AAA Almost Any Ability Resources


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art by senko
NOTE: This thread is only for resource updates/discussion. General metagame discussion should be in the Almost Any Ability Metagame Thread.

Resource Council Members:
:honchkrow: LordBox (Tier Leader)
:wiglett: Atha
:palafin: Quantum Tesseract
:Jirachi: Tranquility
:Solgaleo: Ivar57
:Rotom-Wash: DeepFriedMagikarp
:Yanmega: Kinetic
:Leafeon: Gimmicky
:slither-wing: Slither Wing
:treecko: Betticus IV

> Viability Rankings
> Speed Tiers
> Role Compendium
> Ability Use Guide
> Common Ability Index
> What do we do in this thread? Can I post here?

[Other] Resources:
> Metagame Thread
> Sample Teams
> Discord [Metagame Discussion/RMT]


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Viability Rankings + Sample Sets (and Analyses)
Last update: 25th October, 2024​

- Each Pokemon links to its page in Smogdex.


S Rank
Great Tusk:Great Tusk: Great TuskScrappy, Mold Breaker, Fluffy, Wandering Spirit, Regenerator, Magic Guard, Tough Claws, Refrigerate, Immunity Abilities
Roaring Moon:Roaring Moon: Roaring MoonSword of Ruin, Magic Guard, Regenerator, Fluffy
A Rank
Corviknight:Corviknight: CorviknightIntimidate, Fluffy, Volt Absorb, Well-Baked Body, Prankster
Gholdengo:Gholdengo: GholdengoAdaptability, Earth Eater, Well-Baked Body, Hadron Engine, Immunity Abilities, Magic Guard, Surge Surfer
Pecharunt:Pecharunt: PecharuntPrankster, Intimidate, Earth Eater, Water Absorb
Swampert:Swampert: SwampertRegenerator
Zamazenta:Zamazenta: ZamazentaSword of Ruin, Soundproof, Scrappy, Tinted Lens
Zapdos:Zapdos: ZapdosPrimordial Sea, No Guard, Intimidate
Chien-Pao:Chien-Pao: Chien-PaoSword of Ruin, Adaptability, Magic Guard
Deoxys-Speed:Deoxys-Speed: Deoxys-SpeedPsychic Surge, Sheer Force, Hadron Engine, Protean, Prankster, Magic Guard
Manaphy:Manaphy: ManaphyRegenerator, Motor Drive, Quark Drive, Surge Surfer
Scream Tail:Scream Tail: Scream TailPixilate, Unaware
Ceruledge:Ceruledge: CeruledgeAdaptability, Sword of Ruin, Desolate Land, Surge Surfer
Heatran:Heatran: HeatranDesolate Land, Immunity Abilities
Iron Hands:Iron Hands: Iron HandsRegenerator, Earth Eater, Magic Guard, Surge Surfer
Iron Moth:Iron Moth: Iron MothDesolate Land, Sheer Force, Hadron Engine
Iron Treads:Iron Treads: Iron TreadsBulletproof, Magic Guard, Immunity Abilities, Vessel of Ruin, Regenerator
Meowscarada:Meowscarada: MeowscaradaSword of Ruin
Moltres:Moltres: MoltresDesolate Land, Magic Guard
Primarina:Primarina: PrimarinaPrimordial Sea, Regenerator, Stamina, Sheer Force
Skarmory:Skarmory: SkarmoryIntimidate, Fluffy, Well-Baked Body
B Rank
Azelf:Azelf: AzelfPsychic Surge
Cinderace:Cinderace: CinderaceDesolate Land, Magic Guard, Sword of Ruin
Iron Boulder:Iron Boulder: Iron BoulderSharpness
Latios:Latios: LatiosHadron Engine, Tinted Lens, Dragon's Maw, Adaptability
Ogerpon-Hearthflame:Ogerpon-Hearthflame: Ogerpon-HearthflameSword of Ruin, Desolate Land, Magic Guard
Ogerpon-Wellspring:Ogerpon-Wellspring: Ogerpon-WellspringPrimordial Sea, Sword of Ruin
Sandy Shocks:Sandy Shocks: Sandy ShocksHadron Engine
Ting-Lu:Ting-Lu: Ting-LuRegenerator, Fluffy
Cobalion:Cobalion: CobalionMagic Guard
Electrode-Hisui:Electrode-Hisui: Electrode-HisuiMagic Guard, Hadron Engine
Empoleon:Empoleon: EmpoleonVolt Absorb, Levitate, Bulletproof, Vessel of Ruin
Garchomp:Garchomp: GarchompAdaptability, Dragon's Maw, Fluffy, Regenerator, Immunity Abilities
Iron Crown:Iron Crown: Iron CrownTinted Lens, Well-Baked Body, Psychic Surge, Hadron Engine, Immunity Abilities
Kingambit:Kingambit: KingambitAdaptability, Tinted Lens, Immunity Abilities
Mandibuzz:Mandibuzz: MandibuzzWell-Baked Body, Volt Absorb, Fluffy, Magic Guard, Unaware
Ogerpon-Cornerstone:Ogerpon-Cornerstone: Ogerpon-CornerstoneRocky Payload, Sword of Ruin
Barraskewda:Barraskewda: BarraskewdaPrimordial Sea
Blissey:Blissey: BlisseyUnaware, Magic Guard, Immunity Abilities
Garganacl:Garganacl: GarganaclWater Absorb, Earth Eater, Immunity Abilities, Fluffy
Gengar:Gengar: GengarSheer Force, Hadron Engine, Normalize, Prankster
Goodra-Hisui:Goodra-Hisui: Goodra-HisuiRegenerator
Landorus-I:Landorus: LandorusFluffy, Desolate Land, Sheer Force
Landorus-Therian:Landorus-Therian: Landorus-TherianFluffy, Desolate Land, Regenerator, Sword of Ruin
Slither Wing:Slither Wing: Slither WingSword of Ruin, Tinted Lens, Magic Guard, Fluffy
Ursaluna-Bloodmoon:Ursaluna-Bloodmoon: Ursaluna-BloodmoonSteam Engine, Fluffy, Adaptability, Immunity Abilities
C Rank
Archaludon:Archaludon: ArchaludonPrimordial Sea, Earth Eater, Regenerator
Chansey:Chansey: ChanseyUnaware, Magic Guard, Pressure
Chesnaught:Chesnaught: ChesnaughtFlame Body, Fluffy, Well-Baked Body
Cresselia:Cresselia: CresseliaUnaware, Stamina
Deoxys-Defense:Deoxys-Defense: Deoxys-DefenseUnaware, Intimidate, Regenerator, Immunity Abilities, Prankster
Gliscor:Gliscor: GliscorFluffy, Regenerator, Immunity Abilities
Inteleon:Inteleon: InteleonPrimordial Sea
Jirachi:Jirachi: JirachiRegenerator, Immunity Abilities
Kommo-o:Kommo-o: Kommo-oGalvanize, Fluffy, Refrigerate, Regenerator
Mamoswine:Mamoswine: MamoswineTechnician, Sword of Ruin, Adaptability
Meloetta:Meloetta: MeloettaRegenerator
Mew:Mew: MewRegenerator, Prankster, Magic Guard
Polteageist:Polteageist: PolteageistNormalize, Queenly Majesty, Pixilate
Regieleki:Regieleki: RegielekiRefrigerate, Aerilate
Ribombee:Ribombee: RibombeePrankster
Samurott-Hisui:Samurott-Hisui: Samurott-HisuiAdaptability, Primordial Sea, Sharpness
Sinistcha:Sinistcha: SinistchaWell-Baked Body, Bulletproof
Smeargle:Smeargle: SmearglePrankster
Talonflame:Talonflame: TalonflameMagic Guard
Terrakion:Terrakion: TerrakionSword of Ruin, Adaptability
Thundurus:Thundurus: ThundurusPrimordial Sea, Magic Guard, Sheer Force
Thundurus-Therian:Thundurus-Therian: Thundurus-TherianSheer Force, Surge Surfer. Primordial Sea, No Guard
Tinkaton:Tinkaton: TinkatonRegenerator, Earth Eater, Well-Baked Body, Fluffy
Zapdos-Galar:Zapdos-Galar: Zapdos-GalarSword of Ruin, Magic Guard
Zoroark-Hisui:Zoroark-Hisui: Zoroark-HisuiSheer Force, Magic Guard
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Speed Tiers
(Current as of October 18, 2024)
(DeepFriedMagikarp is the GOAT for doing this literally by themselves)
(Gimmicky is also the GOAT for helping this time!)

812:ursaluna-bloodmoon: (+6)Ursaluna-Bloodmoon5231252=
666:garchomp: (+2)Garchomp10231252+
662:thundurus-therian: (+2)Thundurus-Therian10131252+
618:zamazenta::choice scarf:Zamazenta13831252+
600:great-tusk: (+2)Great Tusk8731252+
590:iron crown: (+2)Iron Crown9831252=
568:meowscarada: :choice scarf:Meowscarada12331252+
562:zamazenta: :choice scarf:Zamazenta13831252=
558:inteleon: :choice scarf:Inteleon12031252+
555 :roaring moon: :choice scarf: / (+1)Roaring Moon11931252+
546:great-tusk: (+2)Great Tusk8731252=
541:azelf::choice scarf:Azelf11531252+
529:scream tail: :choice scarf:Scream Tail11131252+
525:ogerpon: (+1) :latios::choice scarf::gengar::choice scarf:Ogerpon-*, Latios ,Gengar11031252+
524:polteageist: (+2)Polteageist7031252+
513:iron treads: (+1)Iron Treads10631252+
499:Garchomp: (+1)Garchomp10231252+
496:sandy shocks: :choice scarf:Sandy Shocks10131252+
492:Manaphy: :booster energy:Manaphy10031252+
450:great tusk: (+1)Great Tusk8731252+
448:Manaphy: :booster energy:Manaphy10031252=
447:rotom-wash::choice scarf:Rotom-Wash8631252+
442:ceruledge: (+1) :Kommo-o: (+1) :Quaquaval:(+1):samurott-hisui: :choice scarf:Ceruledge, Kommo-o, Samurott-Hisui, Quaquaval8531252+
439:gholdengo: :choice scarf:Gholdengo8431252+
436 :iron hands: (+2)Iron Hands5031252+
409 :great tusk: (+1)Great Tusk8731252=
403:Ceruledge: (+1) :Kommo-o: (+1) :samurott hisui: :choice scarf: :Quaquaval: (+1)Ceruledge, Kommo-o, Samurott-Hisui Quaquaval8531252=
381:iron boulder::ribombee:Iron Boulder, Ribombee12431252+
372:iron treads: (+1)Iron Treads106310=
370:roaring-moon: :cinderace:Roaring Moon, Cinderace11931252+
353:scream tail::thundurus:Scream Tail, Thundurus11131252+
350:iron moth::Ogerpon::latios::latias::Gengar::zoroark-hisui:Iron Moth, Ogerpon-*, Latios, Latias, Gengar, Zoroark-Hisui11031252+
346:cobalion::terrakion:Cobalion, Terrakion10831252+
342:iron treads:Iron Treads10631252+
331:sandy shocks: :Landorus::thundurus-therian:Sandy Shocks, Landorus, Thundurus-Therian10131252+
328:Zapdos::Manaphy: :Mew::Zapdos-Galar:Zapdos, Manaphy, Mew, Zapdos-Galar10031252+
324:iron crown:Iron Crown9831252+
315:great tusk: (+1)Great Tusk87310=
300:Great Tusk:Great Tusk8731252+
299:Zapdos::Manaphy::Mew::zapdos-galar:Zapdos, Manaphy, Mew, Zapdos-Galar10031252=
295:Ceruledge::archaludon::kommo-o: :samurott-hisui: :quaquaval:Ceruledge, Archaludon, Kommo-o, Samurott-Hisui, Quaquaval8531252+
287:slither-wing:Slither Wing8131252+
273:Great Tusk:Great Tusk8731252=
269:Ceruledge::archaludon::kommo-o: :samurott-hisui: :quaquaval:Ceruledge, Archaludon, Kommo-o, Samurott-Hisui Quaquaval8531252=
261:slither-wing:Slither Wing8131252=
258:scream tail:Scream Tail111310=
248:iron treads:Iron Treads106310=
236:zapdos::manaphy:Zapdos, Manaphy100310=
218:kingambit::iron hands:Kingambit, Iron Hands5031252+
216:Moltres::deoxys-defense:Moltres, Deoxys-Defense90310=
210:great tusk:Great Tusk87310=
206:archaludon::Cresselia::Kommo-o:Archaludon, Cresselia, Kommo-o85310=
199:kingambit::iron hands:Kingambit, Iron Hands5031252=
184:manaphy: :jirachi: :mew:Manaphy, Jirachi, Mew10000-
176:skarmory::sinistcha:Skarmory, Sinistcha70310=
156:Primarina::goodra-hisui:Primarina, Goodra-Hisui60310=
136:iron hands: :kingambit::chansey:Iron Hands, Kingambit, Chansey50310=
112:Swampert: :primarina::empoleon:Swampert, Primarina, Empoleon6000-
58:slowking-galar::slowking:Slowking-Galar, Slowking30310-
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AAA Role Compendium
This is the Role Compendium for the AAA tier. Each Pokemon that is here is, to varying degrees, viable in the AAA metagame, and as such, it will change as the viability rankings get updated. Feel free to discuss below whether a Pokemon should be added to or removed from a certain role; however, please refrain from discussing the order of a given subsection aside from glaring issues.

Each role will be split into 3 subsections: Common, Uncommon, and Niche. Common is for Pokemon that are well, common. A commonly seen Pokemon that also commonly runs the relevant move/ability. Uncommon is for Pokemon that are either overall common but uncommonly run a particular option or uncommon Pokemon that commonly run the same option. Niche is where any Pokemon ranked B- or lower (aka, AAA UU legal Pokemon) will be placed by default. There's no strict definition for this, so this will be updated regularly to fit the metagame at any given time.

Also, I keep forgetting to edit this in, but a big thanks to Greybaum for the original version of this!

Last Updated: 11/2/2024

Hazard Setters
Stealth Rock:
Common Users::great tusk::scream tail::heatran::iron treads::skarmory::sandy shocks::empoleon::garchomp::ting-lu:
Uncommon Users::swampert::deoxys-speed::azelf::cobalion::kingambit:
Niche Users: :blissey::garganacl::landorus::landorus-therian::archaludon::chansey::deoxys-defense::gliscor::kommo-o: :mamoswine::mew::smeargle::terrakion::tinkaton:

Common Users::skarmory::sandy-shocks::ting-lu::garchomp:
Uncommon Users::deoxys-speed::meowscarada::ogerpon-wellspring::ogerpon-hearthflame::ogerpon-cornerstone:
Niche Users: :chesnaught::deoxys-defense: :gliscor::mew: |:smeargle::samurott-hisui: (Ceaseless Edge)

Toxic Spikes:
Common Users::iron-moth::gengar:
Uncommon Users::meowscarada:
Niche Users::gliscor::smeargle::toxapex::slowking-galar:

Sticky Web:
Niche Users::Smeargle::ribombee:

Hazard Control
Common Users::corviknight::mandibuzz:
Niche Users::talonflame:

Rapid Spin:
Common Users::great tusk: :iron treads:
Niche users: :regieleki:

Other removal:
:cinderace: (Court Change)

Common: :gholdengo: :pecharunt::ceruledge::gengar:

Common Users::roaring-moon::corviknight::zapdos::manaphy: :iron moth::meowscarada::moltres::azelf::cinderace::ogerpon-hearthflame::ogerpon-wellspring::mandibuzz::ogerpon-cornerstone:
Niche Users::landorus::landorus-therian::slither wing::gliscor::jirachi::meloetta::mew: :zapdos-galar::zoroark-hisui:

Volt Switch:
Common Users::zapdos::iron-treads::electrode-hisui::sandy-shocks:
Uncommon Users: :iron-hands::cobalion::iron-crown:
Niche Users::regieleki: :thundurus-therian::thundurus:

Flip Turn:
Common Users::swampert::primarina::latios::empoleon:
Niche Users: :barraskewda::samurott-hisui:

Parting Shot:
Common Users::pecharunt:
Niche Users::smeargle:

Set-up Sweepers
Swords Dance:
Common Users::chien-pao::ceruledge::iron-hands::ogerpon-wellspring::ogerpon-hearthflame::ogerpon-cornerstone:
Uncommon Users: :iron-boulder::cinderace::garchomp::kingambit:
Niche Users::landorus-therian: :kommo-o::tinkaton::talonflame:

Nasty Plot:
Common Users::gholdengo::deoxys-speed:
Uncommon Users: :pecharunt::azelf:
Niche Users: :gengar::landorus::thundurus::thundurus-therian::zoroark-hisui:

Bulk Up:
Common Users::great tusk::corviknight:
Niche Users::kommo-o::zapdos-galar:

Calm Mind:
Common Users::scream tail::primarina::iron-crown:
Uncommon Users::deoxys-speed::azelf::latios:
Niche Users: :blissey::ursaluna-bloodmoon::deoxys-defense::cresselia::mew::sinistcha:

Iron Defense / Acid Armor:
Common Users::zamazenta::skarmory:
Uncommon Users: :corviknight::manaphy::heatran::iron-hands: :goodra-hisui:
Niche Users::garganacl::deoxys-defense: :archaludon: :kommo-o::zamazenta-crowned:

Dragon Dance:
Common Users: :roaring-moon:
Niche Users: :kommo-o: :mew:

Quiver Dance:
Niche Users: :ribombee:

:iron moth: (Fiery Dance) :manaphy: (Tail Glow) :manaphy: (Take Heart) :kommo-o::iron-hands: (Belly Drum) :deoxys-defense: (Cosmic Power) :polteageist: (Shell Smash)

Status Afflictors
Burn - Direct (Will-O-Wisp):
Common Users: :moltres::cinderace::heatran:
Uncommon Users::ceruledge::slither wing:
Niche Users::gengar::mew::talonflame::zoroark-hisui:

Burn - Indirect (Lava Plume/Scald/Matcha Gotcha):
Common Users::manaphy:
Uncommon Users::heatran:
Niche Users::mew::sinistcha: :inteleon:

Paralysis - Direct (Thunder Wave/Stun Spore/Zap Cannon):
Common Users::gholdengo::scream tail::electrode-hisui::sandy-shocks:
Uncommon Users::deoxys-speed::zapdos::latios::cobalion:
Niche Users::blissey::gengar::archaludon::chansey::deoxys-defense::ribombee: :regieleki::tinkaton:

Paralysis - Indirect (Discharge/Thunder):
Common Users:
:zapdos::iron moth:
Uncommon Users::sandy shocks:

Bad Poison - Direct (Toxic):
Common Users::pecharunt::iron moth::mandibuzz:
Niche Users::gengar::mew::gliscor::toxapex:

Bad Poison - Indirect (Malignant Chain):
Common Users::pecharunt:

Knock Off:
Common Users::great tusk::roaring moon::swampert::deoxys-speed::manaphy::iron treads::meowscarada::azelf::ogerpon-hearthflame::ogerpon-wellspring::empoleon:
Uncommon Users::mandibuzz::ogerpon-cornerstone:
Niche Users: :gengar::goodra-hisui::deoxys-defense::goodra::gliscor::meloetta::mew::samurott-hisui::thundurus-therian::thundurus::tinkaton::zapdos-galar::zoroark-hisui:

Common Users::scream tail:

Heal Bell:
Niche Users::blissey::chansey:

Physical Amplification (Sword of Ruin, Adaptability, etc.):
Common: :roaring moon::zamazenta::chien-pao::ceruledge::meowscarada::ogerpon-cornerstone:
Uncommon: :great-tusk::iron-hands::cinderace::iron-boulder::ogerpon-hearthflame::ogerpon-wellspring::garchomp::kingambit:
Niche:: :slither wing::terrakion::mew::zapdos-galar:

Special Amplification (Sheer Force, Adaptability, Hadron Engine, etc.):
Common::gholdengo::deoxys-speed::primarina::latios::sandy shocks:
Uncommon::iron moth::azelf:
Niche: :gengar::ursaluna-bloodmoon::landorus: :thundurus: :thundurus-therian::zoroark-hisui:

Magic Guard - Physical:
Uncommon: :zamazenta: :great-tusk: :iron-hands::ogerpon-hearthflame:
Niche: :slither-wing::quaquaval::talonflame::zapdos-galar:

Magic Guard - Special:
Uncommon: :iron-moth::iron-crown:
Niche: :archaludon::thundurus:

Magic Guard - Mixed:

Weather - Desolate Land:
Common::ceruledge::heatran::iron moth::moltres::cinderace::ogerpon-hearthflame:
Niche: :landorus-therian::landorus:

Weather - Primordial Sea:
Common::zapdos: :primarina: :ogerpon-wellspring:
Niche: :barraskewda::archaludon: :thundurus-therian: :thundurus: :inteleon:

Dedicated Walls
Physically Defensive Amplification (Intimidate, Fluffy, etc.):
Common::great tusk::corviknight: :pecharunt::skarmory::ting-lu:
Niche: :garganacl::archaludon::chesnaught::deoxys-defense::gliscor::landorus-therian::landorus::sinistcha::tinkaton::zamazenta-crowned:

Type Immunity Walls (Well-Baked Body, Volt Absorb, Earth Eater etc.)
Niche: :blissey: :garganacl: :ursaluna-bloodmoon::chesnaught::gliscor::landorus-therian::landorus:

Regenerator - PhysDef:
Common: :great tusk::manaphy::iron-hands::primarina:
Uncommon: :iron-treads::ting-lu:
Niche: :archaludon::deoxys-defense::mew::kommo-o::landorus-therian::landorus::gliscor:

Regenerator - SpDef:
Common::roaring moon::swampert::manaphy::iron-treads::primarina:
Uncommon: :great-tusk::iron-hands::ting-lu::garchomp:
Niche::goodra-hisui: :deoxys-defense::jirachi: :meloetta: :mew:

Speed Control
Naturally Fast:
Common::roaring moon::zamazenta::chien-pao::deoxys-speed: :meowscarada::cinderace::iron-boulder::electrode-hisui:
Niche: :barraskewda::regieleki::talonflame:

Choice Scarfers:
Common Users: :roaring-moon: :gholdengo::scream-tail: :meowscarada::azelf: :latios:
Uncommon Users: :great-tusk::zamazenta::sandy-shocks::iron-crown:
Niche Users::gengar::slither-wing: :thundurus-therian: :inteleon:

Extreme Speed:

Sucker Punch:
Common::chien-pao: :kingambit:
Niche: :samurott-hisui:

Rapid Spin:

Surge Surfer:
Common: :iron-hands:
Uncommon: :great-tusk: :ceruledge: :gholdengo: :thundurus-therian:

Other (Amplification):
:manaphy: (Protosynthesis)

Other (Priority):
:barraskewda: (Aqua Jet) :iron-hands: (Fake Out) :slither-wing: (First Impression) :ceruledge: :zoroark-hisui: (Shadow Sneak) :ursaluna-bloodmoon: :lucario: (Vacuum Wave)
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Abilities: The Good, The Bad, and how to pick one!

Abilities. You can use a lot of them. You can use almost any, actually. But how many are actually good, and more importantly, how many are good for you and your team? If you're a new player struggling to build a team, here's a guide on what abilities to use and on what Pokemon!

The viability rankings are your friend. Though all Pokemon listed here are, at least on a surface level, viable users of these abilities, sometimes a lower ranked Pokemon may be better suited to take advantage of an ability. Each ability will be split into 3 subsections: Common, Uncommon, and Niche, using the same qualifications as the above role compendium.​

1a: Yeah, these get their own category.


Every time this Pokemon leaves the field, 33.3% of it's HP (rounded down) is restored. This is not blocked by Psychic Noise.

Regenerator is another of the most widely useful abilities in the game. Almost any Pokemon appreciates being able to restore a third of it's health without spending a turn or a moveslot on a recovery move. On offensive Pokemon, this ability shines for giving a powerful threat another chance at life, letting it safely switch in and eat a hit, force the opponent out, then heal off the damage. Defensively, this ability really shines, giving bulky Pokemon like Manaphy and Swampert a form of reliable recovery and letting them consistently check powerful offensive threats. Similar to Magic Guard, most Pokemon could justify running Regenerator, but because you can only use it once per team, Pokemon dependent on it for recovery or utility should be prioritized.

Common RegenVest users: :roaring-moon: :swampert::manaphy: :iron-treads: :primarina:
Uncommon RegenVest Users::great-tusk::iron-hands:
Niche RegenVest Users::goodra-hisui::jirachi::meloetta:
Other RegenVest users you might consider: Sturdy special walls that otherwise lack recovery or appreciate the extra moveslot, or physical walls that appreciate the additional utility of a Special Defense boost.

Common defensive users: :great-tusk: :iron-hands: :iron-treads:
Uncommon defensive users::ting-lu::garchomp:
Niche defensive users: :archaludon::deoxys-defense::landorus-therian::gliscor::kommo-o::landorus::mew:
Other defensive users you might consider: Sturdy physical/mixed walls that don't have a moveslot to spare for a recovery move, especially pivot-heavy ones.

Common offensive users: :great-tusk: :roaring-moon::iron-hands:
Uncommon offensive Users::zamazenta::primarina::garchomp:
Niche offensive users::slither-wing::kommo-o::mew::quaquaval:
Other offensive users you might consider: Bulkier attackers than can afford to take a hit or two and heal off the damage.

Magic Guard:
This Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks. Moves that damage over time like Leech Seed or Whirpool, volatile status conditions like Poison and Burn, entry hazards, and recoil from moves like Steel Beam and Head Smash will all do no damage. Life Orb recoil is also removed, but the damage boost remains. Substitute, Pain Split, Belly Drum, and Ghost-type Curse will still damage the user.

Magic Guard is generally regarded as the best ability in the game, and that's no different here. Ignoring passive damage is huge for both offensive and defensive Pokemon; it gives offensive Pokemon more opportunities to switch in or set up and lets them take advantage of Life Orb and recoil moves with no drawback, while making defensive Pokemon much harder to wear down with status or entry hazards. Almost any Pokemon can justify running Magic Guard, but Pokemon that plan to switch in and out of battle often benefit the most, as they ignore the entry hazards that define the tier.

Common offensive users: :roaring-moon: :gholdengo::chien-pao: :volcarona::cinderace::ogerpon-hearthflame::electrode-hisui:
Uncommon offensive users::great-tusk::zamazenta::deoxys-speed::heatran::iron-moth::iron-treads::moltres::iron-hands::primarina::cobalion::iron-crown:
Niche offensive Users::slither-wing::archaludon::quaquaval::mew::talonflame::thundurus::zapdos-galar::volcanion:
Other offensive users you might consider: Any offensive Pokemon that benefits from ignoring recoil, ignoring entry hazards, or no-drawbacks Life Orb.

Common defensive users: :roaring-moon: :ting-lu::empoleon: :mandibuzz:
Uncommon defensive Users::great-tusk::gholdengo::pecharunt::heatran::moltres::iron-treads:
Niche defensive users::blissey::garganacl::chansey::mew::quaquaval:
Other defensive users you might consider: Any bulky Pokemon that switches in often and highly appreciates ignoring passive damage from hazards or status.

1b: Prioritizing your ability slot
Magic Guard and especially Regenerator are incredibly high demand abilities. Barring the most hyper offensive structures possible (and even those appreciate them), almost every team will have at least one of these abilities and many will have both. Many Pokemon can viably run these abilities, but not all are created equally. Pokemon like Swampert, defensive Manaphy, and Hisuian Goodra are pretty much solely dependent on Regenerator for their niche in the metagame, and likewise for Pokemon like Hisuian Electrode and Cobalion with Magic Guard. If you want to effectively utilize these Pokemon, you have to sacrifice using these abilities on another teammate. They will not function well without them, and your team will almost inarguably be worse unless you have a good reason for stepping off the beaten path.

Once again, the viability rankings are your friend, here. Though all Pokemon listed here are indeed viable users of these abilities, some Pokemon are more dependent on them than others and indeed, a lower ranked Pokemon may be better suited to take advantage of an ability. Swampert may be slightly lower than Great Tusk on the viability rankings, for example, but RegenVest Swampert is arguably more viable than RegenVest Great Tusk. If an ability is bolded on the viability rankings, that means that Pokemon is most useful with that ability and it may be a better option for your team than a more niche user.

2a: The Good

Desolate Land:
Desolate Land amplifies the power of Fire-type moves, nullifies all damaging Water-type moves (including Hydro Steam!), and remains in effect until either this Pokemon switches out or a Pokemon with either Primordial Sea or Delta Stream switches in.

Good Desolate Land users tend to be either fast, offensive Fire-types who chiefly click Fire-type moves, slower and bulkier ones looking to counter Primordial Sea, or non Fire-types who appreciate Weather Ball becoming a 100BP Fire-type move. Pokemon who are less slated to take advantage of it include Pokemon who simply want a Water immunity (Water Absorb) or Pokemon like Volcanion with important Water-type moves they want to click.

Common users: :ceruledge: :heatran: :iron-moth::moltres::cinderace: :ogerpon-hearthflame:
Niche users::landorus-therian::landorus:
Other users you might consider: Fast, powerful Fire-types, Pokemon that benefit from Fire-type Weather Ball or 1-turn Solar Beam

Primordial Sea:
Primordial Sea amplifies the power of Water-type moves, nullifies all damaging Fire-type moves, and remains in effect until either this Pokemon switches out or a Pokemon with either Desolate Land or Delta Stream switches in.

Good Primordial Sea users tend to be offensive Water-types who mainly want to click powerful Water moves, bulkier Water-types looking to switch-in on Desolate Land users, or non Water-types who appreciate permanent Rain boosting their coverage or the accuracy on Thunder or Hurricane. Primordial Sea should not be used on Pokemon who simply want a Fire-immunity (Well-Baked Body) or on Pokemon who need Fire-type coverage.

Common users: :zapdos: :primarina::ogerpon-wellspring:
Uncommon users::manaphy:
Niche users: :barraskewda::archaludon::thundurus-therian::thundurus::inteleon:
Other sers you might consider: Powerful Water-types, Pokemon that benefit from Water-type Weather Ball or 100% accurate Thunder and Hurricane.

Psychic Surge:
Psychic Surge sets Psychic Terrain every time the user enters the field, overriding any existing terrain, nullifying priority against grounded Pokemon, boosting all grounded Psychic moves by 30%, and turning Expanding Force into a 120 BP move before the terrain boost.

Psychic Surge is near exclusively used on fast Psychic-types who want to use powerful Expanding Force while giving themselves and their teammates an immunity to opposing priority use at the cost of not being able to use any of their own. If you simply want a priority immunity, it may be better to run Dazzling instead to allow your other teammates to still use powerful priority moves.

Common users: :deoxys-speed: :azelf::iron-crown:
Other users you might consider: Speedy special-attacking Psychic-types with access to Expanding Force.

Hadron Engine:
Hadron Engine sets Electric Terrain on switch in, overriding any existing terrain and multiplying the power of a grounded Pokemon's Electric-type moves by 30%. In addition, Hadron Engine users get 1.33x Special Attack in Electric Terrain.

Hadron Engine is most often used by fast, grounded Electric-type Pokemon, as they essentially get a 73% boost to their STAB Electric moves. Other fast special attackers, especially those with Electric-type coverage, can also make use of Hadron Engine's 33% Special Attack boost. Hadron Engine should not be used by Flying-type Pokemon such as Zapdos and Thundurus, as they do not receive the 30% boost to Electric moves.

Common users: :gholdengo: :latios::sandy-shocks:
Uncommon users::deoxys-speed::iron-crown::electrode-hisui:
Niche users::gengar:
Users you might consider: Any powerful special attacker, especially ones with access to Electric-type coverage.

2b: The Maybe
Delta Stream:
Delta Stream removes the weaknesses from Flying-type Pokemon (not their secondary type) and remains in effect until this Pokemon switches out or a Pokemon with either Desolate Land or Primordial Sea switches in.

Delta Stream is incredibly niche, entirely reserved for defensive Flying-types who want to nullify their weaknesses to common moves or who want to counter other Primal Weather users by turning their Weather Ball into a 50BP Normal-type move.

Uncommon users: :corviknight:
Users you might consider: bulky Flying-types that appreciate nullifying opposing primal weather

Grassy Surge:
Grassy Surge sets Grassy Terrain on switch in, overriding any existing terrain, amplifying the power of grounded Grass-type moves by 30%, weakening Earthquake, Bulldoze, and Magnitude by 50%, and restoring 1/16th of all grounded Pokemon's health at the end of the turn.

Grassy Surge is by far the most niche of the terrains so far and currently has no common users, but some Pokemon like Gholdengo and Pecharunt may be able to take advantage of extra recovery, nullifying opposing terrain, and lowering the damage of Earthquake, while Pokemon like Ogerpon formes and Roaring Moon may appreciate the power boost to Grass-type moves or the existence of Grassy Seed + Acrobatics, respectively.

Users you might consider: :roaring-moon: :gholdengo: :pecharunt: :ogerpon: (all formes)

2c: The Bad

Other Terrain:
Misty Surge might seem like a good option to reduce the power of opposing Dragon-type moves and prevent status conditions. In actuality, though, no viable users currently exist, as Misty Terrain's applications are usually far too niche or far too detrimental to your own teammates to justify running it.

Electric Surge, meanwhile, is entirely outclassed by Hadron Engine. Even if a physical attacking Electric-type wanted to set terrain to boost its Electric move, there's absolutely no benefit to running Electric Surge over Hadron Engine.

Non-Permanent Weather:
Drought and Drizzle may seem viable on paper. However, the near omnipresence of Primal Weather combined with being outclassed by more standard offensive boosting abilities mean they have no place in the metagame.

Likewise, Sand Stream seems to have potential on bulky Rock-type Pokemon like Garganacl; in practice, the Special Defense boost is not worth running Sand Stream over an immunity ability or a damage reducing ability like Vessel of Ruin, especially when Primal Weathers completely nullify it.

Snow Warning might seem appealing on Aurora Veil users such as Alolan Ninetales and Frosslass, but in practice, they are entirely outclassed by Prankster screens users such as Corviknight and Deoxys-S, as these Pokemon can get screens up reliably even in the face of primal weather.

3a: The Good

Sword of Ruin:
Sword of Ruin multiplies the Defense of any Pokemon without the ability by 0.75x, effectively giving the user 1.33x power on their physical moves.

Sword of Ruin is the most common physical amplification ability, and almost any physical attacker can take advantage of it. Sword of Ruin is the best option for physical attackers running non-contact moves and/or coverage moves (read: Earthquake users). Pokemon without these moves can still use Sword of Ruin, but may prefer one of the below abilities. Pokemon only running STAB moves may prefer Adaptability, as it does not reveal itself upon switch-in, hiding valuable information from your opponent.

Common users: :roaring-moon: :zamazenta::chien-pao::meowscarada::ceruledge:
Uncommon users: :cinderace::ogerpon-wellspring::ogerpon-hearthflame::garchomp::ogerpon-cornerstone:
Niche users::slither-wing::terrakion::zapdos-galar:
Other users you might consider: Almost any physical attacker

Tough Claws:
Tough Claws boosts the power of the user's contact moves by 1.3x.

Tough Claws is one of the most common alternatives to Sword of Ruin, as it trades a small amount of power and a lack of a boost on specific moves for concealing the ability and potentially allowing another teammate to run Sword of Ruin. Tough Claws should only be used on Pokemon that primarily use contact moves, as non-contact moves have no damage boost, meaning Ground- or Rock-types like Garchomp or Terrakion, as well as the Ogerpon formes should not use this ability.

Common users: :roaring-moon: :zamazenta:
Niche users::slither-wing::zapdos-galar:
Other users you might consider: Any physical attacker that primarily runs contact moves

Sharpness boosts the power of slicing moves by 1.5x, allowing lower base power moves to rival the most powerful options in the game.

Sharpness is nearly exclusively used on Pokemon who have multiple slicing moves, including reliable slicing STAB. Pokemon who only have one or two relevant slicing moves should not use this ability, as the power boost on one move rarely justifies the lack of a boost on other important moves.

Common users: :iron-boulder:
Users you might consider: Pokemon who primarily use slicing moves

3b: The Bad


Alternate amplification abilities that seem usable on paper such as Iron Fist, Reckless, or Skill Link (among many others) are all in practice outclassed by one of the above abilities. The damage boost is either too low, exclusive to too few moves, or both to be justifiable over a consistent choice such as Sword of Ruin.

Long Reach might appear to be an option on physical attackers to ignore Fluffy and Rocky Helmet, but is usually outclassed by direct amplification or by Mold Breaker to ignore Fluffy altogether alongside immunity abilities.

Technician is a good ability, but even the most powerful Technician-boosted moves tend to be weaker than the competition, so this ability struggles to justify itself. The same applies to Strong Jaw, as while a 50% boost to biting moves is potentially very powerful, biting moves tend to be either weak or have better alternatives that can be boosted by other abilities.

Abilities that depend on the user to fulfill a condition or for the opponent to make a specific moves are not consistent enough to see use. Abilities like Moxie or Beast Boost that rely on the user getting a free K.O. are bad, as it is much harder to faint the opposing team without a boosting ability, and the boost itself is not enough to justify this drawback. Do not use these abilities.

Intrepid Sword, while having a niche on Hyper Offense teams, is generally outclassed by the above abilities due to the boost only applying one time. Critical hit focused abilities like Super Luck and Sniper are also very inconsistent and should not be used, as an occasional big reward is not generally worth trading consistent power. Abilities that rely on your opponent carrying a certain ability like Guard Dog are also inconsistent, making the risk not worth the reward.

4a: The Good

Sheer Force:
Sheer Force boosts the power of any move with a secondary effect by 1.3x, at the cost of removing the effect. In addition, this Pokemon ignores Life Orb recoil if using a Sheer Force boosted move.

Though it does apply to a few physical moves, Sheer Force is the quintessential special amplification ability, and almost any special attacker can effectively run it in tandem with Life Orb. Any Pokemon with it's primary STAB moves being Sheer Force boosted or with enough Sheer Force-boosted coverage can justify running this ability. A Pokemon who wants to run a Choice item instead of Life Orb may prefer the larger boosts of an ability such as Adaptability or Beads of Ruin.

Common users: :deoxys-speed: :primarina:
Uncommon users::iron-moth:
Niche users: :gengar::thundurus-therian: :thundurus: :zoroark-hisui:
Users you might consider: Any special attacker that runs moves with secondary effects.

Hadron Engine:
Hadron Engine sets Electric Terrain on switch in, overriding any existing terrain and multiplying the power of a grounded Pokemon's Electric-type moves by 30%. In addition, Hadron Engine users get 1.33x Special Attack in Electric Terrain.

Hadron Engine is most often used by fast, grounded Electric-type Pokemon, as they essentially get a 73% boost to their STAB Electric moves. Other fast special attackers, especially those with Electric-type coverage, can also make use of Hadron Engine's 33% Special Attack boost. Hadron Engine should not be used by Flying-type Pokemon such as Zapdos and Thundurus, as they do not receive the 30% boost to Electric moves.

Common users: :gholdengo: :sandy-shocks::latios:
Uncommon users::deoxys-speed::electrode-hisui::iron-crown:
Niche users::gengar:
Users you might consider: Any powerful special attacker, especially ones with access to Electric-type coverage.

Beads of Ruin
Beads of Ruin multiplies the Special Defense of any Pokemon without the ability by 0.75x, effectively giving the user 1.33x power on their special moves (barring Psyshock).

Beads of Ruin is best for special attacking Pokemon who want to run multiple coverage moves without secondary effects, but not very many Pokemon fit into this category. Pokemon who only run STAB moves prefer Adaptability or a type-specific ability, while those with plentiful coverage may prefer Sheer Force. Almost any special attacker can effectively run Beads of Ruin, but other options are often more valuable, as Beads of Ruin reveals information to your opponent that they otherwise would not have.

Uncommon users: :deoxys-speed::gholdengo:
Niche users: :gengar:
Other users you might consider: Most special attackers, but check if another ability is more valuable first

4b: The Bad

Alternate amplification abilities that seem usable on paper such as Punk Rock, Mega Launcher, or Technician are all in practice outclassed by one of the above abilities. The damage boost is either too low, exclusive to too few moves, or both to be justifiable over a consistent choice such as Sheer Force.

Abilities like Grim Neigh or Beast Boost that rely on the user getting a free K.O. are inconsistent and shouldn't be used, as the more consistent damage boost of an ability like Sheer Force or Adaptability is far preferable. Likewise, abiltiies such as Competitive that demand the opponent make a specific move are also very inconsistent, and a more consistent choice is almost always worth it.

5a: The Good
Abilities in this section, if applicable, will be split into physical/special users

Adaptability boosts the power of any move that shares a type with the user by 1.333x; the STAB boost becomes 2x instead of 1.5x.

Adaptability is the quintessential boosting ability for both physical and special attackers. Adaptability can be effectively wielded by any Pokemon that primarily attacks using STAB moves, though a Pokemon that very often clicks coverage may prefer the overall boost of Sword/Beads of Ruin. Adaptability's primary advantage over the Ruin abilities is not revealing itself on switch in, hiding crucial information about your ability from your opponent. Likewise, a Pokemon that primarily spams STAB moves of a single type may prefer a type-based damage amplifying ability, as the boost is oftentimes greater.

Common physical users: :great-tusk::zamazenta: :chien-pao::ceruledge: :kingambit:
Uncommon physical users::roaring-moon::iron-hands::garchomp:
Niche physical users::slither-wing::terrakion::zapdos-galar:

Common special users: :gholdengo: :primarina: :latios:
Uncommon special users::iron-moth::iron-crown:
Niche special users::gengar::ursaluna-bloodmoon:
Users you might consider: Any powerful attacker with spammable STAB moves

Tinted Lens:
Tinted Lens boosts the power of any move resisted by the opponent by 2x. This turns normal resistances into neutralities, and 4x resistances into 2x weaknesses.

Tinted Lens is primarily used by powerful attackers with typings that have multiple common resistances. Tinted Lens allows these Pokemon to spam their powerful moves even in the face of resisting foes, but the lack of damage boost against neutral or even weak targets means that a Pokemon with sufficient STAB coverage or plentiful coverage may prefer the boost of Adaptability or a Ruin ability.

Common physical users: :zamazenta:
Uncommon physical users: :roaring-moon::ceruledge::cinderace::kingambit:
Niche physical users::slither-wing:

Common special users: :latios: :iron-crown:
Uncommon special users::gholdengo:
Users you might consider: Any powerful attacker with good STAB moves with unfortunate typings

Mold Breaker
This Pokemon's moves ignore the opponent's ability.

Mold Breaker is primarily used by attackers looking to ignore opponent's immunity abilities or defensive amplification abilities like Fluffy and Vessel of Ruin. This ability most often finds use on powerful Fire-types looking to dodge Well-Baked Body, but offensive Ground-, Electric-, and Water-type attackers as well as users of bullet moves may also find themselves using this ability.

Common users: :great-tusk: :cinderace: :ogerpon-hearthflame:
Niche users::iron-moth::sandy-shocks:
Users you might consider: Powerful attackers looking to dodge either an immunity ability or Fluffy

-ate Abilities:
Aerilate, Pixilate, Refrigerate and Galvanize turn Normal-type moves into Flying-, Fairy-, Ice-, and Electric-type moves respectively, and apply a 20% power boost to them.

-ate abilities are primarily used by Pokemon with poor coverage but powerful Normal-type moves, or by Pokemon looking to take advantage of powerful Normal-type moves in their arsenal to hit specific foes. Due to only boosting one, often non-STAB type, these abilities are generally quite niche and are often outclassed by more generalized damage amplification, but they can often be worthwhile if the boost or type-change is significant enough.

Common Pixilate users: :scream-tail:
Niche Galvanize users: :kommo-o:
Niche Refrigerate users: :regieleki:

Users you might consider: Pokemon with poor coverage but powerful Normal-type moves, or Pokemon looking to hit a specific target like Corviknight or Roaring Moon

Type-boosting Abilities:
Type-boosting abilities boost the power of a specific type of move by 50%.

Type-boosting abilities are usually highly specific, relegated nearly exclusively to Pokemon with one powerful STAB move they click more than any other. Pokemon that value boosting moves of multiple types should not run a type-boosting ability, and should instead run for a more generalized boosting ability like Sword/Beads of Ruin or Adaptability.

Common Dragon's Maw users: :latios:
Uncommon Dragon's Maw users: :garchomp:
Common Rocky Payload users: :ogerpon-cornerstone:
Uncommon Steelworker users: :gholdengo:
Users you might consider: Pokemon with one powerful move they want to boost above all.

Once per switch-in, this Pokemon's type changes to the type of the move it's using. STAB boost is applied to this move. A single-typed Pokemon can use a move of it's original type before using a move of another type to activate Protean.

Protean has fallen from glory, as activating only once per switch-in has left it a shell of it's former self. Protean should only be used on Pokemon that absolutely require the 50% STAB boost on a coverage move as opposed to the more generalized boost of Sheer Force or a Ruin ability. Pokemon who switch moves often should also opt for the more generalized boost, as this allows them far more versatility in their damage.

Common Protean users: :deoxys-speed:
Users you might consider: Pokemon that really need that extra "oomph" on a coverage move.

5b: The Bad

Just like in the above section, most alternate amplification abilities are just not optimal choices. Good abilities like Technician or Sniper, while they aren't awful, are not viable due to their inconsistency or general lack of damage. Type-enhancing abilities that boost the opponent like Dark Aura or Fairy Aura are not viable. There is no reason to give your opponent a damage boost. Instead, opt for an ability like Adaptability instead, as the damage boost is equal without revealing your ability or boosting your opponent's damage output.

The starter abilities + Swarm are all unviable choices, for much of the same reason as abilities like Moxie and Grim Neigh. Being dependent on your opponent's moves to deal boosted damage is inconsistent and not worth it, especially when abilities like Desolate Land or Sword of Ruin provide a similar or equal boost without being dependent on your opponent's choices to work.

In general, type-enhancing abilities should be used lightly. While it's tempting to boost one type by 50%, you should ask yourself if a more general 33% boost is more valuable, and it almost always will be.

6a: The Good

Ground Immunity Abilities:

Levitate ignores damage-dealing Ground-type moves, while also granting an immunity to Spikes and Toxic Spikes. Earth Eater grants an immunity to all Ground-type moves, restoring 25% health to the user if hit by one.

Levitate and Earth Eater are extremely similar, and most Pokemon running one can also viably run the other. Levitate is more useful on Pokemon prone to getting worn down by Spikes, while Earth Eater is preferred on Pokemon that don't much mind entry hazards and would prefer the 25% health buff. Ground immunity abilities are best utilized by Pokemon either weak to Ground or bulky neutral Pokemon looking to become a sudden check to threats like Great Tusk and Sandy Shocks.

Common Ground-immunity ability users: :gholdengo: :pecharunt: :iron-hands::iron-treads::empoleon:
Uncommon Ground-immunity ability users::great-tusk::heatran::kingambit:
Niche Ground-immunity ability users::garganacl:
Users you might consider: Ground-weak walls or generally bulky Pokemon that greatly appreciate an additional immunity.

Well-Baked Body:
Well-Baked Body grants an immunity to Fire-type moves and, when hit with one, raises the user's Defense by 2 stages.

Well-Baked Body is naturally very prominent thanks to the popularity of powerful Fire-type attackers like Cinderace, Moltres, and Iron Moth. Any Fire-weak or generally bulky Pokemon is able to take advantage of the additional immunity to switch in on both powerful attackers as well as stray Will-o-Wisps. This move also synergizes well with Body Press thanks to the +2 Defense boost.

Common Well-Baked Body users: :corviknight: :gholdengo: :pecharunt: :iron-treads::skarmory: :mandibuzz:
Uncommon Well-Baked Body users::great-tusk::zamazenta::ting-lu::kingambit:
Niche Well-Baked Body users::chesnaught::blissey::sinistcha:
Users you might consider: Fire-weak walls or generally bulky Pokemon that greatly appreciate an additional immunity.

Electric-immunity Abilities:
Volt Absorb grants an immunity to Electric-type moves and, when hit with one, heals the user by 25% of it's HP. Motor Drive grants an immunity to Electric-type moves and grants a +1 Speed boost if hit by one, while Lightning Rod grants a +1 Special Attack boost.

Similar to Well-Baked Body, the prominence of powerful Electric-types like Zapdos leads to the rise of Electric immunity abilities to counter them. Volt Absorb is by far the most common, especially on bulky Pokemon and walls that heavily appreciate the health increase, but Motor Drive and Lighting Rod have their use cases on fast-paced offensive teams on threats like Manaphy and Gholdengo.

Common Electric-immunity ability users: :corviknight: :empoleon: :mandibuzz:
Uncommon Electric-immunity ability users::manaphy::gholdengo::skarmory:
Users you might consider: Bulky walls that appreciate an additional immunity for Volt Absorb, powerful offensive threats that appreciate a Speed/Special Attack boost for Motor Drive / Lightning Rod.

Water-immunity Abilities:
Water Absorb grants an immunity to Water-type moves and, when hit with one, heals the user by 25% of it's HP. Storm Drain grants an immunity to Electric-type moves and grants a +1 Special Attack boost if hit by one.

Water-immunity abilities are slightly more niche without the omnipresence of Walking Wake, but powerful Water-types like Ogerpon-Wellspring and offensive Manaphy give them a place in the metagame. Water Absorb is by far the most common, especially on bulky Pokemon and walls that heavily appreciate the health increase, but Storm Drain can see use on offensive threats that more greatly value the increased damage.

Common Water-immunity ability users: :heatran: :ting-lu:
Uncommon Water-immunity ability users::great-tusk::corviknight::gholdengo::iron-treads::skarmory::mandibuzz:
Niche Water-immunity ability users::garganacl::gliscor::ursaluna-bloodmoon:
Users you might consider: Water-weak walls or generally bulky Pokemon that greatly appreciate an additional immunity or Special Attack boost.

Bulletproof grants an immunity to certain "bullet" moves, a list of which can be found here.

Bulletproof stands out from it's contemporaries by not granting an immunity to not just a certain type of move, but rather moves from several types. Moves like Shadow Ball, Focus Blast, Weather Ball and Energy Ball are all extremely widespread and are all blocked by Bulletproof, alongside slightly rarer but still relevant moves like Sludge Bomb, Pyro Ball, Aura Sphere and Zap Cannon. Bulletproof can be used by nearly any Pokemon looking to check a wide variety of special attackers, especially primal weather users dependent on Weather Ball for their STAB move.

Common Bulletproof users: :heatran: :iron-treads::empoleon: :mandibuzz:
Uncommon Bulletproof users::great-tusk::corviknight::gholdengo::skarmory::kingambit:
Users you might consider: Bulky Pokemon looking to act as a check to a wide variety of attackers.

6b: The Maybe?

Purifying Salt:

Purifying Salt grants an immunity to volatile status conditions and halves the damage of Ghost-type moves.

Purifying Salt is relatively rare, but it sees use on Pokemon who appreciate the resistance to Ghost-type moves but especially on physical attackers who use it as an immunity to Burn. It's usually a hard ability to justify, as while resisting Ghost-type moves is certainly valuable, a full immunity ability or an offensive amplification ability can often be preferable.

Uncommon Purifying Salt users: :great-tusk: :corviknight: :gholdengo: :zamazenta: :iron-hands: :garchomp:
Users you might consider: Bulky Pokemon who appreciate the additional resistance, or attackers that appreciate the immunity to

Soundproof grants an immunity to certain "sound" moves, a list of which can be found here.

Not too dissimilar from Bulletproof, Soundproof grants an immunity to several moves from several different types. Where Soundproof differs, though, is that sound moves affects relatively few and rarer moves. The only viable Pokemon who primarily attack with sound moves are Pixilate Scream Tail and Kommo-o, as well as Pecharunt with Parting Shot and RegenVest Primarina with Psychic Noise. While these are all common foes, it can be risky to dedicate an entire ability slot just to checking them. Despite this, Soundproof still sees rare use to turn near any Pokemon into a perfect counter to Scream Tail.

Uncommon Soundproof users: :great-tusk: :zamazenta: :kingambit:
Users you might consider: Bulky attackers on teams that really hate Pixilate Scream Tail

6c: The Bad

There is essentially zero scenarios where Flash Fire is even a sidegrade to Well-Baked Body, as it is normally strictly worse. Similarly, Dry Skin has very few use cases over Water Absorb, as the Fire-type weakness is too notable to justify healing in rain.

Sap Sipper may seem appealing, especially on Swampert, but Grass-type moves are rare enough to make it a poor use of an ability slot, especially when Swampert gets so much more value out of RegenVest. Wind Rider is also a poor use of an ability slot, as wind moves are relatively rare and that ability slot is better spent on a guaranteed value ability like Regenerator.

Resistance abilities such as Thick Fat and Heatproof are strictly worse than either general defensive amplification abilities like Vessel of Ruin or their full immunity counterparts. There is nearly zero benefit to resisting a hit instead of absorbing it.

7a: The Good


Upon entering the field, the opponent's Pokemon's Attack lowers by one stage. Pokemon with the ability Scrappy are unaffected, and Pokemon with Defiant, Rattled, or Competitive receive a stat boost.

Intimidate is the premier physically defensive amplification ability. The utility of lowering a foe's Attack by a consistent 1 stage is fantastic, allowing Pokemon with Intimidate to check huge swathes of the metagame as well as dissuade users of Attack-boosting moves by resetting their progress. Intimidate is justifiable on any Pokemon looking to tank big physical hits, but Pokemon with plentiful resistances or pivoting moves benefit more.

Common Intimidate users: :corviknight: :pecharunt: :skarmory:
Uncommon Intimidate users::great-tusk::zapdos::iron-hands::ting-lu::mandibuzz:
Niche Intimidate users::deoxys-defense::garganacl::landorus-therian: :landorus: :gliscor: :tinkaton:

Users you might consider: Physical walls looking for a boost to their defensive prowess that can't be dodged by Mold Breaker.

This Pokemon receives 1/2 damage from contact moves, but takes 2x damage from Fire-type moves.

Fluffy is another fantastic defensive amplification ability, but it's slightly more niche than Intimidate. Fluffy is preferable on Pokemon who would rather sit on the field for a while and check multiple foes on a single switch-in, or take advantage of the Defense boost to easily set up. Fluffy isn't perfect, though, as common physical moves like Stone Edge and Earthquake as well as the Mold Breaker ability completely bypass it. The Fire weakness is also a major point against it, as you have no amplification against contact Fire-type moves and are actively forced out by any non-contact ones.

Common Fluffy users: :great-tusk::corviknight::skarmory: :ting-lu: :mandibuzz:
Uncommon Fluffy users::roaring-moon::pecharunt:
Niche Fluffy users::garganacl::slither-wing::landorus-therian: :landorus: :gliscor: :tinkaton:

Users you might consider: Physical walls looking for a boost to their defensive prowess, setup sweepers that appreciate the ease in setting up

This Pokemon ignores any of the foe's stat changes when dealing or receiving damage. Draco Meteor drops and Swords Dance boosts are equally ignored.

Unaware turns any Pokemon into a counter for dangerous set-up sweepers. Suddenly, +3 is hitting exactly as hard as unboosted. Unaware is especially useful in Calm Mind wars, as you get stronger while outright ignoring your opponent's boosts. Unaware is a valuable ability on Pokemon with plentiful resistances or neutralities, as they can check many setup sweepers without a dedicated immunity ability, but it's worth noting that ignoring Draco Meteor drops means it's risky to use it as a check to Dragon-types if you aren't a Fairy-type.

Common Unaware users: :scream-tail: :mandibuzz:
Uncommon Unaware users::empoleon::garchomp:
Niche Unaware users::blissey: :ursaluna-bloodmoon::deoxys-defense::chansey::cresselia::mew:
Users you might consider: Bulky walls or setup sweepers that appreciate checking set-up sweepers.

Vessel of Ruin:
This Pokemon lowers the Special Attack stat of all Pokemon on the field without Vessel of Ruin by 25%

Vessel of Ruin is a great catch-all defensive amplification ability. Vessel of Ruin essentially provides a 33% Special Defense boost to the user, making it easy to slap onto any special wall, but it's slightly more niche than the Attack reduction abilities because most special walls will either prefer RegenVest, Unaware, or a type-immunity ability.

Common Vessel of Ruin users: :empoleon:
Uncommon Vessel of Ruin users::roaring-moon::corviknight::heatran::iron-treads::ting-lu::garchomp:
Niche Vessel of Ruin users::garganacl::mew::slowking-galar:
Users you might consider: Special walls that don't want RegenVest and don't need an immunity ability.

7b: The Bad

Multiscale and it's upgraded cousin Shadow Shield are always worse than a general defensive amplification ability. There is no benefit to taking less damage on a single hit when you could take less damage on every hit. Don't use either, but especially don't use Multiscale, as Shadow Shield strictly outclasses it

Dauntless Shield is a strictly inferior version of Intimidate, as it only applies once per switch-in in Gen 9. The boost to Body Press does not justify the complete waste of an ability slot if forced out even once.

Mirror Armor is an awful ability, don't try. Using it to counter Intimidate is appealing until you remember Intimidate is used by Pokemon who usually don't care enough about their own Attack to justify wasting an ability slot on Mirror Armor.[/B]

8a: The Good


Status moves used by this Pokemon have +1 added to their priority. Dark-types are immune to Prankster-boosted moves.

Prankster is the quintessential suicide lead ability: come out turn 1, get up hazards or screens, then faint or switch out to your powerful sweepers. It also sees use on more defensive Pokemon looking to take advantage of boosted priority on moves like Toxic, Destiny Bond, and Parting Shot. Any utility-heavy Pokemon that values the increased priority of status moves can justify running Prankster.

Common Prankster users: :corviknight: :deoxys-speed: :pecharunt:
Uncommon Prankster users::skarmory::ting-lu::ceruledge:
Niche Prankster users::blissey: :gengar::deoxys-defense::mew::ribombee::smeargle::toxapex:
Users you might consider: Entry hazard leads or status spreaders that appreciate the consistency of moving first

This Pokemon can poison a target even if it's a Steel- or Poison-type.

Corrosion instantly turns any Pokemon with Toxic into a dangerous status spreader. Suddenly, Corviknight or Pecharunt can't come in for free on Toxic and now they're getting worn down remarkably quickly. Corrosion is relatively niche, as Toxic is a rarer move in Gen 9 and the utility of poisoning Steel- and Poison-types doesn't bring consistent value every single game, but on Pokemon who can afford the ability slot it's often worthwhile.

Common Corrosion users: :pecharunt:
Uncommon Corrosion users::iron-moth:
Niche Corrosion users::gengar::toxapex:
Users you might consider: Pokemon with the primary goal of spreading Toxic damage

Aroma Veil:
Protects the user from the effects of Taunt, Torment, Encore, Disable, Cursed Body, Heal Block / Psychic Noise, and infatuation.

Aroma Veil is a niche option on hyper offense leads over Prankster, choosing to sacrifice the utility of moving first in exchange for a slight advantage in the hyper offense ditto, ignoring the opponent's Taunt and getting your own Taunt, screens or hazards up for free. Aroma Veil, of course, does not guarantee you move first and has little value if your opponent doesn't click Taunt or Encore, but the instant advantage versus other hyper offense teams occasionally makes it worth it.

Uncommon Aroma Veil users: :deoxys-speed:
Niche Aroma Veil users::ribombee::smeargle:
Users you might consider: Hyper offense leads that don't necessarily need Prankster

Scrappy allows the user to hit Ghost-types with Normal and Fighting moves, while also ignoring the effect of Intimidate.

Scrappy is almost always seen on Fighting-type Pokemon, as hitting Ghost-types with Close Combat (or Rapid Spin, if you're Great Tusk) is an invaluable trait. Ignoring Intimidate is also invaluable, as Intimidate is otherwise one of the most reliable ways to check physical attackers-- effectively making Scrappy a damage amplification ability in that matchup.

Common Scrappy users: :great-tusk::zamazenta:
Uncommon Scrappy users: :iron-hands: :iron-treads:
Users you might consider: Powerful Fighting-types or Rapid Spin users that appreciate the ability to hit Ghost-types

All moves used by this Pokemon are Normal-type and receive a 20% power boost.

This ability is here and not with the other type-boosting abilities because the only use case is Normalize Gengar, a set consisting of Skill Swap and Mean Look to trap and effectively neutralize an opponent, rendering them completely unable to hit Gengar barring moves like Weather Ball. This gives Gengar the freedom to either set up Toxic Spikes or set up to +6 with Nasty Plot. No other Pokemon should use Normalize. It is a garbage ability and the only use case is giving it to your opponent.

Common Normalize users: :gengar:
Niche Normalize users: :polteageist:
Users you might consider: No. No, don't use this on anything else.

Protosynthesis / Quark Drive
When a Pokemon with Protosynthesis / Quark Drive is in harsh sunlight/Electric Terrain or holds a Booster Energy, it's highest stat is boosted by 30% unless the highest stat is Speed, in which case it's boosted by 50%. The Booster Energy item is consumed.

Protosynthesis / Quark Drive should only, and I mean only, be used on hyper offense teams looking for a one-time Speed boost with the Booster Energy. The 30% boost to another stat is not ever worth it. Protosynthesis/Quark Drive are niche abilities on setup Pokemon with middling-but-acceptable Speed that really appreciate the Speed boost allowing them to outspeed faster threats like Roaring Moon.

Common Protosynthesis/Quark Drive users: :manaphy:
Uncommon Protosynthesis/Quark Drive users::great-tusk:
Users you might consider: Setup Pokemon on hyper offense that need the one-time 50% Speed boost.

Surge Surfer:
This Pokemon's Speed is doubled on Electric Terrain. If the terrain changes or runs out, the Pokemon returns to it's normal Speed stat.

Surge Surfer is a niche option on teams sporting powerful Hadron Engine sweepers, acting as powerful speed control complementing the Hadron wallbreaker. Surge Surfer is useful for Pokemon with low of middling Speed that highly appreciate the 2x boost putting them either on par with or outright faster than speedsters like Roaring Moon and base 110 Pokemon. Surge Surfer users often appreciate having either Electric-type STAB or powerful Electric-type coverage, allowing them to make full use of Electric Terrain offensively.

Common Surge Surfer users: :iron-hands:
Uncommon Surge Surfer users::great-tusk::gholdengo::ceruledge:
Niche Surge Surfer Users::thundurus-therian:
Users you might consider: Slow/middling Speed Pokemon on Hadron Engine teams
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SV AAA - Common Ability Index
AKA the dummie's guide to ladder cheese

Last Updated: 01/02/2025

Many people find themselves struggling to get into Almost Any Ability due to a perception of "jankiness" and being unable to immediately tell which Pokemon are likely to use which abilities. This index intends to serve, alongside our Viability Rankings, as a resource to index the most common abilities a given Pokemon will run, as well as some more niche options you may find during a laddering session. Abilities are listed roughly in order of how common they are. Bolded abilities are, according to the official VR, the most viable and generally the best to consider using for yourself. Abilities generally considered unviable or outclassed will be marked with italics. Many of the abilities listed here are not considered viable, but because they are common, they are listed here to help new players getting into the tier understand what they may be running into.

To be considered for this ability index, a Pokemon has to either:
- Be ranked on our official Viability Rankings
- Reach 3.41% usage

If a VR ranked Pokemon has under 1.8% Usage at 1500, it will not be featured due to lack of data

This index will be updated roughly every month to use the most up-to-date data possible. All data used is sourced directly from the index of stats. As a general rule-of-thumb, if something achieved over 3% usage in at least one of the monthly data sets for AAA, it is considered for this index.

:great-tusk: Scrappy, Fluffy, Regenerator, Refrigerate, Water Absorb, Sword of Ruin, Tough Claws, Wandering Spirit

:roaring-moon: Sword of Ruin, Regenerator, Magic Guard, Tough Claws, Fluffy,

:corviknight: Fluffy, Well-Baked Body, Intimidate, Volt Absorb, Prankster, Water Absorb

:gholdengo: Adaptability, Ground-Immunity Abilities, Well-Baked Body, Magic Guard, Bulletproof, Hadron Engine, Beads of Ruin

:pecharunt: Prankster, Corrosion, Intimidate, Earth Eater, Fluffy

:swampert: Regenerator, Sap Sipper

:zamazenta: Sword of Ruin, Scrappy, Magic Guard, Tough Claws

:zapdos: Primordial Sea, No Guard, Drizzle, Fluffy

:chien-pao: Sword of Ruin, Adaptability, Serene Grace, Magic Guard, Sheer Force, Anger Shell

:deoxys-speed: Psychic Surge, Sheer Force, Hadron Engine, No Guard, Protean, Neuroforce

:manaphy: Regenerator, Motor Drive, Surge Surfer, Unaware, Fluffy, Protosynthesis

:scream-tail: Pixilate, Unaware, Fluffy, Prankster

:ceruledge: Sword of Ruin, Desolate Land, Adaptability, Prankster, Sharpness, Purifying Salt

:heatran: Ground-Immunity Abilities, Desolate Land, Water Absorb, Magic Guard

:iron-hands: Regenerator, Galvanize, Ground-Immunity Abilities, Surge Surfer, Weak Armor

:iron-moth: Desolate Land, Sheer Force, Serene Grace, Hadron Engine, Ground-Immunity Abilities, Beads of Ruin

:iron-treads: Bulletproof, Well-Baked Body, Regenerator, Water Absorb, Refrigerate, Ground-Immunity Abilities

:meowscarada: Sniper, Sword of Ruin, Adaptability, Grassy Surge, Tinted Lens

:moltres: Desolate Land, Magic Guard

:primarina: Primordial Sea, Regenerator, Stamina, Electric-Immunity Abilities, Sheer Force, Unaware

:skarmory: Well-Baked Body, Volt Absorb, Fluffy, Iron Barbs, Flame Body, Intimidate

:azelf: Psychic Surge, Refrigerate, Protean

:cinderace: Magic Guard, Desolate Land, Sheer Force, Prankster, Drought

:iron-boulder: Sharpness, Rocky Payload, Chilling Neigh, Sniper

:latios: Hadron Engine, Adaptability, Beads of Ruin, Tinted Lens, Dragon's Maw, Sheer Force

:ogerpon-hearthflame: Desolate Land, Grassy Surge, Chlorophyll, Mold Breaker, Adaptability, Sword of Ruin

:ogerpon-wellspring: Primordial Sea, Sword of Ruin, Adaptability, Grassy Surge, Swift Swim

:sandy-shocks: Hadron Engine

:ting-lu: Regenerator, Fluffy, Water Absorb, Stamina, Tablets of Ruin, Unaware, Prankster

:electrode-hisui: Magic Guard, Hadron Engine, Grassy Surge

:empoleon: Volt Absorb, Vessel of Ruin, Bulletproof, Regenerator

:garchomp: Toxic Chain, Adaptability, Weak Armor, Regenerator, Dragon's Maw, Beast Boost, Tinted Lens

:iron-crown: Well-Baked Body, Tinted Lens, Magic Guard, Psychic Surge, Hadron Engine, Regenerator

:kingambit: Adaptability, Ground-Immunity Abilities, Tinted Lens, Dark Aura, Well-Baked Body, Sword of Ruin

:mandibuzz: Well-Baked Body, Unaware, Fluffy, Delta Stream, Corrosion, Magic Guard, Regenerator

:ogerpon-cornerstone:Rocky Payload, Sword of Ruin, Grassy Surge, Adaptability, Sand Stream

:barraskewda: Primordial Sea, Sword of Ruin, Adaptability, Supreme Overlord

:blissey: Unaware, Magic Guard, Stamina, Regenerator, Water Absorb, Fluffy

:garganacl: Water Absorb, Fluffy, Sand Stream, Intimidate, Regenerator, Unaware

:gengar:Normalize, Merciless, Sheer Force

:goodra-hisui: Regenerator, Earth Eater, Unaware

:landorus-therian: Aerilate, Fluffy, Mold Breaker, Regenerator, Desolate Land, Water Absorb

:slither-wing: Tinted Lens, Adaptability, Magic Guard, Sword of Ruin

:ursaluna-bloodmoon: Steam Engine, Storm Drain, Adaptability, Quick Draw, Pixilate

:archaludon: Primordial Sea, Swift Swim, Drizzle

:deoxys-defense: Unaware, Drought, Fluffy, Prankster, Regenerator, Stamina

:kommo-o: Galvanize, Punk Rock, Anger Shell, Supreme Overlord, Sheer Force, Pixilate, Hydration

:mamoswine: Technician, Adaptability

:polteageist:Queenly Majesty, Anger Shell, Normalize, Psychic Surge

:regieleki: Refrigerate, Pixilate, Hadron Engine, Galvanize, No Guard

:ribombee: Prankster, Magic Guard, Sturdy, Truant

:samurott-hisui: Adaptability, Regenerator, Sharpness, Dark Aura, Prankster

:sinistcha: Fluffy, Bulletproof, Well-Baked Body, Tablets of Ruin, Prankster, Unaware

:smeargle: Prankster, Sturdy, Weak Armor

:talonflame: Magic Guard

:thundurus-therian: Hadron Engine, Primordial Sea, Slush Rush

:tinkaton: Regenerator, Sturdy, Steely Spirit, Well-Baked Body, Prankster

:zapdos-galar:Magic Guard, Sword of Ruin, Wind Rider, Adaptability, Gale Wings

:scizor: Regenerator, Well-Baked Body, Fluffy, Steelworker
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So...what do we do here?
Welcome to the AAA Resources thread! One thing we very much want to encourage this generation is community involvement in the resources thread. We got an amazing response when we asked for sample sets in the main thread, and that's what we want to continue here.

What goes here?
Do you have a sample set for a mon on the VR? Post it here, especially for mons that do not have sample sets/analyses. Think something is in the wrong place on the viability ranking, or missing a viable ability? Tell us why. Do you think one of the analyses is out of date, or could be improved? Make the suggestion. See something missing from the Speed tiers? Point it out. Are there other types of resources you would like to see? We're all ears!

What still goes in
the main thread?
Basically, everything else. Tiering actions, cool strategies you've found, sharing sample teams or fun teams you've been using, etc. all still go in the main thread. This thread is for specifically contributing to resources, everything else still goes in the main thread.

Thanks for all the contributions you've made so far, and we look forward to seeing what else you come up with!
I'd like to nominate Baxcalibur to mid. It has a great offensive typing and strong priority in ice shard that makes it very nice vs a lot of the meta. I don't have any replays to show, but I climbed to 1400 on the ladder with it and can pretty confidently it deserves to be mid tier.

Baxcalibur @ Choice Band
Ability: Sword of Ruin / Mold Breaker
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Glaive Rush
- Icicle Crash
- Ice Shard
- Earthquake

I've found Choice Band to be better, but a Boots set with SD over EQ is also pretty solid.
I'd like to suggest moving up :Iron Valiant: Iron Valiant to High.

With a simple set such as this:

Iron Valiant @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Moonblast
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball / Knock Off
- Close Combat

This Pokemon is able to tear into teams from both spectrums making defensive counterplay difficult at best. The chief example, one which I am sure many familiar with AAA currently have experienced is that of Corviknight vs Iron Valiant, or more specifically how Iron Valiant totally wrecks one of the most common defensive pivots / defoggers available, regardless of set.

Oh it is Ice Scales Corviknight get 2-3hko'd, 4 Atk Life Orb Iron Valiant Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Corviknight: 203-239 (50.7 - 59.7%) -- 84% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

Oh it is Fur Coat Corviknight get 1-2hko'd, 252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Iron Valiant Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Corviknight: 356-421 (89 - 105.2%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO

Despite not being the fastest threat, Iron Valiant ain't slow, it faces competition from faster special attackers like Flutter Mane but is able to break past defensive counterplay that would stymie common Flutter Mane sets. This attribute can't be understated and this is ignoring the various other sets it can run from Scarf Trick to other potentially unexplored sets. Point is, Iron Valiant is a monster of a pokemon, it's limits haven't been fully explored and it is already so potent that I am hard-pressed to find good counterplay to it outside of prediction or simply not allowing it the opportunity which, in my opinion doesn't fit it's place in Middle viability.

(Woops I did it again Edit: Accidentally didn't input right calcs as pointed out by Astralydia below)
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I'd like to suggest moving up :Iron Valiant: Iron Valiant to High.

With a simple set such as this:

Iron Valiant @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Naive Nature
- Moonblast
- Thunderbolt
- Shadow Ball / Knock Off
- Close Combat

This Pokemon is able to tear into teams from both spectrums making defensive counterplay difficult at best. The chief example, one which I am sure many familiar with AAA currently have experienced is that of Corviknight vs Iron Valiant, or more specifically how Iron Valiant totally wrecks one of the most common defensive pivots / defoggers available, regardless of set.

Oh it is Ice Scales Corviknight get 2hko'd, 0 Atk Life Orb Iron Valiant Close Combat vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Corviknight: 200-238 (59.3 - 70.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO.

Oh it is Fur Coat Corviknight get 1hko'd, 252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Iron Valiant Thunderbolt vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Corviknight: 359-424 (106.5 - 125.8%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Despite not being the fastest threat, Iron Valiant ain't slow, it faces competition from faster special attackers like Flutter Mane but is able to break past defensive counterplay that would stymie common Flutter Mane sets. This attribute can't be understated and this is ignoring the various other sets it can run from Scarf Trick to other potentially unexplored sets. Point is, Iron Valiant is a monster of a pokemon, it's limits haven't been fully explored and it is already so potent that I am hard-pressed to find good counterplay to it outside of prediction or simply not allowing it the opportunity which, in my opinion doesn't fit it's place in Middle viability.
The benchmarks are lacking HP investment - whilst not too important, this actually makes Corviknight a bit more of a reliable pivot. In the case of Ice Scales, you'll need to predict correctly, and in the case of Fur Coat, Thunderbolt isn't an automatic OHKO, meaning that in pinch situations, Corviknight can at least attempt to check Valiant if the game depends on it. However, this isn't an argument against the nom - just an observation.
4 Atk Life Orb Iron Valiant Close Combat vs. 252 HP / 4 Def Corviknight: 203-239 (50.7 - 59.7%) -- 84% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Life Orb Sheer Force Iron Valiant Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Corviknight: 356-421 (89 - 105.2%) -- 31.3% chance to OHKO
Ok I didn't think I would be back in this thread again so quickly but think the defensive Great Tusk set can be improved a little.

The first change is removing 32 EVs from HP and the 4 in Atk and moving them to speed. This creeps Jolly Iron Hands and let's you tie +Speed base 100s. It might be worth to invest 40 EVs into speed to outspeed base 100s at +1, but the most important thing is creeping Hands IMO.

Also I think Stealth Rock can be slashed behind Body Press for the 4th slot, as Great Tusk is often able to find opportunities to set up Rocks during a game and matches up pretty well vs a lot of the tier's hazard removal.

anyways this is what i think the new sett should look like

Great Tusk @ Leftovers / Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 220 HP / 252 Def / 36 Spe
Impish Nature
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Rapid Spin
- Body Press / Stealth Rock
Palo needs a sample set!
Palossand @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Stealth Rock
- Shore Up
- Earth Power
- Shadow Ball

I randomly decided that I wanted to try Palossand and looked around the forums and resources a bit, as well as asking on PS. The most I could find was "decent physical wall, gog set better, hippo better". Haters. Palossand being part Ghost-type actually came into play quite a bit with spinblocking and just taking less chip from random U-Turns

Shadow Ball I think separates Palossand from Hippowdon as well, as now you can waste Corviknight's Roosts if it just tries to 1v1 you, or force it out and manage to keep your rocks. Also in last mon scenarios you get plenty of chances to spam Shadow Ball vs, say, DD Dragonite, which means most times it won't be able to get enough boosts to kill you then sweep your whole team because of Roost PP and SpDef drop chances.

In my opinion Earth Power is slightly more important than Shadow Ball, so I tried a few more options in place of Shadow Ball. Protect for Choiced Chi-Yu / Flutter Mane, Chilling Water for just the attack drop in case someone really tries to muscle past you, Hypnosis cos why not, and Imprison to prevent rocks. All were kinda meh, maybe Protect closest to useful but I ended up going back to Shadow Ball every time.

This mon ate every physical hit, including super effective ones and tinted lens ones and was one of . I haven't tried the other mons as much/at all so can't say too much for it's ranking, maybe near the bottom of Mid rather than in Low but that's whatever. It does have its flaws tho - VERY PASSIVE. All you can do is pray for some SpDef drops and nothing else. Hippowdon having Whirlwind over it is also a big thing even if Hippo can't touch Corviknight because shuffling through hazards is great even with the drawback of being useless vs last mon.

I think Palossand fits some very niche role over its competitors but it's not a completely overshadowed mon either.
Okay folks, next nom to move up is one I think few will disagree with and is a Pokemon that runs a wide number of abilities to fit the team it is on and that Pokemon is none other then :Gholdengo: Gholdengo! It is in my opinion a top tier Pokemon in AAA and should be grouped up with the titans of the meta!

The reason? Simple, it can effectively fit into most teams and run a wide range of abilities such that when facing one you never actually know what it is running till it is too late. Every single match with a Gholdengo is one in which you are never sure if you are up against one that is immune to ground (Earth Eater), immune to fire (Well-Baked Body), extremely physically bulky (Fur Coat), or running more niche abilities such as Bulletproof to stop incoming threats from checking it. It can run tanky sets, choiced sets with trick, bulky offensive sets, sub based sets, and performs these roles to similar degrees of effectiveness.

Gholdengo is a pokemon that basically has everything it really needs to perform, it's dual stabs are resisted by a scant few Pokemon, and give it a great number of resists and immunities. It's movepool contains everything it needs similarly to it's typing having access to the unique steel move Make It Rain! on top of Shadow Ball, Recover, Substitute, Trick, Nasty Plot, and so forth... It is one of the few pokemon that can actually run it's regular ability and get away with it in AAA... this in of itself says a lot about how powerful and effective it is in it's role as a bulky steel/ghost.

It can also check or counter a number of the top rated pokemon simply by running a variety of sets for example, it can run Well-Baked Body and counter Iron Moth, Substitute sets can setup in front of Garganacl for free, Dragonite is forced to EQ but can backfire when facing Fur Coat or ground immune abilities, heck... whilst the following isn't something you should necessarily run Gholdengo could easily counter non-mold breaker variants of Iron Bundle with any sort of water immunity. It is a Pokemon that can easily punish the most common pivot and defogger, Corviknight, it can scare off every single variant of the steely bird but Power Trip sets which take too long to setup to effectively handle Gholdengo before it sets up itself and breaks through Ice Scales. The list of what it can run is vast and it is this fact that elevates it far above other Pokemon in my opinion. Facing one forces you into guessing what it is running or testing out the waters, this allows a Gholdengo player to easily bluff abilities such as Well-Baked Body or Earth Eater lest the opponent wants to risk a pokemon or give way to a easy setup moment.

TLDR: Gholdengo is a bundle of potential abilities with great firepower and greater typing and should not be lumped in the Middle of the VR but firmly placed at the top.
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Supporting both the Gholdnego and Iron Valiant promotions, Gholdnego is just immensely useful and versatile with all its set whether RegenScarf, Bulky FC/Type Immunity or other stuff like Specs or such while Iron Valiant is just a really good mixed Wallbreaker that can actually break through the dominant FurScale cores that are everywhere.

Also, Avalugg should probably belong in low. Without Tera, the Tables typing really holds it back a lot. In terms of physical threats that can break through, mixed Pult/DNite/Iron Valiant, OPulse/Adapt Slitherwing, Cereludge, Offensive Tusk, BDrum Iron Hands and even Kingambit all have the capability to break Avalugg without that much trouble and so fails to find much appeal on a lot of teams that can't really find much space to find defensive answers to all of them and has meh utility overall with no pivot. Still can be worth considering as it can still wall mons that it doesn't have a poor type matchup like non-mixed DNite and Baxculibur but in most cases, at least on balance, I find FC Hippowdown as a fat sponge to be a lot better as its type doesn't suck as much and can handle generally more or even Iron Hands for the typing + pivot. Definitely also seen a lot less Tables on ladder as well, which is probably indicative of others realizing the same.

Also nominating Fur Coat Slitherwing, Stakeout CB Tusk and Stakeout Iron Valiant to be put on the VR, although I'm really just coping because I'm the only one using either Stakeout mons, but they are genuinely good options I swear. Fur Coat Slitherwing is just a cool defensive options for its ability to pivot + wisp which is enough to sell it for me but its typing also allows it to check offensive Tusk, Kingambit and BDrum Iron Hands nicely (also beats Meowscarada very well, I guess). It does admittedly struggle with stuff like Cereludge and DNite but the list isn't so long I can't put in teammates to handle them (Dazzling Flutter can lure both for players who don't scout first) with the utility that it brings, mainly just pivot because pivot is annoying to find on defensive mons these days while still being as useful as ever. Nvm I just got trolled since FC just isn't on the VR ranking but it is on SmogDex (add it to VR though).

Stakeout Tusk is a good alternative to MBreaker (I swear), it poses a similar ability to rip and shred fat or more passive teams that let it keep coming in while having an improved performance against mons that aren't FurCoat, Stakeout allowing it to do things like OHKO'ing defensive RegenTusk and spamming Knock in fear of immunities also becomes a lot better to do (doing like 80-90 to IceScales Corv). Does perform less reliably against fat FurCoat mons but with good play they can be chipped into 2HKO range, Tusk still doing 70-80 to FC Hippowdown on the switch + next attack. Heavily prediction reliant though with both STABs having common immunities so you better start praying whenever you click an attack.

Stakeout Iron Valiant I've admittedly tested less than either, but I've found it pretty cool (and if FC Flutter and IceScales Chomp can go on the viability rankings, which I've never seen on ladder once, why not this). Main advantage of this set is really capitalizing on forced switches and unlike Tusk not struggling to break FurScales. Wrecking basically anything coming in (if you can get the predict right*), even dedicated checks to Valiant like physically defensive IceScales Florges or specially defensive Scream Tail can be put into 2HKO range with some little chip and can straight up OHKO Corviknight on the switch which people still do fairly often, meaning the Corv can't escape and live another day. Life Orb recoil is annoying though and is heavily prediction reliant but this can be solved with just getting good™. It can also struggle a bit on getting in position to force some things out, although I've paired it with things like offensive SlitherWing to pivot it on FurCoat mons which usually switch out.
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Poltea set

Polteageist @ White Herb

Ability: Queenly Majesty

EVs: 232 Def / 24 SpA / 252 Spe

Timid Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Shell Smash

- Shadow Ball

- Stored Power

- Giga Drain

heres my personal poltea set. the evs may seem weird but ive evd them to tank dnite ( +1 252+ Atk Dragonite Earthquake vs. 0 HP / 232 Def Polteageist: 193-228 (73.9 - 87.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock ) another mon it can sometimes switch in on is blissey, apart from the occasional shadow ball. of course, the best set is prob

Polteageist @ White Herb

Ability: Queenly Majesty

EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe

Modest Nature

IVs: 0 Atk

- Shell Smash

- Shadow Ball

- Stored Power

- Giga Drain
I'd like to nominate Baxcalibur to mid.
I'd like to suggest moving up :Iron Valiant: Iron Valiant to High.
Palo needs a sample set!
Okay folks, next nom to move up is one I think few will disagree with and is a Pokemon that runs a wide number of abilities to fit the team it is on and that Pokemon is none other then :Gholdengo: Gholdengo!
Yeah wth was that in mid? Did!
Also, Avalugg should probably belong in low.
Also nominating Fur Coat Slitherwing, Stakeout CB Tusk and Stakeout Iron Valiant to be put on the VR
Poltea set
Yeah we can add the matchup Teapot, did!

Thanks for all the great suggestions, and if you have more, keep them coming!
Dondozo with prankster rest-talk, liquidation, curse should be in low

I can get behind Dondozo being in low, although Prankster doesn't seem like that good an ability to put on that, do you really need to move faster than your opponents at all as Dondozo? If you wanna go for a bulky wincon you could always slap IceScales on that set or even FurCoat or smth. Or just use it as a bulky wall with Regen but idk I haven't tested it all.
I'd also like to argue that Iron Bundle is at best mid viability.

What makes it broken in OU is its speed+unresisted stab combination making nothing but Blissey a true switch-in. However, the prevalence of ice scales means it gets walled extremely easily by the likes of spdef corviknight or Florges unless it's specs primordial sea (as for florges it walls regardless). Functionally we have so many options for general special walls that it falls flat in too many games.

It also gets walled by the desolate land fire types (volc and iron moth) who also prevent flip turn and shifts momentum heavily. All this alongside poor defensive typing and stats make it no where near as strong as the top threats.

It's speed and access to flip turn mean its offensive sets will always be good and some interesting defensive sets (snow-warning aurora) can be scary but it's misplaced in top tier imo.

I can get behind Dondozo being in low, although Prankster doesn't seem like that good an ability to put on that, do you really need to move faster than your opponents at all as Dondozo? If you wanna go for a bulky wincon you could always slap IceScales on that set or even FurCoat or smth. Or just use it as a bulky wall with Regen but idk I haven't tested it all.

I had some success with prankster at a high-ish rank I think running spdef and being able to instantly boost defence before you get hit is a big deal. Plus being able to heal before getting hit also makes a big difference. Then being able to attack or boost with priority using sleep talk (although unreliable) can and does win games. Ice scales I could see working for sure I just think the opportunity cost is too high to give up corv, florges, garg or something else with that ability and the same goes with regen. It doesn't do much when it switches in each time (it seems like more of a wincon pokemon) so I think regen wouldn't be too good but maybe it could work.
I'd also like to argue that Iron Bundle is at best mid viability.

What makes it broken in OU is its speed+unresisted stab combination making nothing but Blissey a true switch-in. However, the prevalence of ice scales means it gets walled extremely easily by the likes of spdef corviknight or Florges unless it's specs primordial sea (as for florges it walls regardless). Functionally we have so many options for general special walls that it falls flat in too many games.

It also gets walled by the desolate land fire types (volc and iron moth) who also prevent flip turn and shifts momentum heavily. All this alongside poor defensive typing and stats make it no where near as strong as the top threats.

It's speed and access to flip turn mean its offensive sets will always be good and some interesting defensive sets (snow-warning aurora) can be scary but it's misplaced in top tier imo.

Specs Primordial Sea Bundle is the most common set and it can very easily put Corviknight in range with good play with Flip Turn doing 20% ish while Pump can do 40%. It can still apply quite the bit of pressure of teams and despite DesoVolc/Moth it has U-Turn to keep up the momentum against them. I think the fact so many teams have specific counterplay just for Bundle and is always kept in mind when keeping special threats in mind is enough to show why it's high, it can still be immensely threatening with its power and its speed is still great only being outsped by Scarfers and Pult, IceScales Corv isn't hard to be chipped into 2HKO range with good play and even mons that essentially always wall it can still be exploited for momentum with U-Turn/Flip Turn. I'd also like the mention the funniest Galvanise Banded Giga Impact Bundle that OHKO's Corv and Iron Moth on the switch which Aesf made because its just hilarious.

Also while I'm here nominating Fur Coat as a viable ability for Volcarona. I've talked about it before and after a bit more testing it still is rather cool on HO anyway, which is the only place I've tested it on and where the opportunity cost of using FC on Volc and SR weakness don't come into play much and can pair up with other offensive monsters to overwhelm annoying special walls like Clodsire. Also why are there two Polteageists on the VR ranking?

Volcarona @ Heavy-Duty Boots / Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
Tera Type: Bug
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Quiver Dance
- Bug Buzz / Will-O-Wisp / Giga Drain / Psychic
- Fiery Dance
- Morning Sun
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Sample set:
Flutter Mane @ Leftovers
Ability: Fur Coat
EVs: 120 Def / 132 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Calm Mind
- Shadow Ball
- Moonblast
- Pain Split

120 Def lets it always live +1 Sharp Beak Aerilate Dragonite's Extreme Speed; +1 252+ Atk Sharp Beak Aerilate Dragonite Extreme Speed vs. 0 HP / 120 Def Fur Coat Flutter Mane: 211-250 (84 - 99.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
id like to nominate well-baked body gholdengho as a set on the vr

Gholdengo wbb
Gholdengo @ Leftovers
Ability: Well-Baked Body
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Make It Rain
- Recover

heres a analysis if u want one (seperate from the defensive nasty plot)
Defensive Moth Check (lol)
Gholdengo's reliable recovery in Recover, ability to setup and hit hard with Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball and Make It Rain, and lastly excellent typing granting it many resists and few weaknesses. Its typing allows it, with a fire immunity ability, to check Iron Moth and Volcarona very well, as well as checking Iron Valiant, Noivern, Scream Tail and Slither Wing naturally. With Well-Baked Body, it is only weak to Ground, Ghost and Dark. With the most common ghost types being Flutter Mane and Dragapult, a good Ice Scales user like Garganacl or Corviknight can be a good partner for Gholdengo. However, Corviknight needs to be careful for Hadron Engine variants. Corviknight doubles as a partner by being able to eat the ground type moves that may plague Gholdengo. Its dark weakness is also accounted for in the fact that there aren't alot of dark types, with mainly Chi-Yu and Kingambit. Chi-Yu can get revenge killed by Aerilate Dragonite, which can be another partner for Gholdengo as it is also immune to ground types. Kingambit can be reliably check but a common Fur Coat User Iron Hands.
id like to nominate well-baked body gholdengho as a set on the vr

Gholdengo wbb
Gholdengo @ Leftovers
Ability: Well-Baked Body
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Nasty Plot
- Shadow Ball
- Make It Rain
- Recover

heres a analysis if u want one (seperate from the defensive nasty plot)
Defensive Moth Check (lol)
Gholdengo's reliable recovery in Recover, ability to setup and hit hard with Nasty Plot, Shadow Ball and Make It Rain, and lastly excellent typing granting it many resists and few weaknesses. Its typing allows it, with a fire immunity ability, to check Iron Moth and Volcarona very well, as well as checking Iron Valiant, Noivern, Scream Tail and Slither Wing naturally. With Well-Baked Body, it is only weak to Ground, Ghost and Dark. With the most common ghost types being Flutter Mane and Dragapult, a good Ice Scales user like Garganacl or Corviknight can be a good partner for Gholdengo. However, Corviknight needs to be careful for Hadron Engine variants. Corviknight doubles as a partner by being able to eat the ground type moves that may plague Gholdengo. Its dark weakness is also accounted for in the fact that there aren't alot of dark types, with mainly Chi-Yu and Kingambit. Chi-Yu can get revenge killed by Aerilate Dragonite, which can be another partner for Gholdengo as it is also immune to ground types. Kingambit can be reliably check but a common Fur Coat User Iron Hands.

I think you're already aware but WBB is already included with Defensive NP set on Smogdex and so already has a set (although isn't on the VR, for some reason) and I don't believe there's enough to distinguish WBB Gholdengo from the other sets to warrant it's own analysis and set as it functions similarly enough outside the defensive aspect (and would warrant another analysis for Earth Eater). On the set itself, Substitute should also be in there.
heres my desoland / opulse cinderace pivot, tlens / sf and mguard sets. id nominate it for around mid (def better ceruledge)
sun pivot
Cinderace @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Desolate Land
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pyro Ball
- High Jump Kick
- U-turn
- Swords Dance

tlens / sf
Cinderace @ Life Orb
Ability: Tinted Lens
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Pyro Ball
- High Jump Kick
- Taunt
- Swords Dance

mguard x2 (idk i have one more defensive and one offensive)

defensive mguard
Cinderace @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Will-O-Wisp
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
- Court Change

offensive mguard
Cinderace @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- High Jump Kick
- Flare Blitz
- U-turn
i dont mind writing an analysis for cinder if no one has reserved the spot yet (we havent removed flutter from vr)