NOC Animal Mafia ~Game Over~

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OK I hung out too much with friends so I never actually did much catching up. Sorry guys.

I will catch up fully in depth tomorrow and provide thoughts then. I should be around all day tomorrow so most time should be spent on this game.
Litterally me so far for this day and the end of last. So I'm also going to totally promise to post some reads tomorrow that I will probably try not to forget.
Day 4 Votecount 4.1

Hitmonleet (1): Jalmont
Aubisio (1): 3P1K,
Jalmont (2): Former Hope, KnightsofCydonia,
Haruno (2): apricity, MoodyCloud,
Not Voting (6): Hitmonleet, Haruno, Earlio, Texas Cloverleaf, Aubisio, Prophylaxis

With 12 alive, it's 7 to hammer.
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seems hard to break the tunnel vision on haruno/knights and aubisio rn, there's no reason not to lynch inside that pool for me even though pushing other angles would be nice

I don't see the case for scum Epik, I think it was Texas who brought him up as a possible lynch ? idk outside of him doing "the correct thing" regarding Jordan and maybe positioning to get some cred off his flip, he's been in my town pool for a while. I'd sooner vote Proph if it comes down to it later down the road.

At some point Jalmont will have to clarify and claim because his current stance seems anti town
Also hitmonleet needs to do a lot more if he hopes to get out of the bad spot his slot has put itself in
Aubisio ?
Hitmonleet ?

I could see Earlio's voyeur being a mafia role but leaning town
apricity's pub info role claim, choice of target and claiming of result seem strange but same

I don't know Proph's meta so I'm hesitant here but his catch-up and entrance did seem both clean and safe, don't know if he's pocketing town circle or just getting it right. Hawkie (his slot) liked the post where I called out Jordan back then but didn't follow up on it at all (granted I let myself get distracted by the Durza slot too), this slot is the one I'm the most unsure about

The shenanigans with Knights' action also come to mind, hopefully we solve the mystery with Haruno's flip
after running through the iso im pretty set on the aubisio read and really feel thats where the lynch should be
Aubisio: Remained pretty passive throughout the game; very non-commital. Many useless "filler" posts that were safe and relatively nai on their own.
Failing to take a solid stance on the xnad wagon and avoiding lynching the slot in a way that still distances them from xnad.
I really want to vote xx but cop claim......
Then without explanation as to the change of thought process that made them comfortable voting a cop claim Aubisio would like to know what changed your mind here. Between that post and this one.
i think that a xx lynch is good enough for me
vote xx
And the readlists; the only SR they had was a p much universal one at that point (xnad) and a lot of their reads felt extremely non commital fitting right along with the rest of their postings. (didnt take a stand on H/W/KoC situation; called apricity out for overagression=not sure whether its town or scum probs town though, basically aside of the two townreads that we got without any explanation (tex and proph) every other read had astericks next to it).
Probably dont need to restate this but its part of my read so imma do it anyways: What seals the deal for me though is the claim; unless there is more to it than he is leading on, it makes no sense as a town role.Especially in a game with multiple investigatives
Notable Xnad interactions
1. RVS on mitrhil slot (p sure thats texas)
2. Only prodded haruno early
2. Pretty hard defense of blazade/FH throughout game
3. Stated early TR on the hawkie slot (proph)
4. Pushed on 3p1k D3
5. claimed having copped earlio and jalmont as inno

Gonna go through later and analyze this nonsense. I gtg work though
The weird thing is that we still don't know what happened to the kill, unless the mafia decided to idle for whatever reason. This suggests that either 1. someone is lying about their action or 2. Haruno really is a bodyguard and knights is mafia with a very minute possibility of 3. the mafia did something wonky with their kill, like idling it.
I'll do my best to prove my towniness today.

I admit that I've been coasting but that's mostly because we are engaged in a lot of mechanics discussion, which is not my forte, plus we just lynched a scum and I'm feeling ~fairly comfortable with the PoE at the moment?

My specialty is analyzing behavior, and seeing pages upon pages trying to analyze mechanical claims makes my eyes glaze over.
Either way, today ended up being a snow day at my university so I'll pretty much just be here doing homework and trying to get a solid grasp on this gamestate, so expect content from me today.

I'm also around to do real time if anyone wants to.
Hitmonleet if you could get to work on a readlists or if not a full blown readlist them something that outlines your thoughts and where you stand where you think we should go from here etc.

And yet you haven't done the full one I asked for :P

At least I finally have a chance to look over the whole thread, so I'll have one up later: tbh I don't know where to go after this atm, other than I'm somewhat galled that suspicion of Former dropped like a rock after the XX lynch. It certainly makes him less likely scum, but it doesn't completely absolve him.
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