Media Anime and Manga Thread MK3 - Beware Spoilers

is seiren an in-universe successor to amagami SS in any way? someone referred to it as a sequel online and idk if I need to watch amagami first
It is an in-universe sequel to amagami, but you do not need to watch amagami to watch it unless you want to get a few references.
here is the little with academia op

Edit: So I just watched the movie. And I really loved it. I don't know why but it felt very Disney to me. It has that sense of wonderment and enthusiasm that I associate with Disney.
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kinda weak start to the season

LWA is the only thing that I can unreservedly call good so far though Gabriel Dropout and Demi-chan are both enjoyable cute girl shows. Masamune and Seiren were ok too. Also, the first 10 minutes of Fuuka felt like they came out of a garbage early 00's harem anime complete with gutless protagonist and bitchy heroine but evidently you're supposed to just ignore that part because the characters in the show basically do and it became a lot more palatable after that point.

I was kinda interested in Hand Shakers but it has some of the worst mixing of 2D and 3D I've seen in a long time
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yeah, looks like another kinda weak season though Konosuba s2 is solid as expected

it's okay though because Spring looks amazing. Hero Academia s2, Kekkai Sensen s2, Black Lagoon guy's new thing, spiritual successor to Shirobako, Bahamut s2, Attack on Titan s2, some light novel that I remember hearing was really good, Uchouten Kazoku s2 (by the Tatami Galaxy writer) and some new White Fox thing that has a name that's trying to rip off Re:Zero weirdly blatantly, White Fox is a pretty solid studio though
Ah.... I love the Little Witch Academia so much.
I haven't been so glued into an anime for a really long time.
Last time I liked an anime was World Trigger.
LWA ep 1 was borderline perfect. The animation is amazing and the writing is hilarious and full of unexpected funny moments which were only made funnier by the show's amazing visual direction, the bit with the staff towards the end felt a bit forced by I can let that slide considering how amazing the rest of the episode was. Even if you don't like Trigger please give this show a chance, it's worth every second you'll spend watching it.
this season is great for SoL lovers. Urara, Gabriel and Demi-chan are all really good + cute + fun watches (especially the latter 2)

Satania is basically jared letos joker in cute girl form. shes my favourite.
almost-a-week-late episode roundup

3-gatsu no Lion (2nd cour) - episode 13 was one of the weaker ones in the series. I think this is because they're sticking to the "two chapters per episode" format, and that really hurts the pacing in some parts. the complaint I had a few weeks ago about the cat shogi song being used to fill time might not have been directly caused by budget issues, but maybe because they couldn't figure out how to best stretch out the episode. still quite good, even at its weakest.

Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon - this is genuinely funny and really surprised me with how good it was. the animation is great (it's kyoani) and even the fight scenes look stellar. both the art and the comedy are very similar to I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying, which shouldn't be surprising at all considering that it's the same author. really fast-paced, hectic comedy with lovable characters and a lot less reliance on ecchi than I expected (so far, at least). also, here are some fantastic notes for the first two eps: 1, 2

Konosuba S2 - episode 1 had me worried but episode 2 was pretty solid. the voice acting continues to be fantastic even if the animation is sloppier than last season.

Kuzu no Honkai - this fucked me up. we almost never get to see serious romances in general, so this one already stands out even before you throw in the fucked-up premise and the inclusion of actual sexual intimacy. I keep seeing that this becomes a trainwreck later, but I guess I'll enjoy the ride until then? episode 1 was pretty solid. I've also heard complaints about Crunchyroll's subs for this, so can anyone verify that I shouldn't be using their subs? I used Commie's for episode 1 and had no complaints.

Little Witch Academia - coming in with absolutely no idea about the series or expectations for it, it was solid. reminds me a lot of boku no hero academia in the sense that it takes a generic and predictable theme and just executes it really cleanly.

not watching anything else this season, the only other series I'm really interested in is shouwa genroku S2 and I haven't even seen S1 yet, so I'll get to that eventually
I've also heard complaints about Crunchyroll's subs for this, so can anyone verify that I shouldn't be using their subs? I used Commie's for episode 1 and had no complaints.
Crunchyroll isn't doing the subs for Kuzu no Honkai, Amazon Prime is. Although they were still pretty good.
both maid dragon this season and flip flappers from last season have started this wonderful trend of shows having an amazing OP and ED at the same time
good shit rodan

speaking of blog promotion, a good friend of mine started up a blog where he does in-depth music theory analysis on OPs/EDs/assorted themes from anime. he's got two articles out so far: one on the Flip Flappers ED (where he also has an arrangement of the piece that he did by ear) and one on modes

if you like music theory then i definitely recommend you keep an eye out for his stuff
If we're talking about blogs and analysis, I was thinking of doing in-depth analyses of the Shinsekai Yori EDs and would like to get some opinions about whether people think it would be a better fit for a Modamoda article or as a YouTube video. I'm also planning on analysing the effect and portrayal of Juryoku (cantus/power/whatever other translations people have used) in said series for Modamoda at some point for whoever is interested haha
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LWA is disappointing me a lot, not saying that it's bad - it is still really good. it's just not the mindblowing masterpiece that I expected. Akko drags the show so far down, shes obnoxious in all the worst ways.

The shows im enjoying the most after 3 eps are in order: ACCA, Onihei, LWA, Akiba's Trip, Gabriel Dropout, Demi-chan. ACCA and Onihei are both so great, you are missing out on a lot by not watching them IMO.
Man has flip flappers blown me away. Right now I am in the home stretch with only 2 episodes left. I really hope the ending is up to par with the last episodes before it. This show would easily make it up to my 10 ten if it does.

edit: just finished this show. while the last two episodes were not as mind numbingly amazing as the couple before, it was definitely a super satisfying ending. I am grateful they didn't butcher the ending. If you haven't seen it yet, go do that. This show spoke to me on an emotional level that not many anime achieve. I think one of the things that makes this show so great is that it only uses exposition to increase the rising action of the plot. The show only reveals things when they become appropriate.

edit 2: my one complain with the show though is that it is super hard to recommend it to people because it is a very easy show to write off if you judge it superficially.
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early season thoughts

ACCA: has potential, but it had a dull start and it's really hard to tell whether it'll actually go anywhere interesting, I'll probably go back and watch if it turns out good

Akiba Strip: could see dropping this one, it's not awful but it's generally been just barely entertaining enough to keep watching

Chaos;Child: the VN is supposed to be really good (it's rated almost as high as Steins;Gate) but so far I get the feeling the adaption is really rushing, probably not worthwhile

Demi-chan: light and pretty consistently fun so far

Fuuka: so far it's been sinewaving between decent and really bad dated harem cliches. I'm halfway only watching this because I've heard the manga made people super mad or something and I'm curious to see what it does.

Gabriel Dropout: Dogakobo doing what they do best.

Maid Dragon: Kyoani doing what they do best. Actually, a lot of the jokes fall kinda flat but it still works alright as a slice of life show.

Hand Shakers: the first episode was a snoozer that was a visual clusterfuck and the second was just a regular snoozer. Pretty disappointing given that it sounded like "K except not as gay" which I would've been totally down for

Idol Jihen: I want to like this, it's a stupid concept that could make a great comedy (see Keijo) if the writing was better, but it's just not there, it's stupid and not in a funny way

Konosuba s2: it's great

LWA: also great

Kuzu no Honkai: not huge into drama but this is well done. kinda difficult to watch, albeit intentionally

Masamune-kun: a lot of fun, the premise is dumb but the main character trying to be a super suave playboy and generally failing is entertaining for the most part

Seiren: basically another Amagami, which means it's probably going to be 4 episode romantic arcs which are decently entertaining and have some interesting fanservice, which I'm down for.

Urara Meirouchou: kinda ho-hum cute girl show and the other material it's focusing on (fortune-telling) isn't super interesting

Youjo Senki: stupid premise and really ugly designs aside, this does have some potential.

Tales of Zestiria s2: Not caught up on this yet since I only started watching the first season recently, but it avoids one of the major problem video game adaptions have (low budget, it looks great courtesy of ufotable) so that's something

Granblue Fantasy: kinda interested since this is by the same original creators as Bahamut, basically the only good mobage anime, but the first two episodes were pretty generic and it's by A-1 instead of Mappa. The rest of the show got delayed to Spring so we'll have to wait until then.
i'm not watching that much this season but kuzu no honkai is easily the best out of anything i'm watching so far

maid dragon and konosuba are both good but have their dull moments, and both of their episode 3s were pretty boring in general apart from a few good jokes

LWA isn't doing anything particularly poorly but i can't really say it's doing anything particularly well, either. i like Akko but apart from that i agree with RODAN's sentiment that it's a bit disappointing given how much hype it got

kuzu no honkai is the only show that's actually kept my full attention for all 3 episodes (part of that may be due to the raunchier scenes but it's genuinely good even without them)
Youjo Senki <-- 2nd episode definitely much better than first episode. Nice plot twist-- a middle aged man nearly died but being reincarnated to a world with magic as a girl. And the series is mainly about how God messes with him because he calls him "being X" and still refuse to believe that God existed even after spoken to him and reincarnated him.
MC still keeps his twisted personality, but was forced to pray to God in many situations in order to survive.