A Favorites Team That Can Wreck House (First RMT)

I've been experimenting with this team for a while and I think I've finally got it at its optimal build. It has a defensive regenerator core that aims to wear down the opponent for a Charizard X sweep. I prefer not to use legendaries, mostly because I plan to build this team in game, but feel free to recommend them anyway.

Changes in bold


Charizard (Wyrm) @ Charizard X
EVs: 252 Attack 252 Speed 4 HP
Flare Blitz
Dragon Dance
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Blaze (Tough Claws)

Charizard X is one of the best dragon dancers in the game. Once my team has cleared the way he comes in, dances, and then sweeps the remaining pokemon. Being immune to will'o'wisp as a physical attacker is a big advantage that not many teams plan for. Charizard also helps me cover some of my greatest weaknesses to fast special attackers like Charizard Y, Greninja, and Genesect. He comes in after something goes down to one of these fast threats, takes a hit, and then OHKOs in return.


Togekiss (Squall) @ Leftovers
EVs: 252 HP 252 SpDef 4 SpAtk
Dazzling Gleam
Air Slash
Thunder Wave
Nature: Calm
Ability: Serene Grace

Togekiss has not been the strongest member of the team being neither very fast nor very bulky, but it can pack a punch. The EVs are set up to outspeed uninvested Rotom-W and 2HKO with Dazzling Gleam. It also has lots of HP to help patch up the special side of my team with it's natural SpD. I use it as a Dragon and Grass type killer, but most of those types can hit it back hard in some form or another. I'm wondering if I should get out of the middle of the road with Togekiss and either go specially defensive or all out offensive.

Changed Togekiss to a specially defensive paraflinch set. The extra Thunder Wave helps the team a ton with speed debuff support.


Donphan (Bulwark) @ Expert Belt
EVs: 252 HP 252 Atk 4 Def
Rapid Spin
Stealth Rock
Knock Off
Nature: Adamant
Ability: Sturdy

Here is my rapid spinner and rock setter. I use him as a lead to ensure that he gets full use out of his sturdy. I chose attack power over defensive bulk because my defense is covered pretty well by Slowbro. I usually try to take out their lead first before either spinning or setting rocks. Knock Off is to hit spin blockers and does serious and unexpected damage when combined with full Atk EVs and an expert belt. Starmie and Trevenant like to switch into him but usually end up being killed. Earthquake is for a STAB truckload of damage.


Slowbro (Piers) @ Leftovers
EVs: 248 HP 252 Def 8 SpA
Ice Beam
Slack Off
Thunder Wave
Nature: Bold
Ability: Regenerator

Here is the first half of my regenerator core. I love being rewarded to switch between my walls and it has saved me countless times. Scald is for physical attackers. Thunder wave is to slow down whatever is moving too fast on the other team. My team isn't particularly fast and appreciates the speed debuff, especially Togekiss. His only problem is that he can't deal with grass and electric moves which brings us to...


Tangrowth (Laurel) @ Assault Vest
EVs: 248 HP 252 SpDef 8 Def
Leaf Storm
Knock Off
Hidden Power Ice
Nature: Sassy
Ability: Regenerator

The second half of my regenerator core. Tangrowth handles most things that slowbro cannot. The mixed attacking set works really well as it can hit most pokemon decently hard. Leaf Storm is used for the extra power. The SpAtk debuff doesn't matter because I'll most likely be switching soon for that sweet sweet regeneration or it put me in range to use a physical move to finish them off. Knock off is here again to hit the psychics she'll be walling, HP Ice is to check things like landorus and gliscor, and earthquake for strong coverage.

I've been thinking of switching Tangrowth to a fully defensive set to get access to sleep powder and changing Slowbro to a Specially defensive Slowking, but I don't think their type resistances would remain as strong as they are now. Tested this out and didn't like it nearly as much. It completely left me open to Talonflame and Mega Pinser.


Magnezone (HAL) @ Choice Specs
EVs: 172 HP 252 SpAtk 84 Speed
Volt Turn
Flash Cannon
Hidden Power Fire
Nature: Modest
Ability: Magnet Pull

Magnezone is either a must have or dead weight depending on the opponents team, but when he is useful he is very useful. He can lock in things like scizor, skarmory, fortress, and ferrothorn and remove them with ease. Togekiss and him have good synergy by covering each others weaknesses and Togekiss enjoys having less steel on the field. Charizard also enjoys an outrage sweep without a bulky steel getting in the way and resisting his attacks. The EVs are set up to outspeed skarmory. Although this thing hits like a truck with choice specs on, ground types are always switching in on him to OHKO with earthquake. I'm beginning to wonder if I should replace the choice specs with an air balloon. I wish this thing could also handle Genesect, a huge threat to my team, but most of the ones I run into are unbanded and OHKO him with flamethrower.

So there's my team. I know I'm missing priority moves but I opted for power and bulk over speed here. It's not designed to keep everything alive until the end of the battle. I often sacrifice less useful pokemon depending on what I need more to get safer switch ins. I personally chose not to build it with legendaries, but that doesn't mean you can't recommend them in your rating.
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Ok first, your magnezone isn't even using all of it's EV's, that definitely needs to be fixed.
Then Charizard needs to be running Jolly nature over Adamant, as that allows it to outrun Lucario on the turn it mega evolves and knock it out without a boost, since you really don't want to eat a close combat when you drop flying type for dragon.
and finally togekiss should be running leftovers and flamethrower/fire blast over aura sphere since it will hit most steel types harder, and leftovers improves her longevity dramatically.
Was never a huge donphan fan; everything it does excadrill can do more quickly and more powerfully. Sturdy is rarely useful on a lead (unless you're smeargle) since people rarely lead with a sweeper. Excadrill ' s superior speed/swords dance means that he survives much longer than the painfully slow donphan, even without sturdy. Tldr the speed/power of excadrill can be used throughout the entire match, while sturdy, though useful, is a one time boon.