Bisharp is one of the strongest pokemon in the October metagame. Its high Attack stat and strong Dark/Steel STAB combination utilising Knock Off always leaves an impact on a game to game basis. Pokemon attempting to check Bisharp find themselves losing their items like Leftovers and Heavy-Duty Boots, reducing their longevity and its switchins like Sandaconda, physically defensive Blastoise and Emboar lack reliable recovery, which makes the task of checking Bisharp long-term a challenging task. Bisharp finds itself able to set up freely with Swords Dance thanks to running Eviolite and it is very hard to revenge kill once it gets going. It finds itself surviving super-effective attacks like Alolan Dugtrio's Earthquake and there are few Pokemon faster that can take a +2 Sucker Punch while trying to deal with it. Bisharp can also run damage-boosting items like Black Glasses which makes it even harder to switch into and it is not always obvious to its opponents whether it's going to be Eviolite or Black Glasses. Furthermore, Bisharp's Ability Defiant has made players use Defoggers like Noivern and Scyther less because of fear of doubling Bisharp's Attack stat and potentially getting swept by it.
Despite its strengths, Bisharp is not invincible by any means. Its x4 Fighting weakness can be exploited by common Pokemon such as Honchkrow, Blastoise, Houndstone and Emboar, the latter Pokemon is common and also resists both of Bisharp's STAB options. Bisharp also isn't particularly fast and Pokemon like Hisuian Zoroark and Magmortar can threaten Bisharp with a burn from Will-o-Wisp. Bisharp also struggles to fit all the moves it would like to use. Swords Dance sets have to decide to run Low Kick or else opposing Bisharp can effectively wall them. It wants to run Iron Head too to threaten opposing Sylveon and other Pokemon such as Rhydon and Pursuit would be a nice option to keep Pokemon like Gengar in check.
All in all, Bisharp is a polarising Pokemon in the current metagame, its strengths are blatant and are very impactful on the meta while there are still consistent ways in dealing with it offensive and defensively.
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- The suspect test will run for approximately 4 days, lasting until October 11th at 11:59PM (GMT+1)
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