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Username: spatulakun
PO/PS! Username: spatulakun
Your timezone: GMT-4
Usual Hours of Availability: Any time is fine. Can easily do mornings.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: Started off in SM OU and occasionally play tournaments, but have not made it too far in many of them. Enjoy teambuilding but struggle at times with the fundamentals. Would appreciate some help with understanding gameplans and how to make effective decisions at each turn.
Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: CashKP PO/PS! Username: Cash Your timezone: EST Usual Hours of Availability: anytime on weekdays, no weekends Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have been playing forever. Ive had a lot of success through a lot of tiers and Mono is one of the only things I have never played. I have a good grasp on all the basics and battling in general. I mostly play 1v1 now but I wanna learn something new while I have time. Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Silveruby PO/PS! Username: Silveruby Your timezone: GMT - 5 Usual Hours of Availability: 5 pm-7AM Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: I started my first PS account in 2014 to little success and I been playing on and off since then. Recently, I found myself somewhat successful in the gen7 ou metagame and entering tournaments in hopes of improving. I'm looking to get into the monotype metagame as it holds a near and dear place in my heart. Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes, Silveruby#1744 Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes, I do
Username: RahelGamer03 PO/PS! Username: RahelGamer03 Your timezone: GMT-4
Usual Hours of Availability: I am every day in my mornings, afternoons and nights Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitive last year where I became main sm pu which is the tier that I dominate the most in Pokemon from there I started to get interested in other times like monotype and ubers where among the tutorials this gene has called me the antencion ru, but I want to improve more in ss pu since it is my favorite tier Are you able to use either Discord?: RahelGamer03#8102 Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
Username: BulbaBrain PO/PS! Username: BulbaBrain; Jellieeee (Alt account I may sometimes be on) Your timezone: gmt +8 Usual Hours of Availability: Usually in the afternoon from 2.00 onwards. Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started looking through Pokemon at around 2017 and started competitive Pokemon around a year later. I was pretty horrible then as I didn't play as much and didn't really know as much. I really started trying to get into things mid 2019, when I started joining tours like the ssnls and playing tiers like g7 UU and RU. I only started playing PU in around June and really enjoyed it, and decided to main it. SS PU is looking really fun and I'm starting to make a bit of a name for myself. I want to get even better, and my big goal is to get drafted for the next PUPL. Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: quagsgone
PO/PS! Username: quagsgone
Your timezone: GMT +2
Usual Hours of Availability: Most days from after 5pm and I'm pretty free on most weekends.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started in ORAS PU 3/4 years ago which was amazing, but then gen 7 came and I lost interest so I started playing zu/nfe instead. I miss playing PU so hope this can help :D
Are you able to use either Discord?: quag#8620
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
Username: Roxiee PO/PS! Username: Roxiee Your timezone: est Usual Hours of Availability: prefer to schedule and do sessions on PS. Can schedule anytime 1pm -1am Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I main Monotype, was going to do BSS but my tutee wasn't okay with me doing stuff on Pokemon Showdown. I know how to process information and I tab, note, and make use of information provided to me regarding any tutoring in any experience in life. I do not prefer doing sessions on discord even though it's recorded but I do not mind scheduling on there due to reasons. I wanna branch out into more tiers and get noticed more and play inside more premier leagues. Potentially become a tutor like you! I've expanded my skills in Monotype a lot but it's always nice to learn other tiers. I have been playing since late 2017. Are you able to use either Discord?: not for sessions.
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Dreamcatcher PO/PS! Username: Dreamcatcher UwU Your timezone: GMT-7 Usual Hours of Availability: Whenever Zoom University is not required (usually late afternoon to evening) Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've mostly played LC for the majority of the past two years. I started playing SS PU like two weeks ago and really enjoyed learning and playing the tier through sample teams. I'm still unfamiliar with the tier and hope that my tutor can help me understand the tier while teaching me how to build solid teams. Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Mordecai & Rigby
PO/PS! Username: Clorodulce
Your timezone: GMT - 5
Usual Hours of Availability: Most days from after 2pm and I'm pretty free on most weekends.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): In PU, I played since SM, I love using Oricorio Pom Pom or Sensu. Later I play SS PU, a lot of mons were banned and now Idk how to play. I want to lean more about tiers and PU is one of those.
Are you able to use either Discord?: Aham
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
Username: gorex PO/PS! Username: gorex Your timezone: gmt+8 Usual Hours of Availability: 1030am - 1130pm almost every day Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): i started playing mons on ps in 2013, dabbling in ou before moving on to ru in xy and played it throughout oras, took a hiatus till this gen, but now im experienced in ru and nu, being / have been in rupl and nupl for this year. interested in pu because it seems fun when i watch some of the games, but haven't really dabbled in the tier. Are you able to use either Discord?: yes, gorex #8693 Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
Username: Ainzcrad PO/PS! Username: Ainzcrad Your timezone: GMT +2 Usual Hours of Availability: Monday evening (6-12 am), tuesday all day, thursday evening same times as monday, saturday morning, sunday all day Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitive pokémon around 1,5 years ago. I never really mained a tier since i am was still new to the scene. I pretty much played every tier that looked fun to play (ou,mono,ag and pu). Tour record wise i think decent placements and i want to see more of pu. I started kinda playing it on the side (joined to many tours to main a tier) and i loved it. So i basicly want to get better in it tbh. Are you able to use either Discord?: Yeah Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yeah
Username: philisteen PO/PS! Username: philisteen Your timezone: Gmt +3 Generation: SM OU Usual Hours of Availability: Evenings and nights Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started around a couple years ago and have participated in a couple team tournaments and did fine in those, my main focus is to pick up new tiers right now and get good at them, which is why I have signed up. Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: MonkeySniper PO/PS! Username: Pearlshipping4ever Your timezone: GMT -4 Usual Hours of Availability: Mon-Fri 1pm to 11pm | Weekends from 12pm to 12am. Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I began playing competitively in 2015 when I joined ORAS PU but I couldn't seem to make any progress in terms of getting better. I persisted until 2016, when I found that SM PU was simply too drastic of a change for me. I left Pokemon Showdown for 3 years until June 2019, when I returned with a new account and joined ZU. Almost a year later, after hard work and becoming proficient in the tier, I became a voice in the Zeroused room. Thanks to some inspiration from Ho3nConfirm3d, I decided to branch out and try and some new tiers, including SS NU and now SS PU. I hope to become better at PU and improve as a player along the way! Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes. Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes.
Username: Luigi PO/PS! Username: Luigi Your timezone: GMT-3 Usual Hours of Availability: most days my afternoons Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing competitively in 2011 and have found some success in the OU's but i wanna learn a lower tier and pu seems alright Are you able to use either Discord?: get backer#0509 Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
Username: INSANE CARZY GUY PO/PS! Username: INSANE CARZY GUY Your timezone: UTC-4 , East coast Usual Hours of Availability: Tues-Thur besides 4am-11 am Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon:
Started in gen 4, stayed top ou gen 6 with shednija stall till rain got good. I played the crap out of gen 7 pu once liligant was getting banned till it's end. I often built very stally, H.o., fat balance, and Very anti meta. I build more tournament style often over focusing on death by lure or sucker punching + reliable 3 rounds of match-ups.
I wanted to tutor when I saw this and was disappointed I couldn't offer. So I wanna be good enough to do that and to learn to off set my weaknesses as a builder or at least better double down in my horseshit and truly become ruthless at this game
Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: xEpicc PO/PS! Username: adjustments Your timezone: GMT-4 Usual Hours of Availability: any time but my availability matches above Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been in the mono community a while now and have reached a point where I can't progress by myself any more. I've dabbled in other tiers but I've spent a strong 3.5 years in monotype throughout gens 6-8. I'm looking to up my game in time for Monotype Premier League and just want to be a better battler in general. Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes! Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes!
Username: Alternatif PO/PS! Username: Alternatif Your timezone: GMT+2 Generation: DPP Usual Hours of Availability: most of the time, particularly the afternoon Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
I'm mainly an OM player, I participated at the World Cup of Other Metas and at the OMPL. I've also played a bit SM classic tiers, particularly OU and NU. I really like DPP OU, but since I started getting interested in it a few times ago I would like to improve in this tier. Are you able to use either Discord?: y Do you understand how the blacklist works?: y
Username: Salamamders
PS name: Instruct
Timezone: Gmt-4
Usual hours of availability: Available from 3pm to Midnight everyday until lockdown ends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I played a lot of gen 7 monotype but honestly something felt off about moving to gen 8. I am planning on continuing in playing competitive mons and RU looks like a lot of fun of to play. Also, I really don’t want trivia to get curbstomped in PSPL so I want to give a fighting chance for when they play.
Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: lil uchi
PO/PS! Username: lil uchi
Your timezone: GMT+2
Usual Hours of Availability: all evenings
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): playing st, smogon classic and randoms teamtours i start playing end 2018
Are you able to use either Discord?: yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
Username: SanJl PO/PS! Username: SanJl Your timezone: GMT+1 Generation: Oras Usual Hours of Availability: actually most of the time, would prefer in afternoon / evening start Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Started to play pokemon around 2years ago with some breaks in SMUU. Played a lot this tier and tried to learn a bit SMOU aswell. I actually don't like the SSOU so I play only NatDex and DPPOU which I learnt around 1year ago and ADVOU which I started to learn last WCoP or SPL I don't really remember Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes but I have some vocal's issues atm Do you understand how the blacklist works?: y
Username: Hockey1
PO/PS! Username: hockey1
Your timezone: GMT-5/-7
Generation: Oras
Usual Hours of Availability: anytime that im not in school
Tell us a little about your experience in competitiv3 Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Started to play pokemon around 2years ago on smogon played a goo chunk of sm and now have been playing a lot of ss. I was never that good at oras and feel like this could help me bring my oras to the next level.
Are you able to use either Discord?: Yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: y
Username: Ithrowrocksatkids
Ps username: Ithrowrocksatkids
Timezone: EST
Generation: ORAS
Usual hours of availability: all day
Tell us about competitive experience: been playing for around 2 years really only played sm and ss and I feel like I’m fine in those and would like to get better at oras.
Username: -Howkings PO/PS! Username: Howkings Your timezone: Italian timezone just like my tutor Usual Hours of Availability: Afternoon and evening Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I play the game since late 2013, particularly OU and LC. I think i have a good knowledge of any other OU metagame except SS, because i never decided to learn it and play it until now. I guess a tutor is the quickest and most effective way to learn the metagame. Are you able to use Discord?: Sure Do you understand how the blacklist works?: Yes
Username: Kaif
PS! Username: KaifPlays
Your timezone: GMT+6
Generation: bw
Usual Hours of Availability: 8 pm to like 2 am midnight (9 am to 3 pm gmt -5)
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): played different tiers like 1v1 and diff gens of ou for about 2 years now, played some old gen ou tours but not a lot of success obviously. Looking to get into the tier more and learn how to play games without waffling around
Are you able to use either Discord?: yes
Do you understand how the blacklist works?: yes
Username: jeronipuff
Ps username: jeronipuff
Timezone: GMT -4/5
Generation: BW/DPP/ADV
Usual hours of availability: Weekends: All day
Week Days: 12-1 & 5-6
Tell us about competitive experience: Have been playing since late 2013 but never had someone to play much old gens stuff with. Trying to get better as an all around player have some solid wins under my belt but nothing before ORAS. Have been interested in doing more tours in the future and getting into old gens building.
Discord: Yes
Blacklist: Yes