[AMA] Jukain

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This Ask Me Anything (AMA) thread is a resource provided to you by the Smogon Mentorship Program. In it, feel free to ask this mentor about anything you'd like. They're most prepared to answer Smogon-related questions, but don't be afraid to ask them about their personality and life outside of this site. Have some patience when you post a question in this thread; it will likely take the mentor a few days to reply. If you're looking for our up-to-date list of mentors, check out our Mentor Profiles onsite. Read through their relevant information below, and enjoy!

Username: Jukain
Areas of Expertise: Contributions & Corrections, The Smog; writing, GP, QC, HTML

Background: I started competitive Pokemon on Wi-Fi at the tail end of DPP, and switched to the simulator for BW. I played Ubers at first, but eventually settled into OU. I began contributing to Smogon in the form of DW OU analyses and a couple (failed) analyses of crappy lower-tier Pokemon. I also posted in the DW forum -- it still is the best tier I have ever played. After some hiccups, I returned to contributing in mid-2012 after a hiatus throughout the spring (well, I wasn't allowed to write anything), I came in full force, reserving all kinds of BW2 updates across virtually every tier. I must have had 10+ WIPs at one point (don't do this). I eventually landed myself a Pre-Contributor badge, though late at 16 analyses, and later a Contributor at around 30. I got a tutor during this time, which improved my knowledge immensely, and began to contribute to QC of OU analyses. Before I finally became a QC member, I had been doing the essential job of one for months. Before that, I became a GP member, and wrote articles for 4 issues of The Smog in addition to HTML contributions. I also was a fairly prolific poster in the OU forum for a bit, and even dabbled in RMT. I have voted in OU, UU, and RU, which enabled me to gain the Tiering Contributor badge. I even dabbled in RMT for a while, and was the main contributor to the OU Hub project at one point. In short, I have pretty much done it all at one point or another.

Hobbies: Running - I run on my HS XC, winter track, and spring track teams, as well as over the summer; Music - I play the trumpet, violin, piano (for like 9 years now), and sing (good enough to make the MS Region choir) - I do marching band at my school, and love talking about it with people; Legend of Korra (the best show); designing web pages

Favorite Pokemon
: Sceptile

Good Questions to Ask Me: I will definitively be able to answer any question you have about C&C, from grammar/writing help to QC/the QC process to amateur GPing to writing articles to contributing HTML for them, as well as virtually every process. If you're looking for something on the site, I will know where to find it. If you need help getting into The Smog, I can help you figure out the Article Approvals process as well as how to get involved with the HTML team (as well as rs that can help you improve). As a QC member, I have good knowledge of competitive Pokemon, and can provide team help if needed as well as answer any general questions you have about comp Pokemon. Finally, if you'd be interested in helping with an OU Hub, please get in touch!
What kind of analyses would you recommend writing first(as i have myself learned, definitely not bp celebi x_x)?
How much time did it take for you to get into GP?
What kind of analyses would you recommend writing first(as i have myself learned, definitely not bp celebi x_x)?
How much time did it take for you to get into GP?
You shouldn't be writing an analysis on a Pokemon you haven't used and aren't knowledgeable about. Analyses are supposed to be written by experts on the Pokemon and are presented as an experts' guide to them.

It took me a while to get into GP. I started amateur GPing in March 2012 (made 2 checks), but never really got into it. I started again in like July, even managing to get a check stamped, and with a few checks inbetween, got 2 stamped in September. I still wasn't that good though; I stopped pretty much, again. Then in February of this year through March of this year, I got into it seriously, getting virtually all of my checks stamped. I applied, and got summarily rejected. I worked on a couple things (namely limiting subjective changes) and reapplied, at such a point I was really good at GPing (I would say).

tl;dr it took me a while, but it takes other people less time. for example, ender got on within 24 hours of joining and got a badge within 2 weeks. anything can happen.
Why did you choose to dedicate yourself to the OU QC team? I've heard that you have done analyses for practically every tier so jw.
do you ever play tiers other than ou and if so how bad are you at them

<atomicllamas>why has no one asked him if Sceptile gives him a boner in his AMA?
i thought i was the only 14 year old on this site, when the hell did that happen?
Thoughts on XY OU?

What is so cool about the Legend of Korra?
Pretty fun, and surprisingly balanced. Not really sure what to think yet though, as it hasn't developed enough for there to be much to figure out.

Legend of Korra is really cool because it takes the great plot elements from the old Avatar and enhances them. It changes the tone significantly while still sticking true to the original series.
Where did the numbers go?
it was either this or...chaos's suggestion. #insidescoop convinced me I needed a name change, so we kinda just brainstormed. this was pk gaming's idea. then, again, there was chaos's idea... something about barfing shitting rainbows.
Why did you not answer TheMantyke's question?

I'm cool

When did you feel comfortable enough to start contributing like a QC member in the analyses?
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