, Lv. 30
IVs: 31/30/30/31/31/31
Egg moves: Zap Cannon, Aura Sphere, Extremespeed, Weather Ball
christian's (Full Redis); HP Ice 70; Pokemon Movie 10 event;

Blaziken / Nick: "バシャーモ" / Male / Jolly
Available UT, Lv. 36
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
Bond697's (Full Redis); Speed Boost

Jirachi (can't decide on a nature, although this would be irrelevant if you said "no")

Deoxys / Nick: "DEOXYS" / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 50
IVs: 31/31/31/31/31/31
from labarith (Full Redis); Oblivia

I also have these DW females if you want them: Poliwag, Nidoran, Lickitung, Igglybuff, Bannette, Spinarak, Phanpy, Stantler, Kangaskhan, Chinchou, and this Smoochum:

So, if you are interested in anything, PM/VM me. If not, respond anyway so I ain't left hangin =]
Antar, I must have just missed you today. I have that DW Female Sandshrew waiting whenever you get a chance. It's chillin in my Entree Forest waiting for you :D

I also have other DW mons if youre interested:

Magikarp - Female - Rattled
Ducklett - Female - Hydration
Geodude - Female - Sand Veil
Remoraid - Male - Moody
Gligar - Male - Immunity
Omanyte - Male - Weak Armor

then a handful of other things from DW that idk if you're interested in so I didnt check the gender- Stunfisk, Snover, Buizel, Druddigon, Misdreavus, Baltoy
Tornadus (shiny) / Nick: ""12.10"" / Male / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 30/7/30/31/31/31
EVs: 4/0/0/254/0/252
Biosci's (Full Redis); HP Ice 70; Nest Ball

This guy. This is EXACTLY what I am looking for (see sig). Sadly, i haven't my own trade thread, as I am just getting started into this aspect of the game; however, I am more than willing to provide any services you may need, including EV training, leveling, etc. I have time on my hands, so im more than willing to do some of the grindy things that i'm sure get annoying after a while. I do have pokemon (obviously) but mostly only in-game catches or hacked pokes (battle subway test-teams; I was BIG into the D/P battle tower, but the subway wasn't as fun. Though Jump's Whimsicott/Dragonite/Mespirit team was loads of fun to play).
DW females

I have a DW female togetic that i could evolve into togekiss if you like. I would gladly take one of those Arceus that you said you were giving out freely or a Modest Latias if you have one IVs don't matter to me and id like it untrained my phone won't let me read the whole thread so I can't see everything your offering. here is the link to my trade thread just so you know I can't RNG at all either
I learned to use EonTimer for this. As far as I've been able to determine,
this is the only Modest HP Ice Shaymin currently available on Smogon
(if I'm wrong, please give me a link). There's an HP Ice 70 frame that
My shaymin it's betteeer!:D
(I am joking even tho it's true :))
So I've been gone for a while, and I seem to have accumulated a lot of these. Requests before May I'm assuming have expired, so let's just deal with the ones from this month:

Do you still have the multiscale dragonite for trade? I have or can get almost anything that isn't DW

It's still available (I actually have a few different ones--give me details on which one you want specifically). Offer me something.

Hey there, My deepest apologies for the delay I've kind of busy for a while (At College)

What was our deal again?

Was it this?

Replied via VM.

Tornadus (shiny) / Nick: ""12.10"" / Male / Timid
Available UT, Lv. 40
IVs: 30/7/30/31/31/31
EVs: 4/0/0/254/0/252
Biosci's (Full Redis); HP Ice 70; Nest Ball

This guy. This is EXACTLY what I am looking for (see sig). Sadly, i haven't my own trade thread, as I am just getting started into this aspect of the game; however, I am more than willing to provide any services you may need, including EV training, leveling, etc. I have time on my hands, so im more than willing to do some of the grindy things that i'm sure get annoying after a while. I do have pokemon (obviously) but mostly only in-game catches or hacked pokes (battle subway test-teams; I was BIG into the D/P battle tower, but the subway wasn't as fun. Though Jump's Whimsicott/Dragonite/Mespirit team was loads of fun to play).

Unfortunately, I don't need any of those services.

CMT for Shiny Timid Kyogre

Hard to check your thread when you didn't give a link.

I have a DW female togetic that i could evolve into togekiss if you like. I would gladly take one of those Arceus that you said you were giving out freely or a Modest Latias if you have one IVs don't matter to me and id like it untrained my phone won't let me read the whole thread so I can't see everything your offering. here is the link to my trade thread just so you know I can't RNG at all either

Not really looking for a DW Togetic/kiss, sorry.

My shaymin it's betteeer!:D
(I am joking even tho it's true :))

Yeah, but mine was acquired in Gen IV. So there. :p
Well damn are there any trade threads on here that have pokemon that are attainable witout a degree in comp. programming and people aren't asking for stupid shit no one else can even get?
Hello, is there an up-to-date wants list that you've got? I've got several of my old Pokémon games on their way from back home, and they've got an extensive inventory (most of which I forgot :P). Just wanting to know as a point of reference once I get them.
Sorry sir. I've updated that post. It was made before I lost my signature. CMT

Replied in your thread (or, rather, am about to).

Well damn are there any trade threads on here that have pokemon that are attainable witout a degree in comp. programming and people aren't asking for stupid shit no one else can even get?

First off, apologies--if all you want is an Antarceus, just tell me the nature and I'll give you one for free.

Secondly, you don't need any special computer knowhow to do RNG abuse, especially in Gen V--all you need is patience while RNG Reporter searches for a good seed and the ability to hit the "A" button down to a second of tolerance. Also: there are plenty of things on my "want" list (see below) that do not require RNGing.

It's true that my want-list says "any DW females that I don't have" and Togepi/tic/kiss falls on that list, but "Super Luck" is a pretty inferior ability to Serene Grace, which is why I'm not interested.

Hello, is there an up-to-date wants list that you've got? I've got several of my old Pokémon games on their way from back home, and they've got an extensive inventory (most of which I forgot :P). Just wanting to know as a point of reference once I get them.

  • DW Female Tirtouga, any stats
  • Hidden Hollow Ditto, Sassy or Relaxed, with flawless low-speed hidden powers (Ice on Sassy)
  • DW Tauros, Adamant or Jolly, with 31/31/31/x/31/31 stats, nicknamed "Maxwell"
  • Dream Radar pokemon with good stats
  • Extremespeed Gluttony Zigzagoon/Linoone with good stats.
  • Colo/XD pokemon.
  • Non-breedable Gen IV Delivery Man event pokemon such as Deoxys, Mew, Celebi and Jirachi.
  • Non-breedable Gen IV (and earlier) shinies
  • LC Porygon (Modest/Timid flawless--or HP flawless--Lv. 5 with Agility & Tri Attack--with Agility and Tri Attack (apparently obtainable through Pomeg Glitch in Gen III)
  • DW females--any stats--that I don't already have.
Yeah i tried to download the rng reporter but i have a chromebook and it won't run .exe files and i read all the guides for it but I don't understand what they even mean by seeds it doesn't really explain the terminology well. Adamant on the arceus btw Ill try to throw you something decent for it.
In one of your posts you say you want Gen IV Delivery Men Pokemon like Deoxys. I have a Jirachi and possibly a Mew to trade if you want.
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