[AB] Event Battle 1: The Simulator Beta: The Wanderer and Gale

Hello guys, this is the first EVENT BATTLE of ASB Adventure Battles! Wohoo! Let me go over some ground rules first before we begin.

Maxim said:
2 Players
5 Day DQ Time
2 Substitutions
10 Chills/5 Recoveries In-Battle Total, None Outside
Referee: Maxim
Rewards Upon Success: 5 Adventure Counters (on top of regular rewards)

-Trainers and enemies each get 2 Actions per round. Enemies will always order second, during the round (similar to raids).

-Trainers may not bring any held items. This is mostly for ease of reffing and to get a benchmark for trainer power.

-After the conclusion of this Event Battle, a guide will be set up in the referee resource to give tips and general advice for reffing.

-IMPORTANT: One unusual thing for this one is that rules can change from round to round, depending on what mechanics work and do not work. I am required to allow you to reorder if it happens mid round or something, but just so you're aware. With luck, we should be able to work out any further kinks in the combat system. This is also a good reference for referees on how they should be operating.

-Picks will operate similarly to beta tests. Basically, if you're interested, sign up and I'll choose the two best fits.

Note that I changed the Recoveries and Chills a bit, that's because there aren't any Adventure Phases in this one.

All right, now let me see those character sheets.

The Wanderer

Benjamin Lad (Male)
"Ugh...why do I always throw myself into this shit again?...don't answer that."
A budding archaeologist, ASB ref, auric, and all around adventurer. Together with his partner Rico, Ben has been dragged from his own world into another, thanks to shenanigans from a certain singularity. Combined with this, his inability to let wrongs go unrighted, and just plain bad luck, there's a heap of trouble on the horizon...

Nature: Quirky
Type: Dark/Fighting
Ability: Inner Focus, Infiltrator, Speed Boost

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1
SpD: Rank 3
Spe: 55
Size: 3
Weight: 4


Fake Tears
Feint Attack
Dark Pulse
Foul Play
Sucker Punch

Bulk Up
Force Palm
Quick Guard
Focus Energy
Storm Throw
Brick Break
Mach Punch
Low Kick

Take Cover

Togekiss(*) [Sethim] (Male)
"<Naw, that's not Cthulhu. That's the letter Q.>"
Rico's little brother (Their mom was a Ditto) and one of Ben's starting mons. Seth is an utter space cadet, and no one really knows what he goes on and on about.

Nature: Bold (+1 Def, -1 Atk)
Type: Fairy/Flying
Abilities: Serene Grace, Hustle, Super Luck (Unlocked)

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 1 (-)
Def: Rank 4 (+)
SpA: Rank 5
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 80
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 20

EC: Mastered!
MC: 1
AC: Mastered!

Attacks (101/117):
Level Up(*):
Ancient Power(*)
Follow Me(*)
Sweet Kiss(*)

Level Up:
After You
Air Slash
Aura Sphere
Baton Pass
Extreme Speed
Fairy Wind
Last Resort
Magical Leaf
Sky Attack

Morning Sun(*)
Nasty Plot(*)

Future Sight
Mirror Move
Stored Power

Grass Knot(*)
Thunder Wave(*)

Aerial Ace
Brick Break
Dazzling Gleam
Double Team
Dream Eater
Echoed Voice
Fire Blast
Giga Impact
Hidden Power - Ice
Hyper Beam
Light Screen
Psych Up
Rain Dance
Rock Smash
Shadow Ball
Solar Beam
Steel Wing
Sunny Day

Air Cutter
Body Slam
Defense Curl
Dizzy Punch
Drain Punch
Focus Punch
Heal Bell
Heat Wave
Helping Hand
Hyper Voice
Magic Coat
Shock Wave
Signal Beam
Silver Wind
Sleep Talk
Tri Attack
Water Pulse
Zap Cannon

Take Cover

Going with your usual. All right.

Gale Wing Srock

Roark (Male)
"Think you can disrespect my Pokémon and get away with it, did you?."

The Oreburgh City Gym Leader, Roark. Is a Trainer who decided to walk proudly with Rock-type Pokémon! But has observed that people don't give rock pokemon their due respect. So in his anger, he has set forth on an adventure to seek all evil beings in the world and bring them to justice using his Rock Pokemon. Hoping to make them see that Rock Pokemon are not only defensively strong, but offensively capable too.

Nature: Adamant
Type: Rock/Dark
Ability: Sturdy, Technician, Overcoat

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4 (+)
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 1 (-)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 55
Size: 3
Weight: 4


Rock Polish
Rock Throw
Roll Out
Stealth Rock
Ancient Power
Wide Guard
Rock Blast
Rock Tomb

Fake Tears
Feint Attack
Dark Pulse
Foul Play
Sucker Punch

Body Block
Take Cover

Rajny | Gallade (M) #Dawn Stone

Rajny is extremely stylish, he is quite but never shy of wearing the most stylish clothes available. He even requests any Leavanny he could find to stitch him a new pair of jeans. Loves to watch other people have fun while he enjoys from a distant.
Jolly (+15% Speed, +10% Accuracy, -1 SpA)


Psychic STAB; can lift and throw opponents with Psychic regardless of Special Attack Rank. Psychic-type attacks are not godlike and cannot be used as a catchall for Disabling, Binding, and redirecting opposing attacks.

Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions on Circle Throw, Seismic Toss, Sky Drop, Storm Throw, Submission, and Vital Throw.

Steadfast / Justified / Inner Focus(Mega Evolution Ability)

Steadfast (✓) - (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - Yes)
If this Pokemon is flinched, it becomes aware of the speed difference and increases Speed by one (1) stage to make up the difference. This Speed boost is maintained at the end of each round.

Justified (UnLocked Hidden Ability) - (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - no)
This Pokemon's body reacts to dark energy, invigorating its passions. When hit by a Dark-type move, the Pokémon's attack will increase one (1) stage. A boost gained this way will be maintained at the end of each round.

Inner Focus (Mega Evolution Ability) - (Passive, MoldBreaker affects - Yes)
When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.

HP: 100
Atk: Rank 5
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 2 (-)
SpD: Rank 4
Spe: 92 (+) (+10% Accuracy)
Size Class: 3
Weight Class: 4

Base Rank Total: 21
Mega Evolution (open)

EC: 9 | 9
AC: 5 | 5
MC: 0
KOC: 0

[Attacks] [133/133] [ 8 CC / Battle ]

Level Up ( 31 / 31 )
Growl(0,4) | Confusion (8,2) | Double Team (0,4*C) | Teleport (0,6) | Calm Mind (0,6) | Lucky Chant (0,10) | Magical Leaf (6,4) | Heal Pulse (0,13) | Future Sight(15,7) | Psychic(6+tw, (5+tw/2)-1) | Imprison(0,7) | Stored power(2+2*b, 6) | Close Combat(12,7) | Leaf Blade (9,7) | Night Slash (7,5) | Leer (0,4) | Fury Cutter (4+r*3, 4+r) | Slash (7,5) | Swords Dance (0,7) | Protect(0,7+D/2.5) | Hypnosis(0,6) | Feint (4,4) | Helping Hand(2xA, 4+(AA/2)) | Dream Eater(13,11) | Disarming Voice(4,4) | Draining Kiss(7,5) | Quick Guard(5) | Wide Guard(7) | Psycho Cut(10,4) | False Swipe(4,3) | Charm(6)

Egg ( 12 / 12 )
Destiny Bond (0,15) | Misty Terrain (0,9) | Disable (0,7) | Encore (0,10) | Skill Swap(0,6 per swap) | Shadow Sneak(4,4) | Synchronoise (15,7) | Ally Switch(0,4) | Confuse Ray(0,5) | Mean Look(0,6) | Grudge(0,9) | Memento
Prev Gens (Tutor / TM / HM) & Event ( 26 / 26 )
Endure (0,12) | Magic Coat (0,9) | Icy Wind(6,5) | Pain Split(25 +25, 6+(opp-u)/2 | Mud-Slap(4,4+ad) | Low Kick(6+wc,4+[wc/2]) | Drain Punch(8,11) | Wish(+25,14) | Ice Punch (8, 6) | Knock Off (10,7) | Focus Punch (15,9) | Snatch(4+m) | Vacuum Wave(7,3) | Zen Headbutt(11,5) | Fire Punch(8,6) | Trick(0,6) | Telekinesis(0,6) | Swift(6,4) | Mimic(0,5) | Night mare(7) | Natural Gift(10,7) | Head Butt(7,5) | Body Slam(9,6) | Double Edge(13,9) | Defense Curl(5) | Sing(6) |

Gen 6 TM/HM/Tutor ( 64 / 64 )
Torment (0,10) | Dazzling Gleam(11,5) | Taunt (0,10) | Charge Beam (5,6) | Trick Room(0,9) | Shadow Ball(8,6) | Substitute(0,12) | Will-o-Wisp(0,7) | Psyshock(11,5) | Earthquake (10,7) | Rock Slide (8,6) | Thunderbolt(9,7) | Grass Knot(4+tw,4.5+.5*tw) | Bulldoze(6,5) | Toxic (0,7) | Rest (0,14) | Brick Break(8,6) | Aerial Ace(6,4) | Sleep Talk(0,3+m) | Giga Impact(15,11) | Facade(7/14,5/8) | Low Sweep(10,4) | Poison Jab(8,6) | Focus Blast(15,7) | Bulk Up(0,6) | Retaliate(14,8) | X-Scissor(8,6) | Hyper Beam(15,10) | Stone Edge(10,7) | Rock Tomb(6,4) | Sunny Day(0,10) | Light Screen(0,9) | Reflect(0,9) | Thunder Wave(0,7) | Safeguard(0,10) | Psych up(0,7) | Swagger(0,7) | Dual Chop(8,6) | Thunder Punch(8,6) | Fling(5-17,3-9) | Hidden Power(6,4)[Fire] | Rock Smash(7,2) | Power Up Punch(7,3) | Confide(5) | Hyper Voice(9,7) | Snore(5,3) | Wonder Room(0,9) | Frustration(10,7) | Rain Dance(0,10) | Return(10,7) | Attract(6) | Thief(6,4) | Round(6,8) | Echoed Voice(20,15) | Flash(4+Acc) | Cut(5,3) | Strength(8,6) | Secret Power(7,5) | Magic Room(9) | Recycle(7) | Shock Wave(6,4) | Signal beam(8,6) |

Raid only moves: Dispel.

Rorak Again? Yeessh...oh I mean sure we'll go with that.

Hello, this is the beta test for the AB Society's first Simulator. We have noticed a lot of people coming here unprepared for the insanity lying ahead. To that end, we want to help everyone by opening a simulator to test out their builds. However, we have encountered a few...bugs in the simulation. Thus we need two trainers who are willing to brave a relatively easy adventure...and possible bugs, for some rewards.

After reading this on the entrance to the simulation center, the two of you enter. It is a large futuristic looking room, reminiscent of the simulator in Realgam Tower in Orre. Upon entering, you are greeted by a female attendant.

“Oh why hello you two! Thank you for volunteering for this test run. We really appreciate it. Now then, we just need you to sign these forms. We don’t expect you to be injured, but better safe than sorry! That’s what my boss says anyways.”

“Anyways, do you have any questions? If not just step into the chamber and we can begin at once!”

This is the Introduction Phase. I don't think the original Adventure Battles had this, but The Wanderer was doing it and a few people followed so sure. This is where you can post the opening flavor before we get into the adventure proper. Once you have posted flavor or 3 days pass we begin.​
So this is the AB society, huh? This place is pretty damn impressive.

I'm not here for pleasure, of course; My boss suckered me into this job. He said it would be suited to my skillset. Which is quite worrying, because my skillset usually implies a chance of getting impaled by spikes, or shot by poison darts, or otherwise killed by some deathtrap ripped out of Indiana Jones.

Nothing more lethal than an angry Chief, I guess.


Oh, come on!

Rico insisted on tagging along, but given the briefing I got before leaving, I figured it was probably best that we didn't have too many weaknesses to fighting, so I decided I would take his brother with me into the first run.


Look, just wait here, alright? We've got a few days here, you'll get your chance.

Dammit Rico, don't give me that look...


Seriously dude, you'll get your chance.

This is going to be the Caldera all over again, isn't it?

Anyway! I'd better hurry, the attendant and some bespectacled miner dude are both expecting me. Let's do this!

"Adventure is what keeps me psyched in this realm."

"What ever that means, just stop breaking rocks for your training purposes."

"Our sheer force is part of our Fighting spirit."

"There are a million things to break, in order to satisfy your little egos. Why do you have to break Rocks?"

"If you want to be the best, you take out the best!"

"Please! We all know that there are plastics stronger than the strongest rock. And if you are so hell bent on breaking stuff up, try breaking a rough cut diamond from my mine."

"Your hatred towards me seems to be for the exact opposites we are."

"But beat the crap out of you, is what I can do and choose not to; for I am here to fight for Justice like you do."
Area 1: Dawnsprout Town
Town Phase

A blinding light suddenly envelops you, and you close your eyes to shield them from the glow. When it recedes, you find yourselves in a peaceful looking village. There are a few houses here, as well as a Pokemon Center and Mart. People are walking around, going about their daily business, and you catch children playing out of the corner of your eye. In front of you is a sign, stating:

“Dawnsprout Town: The city of new beginnings!”

Once you have taken in the surroundings, you hear the attendant’s voice again.

“All right, testing, testing! Good, looks like you two loaded in just fine. This here is Dawnsprout Town, a peaceful village similar to Oldale Town in Hoenn. If you like, you can talk to some of the villagers here, or you can go north to continue the simulation. My advice: if you find yourself in an unfamiliar town, talking to the locals is a good idea to get your bearings.”

What do, Trainers?


Ben Lad l Sethim
HP: 100 l 100
Atk: Rank 2 l Rank 1
Def: Rank 2 l Rank 4
SpA: Rank 1 l Rank 5 [6]
SpD: Rank 3 l Rank 4
Spe: 55 l 80
Size: 3 l 3
Weight: 4 l 3
Item: None l Shiny Stone (+1 SpA, +3 BAP Dazzling Gleam and Solarbeam, No Charge Solarbeam)
Type: Dark/Fighting l Fairy/Flying
Other: None l Returned


Rorak l Rajny
HP: 90 l 100
Atk: Rank 4 l Rank 5
Def: Rank 2 l Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1 l Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2 l Rank 4
Spe: 55 l 92 (+10% Acc)
Size: 3 l 3
Weight: 4 l 4
Item: None l Dawn Stone (+1 Atk, +2 BAP Psychic and Ghost)
Type: Rock/Dark l Psychic/Fighting
Other: None l Returned

"Talking is a waste of energy when you can read the minds of people and maintain a synergy."

"Stupid *fcadk*! Stop with your BS and let me talk to people to find out where we are."

Roark tries to make small talk with the people who are walking around.
Gallade goes into the Pokemon Center to see if it is functional.
Dawnsprout town: The city of new beginnings!

I hardly consider a pokemon center, a pokemart and four or five houses a city, to be honest. That said, it does look kind of picturesque.

(Alright, testing, testing!)

Oh look, the attendant is playing God.

(Good, looks like you two loaded in just fine. This here is Dawnsprout Town, a peaceful village similar to Oldale Town in Hoenn. If you like, you can talk to some of the villagers here, or you can go north to continue the simulation. My advice: if you find yourself in an unfamiliar town, talking to the locals is a good idea to get your bearings.)

Hmm...other than nebulously-vague "testing," I really don't know what the fuck we're supposed to be doing. I think asking around might actually be a good idea...

But that Roark guy seems to be doing that himself, while his Gallade is checking out the pokemon center. Perhaps I can check out the store while-


Oh right, he's still in the ball. Sethim!

Throwing my pokeball to the ground, with a crack and a flash of light, my Togekiss emerged.




Hey there, big fella. Hey, I need you to do me a fa-

Immediately, Seth floated over to some fat guy in the distance. Rico's little brother is kind of a space cadet.




Technology is wonderful, isn't it! You can switch your pokemon via PC!






Technology is wonderful, isn't it! You can switch your pokemon via PC!






Technology is wonderful, isn't it! You can switch your pokemon via PC!






Seth. Dude. This is important. I need you to fly up there for a little bit and check the area out. See what you can find. And I need it in concrete terms, alright? Don't go saying that it smells like the color red or something like that. I'm not Angua.

Seth tilted his head as if I had Clawitzers crawling out of my ears, but did as he was told. I really hope this turns out alri-


Technology is wonderful, isn't it! You can switch your pokemon via PC!

...Yeah, I think I'm gonna go check out the pokemart now.
Ben: Release Togekiss and check out the pokemart
Sethim: Fly up and survey the area
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Area 1: Dawnsprout Town
Town Phase

After discussing their options, the group separates to talk to the village folk. Rajny is the first to reach his destination, and he notices that indeed, the Pokemon Center is still functioning. The problem, of course, is that it's not a very well funded Center. The yellow and red tile is starting to peel off, and while it is kept clean, it's age is definitely showing. Good enough for the local needs, but it seems they only have enough medical supplies to heal the party once. They also charge a 5 CC fee per revival.

Sethim soon soars into the air, attempting to get a bird's eye glimpse of the surrounding area.

Sethim used Fly
[-10 Energy S]

He flies higher and higher, but he notices a curious sight. The only path leading out of the town is to the north, the rest of the surroundings seem to be impassable forest. In the distance, he can see a wide river, as well as a very tall mountain. This is all the information he is able to gather before he suddenly hits an invisible wall! Apparently the simulation is programmed to a certain extent, but it's not infinite. Fortunately short of a bump on the head the Togekiss is just fine.

Lad is the next to reach the Pokemon Market. On the shelves he can see shelves full of Pokemon items that are supposedly for sale. That is, except for one shelf labeled "MooMoo Milk". Reaching to grab an item though, he realizes they're just holograms. Apparently getting actual items here is out of the question. Still, the effort is not entirely fruitless, as he overhears a conversation between a store clerk and a customer.


"Oh come on, how do you still have no milk? It has been 2 weeks!"


"Well...truth be told, my assistant who normally does delivery for me has disappeared. I have not heard from her for a while. I fear she may have gone up Ominous Mountain."


"Ominous Mountain?! That's crazy, nobody goes there, they'd disappear."

Well that's a lovely rumor. Why can't rumors ever be "flowers will sprout there" or something? They always have to end in death for some reason.


Finally, Rorak finds somebody to talk to. After a few minutes of small talk, including the weather and other such nonsense, he finally gets a tidbit of useful information. To wit:


"Oh, and whatever you do here friend, don't go up Ominous Mountian. You can see it there in the distance, but nobody that has ever climbed up has ever returned. I may be a hiker but even I won't go up there."

The party definitely had a lot to digest now. What would they do?

Ben Lad l Sethim
HP: 100 l 100
Atk: Rank 2 l Rank 1
Def: Rank 2 l Rank 4
SpA: Rank 1 l Rank 5 [6]
SpD: Rank 3 l Rank 4
Spe: 55 l 80
Size: 3 l 3
Weight: 4 l 3
Item: None l Shiny Stone (+1 SpA, +3 BAP Dazzling Gleam and Solarbeam, No Charge Solarbeam)
Type: Dark/Fighting l Fairy/Flying
Other: None l Returned


Rorak l Rajny
HP: 90 l 100
Atk: Rank 4 l Rank 5
Def: Rank 2 l Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1 l Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2 l Rank 4
Spe: 55 l 92 (+10% Acc)
Size: 3 l 3
Weight: 4 l 4
Item: None l Dawn Stone (+1 Atk, +2 BAP Psychic and Ghost)
Type: Rock/Dark l Psychic/Fighting
Other: None l Returned
*Gallade is always out of his poke ball, like Pikachu. And doesn't get inside it, unless it is an emergency."
"We should definitely stay away from that mountain."

"Pch! What good is an adventure if you are afraid to venture into the wild."
"Also, we are in a simulation so nothing can hurt you in real."

"Now don't go all kiddie on me. Did you take a good look around the town? We may need to teleport back here to this pokemon center if we ever need some emergency healing up to do."

Roark gets in sync with Ben and shares their information with him, then suggests Ben about going through the path to the north of town.

Gallade informs everyone about the pokemon center using telepathic communication, and volunteers to act as cover for the group while they go through the path (after been stared to do so by Roark).
Hmm...if we're gonna be heading out anywhere, I might as well stock up. Better to be safe than sor-

...my hand just went through the antidote.

My hand. Just went through. The antidote!

A rifling through the other merchandise has the same thing. Why is there a pokemart if I can't stock up on supplies? I considered having a word with a guy at the register, but he'd probably end up like the fat guy Seth kept talking to earlier.

Speaking of which, I should check up on him; he's probably done by now. Just as I was about to leave, though...


Oh come on, how do you still have no milk? It's been two weeks!


Well, truth be told, my assistant who normally does delivery has disappeared. I haven't heard from her in a while.

Hark! A plot thread!


I fear she may have gone up Ominous Mountain.


Ominous Mountain?! That's crazy! Nobody goes there, they'd disappear!

Ominous Mountain.

Ominous. Mountain.



Anyway, five minutes later, we've all regrouped and started sharing our findings. Fortunately, it turns out Roark's Gallade is capable of humanspeak (or at least telepathically so), so I can figure out what Seth is saying...


<And there was a big lump at the end of the squiggly. It tasted like the letter Q.>


Goddammit Seth, I said concrete terms! Concrete!


(What I think he means is that Ominous Mountain thing is at the end of the road.)


...That...makes a lot of sense, actually. Was there anything else?


<Everywhere else was covered in big green spikes.>


I'm going to assume you mean trees. Welp, if there's only one way to go...


Then let's go! To Ominous Mountain!


I still think that name is dumb as all hell...
Ben and Seth: Up the northern path!
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Area 1: Dawnsprout Town
Town Phase

Having gathered what you believe is enough information to continue on, you swiftly head up the northern path.

Area 2: Forest Path
Encounter Phase

After leaving the village, you find yourselves walking into a forest, headed towards a large mountain. Bug Pokemon buzz all around you, and you try to swat mosquitoes as you go along. Strangely enough, you hear music coming from a grove ahead. Curious, you go towards the sound, and see a Kricketune singing. It sits on a stump to the left of the meadow, and you see a path ahead to the right. Before you can act, you hear a familiar voice

“Alright, this is an Encounter Phase, this means that there is a unit that may attack you. Or it may not, you have to use your best judgement. I’ll just go ahead and tell you that this one will attack you on sight. If you fancy a fight, you can get in the first blow. Alternatively, you can save your energy and just sneak on by.”

What do, trainers?


Ben Lad l Sethim
HP: 100 l 100
Atk: Rank 2 l Rank 1
Def: Rank 2 l Rank 4
SpA: Rank 1 l Rank 5 [6]
SpD: Rank 3 l Rank 4
Spe: 55 l 80
Size: 3 l 3
Weight: 4 l 3
Item: None l Shiny Stone (+1 SpA, +3 BAP Dazzling Gleam and Solarbeam, No Charge Solarbeam)
Type: Dark/Fighting l Fairy/Flying
Other: None l Returned


Rorak l Rajny
HP: 90 l 100
Atk: Rank 4 l Rank 5
Def: Rank 2 l Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1 l Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2 l Rank 4
Spe: 55 l 92 (+10% Acc)
Size: 3 l 3
Weight: 4 l 4
Item: None l Dawn Stone (+1 Atk, +2 BAP Psychic and Ghost)
Type: Rock/Dark l Psychic/Fighting
Other: None l Returned
"Should we talk to the Kriketune first?"

"Didn't you hear Maxim's voice? This is an Encounter Phase!"

"Stop being so ****! Lets Rock 'em and Sock 'em!"

Roark: Rock Tomb (Kricketune) ~ Rock Blast (Kricketune)
IF Kricketune is holding an Item when you would act, THEN use Thief (Kricketune) on the first instance.
Gallade: Reflect (Gallade, Roark, Ben) ~ Zen Headbutt (Kricketune)
IF Kricketune uses Sing, THEN use Taunt (Kricketune) on the first instance.
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Well, this trek has been a bit irritating. I can't pick up a simple burn heal in the pokemart, yet I can feel the itch of every goddamn mosquito bite I've suffered down this trail. Why are there even mosquitoes in a simulation in the first place?...no, don't answer that. I also keep hearing lots of buzzing from bug mons; right now, I think I just heard a yanma, a pineco and...a violin? It's coming from the grove ahead...

Huh. A Kricketune.

Just before we stepped in, however, we got an announcement from the DM.

(Alright, this is an encounter phase, that means there is a unit that may attack you. Or it may not, you have to use your best judgment there.)

Well, given my past encounters with Kricketune, they probably won't bother us if we just pass by. And if they do, it's usually peace talks.

(Just for the sake of the simulation, I'll go ahead and tell you that this one'll attack on sight. If you fancy a fight, you can get in the first blow, or you could try to sneak by. Good luck!)

So much for diplomacy, then. I'd rather avoid conflict if I can help it; no sense wearing ourselves out on small fry.


Guys, I'm thinking we should sneak b-


Stop being so ****, Rajny! Let's rock 'em and sock 'em!


Wait, hold on a-

Having completely ignored me, both Roark and his "four asterisks" Gallade charge at the unsuspecting cricket, ready to deeleeleeleeleewhooooooooooooop his shit.

Ben: Taunt (Kricketune)* -> Torment (Kricketune)**
*If Kricketune uses Sing, use Torment (Kricketune)
**If Kricketune is already under the effects of Torment, use Tackle (Kricketune)
Seth: Air Slash (Kricketune) -> Air Cutter (Kricketune)
Area 2: Forest Path
Encounter Phase

Deciding that sneaking by isn't worth the risk, the team prepares to launch an assault. Just before they start though, the world stops around them. Strange noises and colors awash over the area. A blinding flash. When their sight is restored, the team finds that not one, but three Kricketune stand in the way

"Wha, this wasn't supposed to happen!" the attendant's voice rings out.


Name: Kricketune (M/F)

: Bashful (No Effect on Stats)


ABILITIES: Swarm / Technician (H)

HP: 60
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15

EC: 6/6
MC: 0
AC: 5/5


Bug Bite

Bug Buzz

Fell Stinger

Focus Energy

Fury Cutter


Leech Life

Night Slash

Perish Song




Sticky Web

Struggle Bug



Heal Bell

Hyper Voice

Knock Off


String Shot

Aerial Ace

Brick Break




Fortunately, they seem surprised by the sudden attack.

Kricketune split into three!
They were surprised!

Gallade used Reflect
Gallade, Rorak, Ben were protected from physical attacks
[-9 Energy Gal]

Togekiss used Air Slash on (2/3) Kricketune 2
To Hit: [5>= Miss]=1=Miss
It missed!
[-5 Energy Tog]

Rorak used Rock Tomb on (2/3) Kricketune 2
To Hit: [5>= Miss]=23=Hit
To Crit: [1=Yes]=15=No
Damage: [6+3+3]*1.5=18
[18 Damage Kri2] [-3 Energy Ror]

Ben used Taunt on (2/3) Kricketune 2
Kricketune 2 Taunted
[-9 Energy Ben]

With their enemy now known to be more than one, and them getting their act together, what will the trainers do now?

(Some things, I'm limiting this to one round since this would be one "ambush" action, and because the scenario changed. Also, the profile of the Kricketune are revealed here to allow counter play by the trainers. I'll go into more detail in the next battle.)


"wE WIll DeStRoY YoU!"

Kricketune 1: Struggle Bug~X-Scissor (Ben)

Kricketune 2: Struggle Bug~Brick Break (Ben)

Kricketune 3: Struggle Bug~X-Scissor (Ben)


Kricketune 1
HP: 60
EN: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15


Kricketune 2
HP: 42
EN: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15
Other: Taunted (3A)


Kricketune 3
HP: 60
EN: 100
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15


Ben Lad l Sethim
HP: 100 l 100
EN: 91 l 95
Atk: Rank 2 l Rank 1
Def: Rank 2 l Rank 4
SpA: Rank 1 l Rank 5 [6]
SpD: Rank 3 l Rank 4
Spe: 55 l 80
Size: 3 l 3
Weight: 4 l 3
Item: None l Shiny Stone (+1 SpA, +3 BAP Dazzling Gleam and Solarbeam, No Charge Solarbeam)
Type: Dark/Fighting l Fairy/Flying
Other: None l Returned


Rorak l Rajny
HP: 90 l 100
EN: 97 l 91
Atk: Rank 4 l Rank 5
Def: Rank 2 l Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1 l Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2 l Rank 4
Spe: 55 l 92 (+10% Acc)
Size: 3 l 3
Weight: 4 l 4
Item: None l Dawn Stone (+1 Atk, +2 BAP Psychic and Ghost)
Type: Rock/Dark l Psychic/Fighting
Other: None l Returned
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*Taunt should have five actions left right?
"Whoa! We are ambushed!"

"Pff... Big Deal. Lets get 'em all!"

"Lets be a little conservative here."
"Don't be a wimpy puss, Lets get 'em."
"But.. But... " >.<
"Okay don't go sour now, will get a Wide Guard up for you just this once."

Roark: Wide Guard ~ Rock Tomb (Kricketune 2)

Gallade: Zen Headbutt (Kriketune 3) ~ Rock Slide
As you can probably guess, I'm no fighter.

That's not to say I've never thrown a punch in my life - when you've been hunting lost ruins for the past four years, you tend to cross paths with hideaway thugs, grave robbers and other unscrupulous folks whose primary reaction to you is trying to bash your skull in with the nearest blunt object. Nevertheless, it's usually Rico and the others who do the dirty work - they're far better at it than I am - and when I do get involved, it's usually to buy them time.

Better get started, then.


Hey, dipshit! Over here!

That got the Kricketune's attention. Now while he's focused on me, the others can-



He...split. He fucking split! Is this supposed to happen?

(What the...this isn't supposed to happen!)

Well, that answers my question. Lovely.

And on top of that, the ninjatunes seem to be coming at me, the look in their eyes reminiscent of...well, angry Kricketunes.

Shit. I didn't wanna have to do this so early...

Ben: Focus Energy -> Force Palm (Kricketune 1, grab his face and let out the power!)
Seth: Heat Wave -> Follow Me
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Tagging The Wanderer and Gale Wing Srock here. Please let me know whether you guys are A) Still around and B) Still willing to do this. If one of these don't apply still post here anyway, so I can hand out a consolation prize for being a derp.
Area 2: Forest Path

Ah, sorry about the lack of flavor here. I'm afraid the ref's a little tied up at the moment.

*scene cuts to Maxim bound and gagged inside a safe*

Hey I said if he doesn't ref then he gets the safe dropped on him, I never said I wouldn't tie him up instead.

Anyways, the battle ends with the Kricketune destroyed by the group, which means they can finally move along to the next (hopefully more deadly) trap.

Action 1:
Rorak used Wide Guard
[-6 Energy Ror]

Gallade used Zen Headbutt on Kri 3
To Flinch: [20>= Yes]=87=No
To Crit: [1=yes]=9=No
Damage: [8+3+6+2]=19
[19 Damage Kri 3] [-5 Energy Gal]

Togekiss used Heat Wave
Roll Order: Kri 1, 2, 3
To Hit: [10>= Miss]=81, 62, 23
To Burn: [10>= Yes]=74, 96, 33
To Crit: [1=Yes]=6, 15, 8
Damage: [10*.75+6]*1.5=20.25
[20.25 Damage Kri 1, 2, 3] [-7 Energy Tog]

Kricketune 1 used Struggle Bug
But it was blocked by Rorak's Wide Guard
[-2 Energy Kri 1]

Kricketune 2 used Struggle Bug
But it was blocked by Rorak's Wide Guard
[-2 Energy Kri 2]

Kricketune 3 used Struggle Bug
But it was blocked by Rorak's Wide Guard
[-2 Energy Kri 3]

Ben used Focus Energy
His moves are critical hits for the next 6 Actions
[-12 Energy Ben]

Action Two:
Togekiss used Follow Me
Kricketunes were attracted to attack Togekiss
[-9 Energy Tog]

Gallade used Rock Slide
Roll Order: Kricketune 1, 2, 3
To Hit: [10>= Miss]=24, 11, 59
To Flinch: [30>= Yes]=48, 27, 45=Kri 2
To Crit: [1=Yes]=6, 8, 11
Damage: [8*.75+6]*1.5=18
[18 Damage Kri 1, 2, 3] [-6 Energy Gal]
Kricketune 2 fainted!

Kricketune 1 used X-Scissor
It was redirected to Togekiss
To Crit: [1=Yes]=16=No
Damage: [8+3-1.5]*0.44=4.18
[4.18 Damage Tog] [-5 Energy Kri 1]

Kricketune 3 used X-Scissor
It was redirected to Togekiss
To Crit: [1=Yes]=2=No
Damage: [8+3-1.5]*0.44=4.18
[4.18 Damage Tog] [-5 Energy Kri 3]

Rorak used Rock Tomb on Kri 3
To Crit: [1=Yes]=13=No
To Hit: [5>= Miss]=67=Hit
Damage: [6+3+3]*1.5=18
[18 Damage Kri 3] [-3 Energy Ror]
Kricketune 3 fainted!

Ben used Force Palm on Kri 1
To Crit: Guaranteed
Damage: [6+3+3]*.67=8.04
[8.04 Damage Kri 1] [-4 Energy Ben]
Kricketune 1 fainted!

Battle over.

Rorak: -9 Energy
Ben: -16 Energy
Gallade: -11 Energy
Togekiss: 8 Damage, -16 Energy
Kricketune 1: 65 Damage, -7 Energy, FAINT
Kricketune 2: 57 Damage, -2 Energy, FAINT
Kricketune 3: 75 Damage, -7 Energy, FAINT


Kricketune 1
EN: 93
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15


Kricketune 2
EN: 98
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15
Other: Taunted (3A)


Kricketune 3
EN: 93
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 65
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 3
Base Rank Total: 15


Ben Lad l Sethim
HP: 100 l 92
EN: 75 l 79
Atk: Rank 2 l Rank 1
Def: Rank 2 l Rank 4
SpA: Rank 1 l Rank 5 [6]
SpD: Rank 3 l Rank 4
Spe: 55 l 80
Size: 3 l 3
Weight: 4 l 3
Item: None l Shiny Stone (+1 SpA, +3 BAP Dazzling Gleam and Solarbeam, No Charge Solarbeam)
Type: Dark/Fighting l Fairy/Flying
Other: Focus Energy (4A) l None


Rorak l Rajny
HP: 90 l 100
EN: 88 l 80
Atk: Rank 4 l Rank 5 [6]
Def: Rank 2 l Rank 3
SpA: Rank 1 l Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2 l Rank 4
Spe: 55 l 92 (+10% Acc)
Size: 3 l 3
Weight: 4 l 4
Item: None l Dawn Stone (+1 Atk, +2 BAP Psychic and Ghost)
Type: Rock/Dark l Psychic/Fighting
Other: None l None




I held out my hand, grabbed the charging Kricketune right in the face, nearly fell over because goddamn, these guys are heavier than they look, and-


-force palmed the bastard unconscious. Looks like that's the last of them.


Everybody okay?

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"So we are welcomed by ambushing Ninjas o_0"

"Pff... Big Deal. Lets get going!"

"Don't be a lazy pantsy; Lets go."
"But.. But... Look at the scenery around?"

Roark: Follows Ben Lad & Sethim

Gallade: Reluctantly follows