All Official B101 Pairing Records

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Assigned to BIG loven

Username: ina fable
PS! Username: ina fable
Signup Format: Dpp ou
Your timezone: +2
Usual Hours of Availability: i usually can during my nights,(7pm,11pm) and my afternoons some days,on weekend I’m free almost every time
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing ss ou around 2 years ago and became really interested in that tier,made a lot of laddering,joined a lot of tours and had good results. Now after hosting dpppl,dpp gc,and the next dpp ssnl i wanna start playing dpp too
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, requesting Big loven is possible ty
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Assigned to Nalorium

Username: tahatahat
PS! Username: Tahat Tahat/Dondozgoat
Signup Format: BW OU, ORAS OU
Your timezone: -4
Usual Hours of Availability: 9am-midnight -4 until the end of summer (unemployed and home from uni) then probably evenings -4 on weekdays and all day weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):

I have been around random discord tours for like 3 months, and have very little pokemon experience from before then. I've never been a big ladderer, but I've been around the game long enough that I know the fundamentals of the game and some specifics about BW and ORAS. I'm hoping this program can help me consistently grind with/against a player better than me, which honestly may be what I need
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, tahat_t
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Assigned to triple axel blaze

username: marsmallo
ps! username: marsmall0
signup: bwou
timezone: gmt -4
usual hours of availability: afternoons and late night:
Comp pokemon exp: started to play this year with johto league starting,rarely ladder but do a lot of discord tournament stuff. i play alot of gsc adv and oras and some dpp. wanna learn how to bw since bw2 are my favorite games. love abomasnow.
discord: marsmall0
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Assigned to triple axel blaze

Username: evakiyama
PS! Username: evakiyama
Signup Format: BW OU
Your timezone: -5
Usual Hours of Availability: not available 2-5pm weekdays nor mornings on weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):
Been playing comp pokemon for a couple years. I mostly play ADV, SM, and ranbats laddering and have laddered to top 10+ in ADV and ranbats. I want to learn BW because a lot of my friends play it and I'm very new to the tier.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, evakiyama

triple axel blaze agreed to be my tutor if that's who I could be set up with
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Assigned to drizzle

Username: thunderobolt
PS! Username:tobtrox
Signup Format: draft
Your timezone:est
Usual Hours of Availability: anytime
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Played a lot of pokemon in Gen 7. Did decently in some draft leagues. Struggling lately with Gen 9 draft. Want to improve on drafting and prepping.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes
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Assigned to Torchic for RBY OU

Username: Lizzie
PS! Username: Lizzie Stardust
Signup Format: RBY OU
Your timezone: GMT +1
Usual Hours of Availability: generally available 5pm-12am p much every day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): started out playing oras ou in 2015. Since joining smogon I've mostly been involved in uu subforum tours, also have experience in adv where I made circuit playoffs last year. I've been interested in branching out into other tiers for a while and a couple of my friends recommended rby
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, liz_angeles
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Assigned to OmBrArch for GSC OU

Username: Bohrier
PS! Username: Bohrier
Signup Format: ADV or GSC
Your timezone: GMT +5.5
Usual Hours of Availability: weekdays 7:30pm to 12am, sundays 1pm to 12am
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have been playing on showdown for a while now(about 5 years), however I only started playing smogon tournaments from late 2022. I have played RBY a good amount, but i wanna play the classic tiers that are not RBY more. ADV I placed top 16 or smth in the recent Old Money tour, and Im not that bad at the tier. GSC I played GSC Invi playins and reached top 12.
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, bohrier
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Assigned to violet river

Username: oopsalldeoxys
PS! Username: oopsalldeoxys
Signup Format: adv ou
Your timezone: -5
Usual Hours of Availability: in the evenings my time most days
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): started playing adv in 2021ish, and became semi competent in mid 2022. I've played off and on since then, mostly through mushi and ladder. I've been wanting to improve lately but I've just been stuck for a long time I feel
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, oopsalldeoxys
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Assigned to triple axel blaze

Username: ImZer0
PS! Username: Shiesterrr
Signup Format: BW OU
Your timezone: GMT-4
Usual Hours of Availability: available throughout most of the day throughout the week, some saturdays i wont be avaliable in the morning from 11am-1pm but other than that i should be free throughout most of the day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): been playing mons for several years on both cart and PS, from 2012/2013 up until 2020 from where i took a 3 year hiatus from mons. Last year i created my smogon account for the first time and ever since then i've been grinding mons again while trying my best to not drop it again, and i can comfortable say that ive improved so much since i repicked back up mons. However, i feel like i could improve a lot more in general and i think i could generally become even better as a player, so i generally would like to redive into mons entirely once again and try to get way better so i can become a more consistent and amazing player again as a whole.
Are you able to use Discord?: Absolutely, yoimzer0 is my discord and i can VC if needed
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Assigned to AC7

Username: Funkybeangamer
PS! Username: spfunkm
Signup Format: adv ou
Your timezone: -4
Usual Hours of Availability:
essentially always Sunday and Monday. I have work around 3-5 days a week too and usually have Thurs weds free most of the time
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have played a bit in advpl, roapl, advcup, and discord tours. I play OK, but I'm always looking to get better. I have been playing seriously for around 8 months
Are you able to use Discord?: yes. Spfunkm
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Assigned to triple axel blaze

Username: Termnal
PS! Username: Termnal
Signup Format: BW OU
Your timezone: Gmt-4
Usual Hours of Availability: Most days after 2pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have been playing competitive pokemon for almost 5 years mainly Draft and whatever the current gen is, however I havent been enjoying Gen 9 much and got interested in older gens, and especially with all of the suspect news gen 5 in particular. I have friends who main old gens who I have played with and have played in some small tours but I really want to properly learn the metagame and feel confident to build my own teams not just play with teams friends have passed me.
Are you able to use Discord?:
yea it Termnal
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Assinged to mielke

Username: Rambode
PS! Username: Rambode
Signup Format: ADV OU
Your timezone: -3
Usual Hours of Availability:
From around 11am to midnight everyday for now, but once the next uni semester starts (around august 26th), it'll be 11am to 3pm on weekdays and still 11am to midnight on weekends.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have played a bit in bkcpl, adv revival, jim cool's open tours, mushi league and some individual tours on here for a little less than a year. Peaked 1608 on ladder (around #150 i think) if that matters
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, Rambode
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Assigned to kythr

Username: sasha
PS! Username: sasha
Signup Format: SV LC
Your timezone: GMT -7
Usual Hours of Availability: Pretty free, I'll make any time work
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Been playing mons for a while now. Have done a lot I would say in terms of managing tours and playing. LC is just a tier that I've always been interested in and I would like to pick it up. Kythr is free and said he would help me learn + I'm free for a while so I figured this would be a good start.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Assigned to Monai

Username: NotVeryCake
PS! Username: CakeConnesseur
Signup Format: BW OU
Your timezone: GMT+1
Usual Hours of Availability: 4-9PM
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon: I have a decently sized amount of competitive knowledge in RBY and various tournament results in that tier. Such as managing team UK to Semi-Finals and going 4-0 myself, as well as a Quarterfinals placement in RBY GC 2023. I also have a vast experience with RBY Lowtiers, going 5-2 in UPL, 4-2 in PUBD, 6-3 in UUFPL, and am so far 3-1 in the ongoing UUBD. I want to get into BW as I have admired the tier for a while now and can that I am making mistakes, but I struggle to point out what mistakes I am making and how to fix them
Are you able to use Discord?: yes, my tag is .sandshrew_.
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Assigned to FlamPoke

Username: MestreOscar
PS! Username: burrocomsorte
Signup Format: SV RU
Your timezone: GMT -3
Usual Hours of Availability: During weekdays I have almost all afternoon, and during weekends I have all day.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I've been playing on showdown for almost a year and a half now, but my first year I was exclusively playing randbats on an old account. This year, in February, I created my current one and started playing tiered metagames, while doing my best to understand playstyles and teambuilding. Ever since April or May, I'm almost exclusively playing RU and I've been really enjoying it. I'm able to have a decent winrate while playing on ladder, but only if I'm using my preferred playstyle. I'm also trying to get into a few tournaments to get more experience at high level play. So, I would like to get more in-depth knowledge about battling and teambuilding, as well as to learn how to use other playstyles, specially balanced.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yep.
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Assigned to roxie

Username: AnnaTheCatGirl
PS! Username: AnnaTheCatGirl
Signup Format: SV Mono
Your timezone: UTC -4
Usual Hours of Availability: 12:00pm - 8:00pm
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I have been playing PS! for a few weeks now. I don't have much experience with competitive Pokemon in the actual games, but I have watched a lot of content on Youtube about it. I'd say that I'm above the skill of most casual players, casual being those that play the main games and don't do many online battles.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes.
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Assigned to Yellow Paint

Username: matte
PS! Username: W2P
Signup Format: SV DOU
Your timezone: gmt -7
Usual Hours of Availability:
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): i peaked top 8 ladder recently, but after playing in a tour series i realize how lost i am pls help pls help


Are you able to use Discord?: yea
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Assigned to blittius

Username: rray
PS! Username: rraykzu
Signup Format: Draft
Your timezone: GMT -4
Usual Hours of Availability: free from 11 am to midnight until early september, in september from 4 pm to 10 pm on weekdays, im free whenever on the weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I started playing draft from radical red and showdown ladders at around the same time. I started playing formats like gen 8 national dex AG, gen 8 natdex, gen 8 ou, then i started to branch out of only radical red drafts and gen 8 ladders to actually playing gen 8 draft, won a few chips n shit like that. I want to improve on prep and sequencing in game.

Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, rraykzu
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Assigned to Yellow Paint

Username: Greedy_eb
PS! Username: Greedy_eb
Signup Format: SV DOU
Your timezone: GMT -5
Usual Hours of Availability: Weekdays after 5 pm -5, weekends all day
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): Started competitive mons at the beginning of SV primarily in Little Cup with DOU on the side. I was fairly successful in the tier while Fluttler Mane was legal but focused on LC after it was banned. Picked up the tier last week and peaked at 1800 on the ladder. Looking for help with both my in game decision making and teambuilding as I only have one team with all sample spreads.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes, Greedy_eb
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Assigned to MeEsSm

Username: cyberacc
PS! Username: cyberacc
Signup format: BW OU
Timezone: +2
By virtue of bombing out of summer seasonal I humbly request a tutor.
Unova is my birthplace as a player yet I struggle with consistency.
Robustly, I ask to be extended a caring hand.
Per chance I should not be available it will be due to irl events.
Certainly I will benefit from this honest plea.
Ofcourse I am talented elsewhere yet I need a true and esteemed hand to guide me back into my old homelands.
Conversely I hold a discord at my disposal and is virtuously available.
Know that I intend to fully immerse myself in the students experience.
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Assigned to Monai

Username: goldmason
PS! Username: goldmasonvt
Signup Format: BW OU
Your timezone: -5
Usual Hours of Availability: Evenings Mon-Fri, Most times weekends
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I do alright in Gen 3 and Gen 4 OU. I want to expand to a preview gen especially with BWPL coming up. I have played in a few tours for BW OU and want to expand my knowledge on it.
Are you able to use Discord?: ye, goldmason on there
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Assigned to Thor

PS! Username:Yellow Yamada
Signup Format:GSC OU
Your timezone: EST (GMT -5)
Usual Hours of Availability: Right now I'm available from about 1pm to 6 am. When school starts, I'll be available from 4 pm to about 3 am.
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences):I got into competitive Pokémon at the start of gen 9 OU. I was pretty bad, and played in a lot of formats using pretty gimmicky teams. I got more involved in smogon when I got into oldgens, starting with GSC which I laddered extensively, and which got me into playing stall. I've since played in a lot of tournaments, mostly seasonals, but I also played in mushi league and johto league, primarily in ADV OU, and reached top 50 on the ADV OU ladder. I haven't played GSC OU regularly in a hot minute so I'm looking for a tutor to help me become a more consistent player.
Are you able to use Discord?: Yes
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Assigned to Cow for BW OU

Username: Incognition
PS! Username: Incognition
Signup Format: BW OU
Your timezone: +1
Usual Hours of Availability: 6-10pm Monday-Friday, 4pm onwards Sunday's
Tell us a little about your experience in competitive Pokemon (min. 3 sentences): I joined in February this year through my friends on PokeMMO (a game I've played gen 5 OU/UU/NU competitively since 2020 winning a few tournaments there as a player and manager). On Showdown, I've been really eager to get involved in as many tours/tiers as possible, mainly enjoying ADV, DPP and ORAS.

I've reached the last 16 in the DPP Global Championships losing in the tiebreak, reached semifinals in RoA Team Trials III and currently in the last 16 of the BW Summer Seasonal (admittedly with luck). I've been involved in Mushi League, PPL and currently Galaxy League and CTS to get to know the community more, improve myself as a player and to hopefully make a name in the scene someday.

I would like to improve my consistency in terms of tier knowledge and overall gameplay as I've reached round 3-4 in several tours, but also acknowledge that I participate in too many so I haven't had a chance to properly invest time in fully learning and understanding the tier. However, with the right support and resources I can adapt really quickly and I have the motivation to learn. I'd like to think I'm easy to work with, and hope that I can be great for whoever is willing to support me.

The reason I chose BW OU is because it's a meta which seems really interesting and one I would like to explore further. I hope that one day I can get good enough in a specific tier that I can finally get picked for draft leagues (e.g. BWPL, ORASPL, RCOP etc)...
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