Alphabet Cup

I've been really enjoying using a Latias with Leech Seed / Lava Plume / Defog / Roost; it's been a really handy counter to a lot of things, and the team support that Leech Seed gives is really helpful. However, I've been kind of put off by the status weakness, which has been a bit of a thorn in my side. Are there any really good Heal Bell/Aromatherapy Mons? I hate having to run cosmic power cress and stuff just because they *might* have toxic. Plus it would allow Lat to scout their sets much better.

Additionally, it's been really fun to use Latias as a recipient when my Smash + Pass combo gets topsy turveyed. Lat doesn't care about the special attack drop too much, since she gets plenty of damage output from burn and seeds, and only cares marginally about the speed drop (since few people are running non-prankster taunt right now anyway...). A +1 Defense and Special Defense Latias (with leech seed) is nothing to play around with, and if she gets topsy turvyed again, she can just Lava Plume Thundurus/Tornadus to death.
I'm just trying to be a devils advocate man :/ I mean aegislash is slow but air slash does have a chance to flinch.

You can use it but I'd argue that Aeroblast is better overall due to it's higher BP and that juicy critical hit ratio. Air Slash's flinch ratio is nothing special without serene grace and cannot be abused well without paralysis support. PP stall is unheard of in AC because the meta is so offensive (outside of Cotton Guard Chansey, which will probably stall you out either way in a 1v1 situation and gets obliterated by Sacred Sword if you run it).
Guys you can try slaking. The only reliable counter to it after a shift gear is thundurus. All the others are going to die for return and the coverage moove you chose. He is a monster.
You can use it but I'd argue that Aeroblast is better overall due to it's higher BP and that juicy critical hit ratio. Air Slash's flinch ratio is nothing special without serene grace and cannot be abused well without paralysis support. PP stall is unheard of in AC because the meta is so offensive (outside of Cotton Guard Chansey, which will probably stall you out either way in a 1v1 situation and gets obliterated by Sacred Sword if you run it).
Preach, brother. I changed my Air Slash to Aeroblast, and although I don't use it much, it's really helpful. And I managed to do a PP stall...on myself. The replay I posted earlier with the Heal Order Heatran is probably the closest I've ever gotten to a stall, though. And my Cotton Guard Chansey keeps getting wrecked by Sacred Sword.
So I just discovered the wonder that is Quiver Dance Quagsire

Quagsire @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 4 Spd / 252 Def / 252 HP
Bold Nature
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Quiver Dance
- Recover

Ground+Ice is excellent coverage
Max defense and Unaware for balk

So many set up sweepers are rendered useless by this and Spore Sableye
So I just discovered the wonder that is Quiver Dance Quagsire

Quagsire @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
EVs: 4 Spd / 252 Def / 252 HP
Bold Nature
- Earth Power
- Ice Beam
- Quiver Dance
- Recover

Ground+Ice is excellent coverage
Max defense and Unaware for balk

So many set up sweepers are rendered useless by this and Spore Sableye

quagsire's bases are pretty bad and as a set up sweeper, you're effectively trolled by thundurus, again.

clefable is near unbreakable after a bunch of cosmic powers anyway >_>"
Thundurus always troll set up sweepers and in this metagame there is actually no way to stop it. Homewer thundurus has papel defenses and after a sr it can be easily KOed
Thundurus always troll set up sweepers and in this metagame there is actually no way to stop it. Homewer thundurus has papel defenses and after a sr it can be easily KOed
No way to stop it? I've taken it down with my own personal Thundurus, as well as a Heatran a few times. And then there's Spore Technician Belly Drum Mach Punch Breloom, which can take it down semi-easily.

EDIT: And I don't use rocks.
Sorry I didnt express me well. No way to stop thundurus using tupsy and the thing is: you dont know his set, so if you carelessy switch it can use tail glow and sweeps. You are right, other thundurus, with predict, and heatran can stop him.
Sorry I didnt express me well. No way to stop thundurus using tupsy and the thing is: you dont know his set, so if you carelessy switch it can use tail glow and sweeps. You are right, other thundurus, with predict, and heatran can stop him.
Many Thundurus follow the set of Tail Glow, Techno Blast (Chill Drive), Thunderbolt, and Topsy-Turvy, from what I've seen. Hell, that's my exact moveset.
Sorry I didnt express me well. No way to stop thundurus using tupsy and the thing is: you dont know his set, so if you carelessy switch it can use tail glow and sweeps. You are right, other thundurus, with predict, and heatran can stop him.
magic bounce stops topsy-turvy
Time to analyze up in this...
Too bad that Espeon and Mega Absol are the only viable users of Magic Bounce in this metagame.

Actually, Absol is pretty damn good, first of all let me post the context of my team


Diggersby @ Life Orb
Ability: Huge Power
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Diamond Storm
- Return
- Earthquake
  • Strong as fuck
  • Diamond Storm is reliable nice coverage
  • Dragon Dance Makes it quite the threat when given a non thundurus free turn
  • 2 Great reliable STABs
  • Thundurus wreks if I boost up
  • kinda slow
  • not that bulky tbh

Registeel @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SDef
Careful Nature
- Recover
- Rapid Spin
- Roar
- Earthquake
  • Bulk as all hell
  • Good defensive synergy with hippo
  • Reliable spinner
  • Reliable recovery
  • Roar stops it from being set up bait
  • Safety Goggles saves it from falling to the dreaded spore spam
  • EQ is weak
  • Slow
  • Not strong at all
  • Easily pressured by multiple attackers back to back even with recovery

Absol @ Absolite
Ability: Justified
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Superpower
- Sucker Punch
- Swords Dance
  • Beats Thundurus pretty easy
  • Checks Thundy
  • Knock off is a nuke when boosted
  • Superpower hits things like ttar
  • Sucker Punch takes out most RKers
  • Thundys tbolt still hits hard
  • Play Rough is illegal with knock off
  • Kinda Frail

Thundurus (M) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Prankster
EVs: 32 HP / 224 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Trick
- Topsy-Turvy
- Tail Glow
- Thunderbolt
  • Pre-Trick it's a good RKer
  • Trick lets it mess up things like espeon
  • Trick Scarf destroys checks like chansey, hippo and Registeel
  • Tail Glow makes it a nuke when boosted
  • if it gets topsy turveyed by opposing thunduruses it can use topsy itself to regain the boost
  • Checks a lot of set up sweepers
  • Kinda frail
  • Mono type coverage :[
  • Ground types after Trick hard wall it
  • Mega Saur completely walls this set
  • Post-Trick it's easy to check with special walls assuming it doesn't get 2 TGes

Hippowdon @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Heart Swap / Haze
- Heal Bell
- Slack Off
- Earthquake

  • Bulky as fuck
  • Nice reliable STAB
  • (heart swap) able to pivot and steal set up sweepers boosts, beware of -1 from shell smash though
  • (haze) able to pivot in and clear any boosts the foe has (this does remove - boosts too though)
  • Nice recovery
  • Very bulky cleric
  • Slow
  • Not that hard hitting
  • Walled by flying types outside of heart swapping
  • Weak to scald spam and other special attacks


Latias (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 72 HP / 184 SAtk / 252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Lovely Kiss
- Lava Plume
- Draco Meteor
- Thunderbolt
  • Speedy LK to sleep threats
  • Lovely Kiss makes walling it a pain due to the amount of counters that switch in just to get a sleep to the face
  • Due to this it often pushes needing 2 counters to beat it
  • Bulky enough to take things like keldeo head on
  • Lava Plume lets it hit steels harder
  • Plume's burn chance is very nice to check things with
  • Strong Draco nukes to fire off
  • Thunderbolt to stop toge and azu from pivoting into you
  • Heatran walls post-LK
  • Fairies can pivot in nicely barring tbolt weak ones post-LK
  • not TOO overly bulky without the full HP investment
  • not that bulky physically
  • weak to knock off and uturn
  • pursuit bait
  • bisharp bait
As you can see, this is a heavily offensive team, which is rare for me to build. None the less, I still made it work. Absol is one of the best pokemon due to the ability to come in set up an SD and wreck house, due to nobody preparing for set up sweepers barring the common thundy/torn. Latias kinda has 4MSS though after you sleep something which makes playing with it a deadly game of what nuke button should I press, LK, Draco or Plume.

Not meant to be an RMT, just showing how diverse the tier can be if you let it be, with volt switch mega saur, recover rotom-w, and heatran/hippo getting mad boosts, I'm sure stall is not dead, and I look forward to building a stall team when I can
I never meant that Mega Absol and Espeon were bad. Just that it's only the two of them that are viable Magic Bounce users. Notice how I didn't mention Xatu.