NOC Animal Mafia ~Game Over~

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so u didn't think it was weird that jordan claimed his role and actions and instantly disappeared without helping to elucidate these claims. you thought that was NAI? cmon man that's pretty weak
Weird yes. Alignment indicative, no.

I mean, I don't see any situation where someone does that (of either alignment) and then vanishes. Like, if you are scum and have that claim, capitalize on it. But if you make that claim and then vanish, like, so what. It's poor play for either alignment, but it doesn't really indicate one over the other.
I dunno, I just think it's a real stretch especially if you believe that jordan should've gotten a result, to think that him disappearing/not mentioned being redirected to be NAI at the least. like it's just crazy to me the extent you defended him on the basis that he was idle...
Apparently you only get a notice if you gain information back about your target

Anyways, I'm tired and burnt out right now. Whoever is town here seems to be convinced I'm the last mafia and the other is obviously manipulating them in the right direction. So gg whichever of you is the scum
I'd vote FH but give him some more time to respond/actually do promised isos so he has no excuse
I dunno, I just think it's a real stretch especially if you believe that jordan should've gotten a result, to think that him disappearing/not mentioned being redirected to be NAI at the least. like it's just crazy to me the extent you defended him on the basis that he was idle...
Where did I defend him? Last time I checked saying something someone did is NAI isn't the same thing as saying don't lynch this person. And like I believe I said back then, I did think it was weird that someone would ignore their result/the result publicly stated in the thread but I don't see that as plasuable for either alignment. Trust me though, if jordan had been more active, I would have pressed him on that. But he wasn't and so frankly there wasn't anything I could do on that front except for trying to read things that had actual bearings
Also, this game does probably need to end today as due to rl things I'm going to be busy after today until next monday. That said, frankly I have no energy (or time at this point) to do several hour long ISO's. Also also, I'm just pretty sure town has lost.
The weird thing is that looking back, I can now see why you wouldn't want to insta-lynch xnad there. see: aprcitiy - but then once you get supposed confirmation, how do you not go back on that (and see what I was trying to say the whole time...)

Where did I defend him? Last time I checked saying something someone did is NAI isn't the same thing as saying don't lynch this person. And like I believe I said back then, I did think it was weird that someone would ignore their result/the result publicly stated in the thread but I don't see that as plasuable for either alignment. Trust me though, if jordan had been more active, I would have pressed him on that. But he wasn't and so frankly there wasn't anything I could do on that front except for trying to read things that had actual bearings

The defense was implicit - you continually defended him by suggesting that we shouldn't lynch until we're sure he's mafia, we shouldn't vote him because he's afk and we should wait for him to defend himself, appeal to emotion surrounding "omg you're voting someone who could be the town cop!!!!"

You also make sure to state that "I'm not defending Jordan I just disagree with the logic!!!" which is scummy. for me. why the need to have a big show regarding your thoughts on jordan? that strikes me as odd.

fh said:
Also not saying you recieved a redirect result when that redirect is public knowledge isn't anti town. It's sort of 100% NAI so stop pretending or exaggerating that it means something.
lying about your action is not NAI - lying about your action is what you do as mafia. i dont understand how you can say this after claiming that the hosts told you that you get a result upon being redirected

the issue isn't even necessarily about why xnad did what he did - what i dont understand is your behavior in defending him. it's simply not logical to go from a half-assed accusation on xnad, to not changing ur thoughts after you got "host confirmation," to flat out defending him when people recognized this contradiction

we know (aka I know because I was redirected) that you lied about that host confirmation anyways, since i didn't/people do not get notified when redirected. why didn't you recognize this as happening to xnad? what explanation do you have for that?
Apparently you only get a notice if you gain information back about your target

Anyways, I'm tired and burnt out right now. Whoever is town here seems to be convinced I'm the last mafia and the other is obviously manipulating them in the right direction. So gg whichever of you is the scum

i still don't understand what this means - doesn't that mean xnad would've gotten a notice? he was cop, so he should've gotten info back that he was redirected no?
Well, we've crossvoted Jalmont

Reread and make a decision; I know that FH is scum but you don't

At this point my goal and his goal is essentially the same, which is to convince you to lynch the other. I recommend placing little weight on what we say from here on out and focus on reading back, because our goals aren't the same for those Days and you can discern mindset from them.

I'll be around if you need any questions answered but tldr - May the better side prevail.
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