DOU 2023 SV Doubles OU Fall Seasonal - Round 5 Loser’s Bracket Only

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Rain Main (+1 GMT)
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2023 Doubles Fall Seasonal
Art by Hoku! Thank you!


  • This is a standard SV Doubles OU tournament
  • This tournament will be Double Elimination
  • Rounds will be Best of Three. You may switch teams in between battles of the same set.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown! (Main or SmogTours)
  • To encourage the development of the metagame, and so that everyone is on an even playing field, replays are required for all matches.
  • Activity calls will be made by me, potentially with neutral assistance from a Doubles OU Forum Moderator. Coin flips will be done publicly on PS!
  • In the event that something is added to or removed from the Doubles OU metagame in the middle of a round, that change will be in effect starting the next round.
  • Do not cheat. Cheating will result in a disqualification. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary. Cheating includes, but is not limited to:
    • Signing up with more than one account
    • Ghosting or being ghosted by another player (e.g. while playing a set, asking for advice about what team to bring or what plays to make)
    • Manipulating match outcomes (e.g. throwing a match in exchange for Smogon likes)
  • Do not harass or insult your opponents. I reserve the right to disqualify anyone breaking this rule. Additional punishments may be applied as necessary.
  • this will be a seeded tournament, with seeds based upon current circuit point standings of completed tournaments
Standard Rules and Clauses
  • Endless Battle Clause: Players cannot use any moveset on any Pokémon capable of intentionally causing an endless battle. Thus:
    • A Pokémon may not carry Recycle and hold a Leppa Berry in conjunction with Heal Pulse and Milk Drink, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Recover, Roost, Slack Off, Soft-Boiled, or Wish.
    • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Pain Split.
    • A Pokémon may not hold a Leppa Berry while carrying Recycle and Fling
  • Evasion Clause: Players cannot use the moves Double Team or Minimize.
  • OHKO Clause: Players cannot use the moves Fissure, Guillotine, Horn Drill, or Sheer Cold.
  • Species Clause: Players cannot have two Pokémon with the same Pokédex number on the same team.
  • Gravity Sleep Clause: Sleep moves with below one hundred percent accuracy may not be used in conjunction with Gravity.
Pokémon Restrictions
Players can only use Pokemon that are currently either obtainable in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet or transferable to Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
Players cannot use the following Pokémon:
  • Annihilape
  • Arceus
  • Basculegion-Male
  • Calyrex-Ice
  • Calyrex-Shadow
  • Dialga
  • Dialga-Origin
  • Eternatus
  • Giratina
  • Giratina-Origin
  • Groudon
  • Koraidon
  • Kyogre
  • Magearna
  • Mewtwo
  • Miraidon
  • Palkia
  • Palkia-Origin
  • Rayquaza
  • Tatsugiri
  • Ursaluna
  • Urshifu-Single-Strike
  • Urshifu-Rapid-Strike
  • Zacian
  • Zacian-Crowned
  • Zamazenta
  • Zamazenta-Crowned
  • Darkrai
Players cannot use the following abilities:
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I wrote to you on ps 10 minutes ago, and I challenged you 5 minutes ago and I haven't had a response from you

Yes, Ik I was late, but when I logged on, I immediately messaged you here and on Discord (I had to ask for your username), and you didn't respond. Then, I tried to challenge you, Pre-DLC1, it didn't let me, I switch to SV DOU, and then you decide to just say forget about it because of the deadline. I feel like we still could have played, but I'm not tripping.
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