Other Tier 35 Pokes October Suspect 1 - Bishop's Robes (Bisharp Suspect Test)


Soldier of Chaos OU
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Metagame Resource Contributor Alumnus


Hello everyone! As said in the tiering survey, the council voted on Bisharp and all 9 members voted to Suspect Bisharp.


Bisharp is one of the strongest pokemon in the October metagame. Its high Attack stat and strong Dark/Steel STAB combination utilising Knock Off always leaves an impact on a game to game basis. Pokemon attempting to check Bisharp find themselves losing their items like Leftovers and Heavy-Duty Boots, reducing their longevity and its switchins like Sandaconda, physically defensive Blastoise and Emboar lack reliable recovery, which makes the task of checking Bisharp long-term a challenging task. Bisharp finds itself able to set up freely with Swords Dance thanks to running Eviolite and it is very hard to revenge kill once it gets going. It finds itself surviving super-effective attacks like Alolan Dugtrio's Earthquake and there are few Pokemon faster that can take a +2 Sucker Punch while trying to deal with it. Bisharp can also run damage-boosting items like Black Glasses which makes it even harder to switch into and it is not always obvious to its opponents whether it's going to be Eviolite or Black Glasses. Furthermore, Bisharp's Ability Defiant has made players use Defoggers like Noivern and Scyther less because of fear of doubling Bisharp's Attack stat and potentially getting swept by it.

Despite its strengths, Bisharp is not invincible by any means. Its x4 Fighting weakness can be exploited by common Pokemon such as Honchkrow, Blastoise, Houndstone and Emboar, the latter Pokemon is common and also resists both of Bisharp's STAB options. Bisharp also isn't particularly fast and Pokemon like Hisuian Zoroark and Magmortar can threaten Bisharp with a burn from Will-o-Wisp. Bisharp also struggles to fit all the moves it would like to use. Swords Dance sets have to decide to run Low Kick or else opposing Bisharp can effectively wall them. It wants to run Iron Head too to threaten opposing Sylveon and other Pokemon such as Rhydon and Pursuit would be a nice option to keep Pokemon like Gengar in check.

All in all, Bisharp is a polarising Pokemon in the current metagame, its strengths are blatant and are very impactful on the meta while there are still consistent ways in dealing with it offensive and defensively.


  • The voting requirements for this suspect are a minimum GXE of 65 with at least 20 games played.
  • You must signup with a newly registered account on Pokemon Showdown! that begins with the appropriate prefix of the suspect. For this suspect test, the prefix will be 35PBIS. For example, 35PBIS TTK.
  • Laddering with an account that impersonates, mocks, or insults another Smogon user or breaks PS rules may be disqualified from voting and possibly infracted. Moderator discretion will be used.
  • Any form of voter manipulation will result in severe punishment.
  • Do not attempt to cheat the ladder.
  • The suspect test will run for approximately 4 days, lasting until October 11th at 11:59PM (GMT+1)

This suspect is not eligible for the Tiering Contributor badge (
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This was pretty easy, tier is super fishy atm. Bisharp is unhealthy but Blastoise is way more broken, and even SD Trailblaze Scyther can just win games on the spot. So many games come down to Sucker Punch guesses that it becomes pretty repetitive and unfun. Ban all three imoimo.

I'm voting BAN

Bisharp has plenty of checks, the problem with it is that none of them can take a hit particularly well and they all lack longevity. Bisharp can simply be partnered with other strong physical attackers that force damage on it's checks, outlasting them and becoming an unstoppable force in the endgame. My main problem with bisharp as a top mon however is the dynamic it forces in games. Many, many games in this meta come down to sucker punch 50/50s and bisharp speed ties because of how dominant it is. I believe that bisharp, while a (barely) manageable threat, places unfun mechanics at the forefront of the meta and makes october feel somewhat uncompetitive.


The more I ladder, the more I grow annoyed at the concept of the tier in general. 35 Pokes is a metagame where you massively limit the amount of options you have in the builder, and that supposedly makes for a fun micrometa that you can make skill-expressive teams for the most part. However I am noticing that this is not really the case since a lot of the time, I am getting insanely frustrated by the amount of hax in this tier and the general inability to make functional teams that account for everything. In a standard tier ok this is no big deal just ban the most problematic mon and then go from there but this is surely different due to the lack of options, to the point where one would find the concept of Pokemon bans to be antithetical to the tier's concept (ig we fucking with 34 pokes now?) but given that this suspect exists and it's not even the first one this formats done we can ignore this I guess. Idk this was just a minor policy greivance here. EDIT: Apparently when a mon is banned they just roll a new mon so I suddenly don't care anymore lol.

Bisharp feels like the wrong way to tackle this issue however since it was the least of my concerns throughout my run and my initial peak when threats like Sleep, Blastoise, the special breakers, and Para Spam is just far more cancerous to the meta's enjoyment (I say enjoyment and not health because I'm of the opinion that this tier can't possibly be balanced any further than it already is outside of a sleep/Zoroark-H ban). Bisharp *can* sweep games and *can* render endgames to Sucker 50/50s, but this is an edge case unless your team is either HO or ... not good! Seriously I'm not losing to Bisharp unless I straight up choke the game because things like Spore Amoonguss + fast breaker shut it down easily. Revenge Killers like Superpower Honchkrow, Scarf Bisharp, Specs Timid Sylveon, Aura Sphere Blastoise, Emboar are more than fine and imo easily splashable on a team. Bisharp can't even switch into most of the tier without it getting potentionally punished in some shape or form anyways. Fighting coverage and status is fucking everywhere in this metagame, I'm not hard switching my Bisharp into any of the Ghosts or Psychics unless I know my opponent isn't good because its straight up too risky if they end up clicking Focus Blast, same goes for Honchkrow and Doublade and even Noivern lol. Overall build better so you can play better idk what to tell you outside of that.

After laying out the framework for why Bisharp is balanced, I'm a little confused what you guys think the outcome will be if Bisharp gets banned here. The assumption is that it being banned makes the tier better, but it's also simultaneously is holding back mons that I personally consider to be cancers to metagame health such as Munkidori, Zoroark-H, Gengar. What is gonna stop them post Bisharp? Honchkrow is obviously a massive step down from Bisharp and Snorlax is a rather mediocre Pursuit trapper, either way neither were as splashable and the void Bisharp leaves doesn't get properly filled. Blastoise also gets way more threatening since congratz! you just banned the tier's most splashable priority option. During my run I also realized how obnoxious Sylveon is in the builder since Bisharp was pretty much the only Knock Off user that could force out Sylveon, idk if Sylveon being better is a good thing or not so that can be left up to reader interpretation. The point is that given the offensive threats we have in the tier, Bisharp seems like a nessesary "evil" to have in order to keep the peace. Otherwise this tier's quality goes from "ok" to terrible.

I don't use the "broken checking broken" argument often and for good reason so before you type up your post dismissing that statement, please remember that in my eyes it's balanced checking broken and with that in mind there is literally no reason to put the metagame in a worse state than it already is in. Don't ban Bisharp please.

Bisharp can simply be partnered with other strong physical attackers that force damage on it's checks, outlasting them and becoming an unstoppable force in the endgame.
Is this not just rewarding good teambuilding and in-game play? What strong physical attackers are being paired to render Bisharp's checks invalid because I typically tend to conserve the anti-Bisharp mons instead of letting them accumulate additional damage trying to blanket check stuff.
I got reqs yesterday forgot to post them, either way im voting DNB cause this mon is not a problem, there are a lot of counters and revenge killers (read Runo's) I dont think ive ever gotten swept by a bisharp LOL
If theres any mon i want banned its Amoonguss cause that mon is a bastard, Blastoise has not caused any problems for me I dont see the hype tbh
When I get reqs, I will be voting ban on Bisharp. Most of what the OP outlined are some of my personal opinions regarding the mon but I'll give my broader perspective on why I would rather have Bisharp banned than for it to stay.

Everyone says Bisharp has its checks: Emboar, Honchkrow, Sandaconda, apparently Timid sylveon but most Bisharps are jolly and are running Iron Head now so ?? to that one. Colbur Houndstone, physdef Blastoise, Rhydon to an extent, your own Bisharp and probably some more mons like Stunfisk if I really wanted to list everything. Everything bar Stunfisk and Sylveon I've listed there, I have used and nothing ever feels consistent in the long run. Your Emboar has to be a bulky variant to not get deleted by Low Kick, Blastoise is taking Knock and has no reliable recovery, Rhydon is weak to Steel but doesn't take that much damage, until it loses its Eviolite. My point is, Bisharp is very effective at making trades, it can come in, Knock then just swap out when any of its checks are in front of it. A lot of its offensive checks, whether that's a full HP Duggy, opposing Bisharp, Honchkrow, Emboar, can be checked by Sandaconda for example. It's very easy to support Bisharp with teammates.

All of this leads to most games having Bisharp + its entourage of teammates overwhelming defensive play because nothing has their boots or leftovers and end up being worn down eventually. This is why I believe certain people are finding the tier mu fishy/unbalanced. There is a disparity between the power level of offence vs defence and I think Bisharp has the most impact on this and is too overcentralising.

One thing I'm not liking from the anti ban side is "oh well Bisharp ban = gengar/zoroark/munki are broken" or "bisharp is holding the tier together". I don't get how you get to the conclusion of the latter but the former is just fearmongering and speculating for a meta you have no information about. Isn't this what CTC did for the kyurem suspect saying ZapKingLu would just dominate SV OU if kyurem got banned and pretty much everyone disagreed with him since it's just pure speculation? It's even a worse point for 35 because Bisharp will get replaced with a ban and who knows? We might roll freaking Umbreon and then Sylveon + Umbreon would proceed to sit on every single special attacker in the format. This uncertainty makes it practically impossible for people to state certain mons would be broken after a ban and even if they end up being broken, won't we just you know, deal with them accordingly? We always tier with the current meta in mind, not some imaginary meta that could exist.

If anyone wants some more clarification on my opinion on Bisharp just let me know, mobile has limited me in what I could cover compared to if I was on my computer. I also have some thoughts regarding sleep but this is a Bisharp suspect so I'm not going to mention anything else other than that.

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The meta would be even more ghost spam + Honch. We can't have Honch being the only check to ghosts besides themselves. It really isnt oppressive imo, there are many checks and answers to bisharp, Blastoise, defensive emboar, Phys def Rhydon and Sylveon, Sandaconda, and colbur houndstone to an extent. There also isn't one set that just wins, I've tried sd black glasses, 4 attacks lorb, chople, scarf and I haven't had many situations where I just win on the spot. Honestly I've found myself having more instant win paths with Emboar, Pz, and Honch. Finally, Sylveon will rise if bisharp is gone, and I think that will add more building restrictions which isn't fun.

Team I got suspect reqs with: https://pokepast.es/e1e20ff3e8dcfda5

Do Not Ban
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After a very climactic game, where i had to fight against a single PZ, i got the extremely high reqs we on the 35pokes council chose to implement for this suspect (65% GXE), so i am qualified now to vote. On a serious note, i do not believe bisharp is banworthy, and this is why

First, its checks. It doesnt have a lack of those at all, between emboar, blastoise (that usually packs aura sphere or body press), sandaconda, honchcrow, rhydon, eviolite scyther (granted, this one needs team support), timid sylveon vs adamant bisharp, among others, bisharp can be easily checked. The counterargument is that, while yes, its very easy to check, it can click the funny free progress button that is knock off and overwhelm them over the course of a game, even more considering that all of those (except for arguably conda) lack reliable recovery. However, i would say this fails to take into account how hard the mon itself is to get on the field, and the fact that all of the mons i mentioned are good, meta staples on their own. That is not even necessarily a result of bisharp's dominance, all of those mons, maybe with the exception of scyther and that one specific sylveon set, would be as good as they are now with bisharp around. But looping back to what i said about getting it on the field, i believe its generally a tricky thing to do. Blastoise is a great pivot on his own, but hes very easy to wear down over the course of a game. Noivern is also a good pivot with his fast u-turn and ability to invite in sylveon, which bish does appreciate, but its a generally frail mon that either is crippled by hazards on the specs set or has a moveset problem (and damage problem in general) on the HDB set. Clawitzer is a shaky mon in general, a d honchcrow's u-turn invites in, generally, bisharp checks like sandaconda and blastoise. Switching in directly into munkidori, zoroark or gengar is also tricky, because all of them carry focus blast that could snipe bisharp in an instant (even physical zoroark carries low kick). This makes bisharp's switch in capabilities limited, and makes playing around bisharp more of a matter of positioning. Both scarf and sd bisharp are extremely strong, especially with their ability to check the ghosts, sylveon, amoongus if you already sacced a mon to take that spore, and other top tier mons, and both knock off and sucker punch mind games are very annoying to play around, but being annoying does not correlate to being broken, or that one snake i hate would be on the chopping block.

To finish this off, i think Bisharp is a balanced, healthy mon that is generally managable over the course of a game, and doesnt feel restrictive in the builder because what would check it is generally already too good to not use (in fact, its hard to make a team without a check)

https://pokepast.es/45744c3a28487ca4 the team i used for the entire suspect test
I finally got reqs
First: here is the team, https://pokepast.es/9d9da7c871e06391 , yeah i got reqs with klinklang what about it?

Bisharp feels overwhelming, while ot has a couple of checks none of them are reliable and get chipped down a lot thanks to hazards and knock off removing boots/leftovers, that means that its best checks can only handle it like once or twice if they get lucky, that wouldn't be a problem for me if it wasn't for the fact bisharp has easy switch in opportunities against common mons, sleep clause is in effect? You better not switch into amoongus, you wanted to ko the noivern with sylveon? Well you better don't. A lot of its checks also take a lot of damage from a +2 knock/low kick wich means that if you are running emboar you better run phys def or else you are never switching into bisharp, sandaconda got unlucky with shed skin? Well one less mon. Max defense blastoise? Body press can't even OHKO

You have faster counterplay like superpower honch, gengar and horoark but you will be taking a lot from sucker (in case of honchkrow) or die from full (for the ghosts) wich forces you into sucker mind games wich i personally don't like to resort to wether i am the one attacking or deffending

So :bisharp: is getting a BAN from me


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I’ll be voting BAN on :bisharp:

Scarf Bisharp is very good and can catch a lot of people people off guard, and while people can say Ghosts will run rampant, I disagree because

1. :zoroark-hisui: can struggle to break through SpDef Amoonguss and without Flamethower, and don’t get me started on Bulk Blastoise, it also doesn’t hit that hard tbh (I was using a fat team by the goat Quackborg )
2. :sinistcha: weak to toxic Amoonguss lol
3. :gengar: could be a problem lowkey but tbh very weak to priority like Sneak Blade or Sucker Honch, it also gets walled by Zoroark lmfao
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Team used :
:bisharp::blastoise::sylveon::sandaconda::emboar::sinistcha: Scarfboar balance

While :bisharp: can feel very annoying in the stall matchup, where it can overwhelm teams with the combination of bulk, immunity to Toxic and strong STABs, especially Knock Off, it is far from broken. It has very exploitable weaknesses that make it hard to get as much value out of it against offensive teams, as even :gengar:/:zoroark-hisui: can keep it handled with sub/will-o-wisp/focus blast. :bisharp: also has a a few swtich-ins, and I never felt overwhelmed by bisharp in all of the games I played to reach the reqs as I used :sandaconda: + :rocky helmet: in combination with :emboar: so I would say that it is possible to handle Bisharp in the long run, or at least to an extent. While :black glasses: and :choice scarf: can make it seem more dangerous, it lacks the bulk provided by :eviolite: and gets in range of more defensive targets, like :stunfisk:/:sandaconda:. Of course, it is still a very powerful pokemon, and one I have to prepare much to get around with every team I build this month, but I never felt like it was unfair nor unhealthy for the meta. Finally, although this part is purely subjective, banning a pokemon for being centralizing (and not broken) goes against my opinion about 35 pokes, since I think that the point of the metagame is to find ways to deal with a pokemon with a limited amount of options, and in the case of :bisharp: it seems very much achievable



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Team used: https://pokepast.es/1352b9a9f3ccfbf2

I came into this leaning strongly towards a ban, but by the time I got reqs I was less sure.

Overall, I've noticed that even in cases where users don't think Bisharp is banworthy and name some of its answers, they then have two or more of those answers on their team. As such, I think it's reasonable to say that no single Pokemon exerts a stronger influence on teambuilding than Bisharp. The question is whether that means it's banworthy, when a) those checks are relatively easy to include, and b) having multiple checks to a top meta threat is arguably just how good teambuilding works.

While this might not feel restrictive in terms of the variety of Pokemon, I'm concerned for how restrictive it feels in terms of the metagame as a whole. I feel like the metagame is settling into a less enjoyable state due to Bisharp's influence on teambuilding. (I also really haven't seen the meta's ghosts and psychics as anything close to the potentially overwhelming force some other voters have mentioned.)

I'm also concerned with the fact that the meta is 'settling' at all. In previous months, the pace of innovation and teambuilding developments has stayed high throughout the month, including the late stages of the tournament. I think it's fair to say that's one of the specific appeals of the tier, but if current meta trends continue, I don't see that happening this month. When the council was discussing requirements for this suspect, one point that was raised was the idea that specific suspect requirements exist for specific reasons; they're designed to reflect that tier's circumstances. Some of us argued that our suspect requirements should reflect the fact that this is a short-term format designed to stay fresh and engaging for the majority of its playerbase for one month, not a year or more. If that's true, then it also follows that what makes a Pokemon banworthy is also dependent on specific circumstances. Bisharp might not be inherently unhealthy, but I think given the tier's circumstances, it ultimately has an unhealthy impact.

Summary: Not broken, but on balance I think we have a better meta without it. BAN


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Qualified for my first ever suspect test, and I was coming to kind of a tough decision. At first, I was planning not to ban Bisharp. In my experience, while Bisharp sometimes caught me off guard and frustrated me, for the most part my good teambuilding prevented it from overwhelming me too much. But honestly, the metagame's centralization has made the experience very samey. Bish, Honch, and especially Blastoise are all showing massive usage rates, among other mons, and the result is a bland tier overall this month. While Bish keeps a lot in check and its ban could release the floodgates to a lot more stuff (looking at you, Munkidori), considering how this tier rotates stuff out every month anyway, it's not like we're getting stuck with an unbalanced mess forever, worst case scenario.

Vote: BAN

Team used for qualification: https://pokepast.es/32c8b1f424e2679c
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Team used for Qualification: Several. But spammed the final stretch of the run with teamo's goated team with a few changes: I dropped [REDACTED] on [REDACTED] so I could make [REDACTED] [REDACTED]

Edit: https://pokepast.es/0d2d9de698bdcefa <---- The team

This is the first and last suspect test. I thought it would be a nice change of pace to finish a suspect, but I do not enjoy the experience at all. I had 4 AM fever dreams thinking about a 9-2 record and how I would flounder in it. Looking back, I probably would have gotten reqs a lot quicker if Kinzo and Teamo didn't farm me for 6 games between them. Had I not snuck out for some late-night gaming, I don't think I would have reached reqs. This run put me through my wits end, but I'm SO glad this is over. I'll stick to forum tours and busybody admin work, thank you veeeeery much!

I'm high off reqs rn, but I'll try to parse an essay through: I'm leaning DNB but with my last few games I might be swayed. Will read essays and see w/ the discord crew what's up

35Pokes is a pretty top-heavy metagame right now with all the strong Pokemon running around. Bisharp and Blastoise are the 2 biggest things to account for in the builder and you certainly need contigency plans vs mons like Hisui Zoroark, Specs Sylveon, Scarf/Band Emboar, and Honchkrow. Bearing this in mind, there should be a high burden of proof against a ban on Bisharp. I acknowledge the arguments put forward by the pro-ban player and given that SD + Sucker Bisharp won me my last few games I am a lot more sympathetic to them. I think that, fundamentally, we have enough tools in the builder to account for Bisharp. Emboar is such a GREAT mon in terms of compressing utility. While it does suck you don't get reliable recovery, I've had in-game success with Leftovers Emboar. Additionally, mons like Sandaconda, Houndstone, Scarf Bish, Mixed Def Blastoise, and even Honchkrow have all worked as adequate deterrances to Bisharp. I've even used a Noivern set that performed consistently into Bisharp despite being EV'd for Band Emboar. I don't think the pool of answers is that great, but stuff like this is bound to happen when Sudowoodo and Bellossom get rolled alongside Gengar, Zoro-H and Bisharp. As a matter of fact, I've found it easier to check Bisharp than Blastoise (altho I wouldn't mind both being re-rolled). Metagame also punishes Bisharp well for the most part imo. Lots of walls are already carrying sleep moves, or super effective Ground moves. Even Sinistcha (which on paper Bish blanks) can fish for Matcha Gatcha burns, while other ghosts have Wisp.

Noivern @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Infiltrator
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 104 Def / 152 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hurricane
- Super Fang
- Roost
- Flamethrower / Focus Blast

The stronger argument for Bish is that it is needed for metagame stability. Munkidori, for example, is atrocious in this metagame but without Bisharp, it would be broken. The Ghost-duo of Gengar and Hisui Zoroark become a lot stronger with Nasty Plot being able to muscle through most mons bar maybe Lax. And while Bisharp isn't the best Honchkrow answer, it's the only thing on many teams that can actually switch-in without praying it goes down to recoil. Not to mention the utility that Bish has is in chipping Stoise and Stoutland. Losing this would mean losing a way of checking these mons without being a passive blob like SpDef Sylveon and Lax or even some Amoong sets I see on ladder (I never leave house without Clear Smog). Bisharp is still boderline and I can be swayed, but I think it's a necessary evil for now.

I'll leave it there. It's getting late and I don't really have much to add. I might gather my thoughts for a metagame post later and team dump like the 4-5 things I've been trying out.

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My first ever suspect test! It's been really fun and I have finally made up my mind on the Bisharp situation. While I don't think our suspect here is uncounterable or blatantly overpowered, I do believe he's a very centralizing mon and not in a very healthy manner for the tier, forcing you to run a few specific counters that may not always work. Regardless if it's SD, Scarf, or something else, Bisharp gets a lot of opportunity considering how many mons he beats or forces out, a lot of free knock offs, and I also feel the top 1 Pokemon of the tier consistently deciding games on sucker punch 50/50s and iron head flinches is not the healthiest in the world. While I did believe until not long ago that Bisharp's downfall could spell a ghost and sylveon dominated meta, the tier currently (not counting the possible reroll) has 2 other dark-types, one of which is among the strongest mons in the tier and another that can work in the right circumstances, not to mention 4 other steel types that range from decent to niche, possibly getting better as Bisharp overshadowed them most of the time. To conclude, I believe banning Bisharp will expand and diversify the meta in a healthier, and more fun way than it is at the moment, which I think is something the metagame should strive for.

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https://pokepast.es/fae1a7d280201b89 used this for the first half of my laddering
https://pokepast.es/980243c19424fc2e and this for the second half of laddering
For me bisharp has never been a huge deal threatening offensively more than anything else being about the same as emboar honch normals ghosts and smashtoise. Bisharp helps to keep in check all the fast special attackers in the tier which otherwise would be a pain to handle otherwise. I haven't been able to build bisharpless structures that are actually good against the rest of the tier, I have especially no clue as to how pZ would be balanced without bisharp since it just kills everything.

even tho the 3 games i lost this suspect run were due to bisharp, i dont see it as an unhealthy problem for the meta. theres enough pokemon that hit it super effectively and dont allow it free set up. i honestly had a harder time playing around shell smash blastoise and scarf emboar most games. i’d argue DNB Bisharp for the sake of it not being an overwhelming problem, will the meta be for fun without it - probably. will Sinistcha be good if Bisharps gone, maybe. but yeh DNB Bisharp, BAN Stunfisk.
also no offence - getting 20 games on a semi dead ladder was pain


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Teams used:

After playing the ladder on both my main and suspect accounts, I have come to the conclusion that Bisharp is a healthy member of the meta. While it is strong, it has a good amount of counter play. Sandaconda, blastoise, and bulky Emboar can all switch into it and force it out and most offensive mons have fighting coverage and can easily slot in sub or sometimes wisp to punish the sucker punch. Most bisharp sets play the same, and the one that doesn’t, choice scarf, can be played around once it’s revealed, so because of that I find that it should not be banned

Vote: DNB
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I have been playing nothing but webs balance offense, with bisharp being both one of the most important mons for the team and one of the most dredful sights on the other. i wont say anything that hasnt beem said before, bisharp is very strong, has great moves, typing and even defenisve profile thanks to eviolite. Its also fast enough to work well on a webs team from my experience. However, having this much of a pressence is its own weakness, with every team packing many anti-bisharp meassures without really weakening the team overall, which i feel is the main point: you dont really have to go to the bottom of the tier to find mons that both check bisharp and are solid against the rest of the meta.
In summary, while bisharp is a great mon this meta, i dont think it warrants a ban. Maybe my opinion will change as the meta progresses but for now im voting DNB
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