Summary of all the new stuff relevant to AAA (according to me, a totally objective arbiter of meta relevance) and my thoughts on a bunch of mons in the meta rn after a bit of theorymonning and playing around.
+ Knock Off, Flip Turn, Scald
Yeah this is pretty obviously broken LOL. We released WWake under the assumption that our new RegenVests provide a good enough buffer to check WWake but now it just blows up Meloetta and Goodra-H hangs on by a thread without its Assault Vest. Unless you're using something like specially defensive Empoleon or coping with Goodra-H you're a goner, basically (or like WA STail LOL). Will be surprised if this lasts longer than a month in the tier once the meta has calmed down.
+ Flip Turn
THE RETURN. While there's an abudance of Water resists in the tier, Barraskewda is still a god mon for its ability to threaten out slower mons and accumulate chip while pivoting. No longer will we need to cope with horrible Protean sets which break nothing and can finally click the button 10x until the opponent dies of the infinite chip.

+ Knock Off
While the large Knock Off distribution hurts RegenVest walls as a whole, they most likely will still find themselves very popular as a simple necessity, and the Knock Off distribution goes both ways and adds some extra utility the RegenVest mons can spam to abuse themselves (Also both Goodra formes get Scald but I didn't want to seperate Melo by itself).
+ Poltergeist
Major addition for Ceruledge, giving it proper Ghost STAB that allows it to break checks like Garchomp with far greater ease as well as other annoying Fire immunes like Lando/Corv/Zapdos (+2 252 Atk Life Orb Sword of Ruin Ceruledge Poltergeist vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Garchomp: 450-530 (107.1 - 126.1%) -- guaranteed OHKO). That being said, the addition does also come at the same time as the addition insane Knock Off distribution so you'll actually have to be a bit careful with spamming it mindlessly if you do have a Ceruledge in the back. The faster initial pace of the meta also probably hurts, but after a few bans I won't be surprised if it's very strong.
+ Knock Off
While the addition of Knock Off seems like a major plus to Roaring Moon, which it admittedly is, the addition of its best check ever in Great Tusk to the meta means most likely Roaring Moon will fall in viability despite this seemingly major plus. Rare RegenVest/Scarf sets do gain from this while not caring that much about Great Tusk, though, so that's one plus at least.
+ Icicle Spear, Knock Off
Major buff for Weavile that could potentially allow it to see usage despite competition with Chien-Pao. Knock Off enables all sets with Weavile with its extra power and utility while Icicle Spear is a major upgrade over Icicle Crash that could let Loaded Dice SD sets be potentially very deadly in combination with Beat Up (or CB/LO if you're that confident in your luck + Beat Up). For reference the damage it could
potentially do: +1 252 Atk Technician Weavile Icicle Spear (5 hits) vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 300-360 (75.1 - 90.2%) -- approx. 2HKO after Leftovers recovery and -1 252 Atk Choice Band Technician Weavile Icicle Spear (5 hits) vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Corviknight: 210-245 (52.6 - 61.4%) -- approx. 99.6% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery.
+ Knock Off
While its checks remain mostly the same (Fluffy, Intim Corv, STail) the addition of Knock for Gapdos just adds to its already formerly formidable breaking prowess to make it downright terrifying. The ability to wear down checks like Intim Corv and Fluffy STail significantly with the removal of their leftovers, making it significantly easier to potentially wear them into 2HKO range (or near instantly, for Banded variants against Intim Corv) and removing Boots and hitting hard against annoying Ghosts like Skeledirge. Will probably remain given it still suffers the same issues and checks remain still mostly the same but certainly a mon to keep your eye out against.
+ Knock Off, Grassy Glide
Adds some variety to its sets with Grassy Glide making Grassy Surge possible, potentially. That being said the nerf did significantly reduces it power which means who knows if it'll really be viable. Knock Off adds some extra utility and damage Zarude can abuse, although might be worse than Crunch in the power department given Knock Off deals less after the initial removal, still probably a good move to abuse on Zarude though.
+ Flip Turn, Knock Off
Bonus moves that benefit both its defensive and offensive sets. Flip Turn will most likely find some usage over U-turn on offensive PrimSea sets while Knock could be useful for both its offensive and defensive sets for its utility and ok neutral damage, removing the boots from checks like Desolate Land Iron Moth and Skeledirge which both can prove annoying. That being said, Quaq finds it hard enough to pick and choose with its 4 moveslots and these additions dont exactly lighten the burden, but still, a plus for Quaquaval.
+ Roost, Flip Turn, Knock Off
Empoleon returns this DLC, now able to be transferred from Home, and it returns with new useful moves up its sleeve that could possibly make it viable. Roost in combination with Flip Turn and Knock Off allows its defensive sets to shine, although it lacks Defog from what I can tell, its typing allows it to check the likes of Walking Wake with a specially defensive set while a physically defensive Fluffy set would serve as a solid Chien-Pao and Barraksewda check.
+ Expanding Force
While I doubt Azelf is going to do much breaking even with EForce due to the omnipresence of resists and RegenVest everywhere, the addition of EForce still bolsters its usage case on Scarf sets to threaten out more and pivot more consistently. The addition of threats like Triage Drum Kommo-o and Dragonite also gives Azelf a far better use case than normal, which should increase its usage for as long as they remain.

+ Weather Ball
A neat little addition but ultimately I don't think matters that much for Zapdos. Allows it to stop being walled by random things like Iron Treads and Sandy Shocks and kinda kills Kilowattrel, even if its speed is much better I doubt many will stick with using it. Defensive sets like Fluffy don't really care much as they aren't using PrimSea and offensive sets haven't found too much popularity recently, especially where everything is so fast and strong (and Ceruledge can smack it hard with Poltergeist hard).
+ Toxic
A neat extra option that Iron Moth can potentially abuse, able to irritate checks like Regen Chomp/Manaphy and potentially able to run a Corrosion set if you really hate checks like Goodra-H and random WBB steels. Still remains ok but addition of checks like Manaphy, extra poisons and Spin for TSpikes sets and the addition of more Water-type it fails to effectively check annoys it and budges it into competition with the likes of Moltres.

+ Flip Turn
While Flip Turn is quite a neat addition, I don't think Samurott-Hisui benefits that much from the addition. Most of the time it actually wants to make progress by spamming Ceaseless/Knock or Hydro Pump on any Corvs/GTusk that try to Defog away its hazards. Can't utilise Flip Turn as effectively as Barraskewda as it can't force out offensive mons as effectively being weaker and far slower and gain that chip/momentum as consistently. Still neat, but this in combination with the far more offensive pace of the meta means I doubt it'll gain that much from the addition and be that good.

+ Knock Off
The extremely fast pace of the meta as of right now means these mons will probably lurk in the background just for a little while. Still, they serve as potentially very threatening breakers once the dust truly settles and the meta (hopefully) calms down. The addition of Knock Off for both bolsters their annoying breaking potential further but I suppose we'll see in a month.
+ Weather Ball, Flip Turn, Scald
All mostly small neat additions that probably wont affect Inteleon place in the meta. Weather Ball provides a more consistent button to click than Hydro Miss and could potentially snipe annoying Desoland mons while Flip Turn can help accrue some extra chip against something like Meloetta and Scald could annoy answers like Goodra formes and RegenVest Manaphy to help break through with other chip.

+ Lash Out
A small addition that I know Tranquility was raving about. The addition of the moves provide a possible tech for Chien-Pao to abuse to break Intimidate Corv more easily, its primary check, while not losing out on that much compared to Crunch. Could also possibly be abused on Kingambit variants, as it also works with Defiant (which I tested!) so I guess we'll see (probably not that good on Gambit outside of Defiant ones, though since it wont work with SD).

100% broken I had no input in freeing this thing wtf. Knock Off enables it to cripple RegenVest mons while Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse and Focus Blast allow it to demolish many teams. You have other funny coverage moves like Sludge Bomb or even Psyshock (which is valid, btw) and Thunder + Hadron Engine in the last slot to blow up stuff like Manaphy and the new Poison-Fairy if it actually gains popularity. (Also +2 Hadron Psyshock can OHKO Kanto Goodra). Worse yet it isn't the most fragile thing in this world meaning it can actually take hits from the RegenVest mons (and lives a Sharp Beak DNite ESpeed!) mostly fine and is faster than a good majority of the tier.

I didn't believe in it being a balanced mon originally and it receives very little in the way of any new checks so my opinion remains the same towards Dragonite. The same issues of its immense sweeping potential coupled with endless coverage make it a very toxic mon to build and account for. I suppose in such an offense-heavy metagame currently we can cope but I don't and never saw Dragonite as a healthy mon long-term unless we free like FurScales again lol.

While its popularity noticeably declined towards the end of the old meta due to its passivity, Scream Tail is back again as one of the few saviours against offense for balance teams that are only barely holding on against this offensive onslaught. Calm Mind means its able to stuff many annoying special breakers if it gets in beforehand or against annoying setup mons like Manaphy and is one of the few actual consistent checks to Aerilate DNite. The reintroduction of Gengar is annoying but the fast pace of few games I've seen most likely make annoyances like MGLO Heatran less popular. (Cresselia probably also works)

I doubt Great Tusk will end up banned again, at least not for a very long while. The introduction of many strong offensive threats like Wake, Gengar and Dragonite most likely push the meta at a far faster pace than Great Tusk is comfortable with and new checks like Mandibuzz and the popularity of Unaware STail compared to the old meta it dominated means it wont be winning too many games with its annoying bulky setup variants in all likelihood.

Returning with Tail Glow, Manaphy presents interesting options defensively and offensively. With pivot and utility moves like Knock Off, Manaphy makes for a decent RegenVest candidate that stuffs like the like of mixed Volcanion and Heatran while on the other hand Tail Glow means Manaphy could potentially serve as a deadly breaker, although the previous popularity of mons like Goodra-H/Goodra make that prospect seem difficult, even if Manaphy can force the Knock and its low speed also doesn't help.

BDrum Triage is annoying af but with all the other offensive menaces in the tier necessitating Unaware on most balance teams anyway, I suspect it'll take a bit before any action is taken if at all against Triage or Kommo-o. Defensive sets are also ok, if annoying to use due to 1AC while mixed Boomburst sets could also be ok although you might need Refridgerate to deal with GTusk (but I suppose it also has Clanging Scales).

Most likely will have to bide its time as its incredibly slow speed relative to the meta means it most likely just gets outpaced and murdered before doing too much but in a future slower more balanced meta it could potentially be threatening. Intimidate Corv could be annoying but Tech Icicle Spear sets could do a lot and could potentially spam Ice Shard + set Stealth Rocks somewhat consistently.

Mandibuzz returns as extra relief in terms of the hazard removal department. As a wall I don't predict Mandibuzz will be that great on either side, as a physical wall suffering from its Ice weakness and lack of relevant resists. Still could annoy stuff like DNite and GTusk with Foul Play and Toxic potentially. On the special side, its Dark and Ghost resist with a lack of Fighting weakness grants it some decent options to check the likes of Gengar and Darkrai although both being able to carry Knock can be annoying with a loss of your precious boots. Defog and Knock + Pivot is always nice as well.
Seems okay as a defensive RegenVest given its typing and U-turn. Okay Walking Wake and (non-Psyshock) Darkrai check at the very least that take too much from Knock Off although is still always irritated by a removed Assault Vest. It is somewhat passive though so don't get caught clicking something that isn't U-turn.
On an ending note, I haven't talked about any of the new Embody abilities as I don't even know if they'll last as the interaction hasn't even been confirmed yet. Don't expect Teal or Hearthflame to last in any case. Meta is super offensive, which is somewhat expected because we freed a bunch of stupid stuff and people just spam braindead offense. Dragonite, Wake and Darkrai are all super dumb I hate them and want them out.