All Eeveelution Team

I was just wondering, but has anyone made a team of just eeveelutions?

I know this is kind of a stupid idea, but i would like to know, and have help to make one to try on shoddy XD!!!

My brother usually does this at least once each Generation, with some success. However, 4th Generation seems to have been very unforgiving towards the Eevee teams.

The best way to start is to look at which Eevee's actually are in the metagame now, and seeing if you can build that into a team (as others have noted). For example, Jolteon, Vaporeon, and Umbreon already have functions in the current metagame.
who is going to let leafeon get 2 swords dances? it lets itself get 2-3 swords dances very very easily as its basically a tank ;)
It's not a special tank though, and many people carry an ice type move that will 1hko Leafeon...

Plus Snorlax is even BULKIER than Leafeon thanks to Curse, but guess what! Nobody let's him get curses up, because he has poor defense... same applies to Leafeon.

Oh and I suppose Gliscor let's itself get 3 agilities, AND 3 SD's, because he is also a tank.... too bad his special defense isn't great... hmm just like Leafeon.

If all tanks could just boost their stats like that you do realize the metagame would be dominated by boosting tanks...
Actually Gliscor can boost his Attack and Defense fairly well since he has a speed of 317, walls any physical pokemon pretty much (mamoswine and weavile excluded), as well as have so many support and stat up moves:

Stealth Rock
Swords Dance
Baton Pass
Rock Polish
Knock Off


I would call Gliscor the best baton passer
Actually Gliscor can boost his Attack and Defense fairly well since he has a speed of 317, walls any physical pokemon pretty much (mamoswine and weavile excluded), as well as have so many support and stat up moves:
Still, it doesnt take much for Skarm to come in on an SD and WW him out... ir any choice scarfer to come in and nail him with an ice attack (special)

That person seemed to think that just because Leafeon is a defensive wall, there is no force in the world that can possibly stop it from setting up 3 SD's and rampaging through teams... however if this were the case then any wall with a boosting move would become top tier OU, which is simply not the case.
Just cause Leafeon has high Def, this does not, by any means, mean it can easily pull of 3 SD.
Exactly my point...

who is going to let leafeon get 2 swords dances? it lets itself get 2-3 swords dances very very easily as its basically a tank ;)
Phalanx apparently thinks that if a pokemon has high defense it is guaranteed 3 stat boosts, however if this were the case then any pokemon with good defense, and a stat up move would be top tier OU... like I said this is hardly the case.
~ Leaf Blade
~ Swords Dance
~ Baton Pass
~ Roar / Grasswhistle

That is the standard for Leafeon using the SD set...

Plus with 65 base sp.def this thing is not going to be taking any special ice,fire,flying/whatever else is SE type attacks

Do you honestly think a Leafeon is guaranteed 3SD's and will rampage through teams unhindered?

If that was the case a lot more people would use Leafeon since it would essentially be unstoppable.
And the obvious MixApe weak has been totally ignored. ANy OU Standard runs rank through a All Eon team, because Umbreon, Easily the most defensive, has a jackshit attack stat that can't even OHKO Gengar. Scarfgar, Garchomp, (Especially SD)and MixApe all have a field day. You're sorta guaranteed a loss, unless you're playing BL, Ou with a BL Enthusiast, or a real good player.
And the obvious MixApe weak has been totally ignored. ANy OU Standard runs rank through a All Eon team, because Umbreon, Easily the most defensive, has a jackshit attack stat that can't even OHKO Gengar. Scarfgar, Garchomp, (Especially SD)and MixApe all have a field day. You're sorta guaranteed a loss, unless you're playing BL, Ou with a BL Enthusiast, or a real good player.
I'm Sure Vaporeon/Espeon could do some damage to MixNape.
As well as take his hits.
IMO an all-eeveelution team wouldn't be viable because you simply don't have the means to deal with strong choiced Fighting attacks.
Mixape is dealt with pretty well by Vaporeon actually, as Grass Knot is low base power vs. Vap and CC without many attack EVs isn't a problem (especially considering Wish/Protect is great on Vaporeon).

However, not one of the Eevees can withstand a remotely quick Fighting type with Close Combat and a Choice Band, and if Espeon gets revenge killed you couldn't even revenge kill them reliably.

Both standard Lucario sets tear a team of this sort apart for starters. One specs'd Shadow ball on Espeon and you're done the next time it switches in as Aura Sphere sweeps you (barring maybe a Jolteon TB/Twave).

SD/CC/Crunch/Extremespeed with Life Orb is a sweep anyway as only Espeon and Jolteon are faster and both die to extremespeed.
The only way an Eeveelution team can work if its completely a baton pass chain. I made one in ADV, it did alright but relied on Umbreon and Jolteon to start the chain. Umbreon fails too much in DP to make a baton pass chain work easily..
Sword Dance Baton Pass on Leafeon seems like a stupid idea, as the only thing you will pass to is . . . flareon. I guess Umbreon could use Sdances.
Personally, I think you would have a lot more sucess if you only used 3 or 4 eveeloutions. That way, you could keep the theme but still respond to the threats which an eveeloution team has no way of dealing with. You could also include stuff like smeargle to make your work setting up a BP chain a lot easier by using ingrain, or something like marowak which can sweep after it has been baton passed the right boosts.

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