Now that my true purpose of getting this thread rolling is complete (hehehe), you can see my real suggestions (I was joking about Mence, Milo I was semi-serious)
I agree with most of Triangles rankings: the shift down is slightly eh but I definitely agree that T-Tar is the most dominant mon in ADV, who can play on pretty much any team. Suicune's glory days are over due to the prevalence of TSS, and Celebi has also taken a hit due to that, plus its plethora of weaknesses.
Skarm may not be that worthy of A+ as his only real niche is reliably getting down a layer or two of Spikes, as he cannot take on Magneton at all. Though you cant set up on him, most (if not all teams) with a physical setup sweeper have Magneton waiting in the wings to trap Skarm. Plus his SpDef, even with investment is a little lacking meaning he doesn't hold up against CMSpam that well (though sure he can hurt them with Spikes). Skarmory definitely deserves A, just I feel A+ is stretching it a bit.
Mence I have a huge soft spot for (I started out in Gen 5 and my favorite team was DragMag), but either way he deserves better than B+. Sure DDMence is overhyped insanely, but underestimating his other sets is not smart (CBMence makes Milotic and CroCune viable, while MixMence is easily one of the best wall breakers around. Magneton usually tags along to trap the pesky Skarm). CBMence is also a great pivot as it allows you to bring in something on a bulky water (MixMence with Black Belt can do this pretty nicely too, thanks Dekzeh), while if you get spikes or sand up it can wear down said bulky water. I admit S was a really long shot (wasn't sure if we were doing A+/- back then), but it does belong in A- at least as it is one of ADV's top 10 mons, and top 5 (if not 3) offensive mons. The power it brings to the table and momentum it can grab are no joke.
Lastly, Claydol to B+. Okay this is kinda halfhearted but Claydol is a pretty cool mon (do not underestimate those 105/120 defenses). It spins nicely, does not take damage from Sandstorm or Spikes, and is not complete Gengar bait (sorry Forry). Plus, it can wall Taunt DD-Tar and CBMence really nicely, while threatening them with EQ and Ice Beam. Sure a ton of common weaknesses set it back but it's definitely more durable that Starmie at least. (How on Earth did Triangles say that Starmie is more durable, sure Toxic is annoying but Starmie does not have the stats to be a defensive mon)
I agree with most of Triangles rankings: the shift down is slightly eh but I definitely agree that T-Tar is the most dominant mon in ADV, who can play on pretty much any team. Suicune's glory days are over due to the prevalence of TSS, and Celebi has also taken a hit due to that, plus its plethora of weaknesses.
Skarm may not be that worthy of A+ as his only real niche is reliably getting down a layer or two of Spikes, as he cannot take on Magneton at all. Though you cant set up on him, most (if not all teams) with a physical setup sweeper have Magneton waiting in the wings to trap Skarm. Plus his SpDef, even with investment is a little lacking meaning he doesn't hold up against CMSpam that well (though sure he can hurt them with Spikes). Skarmory definitely deserves A, just I feel A+ is stretching it a bit.
Mence I have a huge soft spot for (I started out in Gen 5 and my favorite team was DragMag), but either way he deserves better than B+. Sure DDMence is overhyped insanely, but underestimating his other sets is not smart (CBMence makes Milotic and CroCune viable, while MixMence is easily one of the best wall breakers around. Magneton usually tags along to trap the pesky Skarm). CBMence is also a great pivot as it allows you to bring in something on a bulky water (MixMence with Black Belt can do this pretty nicely too, thanks Dekzeh), while if you get spikes or sand up it can wear down said bulky water. I admit S was a really long shot (wasn't sure if we were doing A+/- back then), but it does belong in A- at least as it is one of ADV's top 10 mons, and top 5 (if not 3) offensive mons. The power it brings to the table and momentum it can grab are no joke.
Lastly, Claydol to B+. Okay this is kinda halfhearted but Claydol is a pretty cool mon (do not underestimate those 105/120 defenses). It spins nicely, does not take damage from Sandstorm or Spikes, and is not complete Gengar bait (sorry Forry). Plus, it can wall Taunt DD-Tar and CBMence really nicely, while threatening them with EQ and Ice Beam. Sure a ton of common weaknesses set it back but it's definitely more durable that Starmie at least. (How on Earth did Triangles say that Starmie is more durable, sure Toxic is annoying but Starmie does not have the stats to be a defensive mon)
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