Academy Awards Reaction Thread

And with that, the year in movies is done. I'm going to give a quick review on some things:

Best Animated Feature - Brave


Best D- oh, guess I should comment on Brave. Ok so as Jabba has kindly been pointing out, Brave was completely undeserving of the award, but just how undeserving was it? Well let's take a look at it and its competition on RT and find out!

Frankenweenie (88% RT)
Wreck it Raplh (87% RT)
Paranorman (86% RT)
Pirates (86% RT)
Brave (77% RT)

Well shit

I can only assume Brave won for three reasons
1.) It's a Pixar film. Namesake and politics goes a long way in the academy awards.
2.) A female lead (A first for Pixar?). I'm sure this had something to do with it.
3.) The voters just didn't bother to watch these films

Talk about a horrendous choice.

Best Supporting Actor - Christopher Waltz

So Waltz winning is going to be somewhat debated. Apparently pure charisma can carry you to an oscar. Waltz not only was not a supporting character (he was a lead in Django, let's be honest), he also played the exact same character he did in Basterds. Different people to be sure, but yeah.

Best Actress - Jennifer Lawrence

I haven't seen Amour but from what I've read, Riva was snubbed. Most likely has to do with it being a foreign film but nonetheless, I've heard really good things about Amour so I'll probably watch it soon.

Notes on the night:
- Adele sounded bad
- She also won an award for her work in "Life of Pie" :P
- Kristen Stewart is a walking STD. I can tell. Who invited her anyway?
- Seth was hilarious, some jokes fell flat but the Lincoln joke was gold. SMD
- Where was the Jaws theme on Hathaway
- She also has some beautiful titties o____o
- The Bond Tribute was garbage
- Didn't see it? All you need to know is Halle Berry was the "Bond Girl" they used
- I didn't even know Shirley Bassey was alive O_____O

I'm sure I'll think of more later but what were your thoughts?
-Pixar award for best Pixar film goes to "Rebellious girl story #a million so groundbreaking" (also fuck you Wreck-it Ralph games r 4 chillinz lol)
-Dark Knight Rises not nominated for anything
-Life of Pi wins for best cinematography despite 90% of the movie being computer generated
-Ricky Gervais #2 is an obnoxious douchebag though the whole thing
-Ang Lee seriously wins best director for fucking anything (I'm still mad about the Hulk)

I did not like it. Still better that the Razzies who gave almost every award to the same movie for the second year in a row.
oh jesus i just posted something in the movies thread but this probably deserves a thread of its own

idc what eventually happens but my thoughts:

- Brave shouldn't have won
- Argo was good but not "best picture" good IMO
- Jennifer Lawrence and Christoph Waltz definitely deserved their awards. I haven't seen Lincoln, but I've heard it's excellent so I'm not arguing there. Anne Hathaway was spectacular in Les Mis.
- None of the superhero movies were nominated for anything really major, which is probably justified. They were entertaining, but all had several faults.
None of the superhero movies were nominated for anything really major, which is probably justified. They were entertaining, but all had several faults.
(Says the guy with the Avengers avatar lol)

TDKR and even the Avengers were leagues better than "Wolverine makes Victor Hugo do fucking somersaults in his grave" or "Life of One Actor" IMO. I'm just gonna pretend that Anne Hathaway won because of Catwoman.

Also cheers to The Onion for raising hell on twitter last night. Literally saw the word "cunt" trending for a good two-three hours, rofl.
I just hate Hathaway. Glad everyone else won. Ben..I like Ben. But the guy before him wouldn't shut up. Same goes for a bunch of people .. Learn when enough is enough.

I liked Seth. Better than Ricky, and tbh nothing was tasteless or shit..except for the Ted part, that whole skit was a waste and made the show a bit more lower class.

Lol @ Crowe's voice.

Also yeah. I knew that Sandra moment would be a gif lol.

And I love Jen Law. She's just really chill and down to earth. For now.

Will be interesting to see how she turns out later.. Or if she will be too big to do Hunger Games
(Says the guy with the Avengers avatar lol)

TDKR and even the Avengers were leagues better than "Wolverine makes Victor Hugo do fucking somersaults in his grave" or "Life of One Actor" IMO. I'm just gonna pretend that Anne Hathaway won because of Catwoman.

scarjo could be in the shittiest movie in the world and i'd still love her
do people really think avengers and dark knight rises are better films than les mis? i weep for society

they deserved no oscars and tdkr didn't deserve any nomination which i am glad it didn't receive. the film was riddled with plot hole and wasn't anything revolutionary.

edit: i haven't seen life of pi yet but after last nights clips and awards i definitely want to. i will be willing to bet money that i enjoy it infinitely more than tdkr
I liked the Lawrence's speech, and how much of a nervous wreck she was. Tripping up a staircase, a lot of ''yeah, thanks to him, and uh, him, and uh, him'', and then ending with some kind of ''uh, okay, bye''. I haven't seen Silver Lining Playbook yet (it has yet to release where I live), but I like Lawrence in general, so no protest to her winning.

Most deserved award, if you ask me, was Life of Pi for best visual effects. That movie is a real stunner, you hardly realize you're watching an animation half of the time.
Making a movie based on a book that has already had a billion other movie/play/musical adaptations is soooooo revolutionary. Obviously forgot to inform everybody which movies had the highest ratings in their respective genres so the awards could be handed out properly.
Do people really prefer a musical with Hugh Jackman to the book? I weep for society.

i wasn't a fan of hugh jackman's singing and i hated russell crowe as javert


the awards they won were deserved - hathaway earned best supporting actress, while the oscars for sound mixing / best makeup and hairstyling have nothing to do with how well the cast pulled off the musical

i don't think they deserved best picture / best actor or even best original song, and i'm glad they didn't win that
Making a movie based on a book that has already had a billion other movie/play/musical adaptations is soooooo revolutionary.

The book was hundreds of times better than all its other incarnations, although it's an incredibly long read. Jamming almost a year of a kid being on a boat into a 2 hour movie was a horrible idea, and it's a shame people are biting it.
Oh come on people, Brave wasn't THAT bad...

But Les Mis gets the same treatment at the academy awards as it gets on stage: it automatically wins because it's Les Mis, not because the particular production was any more inspiring than anything else. Justin pretty much hit the nail on the head with his post.
Making a movie based on a book that has already had a billion other movie/play/musical adaptations is soooooo revolutionary. Obviously forgot to inform everybody which movies had the highest ratings in their respective genres so the awards could be handed out properly.

so i say "dark knight rises had too many plot holes and doesnt bring anything revolutionary whatsoever" and that somehow destroys the argument that les mis was much better and deserved noms?

les mis had better acting, a better story which can be attributed to source matierlal, far less plot holes than tdkr did, and better direction

as far as technical categories go, i dont think i would put tdkr over any of them

and i can only assume your RT quip is about brave deserving it?

brave was trash and im pretty sure everyone agrees it didnt deserve idg your remark? your arguments lack of point never cease to amaze me.
brave was trash and im pretty sure everyone agrees it didnt deserve idg your remark? your arguments lack of point never cease to amaze me.

i don't think it's shit. i think it was well deserving of it's award.

to each his own i guess
@Danmire did you see the other nominees?

@kd24 TDKR didn't have that many plot holes, it was only nitpicked to death because its previous film was all but impossible to live up to. As for revolutionary stuff, this was the first time Bane's been written well in a fucking decade, so there's that.

As a side note, OP needs to learn grammar and that his opinions aren't facts/he isn't the ultimate authority on movies.
Life of Pi seems like a really amazing theater movie, not a sit at home film.

Can't really get into it And appreciate the visuals like you can when surrounded by them in a dark theater.

Same with Avatar.

Hope they release it again on the big screen(LoP). Would be great.
I liked Seth. Better than Ricky, and tbh nothing was tasteless or shit..except for the Ted part, that whole skit was a waste and made the show a bit more lower class.

Except the shit like making fun of Scarlett Johansson's sex tapes or nude pics or whatever being leaked without her consent (or how about that entire segment), or the joke making fun of eating disorders, or the joke about domestic abuse (Chris Brown and Rihanna). (Non-exhaustive list.) That was pretty tasteless and shit and very very inappropriate. =/ Why does any of that belong in the goddamn Oscars?