Academy Awards Reaction Thread

Chill out pluffers, those are actually pretty tame compared to what Seth usually does. I understand that some people may be offended, but I'd bet the majority of people found it pretty funny, and while he gets close, he never really crosses the line, and that's kind of been the way McFarlane has been for years. I for one, found the Oscars actually watchable for once, and Seth can be thanked for that. It was so much different from the usual bog standard crap we see year after year, where I'd much rather check results the day after instead of wasting time listening to blahblah bad joke, blahblah here are the nominees, blahblah bog standard acceptance speech. Just sit back and enjoy lol.

demographic to which eating disorders and domestic abuse are a non-issue telling a demographic to which eating disorders and domestic abuse are an issue where the 'line' is, '''''ok'''''

that might have been the most syntactically awkward sentence ever written but im too flippant and eyerolly to care
Oh for pete's sake, can't people learn to just enjoy watching movies rather than pick apart every bit of them and search for ways NOT to enjoy them? Keep things simple and movie watching becomes a MUCH more enjoyable experience. Was Suburban Commando one of the crappiest movies of all time? Sure, but I love it anyway. Quit being so damn picky about everything, because after all not everyone finds the same types of movies and aspects of films appealing.

That's really just your preference; some people, including myself, derive enjoyment from watching film from a critical perspective, and there is no reason that dictates one should be better than the other. Any field of criticism would cease to exist if people focused only on objectively positive aspects of subjects of analysis. Negative criticism is probably in some part a product of gut reaction, anyway.
edit: "ninja'd" but this is a response to waterbomb's post as well

no im a consumer and im allowed to have opinions about art and i dislike being policed for having them and expressing them in a public forum so instead of kind of making your typical quotidian proposal of middle-class conventionality why don't you go to an opinion aquarium or something

i'm aware that not everyone finds the same types of movies appealing but there are certain gradations between categories and it's interesting to argue within the grey areas. obviously some art is """"objectively""""" better than other art lol it's really dismissive of the creative process to just say "well people like what they like, stfu"

i don't know why you would post in a thread about art and people's opinions to tell people to care less; maybe you should instead care more about something else?

and yeah i find the amount of posts in this thread saying "chill out seth was funny don't get your panties in a twist" kind of fucking annoying...feminism isn't something that was spawned from fucking tumblr, first of all, and second of all, nobody has the right to dismiss somebody else's taking umbrage at something, ESPECIALLY WHEN THAT PERSON HAS BEEN AFFECTED by the subject of the joke and you haven't...jesus fucking christ lol (and this is coming from someone who thought the "women never let anything go" joke was hilarious)

uh, in regards to my opinions about the actual oscars

- dustin hoffman looks humorous standing next to charlize theron
- i thought christoph waltz's character in django unchained was actually fairly different than his character in inglorious basterds, so, uh, i'm happy that he got the oscar and i think he deserved it, but yeah i don't totally disagree with anyone who said that he won because he was really charming. i'm such a sucker for him
- thrilled that beasts of the southern wild didn't win, fuck that movie
- i agree with everyone who says that argo was entertaining but not really a "best picture" movie (i just thought it was meaningless and devoid of depth)
- love jlaw
- paperman made me really frustrated about my life and i didn't like it so blah
- wreck it ralph had some great emotional moments but didn't really coalesce as a meaningful movie, that said, the emotional moments really were amazing. i didn't see brave.
its shirley bassey, not shelley, and shes 76 years old lol give her a fucking break

i thought it was fucking awesome that she poured her heart into that song despite knowing she wouldnt be able to hit the notes like she used to
well, i agree that her enthusiasm is admirable, and it is pretty amazing how well put together she is for 76 years old, but come on. it sounded bad. i just want people to admit that and not say it was such a tour de force of a musical number. (it also bothered me that she didn't seem to know how bad it was). maybe this sounds mean, it probably was an opinion that got meaner after feeling like my opinion was being discredited by every single article i read that said it was such a fabulous performance (unless everyone is on board with me and knows how terrible it was and is just being nice to her and classy because of the reasons you stated....)
Brave was very much undeserving of the Oscar.

Actually, now that I think of it.. and looking at whom won awards.

The Oscar award don't mean shit.. especially if ties are allowed..
demographic to which eating disorders and domestic abuse are a non-issue telling a demographic to which eating disorders and domestic abuse are an issue where the 'line' is, '''''ok'''''

that might have been the most syntactically awkward sentence ever written but im too flippant and eyerolly to care

Seth McFarlane loves to push the boundary, this we and everyone else in the Western world all know. Yet people tuned in to the Oscar anyways. Nobody put a gun to these people's heads and forced you to watch him crack a joke at everyone and everything, they made a conscious decision to tune in knowing what was in store. In fact, I guarantee that a large portion of the audience, myself included, only watched because it was McFarlane hosting, and the fact that the ratings were so much higher than previous years attests to that. Honestly, if people are sself-conscious about being overweight or feminists etc, they probably would've done themselves a favor by turning off the TV and watching replays later. Instead they decided to take in each and every word from the guy who produces Family Guy and American Dad, and bash him on Twitter/Facebook after. In fact, I speculate that some viewers only watched because of Seth McFarlane, but for different reasons than people like myself. These social media white knights probably couldn't wait for Seth to slip up and would love nothing more than bash him all over the internet the day after. Honestly they're a bunch of tools and should probably get those pencils out of their asses.

TLDR: If someone get easily offended, don't watch. Life goes on. Don't walk into a McDonalds and come out pissed because they wouldn't serve you escargot.

On a lighter note. Jennifer Lawrence is quickly becoming one of my favorite celebrities. Unlike every other Hollywood actress obsessed with their public image, this girl doesn't have a care in the world. It's adorable.
. Honestly, if people are sself-conscious about being overweight or feminists


part of the point jumpluff was making is that macfarlane's crass humor is turning the oscars into a contentious and mean-spirited ceremony. to use your analogy, he's not the cheerful macdonalds chef, he's the shitty single mom with three whiny children who decided to go to a french restaurant and thusly has stunk up the place and made it resemble a macdonalds from the outside and in doing so diverted other potential customers

also not even going to get into the fact that the argument of "its consumed == it's not problematic" is inherently just so fucked up when you think about the sheer volume of wrong in our society that's paid for all the time. think of it on very basic terms. if someone with an eating disorder can sit at home and listen to that joke and feel hurt, it's offensive. simple as that. like, just because something is chewed up and in the mainstream doesn't mean it's exempt from criticism just because it is mainstream? what? and finally, the "don't like it? don't watch it!" argument has been discredited literally so many times and so often but basically it doesn't make sense since this isn't really ONLY a personal problem for someone who would have gotten offended but a moral/social one too

i just think it's really fucked up and really, really creepy how angry you are at people who were offended and upset by racist and sexist jokes, and i think it's a profoundly disturbing conservative attitude that displays a disregard for actual human emotions and instead glorifies the edifice of consumption paralleling what is right in society. even if you act like a pretentious dweeb when calling someone out for problematic language or hate speech, you're still less of a "tool" than the offender. i think you are seeing too much of the sometimes-annoying internet backlash to this stuff and not really looking at the reasons behind the backlash. i also wouldn't say that macfarlane pushes the boundaries; rather, i think he's very ensconced and comfortable inside his own scrotum.

i actually am sorry that this post isn't about movies. uhhh, sally field was hot when she was younger.
Jennifer Lawrence is amazing. Definitely deserved the win. Also, really wish The Dark Knight Rises and Wreck-It-Ralph had won - they definitely deserved something. Wreck-It-Ralph was just a roller coaster of nostalgia and emotion and just afjslfslkdjfkslaf and was probably one of the best movies I watched this year, and the plot and action for TDKR was amazing.
words words words. Nobody put a gun to these people's heads and forced you to watch him crack a joke at everyone and everything, they made a conscious decision to tune in knowing what was in store. more words

Normally I say this line about opinions, but it applies here too. Saying "it was just a joke/you didn't have to watch" is not a get out of criticism free card.

People are allowed to say that his jokes were tone-deaf to those with experiences about it, because GUESS THE FUCK WHAT... they were.

And we can have this whole conversation about whether comedians are allowed to do that or whatever, but let's face it, we've had it before, and it's a shit conversation because people are sensitive and it's all subjective. No one is wrong, no one is right, but everyone's passionate.
Myzozoa, Why the fuck does an award show need to have an "unsafe win" to not be ridiculous? The most deserving person should get it even if it was obvious. Hathaway was a brilliant Fantine.

And oh my god at using review aggregates to determine how good a movie is. Why are you watching the Oscars if you're using that? Haven't seen Brave yet unfortunately but I have a tough time believing any Pixar movie is "utter shit". There's bad, and there's Pixar's bad.

DrRobotnik seems to be bashing movies for nonsensical reasons. Yes, most of Life of Pi was computer-generated. Yes, like 127 Days, Life of Pi featured mostly one actor in one spot. That doesn't make it any less deserving of its awards. Same for Wreck it Ralph which focused on a heartwarming story rather than trying to make millions off the back of a few video game references.
In fact, I speculate that some viewers only watched because of Seth McFarlane, but for different reasons than people like myself. These social media white knights probably couldn't wait for Seth to slip up and would love nothing more than bash him all over the internet the day after. Honestly they're a bunch of tools and should probably get those pencils out of their asses.

i just think it's really fucked up and really, really creepy how angry you are at people who were offended and upset by racist and sexist jokes, and i think it's a profoundly disturbing conservative attitude that displays a disregard for actual human emotions and instead glorifies the edifice of consumption paralleling what is right in society. even if you act like a pretentious dweeb when calling someone out for problematic language or hate speech, you're still less of a "tool" than the offender. i think you are seeing too much of the sometimes-annoying internet backlash to this stuff and not really looking at the reasons behind the backlash. i also wouldn't say that macfarlane pushes the boundaries; rather, i think he's very ensconced and comfortable inside his own scrotum.

Not going to respond to the rest since it's mostly just you spouting on about how Seth McFarlane's actions as well as people like me are toxic to society etc. But when did I ever say I was angry at people who are offended? The people I'm angry at are the critics. You're entitled to criticize Seth McFarlane for "stinking up the Oscars", you're entitled to criticize me for being a "conservative asshole" (I'm communist btw). I'm entitled to criticize you for sitting behind a computer raging when in real life you'd probably be the nice quiet kid sitting in the back of the classroom who says nothing unless called upon.
While not all of the nominations were right, I think ultimately all of the rewards went to the right people. I'd have loved to see SLP win Best Picture, but Argo was a good movie.

I'm also very glad Brave won and a certain cultural commodification did not.

EDIT: That Foodfight! trailer? I've never been so convinced that I was watching a fake trailer in my life.
DrRobotnik seems to be bashing movies for nonsensical reasons. Yes, most of Life of Pi was computer-generated. Yes, like 127 Days, Life of Pi featured mostly one actor in one spot. That doesn't make it any less deserving of its awards.

I was saying that it didn't deserve the cinematography award because having almost everything be added in afterwords isn't telling of a cinematographer's skill or creativity. It's an insult to the cinematographers who had to put all that effort into making the lighting and the stage and the camera angles absolutely perfect, by giving it to someone who just put up a green screen. As for the "Life of One Actor", that pisses me off because it could've easily been 100% computer animated, but because it's only 99% computer animated it's considered a "real" movie by the Academy and is given a ton more nominations (pretty much everything I say about this can be applied to Avatar in '09 as well). It just rubs me the wrong way, I wasn't saying it was bad per say.
I was saying that it didn't deserve the cinematography award because having almost everything be added in afterwords isn't telling of a cinematographer's skill or creativity. It's an insult to the cinematographers who had to put all that effort into making the lighting and the stage and the camera angles absolutely perfect, by giving it to someone who just put up a green screen. As for the "Life of One Actor", that pisses me off because it could've easily been 100% computer animated, but because it's only 99% computer animated it's considered a "real" movie by the Academy and is given a ton more nominations (pretty much everything I say about this can be applied to Avatar in '09 as well). It just rubs me the wrong way, I wasn't saying it was bad per say.

Wait, so according to you, Life of Pi and Avatar didn't take a ton of effort and creativity to make? I'd hazard a guess that far more time was put into making the visuals for Avatar than altering the lighting angles on a set.
Oh for pete's sake, can't people learn to just enjoy watching movies rather than pick apart every bit of them and search for ways NOT to enjoy them? Keep things simple and movie watching becomes a MUCH more enjoyable experience. Was Suburban Commando one of the crappiest movies of all time? Sure, but I love it anyway. Quit being so damn picky about everything, because after all not everyone finds the same types of movies and aspects of films appealing.

So forget quality, fuck caring, just learn to live like a sedated simpleton? Not all of us are that unmotivated. People caring about things is never a bad thing (people being incredible assholes because they care is a potentially bad thing). Understanding, analyzing, and comparing things, and deciding what it means to you, all of this is called "basic fucking intelligence".

(HOPEFULLY the only CK non-sports post of 2013...we will have to see)
did ck's post disappoint?

lets make the most of HOPEFULLY the only CK non-sports post of 2013...we will have to see
Wait, so according to you, Life of Pi and Avatar didn't take a ton of effort and creativity to make? I'd hazard a guess that far more time was put into making the visuals for Avatar than altering the lighting angles on a set.

Nice word twisting there. No, according to me, stuff that is added in after filming is not part of what is recorded on the set and shouldn't be considered as such. The cinematographer is in charge of lighting and camera angles. However, what takes more skill as a cinematographer; figuring out how to light and record multiple scenes with multiple actors on stage at once, or lighting and recording one guy in one place the entire time?
I was saying that it didn't deserve the cinematography award because having almost everything be added in afterwords isn't telling of a cinematographer's skill or creativity. It's an insult to the cinematographers who had to put all that effort into making the lighting and the stage and the camera angles absolutely perfect, by giving it to someone who just put up a green screen. As for the "Life of One Actor", that pisses me off because it could've easily been 100% computer animated, but because it's only 99% computer animated it's considered a "real" movie by the Academy and is given a ton more nominations (pretty much everything I say about this can be applied to Avatar in '09 as well). It just rubs me the wrong way, I wasn't saying it was bad per say.
What? That isn't at all what cinematography is restricted to. Post-production is just as important as production. How about instead of speaking about insults to people who shouldn't at all be insulted, you stop insulting the folks who pour hours of every day into creating visual masterpieces like Life of Pi?
I boycotted this years show the minute I saw Cloud Atlas was not nominated for anything... one of the most ambitious films I have ever seen ignored, with a lot of "been there, done that" getting all the acclaim. Meh.