almost-a-week-late episode roundup
3-gatsu no Lion (2nd cour) - episode 13 was one of the weaker ones in the series. I think this is because they're sticking to the "two chapters per episode" format, and that really hurts the pacing in some parts. the complaint I had a few weeks ago about the cat shogi song being used to fill time might not have been directly caused by budget issues, but maybe because they couldn't figure out how to best stretch out the episode. still quite good, even at its weakest.
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon - this is genuinely funny and really surprised me with how good it was. the animation is great (it's kyoani) and even the fight scenes look stellar. both the art and the comedy are very similar to
I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying, which shouldn't be surprising at all considering that it's the same author. really fast-paced, hectic comedy with lovable characters and a lot less reliance on ecchi than I expected (so far, at least). also, here are some fantastic notes for the first two eps:
Konosuba S2 - episode 1 had me worried but episode 2 was pretty solid. the voice acting continues to be fantastic even if the animation is sloppier than last season.
Kuzu no Honkai - this fucked me up. we almost never get to see serious romances in general, so this one already stands out even before you throw in the fucked-up premise and the inclusion of actual sexual intimacy. I keep seeing that this becomes a trainwreck later, but I guess I'll enjoy the ride until then? episode 1 was pretty solid. I've also heard complaints about Crunchyroll's subs for this, so can anyone verify that I shouldn't be using their subs? I used Commie's for episode 1 and had no complaints.
Little Witch Academia - coming in with absolutely no idea about the series or expectations for it, it was solid. reminds me a lot of boku no hero academia in the sense that it takes a generic and predictable theme and just executes it really cleanly.
not watching anything else this season, the only other series I'm really interested in is shouwa genroku S2 and I haven't even seen S1 yet, so I'll get to that eventually