It's inconceivable that this is not on the VR, it's a very common and good pivot with AV, generally a good switch in to dragapult, tapu koko (special), thundurus, magearna, and others. Some people run future sight on it but personally I think some specific coverage like foul play or fire lash is better in the last slot.

Very good revenge killer with CB Scrappy Extreme Speed, but its useful in other matchups too. In particular CB Explosion is often a free kill or at the very least takes half off a corviknight or something and opens things up for your other mons. This is really just a great mon for controlling opposing offense while providing a usable ghost immunity that isn't passive.

Doesn't gain anything but it's still a good offensive mon, I've found scarf useful in this as it can revenge kill pretty much anything with a bit of prior damage and it's faster than scarf blacephalon but the other sets are good too, not much to say

Another mon that doesn't gain anything but doesn't need to, its a good offensive pivot that is importantly faster than dragapult. Its not as good as in standard due to more resilient ground types but it can also lure with grass knot much more effectively since everyone seems to be running swampert.

This is genuinely an amazing sweeper, all it really needed was secret sword to beat everything it needs to. Spectral Thief lurking around every corner and the fact it needs some specific support to set up safely prevents it from being top tier but it is truly threatening

I’ve used this mon a lot and its niche is prankster parting shot to help limit sweepers with priority. Pair it with defensive mons with pivoting moves and abilities enabled by switching in and out like regenerator and intimidate and you can basically stall out many sweepers you would not be able to beat normally even if they are extremely speed boosted. All the while liepard chips them with fake out too. It’s a niche sort of mon that requires a specific sort of team but I have had some good success with it

This is kind of a niche mon but I like it better than rotom-mow as a rapid spinner since it is much more resistant to status due to its poison typing and natural cure, it doesnt need to rely on an 8 pp move for its stab and you can even use it as a spikes setter and spinner at once which is some nice role compression. I also tried an offensive set with blue flare and stabs and it was a pretty usable breaker since heatran seems kinda uncommon but probably outclassed by something better.

Good matchup against salamence and dragonite, physical tapu koko, cb ninetales, and a few other physical mons. It can rapid spin too but also loses to hazard setters like swampert so i think the best set is recover + two stabs + toxic or SR, or even roar.

Banded pixispeed is an amazing revenge killing tool in a meta with a lot of dangerous dragon-type sweepers and it has pretty good coverage with sacred fire and eq although it is still pretty weak. SD is probably usable too but don't use it for any other set as its outclassed by silvally-fairy and clef

This is a pretty good check to mons like specs dragapult and u-turn means it is no longer a momentum suck and can even pass wishes to allies

Nothing changed about it but ditto will always be usable in any meta with setup sweepers.