gonna be sick and studying and recovering from surgery by the time this season ends so might as well write up all this shit now
I'm a big fan of the manga and the anime has more than delivered. Very fun dynamic of three dumbasses accidentally becoming real family. If you're not already watching this why are you in the anime thread.
Very funny premise of romance of the three kingdoms' Zhuge Liang (Kongming) being reborn in modern Japan and becoming a manager for an upcoming popstar. Absolutely amazing OST and although my knowledge of Romance of the Three kingdoms comes entirely from other entertainment media, there's a lot of entertaining references for you nerds out there. If the show has a flaw it's the fact that Kongming is mostly a side character when he's by far the most fun part of this show.
Also the op of this show is a Japanese remix of a fucking Hungarian club song and it fucking rocks. Seriously. Listen to it if you haven't already.
By the same author who made skilled teasing shithead Takagi san. A bunch of little ninja girls are raised in a village ran only by women and they must never ever meet men for very lame reasons.
Like everything the Takagi guy writes it's thinly veiled fetish shit most of the time but ninja girl shenaningans are a lot more fun than engaging in your dom fetish with a schoolgirl so this show is much better. Also has an absolutely fantastic op and a plot that is going nowhere fast. Don't waste your time but if you like cute girls doing cute things there are worse shows to watch.
This show is so bad? The plot of an extremely beta boyfriend and his kickass gf is starting to be more common and this show takes that to the extreme, but none of the gags are funny and the romance isn't particularly entertaining to watch. Nor is Shikimori actually that cool which I feel like defeats the point of this show. To make matters worse sometimes the animation is cheap as shit. Don't really get all the memes surrounding this one.
Extremely forgettable comedy romance. I genuinely can't tell you if I enjoyed it or not as the 5 episodes I watched have disappeared from my memory. That's almost a superpower.
Yet another comedy romance. The joke is that Aharen is very tiny and male love interest Raido is very dumb. This works surprisingly well and the show's constant deadpan delivery of crazy lines of dialogue as well as the rare but always well-used animation gags are fun. Also Raido and Aharen have lots of romantic chemistry in much the same way as watching two animals pair up in a David Attenborough documentary. Came in expecting nothing but I liked this show a lot.
In anime there exists the character archetype of the genki girl. A young girl who is a ray of sunshine and is kind to everybody and happy about doing anything. She's usually not the sharpest tool in the shed and isn't very socially clever either, but makes up for it in sheer outgoing kindness.
Now what if instead of a genki girl, we made it a male uni undergrad? And he works in a candy shop where he cares for his accidental adoptive daughter.
Look I can't really explain why this show is good but so rarely do I see an anime where a protagonist is this well liked and has this many love interests and I think "yeah makes perfect sense I'd love him too." every episode is a little personal story about some small trouble in one of the characters' lives and how it inevitably gets resolved through the care and insight of friends and family. I seriously doubt I've convinced you but please give this show a try. It's very heartfelt and very sweet and not just because of the candy shop.
Overworked corporate slave ends up finding and caring for a cute little ghost girl. Her new daughter gives her the will to live or some shit. If you like watching cute ghost baby act like a dumbass this show is for you. Luckily, I do think the cute ghost girl is in fact, cute. So I am enjoying this show.
An entire show based on a single joke about the song "funiculi funicular" having alternate Japanese lyrics talking about oni underwear. It's kind of awesome though? Great opening and ending, lots of funny one-liners and lots of great animation and clever jokes. Also sometimes the animation goes to utter shit and all the voice actors sound like they're just random people grabbed off the street but if anything this adds to the appeal. Three oni girls have to go spread the good word of oni-kind to humanity they do this by putting on magical tiger-striped underwear that instantly lets them cosplay. I swear there's no fanservice.
This is a groundhog's day loop murder mystery that initially comes across as being dumb as shit. But the longer I'm watching this the crazier it's getting and right now I'm just in full hype mode. Literally anything I say about this show is a spoiler so just watch it. It's definitely worth it so far.
Comedy romance yeah I know shut up and listen.
So, power rangers. And the red ranger is secretly dating the sexy villainess.
So many fun moments in this show so far and it's actually playing itself fairly seriously which only adds to the fun given the whole ridiculousness of the situation.
This part is where I shill for honzuki. I've been a huge fan since the first season. The show might seem a bit cheap at first but please give it a shot. Of all the dog shit isekais ever conceived, this is like the only one ever where the other world feels like a living and breathing location with a complex culture and society. Also instead of having a super powerful god protagonist our main character is a six year old girl that dies if somebody sneezes too hard in her general direction. Watch as she accidentally rises through the ranks of her world, makes friends, and remakes society just because she wants to make some books to read.
As a bonus section this season has loads of good OP and EDs so here's a collection of them all