Gen 3 [$505 USD Prize Pool] ADV ZU Open: Gold Rush - Round 1

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Call me Mason; DMs always open!
is a Top Social Media Contributoris a Community Leaderis a Community Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Host
Social Media Head
Approved by Hiro'
OP largely stolen from grape tylenol


Hosted by goldmason with help from BeatsBlack and BP
Art by:
Andrew Endres (Website Here)

Welcome to ADV ZU's Gold Rush Tournament!
This is a single-elimination ADV ZU tour with a prize pool of $505 USD and counting!!

1st: 50%
2nd: 30%
3rd: 20%

If you are interested in donating to the prize pool please DM BP here or on Discord (bp77) the following format with your information! Once done BP will respond with further directions!

Smogon Account:
Amount and Currency:
Public or Private Donation:

Smogon Account: BP
Amount and Currency: $200 USD
Public or Private Donation: Public

Tournament rules are as follows:
- General tournament rules and regulations apply.
- Best of three, single elimination.
- This tournament will use the ADV ZU ban list, available Pokemon can be found on Smogon's Strategy dex
- If metagame changes occur during the middle of a round, they will take effect in the subsequent round.
- Battles must take place on Pokemon Showdown! or the SmogTours server.
- Battle ties do not progress either player towards winning the set.
- Replays are mandatory for all matches played to prevent disputes.
- Swagger is BANNED

ADV ZU is proud to announce that the ladder will be returning during this tournament for ease of access to testing!


THIS IS NOT A LIVE TOUR. You will have until the deadline to contact and schedule with your opponent. Please refer to the Scheduling Guidelines for more information on how best to schedule with your opponent.

Round 1 is due on Sunday, August 11th at 11:59 PM -4.
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mkizzy  vs  DAHLI
Achohermano  vs  NormalGymLeaderTed
atot5005  vs  inkzera
Strategy Therapy  vs  TomatoZause
LoDart210  vs  Shing
jadma  vs  BloodAce
ima  vs  TwistedWinds
tom holland  vs  oopsalldeoxys
Davii  vs  RoyalNGR
jacoblong9  vs  Umbremaniac
Valerie  vs  Godric4892
606PikeCountyByGod  vs  Quantum Tesseract
JellyfishDreams  vs  LixK99
Eastomations  vs  Lhions
psychoGunner417  vs  chiefbeef1234
Ren-chon  vs  peep72
turkeylord7436  vs  RaisedByChaos
Superzin  vs  violet river
tepiglover  vs  Yaslow
borischoto  vs  Mister McLovin
yfy  vs  mintjellyfish
Vi best waifu  vs  MrStiiizz
Bobmandude  vs  Josepharas1
cyberas  vs  ZDen
PecorinoRoma  vs  royman_0
the13thguy  vs  EmpoleonG
BaitWiz  vs  Sacrificed
yuramas  vs  Astrals7k
AceTeaaa  vs  o tal do Swampert
nighmar7  vs  Realtimeglover
SithuKyawHtin  vs  catdaddy5x
Lillith Plays  vs  shuriflowers
NoWarInBaSingSe  vs  khunter709
GabrieLopez  vs  Skrublax
_kôr  vs  giove97
yogscastweasel  vs  One Last Kiss
Spindaa327  vs  Commmi
mrsunsmash  vs  jairdz
yakarimseni  vs  Alder ST
DynasaurusChess  vs  Cam
Huargensy  vs  Gamal85
erekle  vs  Gummybean999
woobysmooby  vs  JacintoElGrande
Genius Dewri  vs  plznostep
Animecatbelike  vs  Cigtar
EarlSweetScent  vs  LongRat
Xand  vs  Concept Everything
Chexr  vs  Charku
Aurist  vs  TheFranklin
lax  vs  DevilRat1616
p5 vioz  vs  cZeee1
Beemo666  vs  Strictsceptile
Elian  vs  reggg
JangMoo-Moo  vs  Cee o-o
Wwwhehe  vs  Cbass97
feen  vs  jp005
vikvik33  vs  elperico122
Othkurik  vs  Fdmw
Alecss  vs  Gamma_Gammur
RedMoonie  vs  ExguardiaN
risin_glory  vs  Razorang
SMHorizon  vs  Jimmy6T
floralgreenn  vs  stucksmilin
SteelSwaggy  vs  pinelabm
no2093  vs  OranBerryBlissey10
The_GOAT_Haole  vs  JabbaTheGriffin
icarus_fell13  vs  Javi
t7g6  vs  tejasdapro
k8ppy  vs  Lerenegad
zaydapoketrainer  vs  Heysup
just_unrelated  vs  Tarah204
Ihetick  vs  IStan97SVG
jeronipuff  vs  InvertSombre
PuddingMcNick  vs  Aquapkm
weird mon  vs  sugazzZ
zben  vs  Dj Breloominati♬
Wearth  vs  Platum
FluPla  vs  Fogbound Lake
YBW  vs  Boshinator6
Hubriz  vs  SOM/05
pikaposterascas97  vs  blero
sinnabyss  vs  MichaelderBeste2
Arterial  vs  Okuya
revrenn  vs  velvet
5gen  vs  RickyZainer
Reuben_Thomas05  vs  Zemblanityyy
zaynxdetox  vs  Plazma_
rammus20xx  vs  ramhorns
Louft  vs  mvrowi
Sawkasm  vs  22SavageHut
EarthTraveler413  vs  zoukalamangue
Strawbbbz  vs  grootsgenieter
PenguGuy1  vs  neich
ruktrs  vs  Hadi.M
Erfder  vs  moi_snooze
Django  vs  DrainU
Slender3008  vs  Shermat
Broduderman  vs  treeshhhh
Zebracheetah  vs  THE_CHUNGLER
Penguinsupporter  vs  aLMArED!
Williat  vs  Ballistic6x
KyojuroRengoku  vs  DripDrop1
Zoyotte  vs  Zpice
thebest$714  vs  SquirtledMyPants
charlierob  vs  Uta The Clown
coconutlover27  vs  Tachipoyo
Frfe Hatsune Miku  vs  Big Chungus irl
Zicafeliped  vs  LarkinLT
budgetplayer  vs  Horodro
MiMic85  vs  grp
Pokeboi456  vs  hannah_xyz
KarliTheFrenshie  vs  zorosdifferent
artnelas  vs  victor123fahad
Sparksss  vs  xavihahahalol
GoldEthan03  vs  Nlbig
HappyNub  vs  alenpa
newkraverz  vs  cranberryjuicesur
E Man  vs  Swisky
Poyo006  vs  woeishuen
Alain 243  vs  OOz!?
Zcarlett  vs  TheColorRed
divine.lathe  vs  mrextrazy
Celever  vs  TheMiamiPalaphins
Gangsta Spongebob  vs  Alverick99
SolApollo365  vs  Aliss
CertainWeeb  vs  Swope
Fungi_man  vs  Tllmbrg
Copper05  vs  Melbelle
cjwwkwkqk9  vs  Ooziegib
latinx xcellence  vs  Omey
Latlat1  vs  Kunwarstein$
Bri~  vs  Trout In Space
mtalha94  vs  AhmedxWaleed
cpinalli1  vs  Anicredible
jvgreenn  vs  Yo_Foxy
euph0ria  vs  Noob_234234
big tony 2014  vs  Klird
FIGGY305  vs  joshua
SockN  vs  Pillow_Flowers
5Dots  vs  halaman95
AnTgamess  vs  Jimothy Cool
chillgator  vs  Cliff
DripLegend  vs  CourageousMudkip
hessukessu  vs  SEA
Terror_05  vs  Yuri4344
ArchAether  vs  Scizornite
swagnation6969!!!  vs  WuhHubba
DarkPharoah7  vs  glowbrogang
Lightone  vs  Alive Toaster
Zetchup21man  vs  TheWizardCat
Peek that  vs  Biggeth J
gato en pecho  vs  Toto
Federico segu  vs  skystriker14_real
Ev_Evan  vs  DIRT NoddedAlpaca
Fabiocrak  vs  binathy
TobzNimmtHopz  vs  poac
Sylveon used calm mind  vs  LTG
Sus_dedication  vs  ElectricityCat
serpking  vs  wolftamer979
Kizaco  vs  Rumielle
Saruto134  vs  Stories
PureHaxixe  vs  matrixbr
Awawkee  vs  meamPearl
BeatsBlack  vs  a fruitshop owner
Daniel Ramos  vs  A plague doc
catupirinho  vs  Ewin
cloudy_stars  vs  TheMutantSpaceDancer
Mulikki  vs  Cerberus6987Z
Stillstarting 77  vs  WkPlague
Denzel_Spicy_Curry  vs  recti
Newbellello  vs  cherif18
Onraider  vs  JoelzeDummy
kingkw69  vs  Toxin Boost
Planet  vs  wxlmqrt
PeachyAladdin  vs  MugiwaraLux
Wingodhalf  vs  DanteADV
Lunar Sloth  vs  Lily
Archlord379  vs  Whammerist
Diodia  vs  RichBMS1
IrisTwT  vs  BariTomes
bandoodee  vs  demixelz
bagelmans  vs  Prowsey
Conmh  vs  Pipp_314
NastierPlot  vs  nuttherealface
AggressiveDr.  vs  Bravemile
donk27  vs  banz_club
I_like_shorts  vs  Paytonio
viny17  vs  AresDaMartian
napimsiken  vs  ArminHD
aptedepresence  vs  GarryThySnail
false  vs  Danny
zay-zay  vs  BusterMoon
Red ✫ 95/96 ✫  vs  #1 Bukayo Saka Fan
MiniOre  vs  Lambovino
HavocMaster-1  vs  scionicle
Poosh_i  vs  CrowDeadmanSenji
Nosaka  vs  natu
gtlscot  vs  bydy
Melninja  vs  Shamankingaursu
Raichy  vs  dstn8008
IllidanStr  vs  Esacwollip
Rival Andrew  vs  wolie
Swagata Mitra  vs  KryoXenocide
Arkadeusz91  vs  FRTW
saccharine soldier  vs  High Mighty Weasel
Xinc  vs  WormStepper
PKMN Trainer Fer  vs  victreeboy
kAzin kAton  vs  Final_Grey
Katiuska  vs  Yarddrok
iTrauma  vs  Tji69
Evan342  vs  NotGalar249
Rukyy  vs  BlerpDerpSkerp
Kotek15  vs  Azamat140499
Chomp29  vs  Maxis
Bigzzs  vs  Healingpie
ZeStinky  vs  RainbowPaprica
azogue  vs  jamesbond121
NY Shyguy  vs  puncks
Adamitiko  vs  RealHeh
eblizzydakid  vs  ontario oshawott
Indeezee  vs  swinubfan44
Martianonice  vs  Crayscent
Parpar  vs  Breadfruit
1Thompson  vs  Violincore
qasi  vs  Atakeria
SpooningManatee  vs  damien the genius
OffensiveFerrothorn  vs  Sebaszc08
AmShaegar  vs  mind gaming
HSOWA  vs  UrdnotSex
Leprechaun Shaun  vs  trella
evvls  vs  GGwebas
CeaselessEdgelord  vs  Adrireina
havocknight  vs  Wariowaft
55Miniben  vs  Fastwalker22
Bear4950  vs  Tempo di anguria
MCND  vs  Tony1410
shelgonfan  vs  Trilobytes
leafora!  vs  CofiKozaa
OongusDoongus  vs  drclueless
Kallum  vs  kapiti
Sunrose  vs  PzKitty
davidTheMaster  vs  Mrs.Debauchery
kimerCat  vs  Drud
mrnoodleoctopus  vs  baumannjoe
baka-loves-picachu  vs  DibDab_CLK
TwentyTwan  vs  Welli0u
El Cero  vs  DarkxSkies
Huntu  vs  Epic Epidemic
Crick Ross  vs  doradosal004
Prinplup fiction  vs  Chester of the South
Lafell  vs  Shroomsaur
DragoLucien  vs  loveisfree
Ejracer1  vs  Baoba
mad dawg  vs  Vaictador
S0fiane  vs  GNorhsala
RL  vs  Surimi
Crybaby_Mimikyu  vs  derient45
Greentea570  vs  Kowasabii
Chazual Fridays  vs  ZombieBomb852
AmericanPi  vs  Sificon
GugaDasMemes  vs  iamfucknlosser
Monai  vs  NoName6293
Charmayanne  vs  VigilanteVigoroth
Karmaster  vs  Tyohunkin
MZ  vs  Red_Fire08
Akagami Shanks  vs  Daeriko
Pyrus 1034  vs  torkonpeter
AJU500  vs  Grattiti
pdads  vs  samuelthestrong
wellburn  vs  born2vroom
phantomcobra  vs  Capt Cappin
idiotclips  vs  muiboy
LustfulLice  vs  Sleepy Fey
Trying_toget_tough  vs  Jaishy
NinjaMeerkat  vs  CaydenButBubbles?
ct3thagod  vs  dcwalie
Wonz0  vs  TRXXJEH
JonAmon 25  vs  lolopero
AngoyMoon  vs  absolutesword007
Rolenty  vs  Cesinator
Retsu06  vs  Shivam_Z
DaSpoofy  vs  jjjnkn
decis  vs  Akbcrew13
faithviolet  vs  Katarchick
BrunoSouza130  vs  rabbitsaremylife0
MudkipEnjoyer  vs  samuel.m.24
yukao  vs  Snuggle-Conda
heisenberg288  vs  KaminaLegends
TBasedGod  vs  Aji500
tuxra1903  vs  triple axel blaze
ukaaa  vs  Subequest
Howard Dern  vs  0R2
Hairoll  vs  Gaymopguy
billclintonlol  vs  Gymlead11b
Bluefreaked  vs  Sonired
Fc  vs  CrazyStevy
Petros  vs  Zelph
Incognition  vs  Himurabt
nelzon  vs  BalDialga
Aaronboyer  vs  diegoyuhhi
lolebruh  vs  evakiyama!
owntempo  vs  RTM
transmetropolitan  vs  daydinosuar
JhonArias  vs  SKIBIDI SIGMA
Crimechild  vs  Spedonic
SKITZ  vs  shageenth
ziloXX  vs  lrodher
Seandiggersby  vs  Supereeee
pickupplayrough  vs  Ranshiin
Baby Kippers  vs  fortunate sun
Lunarvania  vs  Celdanami
gorditoconbigote  vs  samtheman27
DonMarto  vs  Yxios
Gerrychu29  vs  Nashrock
karrottensirup  vs  Funkybeangamer
bern  vs  czim
szkonk  vs  DarkHor$e
valusho  vs  Jegadeswaran
Vicksnick  vs  m rodrigues
bingenji  vs  BananaBroSHSID
gye5  vs  Medeia
NotVeryCake  vs  crow crumbs
kokeri  vs  revversion
Kaif  vs  gaming chiken
driftingbreath  vs  Kaboom
Jare34  vs  Rizi
When the 2)  vs  TheOnettTimes
Tivito  vs  R3x The Woat
missangelic  vs  Ishdagoon
Tack  vs  SP0RE-SPEAKS
BP  vs  cianchan
Leeto64  vs  Hopecalypse
Lake Effect  vs  Sibwind
Gleebs  vs  ItsClood
AkifKhan  vs  pj
Riruia  vs  Zheker
db  vs  Adsafs
ZeninMaki  vs  Arck4ngel
Ruizera  vs  aMantis
Wiesellord  vs  mikewwm8
Amire  vs  Loneling
venomous 2.0  vs  CatDCPmeow
Your mom op.  vs  neffman19
WindWarrior75  vs  MeEsSm
SMOWKZ  vs  regibig
bbuugsy  vs  SalmonLad
Bygone Days  vs  DonkinDo
Vegetator  vs  yovan33321
ChairmanBush  vs  WePurpyPoo
Dawn Dreams  vs  Coldinfo
SOMALIA  vs  sleid
vr1_bx  vs  ighy24
JBL  vs  godletmegooverkill
Cosmo'Star  vs  Mrsillyboi
Hoopas Dad  vs  neomon
sorbs  vs  wooper
Dom12887  vs  LePaulOffi
Malekith  vs  etesecheunu
LuvdiscDelgado312  vs  King Leo V
s1lveryo  vs  babymariofan563
TickingBomb  vs  Mimikyu Stardust
relaxray  vs  bz1nga
Geng@r  vs  D4R8X
Spance  vs  Cryolite
biredonerwoone  vs  gabem
RagingSquirtle  vs  Rambo724
Swagmelon192  vs  Torbsterino
Kiryuu4488  vs  ScadurtreeVgc
FnTsY24  vs  TyCarter
Fragments  vs  Cdijk16
TheGreatGonzo  vs  Hiro'
DanielCk  vs  Garay oak
terribleplayer19  vs  gastlies
Jung3  vs  A Welcome Guest
robjr  vs  avarice
Deyvin BiRd  vs  Bye 8
Werexlr8  vs  spell
Hachimaki  vs  ohko by scald
CremFresh  vs  luisin
Hellouda01  vs  Beka
SinisterScrafty  vs  Bye 13
Zetious  vs  Bouff
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Can someone pls ping everyone again; I never got a ping for this tour and I only found out my opp because they messaged me
Do we get notified when it’s our turn for battle? I’m pretty far down the list and working. It’d be nice to have a reminder/noti
It is not a live tour; For each week, you schedule a time to play against your opponent using either player's Smogon wall. Here is a general guideline to follow for ideal scheduling:

For whatever time you schedule for, you can try to leave reminders/alarms for yourself.
mkizzy  vs  DAHLI
Achohermano  vs  NormalGymLeaderTed
atot5005  vs  inkzera
Strategy Therapy  vs  TomatoZause
LoDart210  vs  Shing
jadma  vs  BloodAce
ima  vs  TwistedWinds
tom holland  vs  oopsalldeoxys
Davii  vs  RoyalNGR
jacoblong9  vs  Umbremaniac
Valerie  vs  Godric4892
606PikeCountyByGod  vs  Quantum Tesseract
JellyfishDreams  vs  LixK99
Eastomations  vs  Lhions
psychoGunner417  vs  chiefbeef1234
Ren-chon  vs  peep72
turkeylord7436  vs  RaisedByChaos
Superzin  vs  violet river
tepiglover  vs  Yaslow
borischoto  vs  Mister McLovin
yfy  vs  mintjellyfish
Vi best waifu  vs  MrStiiizz
Bobmandude  vs  Josepharas1
cyberas  vs  ZDen
PecorinoRoma  vs  royman_0
the13thguy  vs  EmpoleonG
BaitWiz  vs  Sacrificed
yuramas  vs  Astrals7k
AceTeaaa  vs  o tal do Swampert
nighmar7  vs  Realtimeglover
SithuKyawHtin  vs  catdaddy5x
Lillith Plays  vs  shuriflowers
NoWarInBaSingSe  vs  khunter709
GabrieLopez  vs  Skrublax
_kôr  vs  giove97
yogscastweasel  vs  One Last Kiss
Spindaa327  vs  Commmi
mrsunsmash  vs  jairdz
yakarimseni  vs  Alder ST
DynasaurusChess  vs  Cam
Huargensy  vs  Gamal85
erekle  vs  Gummybean999
woobysmooby  vs  JacintoElGrande
Genius Dewri  vs  plznostep
Animecatbelike  vs  Cigtar_
EarlSweetScent  vs  LongRat
Xand  vs  Concept Everything
Chexr  vs  Charku
Aurist  vs  TheFranklin
lax  vs  DevilRat1616
p5 vioz  vs  cZeee1
Beemo666  vs  Strictsceptile
Elian  vs  reggg
JangMoo-Moo  vs  Cee o-o
Wwwhehe  vs  Cbass97
feen  vs  jp005
vikvik33  vs  elperico122
Othkurik  vs  Fdmw
Alecss  vs  Gamma_Gammur
RedMoonie  vs  ExguardiaN
risin_glory  vs  Razorang
SMHorizon  vs  Jimmy6T
floralgreenn  vs  stucksmilin
SteelSwaggy  vs  pinelabm
no2093  vs  OranBerryBlissey10
The_GOAT_Haole  vs  JabbaTheGriffin
icarus_fell13  vs  Javi
t7g6  vs  tejasdapro
k8ppy  vs  Lerenegad
zaydapoketrainer  vs  Heysup
just_unrelated  vs  Tarah204
Ihetick  vs  IStan97SVG
jeronipuff  vs  InvertSombre
PuddingMcNick  vs  Aquapkm
weird mon  vs  sugazzZ
zben  vs  Dj Breloominati♬
Wearth  vs  Platum
FluPla  vs  Fogbound Lake
YBW  vs  Boshinator6
Hubriz  vs  SOM/05
pikaposterascas97  vs  blero
sinnabyss  vs  MichaelderBeste2
Arterial  vs  Okuya
revrenn  vs  velvet
5gen  vs  RickyZainer
Reuben_Thomas05  vs  Zemblanityyy
zaynxdetox  vs  Plazma_
rammus20xx  vs  ramhorns
Louft  vs  mvrowi
Sawkasm  vs  22SavageHut
EarthTraveler413  vs  zoukalamangue
Strawbbbz  vs  grootsgenieter
PenguGuy1  vs  neich
ruktrs  vs  Hadi.M
Erfder  vs  moi_snooze
Django  vs  DrainU
Slender3008  vs  Shermat
Broduderman  vs  treeshhhh
Zebracheetah  vs  THE_CHUNGLER
Penguinsupporter  vs  aLMArED!
Williat  vs  Ballistic6x
KyojuroRengoku  vs  DripDrop1
Zoyotte  vs  Zpice
thebest$714  vs  SquirtledMyPants
charlierob  vs  Uta The Clown
coconutlover27  vs  Tachipoyo
Frfe Hatsune Miku  vs  Big Chungus irl
Zicafeliped  vs  LarkinLT
budgetplayer  vs  Horodro
MiMic85  vs  grp
Pokeboi456  vs  hannah_xyz
KarliTheFrenshie  vs  zorosdifferent
artnelas  vs  victor123fahad
Sparksss  vs  xavihahahalol
GoldEthan03  vs  Nlbig
HappyNub  vs  alenpa
newkraverz  vs  cranberryjuicesur
E Man  vs  Swisky
Poyo006  vs  woeishuen
Alain 243  vs  OOz!?
Zcarlett  vs  TheColorRed
divine.lathe  vs  mrextrazy
Celever  vs  TheMiamiPalaphins
Gangsta Spongebob  vs  Alverick99
SolApollo365  vs  Aliss
CertainWeeb  vs  Swope
Fungi_man  vs  Tllmbrg
Copper05  vs  Melbelle
cjwwkwkqk9  vs  Ooziegib
latinx xcellence  vs  Omey
Latlat1  vs  Kunwarstein$
Bri~  vs  Trout In Space
mtalha94  vs  AhmedxWaleed
cpinalli1  vs  Anicredible
jvgreenn  vs  Yo_Foxy
euph0ria  vs  Noob_234234
big tony 2014  vs  Klird
FIGGY305  vs  joshua
SockN  vs  Pillow_Flowers
5Dots  vs  halaman95
AnTgamess  vs  Jimothy Cool
chillgator  vs  Cliff
DripLegend  vs  CourageousMudkip
hessukessu  vs  SEA
Terror_05  vs  Yuri4344
ArchAether  vs  Scizornite
swagnation6969!!!  vs  WuhHubba
DarkPharoah7  vs  glowbrogang
Lightone  vs  Alive Toaster
Zetchup21man  vs  TheWizardCat
Peek that  vs  Biggeth J
gato en pecho  vs  Toto
Federico segu  vs  skystriker14_real
Ev_Evan  vs  DIRT NoddedAlpaca
Fabiocrak  vs  binathy
TobzNimmtHopz  vs  poac
Sylveon used calm mind  vs  LTG
Sus_dedication  vs  ElectricityCat
serpking  vs  wolftamer979
Kizaco  vs  Rumielle
Saruto134  vs  Stories
PureHaxixe  vs  matrixbr
Awawkee  vs  meamPearl
BeatsBlack  vs  a fruitshop owner
Daniel Ramos  vs  A plague doc
catupirinho  vs  Ewin
cloudy_stars  vs  TheMutantSpaceDancer
Mulikki  vs  Cerberus6987Z
Stillstarting 77  vs  WkPlague
Denzel_Spicy_Curry  vs  recti
Newbellello  vs  cherif18
Onraider  vs  JoelzeDummy
kingkw69  vs  Toxin Boost
Planet  vs  wxlmqrt
PeachyAladdin  vs  MugiwaraLux
Wingodhalf  vs  DanteADV
Lunar Sloth  vs  Lily
Archlord379  vs  Whammerist
Diodia  vs  RichBMS1
IrisTwT  vs  BariTomes
bandoodee  vs  demixelz
bagelmans  vs  Prowsey
Conmh  vs  Pipp_314
NastierPlot  vs  nuttherealface
AggressiveDr.  vs  Bravemile
donk27  vs  banz_club
I_like_shorts  vs  Paytonio
viny17  vs  AresDaMartian
napimsiken  vs  ArminHD
aptedepresence  vs  GarryThySnail
false  vs  Danny
zay-zay  vs  BusterMoon
Red ✫ 95/96 ✫  vs  #1 Bukayo Saka Fan
MiniOre  vs  Lambovino
HavocMaster-1  vs  scionicle
Poosh_i  vs  CrowDeadmanSenji
Nosaka  vs  natu
gtlscot  vs  bydy
Melninja  vs  Shamankingaursu
Raichy  vs  dstn8008
IllidanStr  vs  Esacwollip
Rival Andrew  vs  wolie
Swagata Mitra  vs  KryoXenocide
Arkadeusz91  vs  FRTW
saccharine soldier  vs  High Mighty Weasel
Xinc  vs  WormStepper
PKMN Trainer Fer  vs  victreeboy
kAzin kAton  vs  Final_Grey
Katiuska  vs  Yarddrok
iTrauma  vs  Tji69
Evan342  vs  NotGalar249
Rukyy  vs  BlerpDerpSkerp
Kotek15  vs  Azamat140499
Chomp29  vs  Maxis
Bigzzs  vs  Healingpie
ZeStinky  vs  RainbowPaprica
azogue  vs  jamesbond121
NY Shyguy  vs  puncks
Adamitiko  vs  RealHeh
eblizzydakid  vs  ontario oshawott
Indeezee  vs  swinubfan44
Martianonice  vs  Crayscent
Parpar  vs  Breadfruit
1Thompson  vs  Violincore
qasi  vs  Atakeria
SpooningManatee  vs  damien the genius
OffensiveFerrothorn  vs  Sebaszc08
AmShaegar  vs  mind gaming
HSOWA  vs  UrdnotSex
Leprechaun Shaun  vs  trella
evvls  vs  GGwebas
CeaselessEdgelord  vs  Adrireina
havocknight  vs  Wariowaft
55Miniben  vs  Fastwalker22
Bear4950  vs  Tempo di anguria
MCND  vs  Tony1410
shelgonfan  vs  Trilobytes
leafora!  vs  CofiKozaa
OongusDoongus  vs  drclueless
Kallum  vs  kapiti
Sunrose  vs  PzKitty
davidTheMaster  vs  Mrs.Debauchery
kimerCat  vs  Drud
mrnoodleoctopus  vs  baumannjoe
baka-loves-picachu  vs  DibDab_CLK
TwentyTwan  vs  Welli0u
El Cero  vs  DarkxSkies
Huntu  vs  Epic Epidemic
Crick Ross  vs  doradosal004
Prinplup fiction  vs  Chester of the South
Lafell  vs  Shroomsaur
DragoLucien  vs  loveisfree
Ejracer1  vs  Baoba
mad dawg  vs  Vaictador
S0fiane  vs  GNorhsala
RL  vs  Surimi
Crybaby_Mimikyu  vs  derient45
Greentea570  vs  Kowasabii
Chazual Fridays  vs  ZombieBomb852
AmericanPi  vs  Sificon
GugaDasMemes  vs  iamfucknlosser
Monai  vs  NoName6293
Charmayanne  vs  VigilanteVigoroth
Karmaster  vs  Tyohunkin
MZ  vs  Red_Fire08
Akagami Shanks  vs  Daeriko
Pyrus 1034  vs  torkonpeter
AJU500  vs  Grattiti
pdads  vs  samuelthestrong
wellburn  vs  born2vroom
phantomcobra  vs  Capt Cappin
idiotclips  vs  muiboy
LustfulLice  vs  Sleepy Fey
Trying_toget_tough  vs  Jaishy
NinjaMeerkat  vs  CaydenButBubbles?
ct3thagod  vs  dcwalie
Wonz0  vs  TRXXJEH
JonAmon 25  vs  lolopero
AngoyMoon  vs  absolutesword007
Rolenty  vs  Cesinator
Retsu06  vs  Shivam_Z
DaSpoofy  vs  jjjnkn
decis  vs  Akbcrew13
faithviolet  vs  Katarchick
BrunoSouza130  vs  rabbitsaremylife0
MudkipEnjoyer  vs  samuel.m.24
yukao  vs  Snuggle-Conda
heisenberg288  vs  KaminaLegends
TBasedGod  vs  Aji500
tuxra1903  vs  triple axel blaze
ukaaa  vs  Subequest
Howard Dern  vs  0R2
Hairoll  vs  Gaymopguy
billclintonlol  vs  Gymlead11b
Bluefreaked  vs  Sonired
Fc  vs  CrazyStevy
Petros  vs  Zelph
Incognition  vs  Himurabt
nelzon  vs  BalDialga
Aaronboyer  vs  diegoyuhhi
lolebruh  vs  evakiyama!
owntempo  vs  RTM
transmetropolitan  vs  daydinosuar
JhonArias  vs  SKIBIDI SIGMA
Crimechild  vs  Spedonic
SKITZ  vs  shageenth
ziloXX  vs  lrodher
Seandiggersby  vs  Supereeee
pickupplayrough  vs  Ranshiin
Baby Kippers  vs  fortunate sun
Lunarvania  vs  Celdanami
gorditoconbigote  vs  samtheman27
DonMarto  vs  Yxios
Gerrychu29  vs  Nashrock
karrottensirup  vs  Funkybeangamer
bern  vs  czim
szkonk  vs  DarkHor$e
valusho  vs  Jegadeswaran
Vicksnick  vs  m rodrigues
bingenji  vs  BananaBroSHSID
gye5  vs  Medeia
NotVeryCake  vs  crow crumbs
kokeri  vs  revversion
Kaif  vs  gaming chiken
driftingbreath  vs  Kaboom
Jare34  vs  Rizi
When the 2)  vs  TheOnettTimes
Tivito  vs  R3x The Woat
missangelic  vs  Ishdagoon
Tack  vs  SP0RE-SPEAKS
BP  vs  cianchan
Leeto64  vs  Hopecalypse
Lake Effect  vs  Sibwind
Gleebs  vs  ItsClood
AkifKhan  vs  pj
Riruia  vs  Zheker
db  vs  Adsafs
ZeninMaki  vs  Arck4ngel
Ruizera  vs  aMantis
Wiesellord  vs  mikewwm8
Amire  vs  Loneling
venomous 2.0  vs  CatDCPmeow
Your mom op.  vs  neffman19
WindWarrior75  vs  MeEsSm
SMOWKZ  vs  regibig
bbuugsy  vs  SalmonLad
Bygone Days  vs  DonkinDo
Vegetator  vs  yovan33321
ChairmanBush  vs  WePurpyPoo
Dawn Dreams  vs  Coldinfo
SOMALIA  vs  sleid
vr1_bx  vs  ighy24
JBL  vs  godletmegooverkill
Cosmo'Star  vs  Mrsillyboi
Hoopas Dad  vs  neomon
sorbs  vs  wooper
Dom12887  vs  LePaulOffi
Malekith  vs  etesecheunu
LuvdiscDelgado312  vs  King Leo V
s1lveryo  vs  babymariofan563
TickingBomb  vs  Mimikyu Stardust
relaxray  vs  bz1nga
Geng@r  vs  D4R8X
Spance  vs  Cryolite
biredonerwoone  vs  gabem
RagingSquirtle  vs  Rambo724
Swagmelon192  vs  Torbsterino
Kiryuu4488  vs  ScadurtreeVgc
FnTsY24  vs  Bye 1
Fragments  vs  Bye 2
TheGreatGonzo  vs  Bye 3
DanielCk  vs  Bye 4
terribleplayer19  vs  Bye 5
Jung3  vs  Bye 6
robjr  vs  Bye 7
Deyvin BiRd  vs  Bye 8
Werexlr8  vs  Bye 9
Hachimaki  vs  Bye 10
CremFresh  vs  Bye 11
Hellouda01  vs  Bye 12
SinisterScrafty  vs  Bye 13
Zetious  vs  Bye 14
It is not a live tour; For each week, you schedule a time to play against your opponent using either player's Smogon wall. Here is a general guideline to follow for ideal scheduling:

For whatever time you schedule for, you can try to leave reminders/alarms for yourself.

Thanks for the info, I deleted the comment because I saw people doing such. I went ahead and messaged my opponent.
Hello! My opponent informed me he is unable to participate. I found out after the fact I was supposed to coordinate via VM/wall message, and did a PM/DM instead, so I’m attaching a screenshot.

Please let me know if you would have me play a sub or what have you.

My thanks to the organizers.

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