Tournament AG Snake Draft II - Player Signups

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massive shoutouts to the amazing Lauriane for the art!

Welcome to the second Anything Goes Snake Draft! There will be 6 teams and the tournament will have about 2 weeks of signups, 5 weeks of round robin and 2 weeks of playoffs (not counting any potential tiebreakers). That places the end of the tournament sometime in early March; players are expected to be active throughout the tournament until that point. By signing up, you are making a commitment to not only be active but also to be a positive presence. Regardless of your team's performance and playoff chances, you will play with sportsmanship and contribute to your team. Poor behavior in regards to this will be noticed and will affect future managers' view of your worth in the future. Discord activity is highly recommended. It is important not only for sign-ups but also for working with your team during the tournament itself.

The tournament format is as follows:
National Dex AG
Multigen Bo3 (SS, USUM, ORAS)
The number of players per team is 8 (6 slots + 2 subs).

The teams for this year's Snake will be:

:joltik: The Juicy Joltiks - Managed by WSun1 and Trade

:crobat: The Crooked Crobats - Managed by cromagnet and Typhlosion4

:lucario: The Lethal Lucarios - Managed by Kate and Avery

:regirock: The Redacted Regirocks - Managed by Fc and Aberforth

:hydreigon: The Headstrong Hydreigons - Managed by baconeatinassassin and Catalystic

:mandibuzz: The Malding Mandibuzzes - Managed by Jordy and Jho

Please use the following signup format:
Player Name:
Foreseen Inactivity:
Signups will last approximately 2 weeks and will end on the weekend of January 15th; the draft will occur a few hours after signups close.

Example Signup:

Player Name: Nol
Tiers: Bo3, SS
Timezone: GMT -5
Foreseen Inactivity: A week at the start of February.

Do not post in this thread if you are not signing up.
Player Name:KeshBa45
Tiers:nat dex ag,ss ag
Foreseen Inactivity:none


is a Tiering Contributor
Player Name: Clastia
Tiers: SS AG / USUM AG / NatDex AG / Multigen AG
Timezone: GMT+0
Forseen Inactivity: Mon/Wed/Fri I'm usually busy (will be on sporadically on those days) and also playing in Tours Plaza Winter Seasonal so times may clash, but I will announce those ahead of time. Free pretty much 2pm-2am every other day though.

massive shoutouts to the amazing Lauriane for the art!

Welcome to the second Anything Goes Snake Draft! There will be 6 teams and the tournament will have about 2 weeks of signups, 5 weeks of round robin and 2 weeks of playoffs (not counting any potential tiebreakers). That places the end of the tournament sometime in early March; players are expected to be active throughout the tournament until that point. By signing up, you are making a commitment to not only be active but also to be a positive presence. Regardless of your team's performance and playoff chances, you will play with sportsmanship and contribute to your team. Poor behavior in regards to this will be noticed and will affect future managers' view of your worth in the future. Discord activity is highly recommended. It is important not only for sign-ups but also for working with your team during the tournament itself.

The tournament format is as follows:
National Dex AG
Multigen Bo3 (SS, USUM, ORAS)
The number of players per team is 8 (6 slots + 2 subs).

The teams for this year's Snake will be:

:joltik: The Juicy Joltiks - Managed by WSun1 and Trade

:crobat: The Crooked Crobats - Managed by cromagnet and Typhlosion4

:lucario: The Lethal Lucarios - Managed by Kate and Avery

:hydreigon: The Headstrong Hydreigons - Managed by baconeatinassassin and Catalystic

:regirock: The Redacted Regirocks - Managed by Fc and Aberforth

:mandibuzz: The Malding Mandibuzzes - Managed by Jordy and Jho

Please use the following signup format:
Player Name:
Foreseen Inactivity:
Signups will last approximately 2 weeks and will end on the weekend of January 15th; the draft will occur a few hours after signups close.

Example Signup:

Player Name: Nol
Tiers: Bo3, SS
Timezone: GMT -5
Foreseen Inactivity: A week at the start of February.

Do not post in this thread if you are not signing up.

Player Name: anshr
Tiers: AG, OU
Forseen Inactivity: School hours, Sleeping time
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