AG 2023 AG Circuit Championship - Finals [Won by PrimalKyogre]


Banned deucer.
7/8 on predicts time for more

1. entrocefalo vs 8. ToasterBoi420 - :worrywhirl: I'm not predicting this
2. Farce Of The Death vs 7. PrimalKyogre - primalkyogre seems better here imo
3. default0 vs 6. jb291- both could win, default seems slightly better right now so going with him
4. Fc vs 12. baconeatinassassin - bacon seems like a good contender but since he hasn't played a lot of AG this gen so I doubt if he would win the series.
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Banned deucer.
4/4 on predicts lol I'm good with this

entrocefalo vs Fc - The Fc hax will fail :worrywhirl:
primalkyogre vs default0 - primalkyogre seems more serious about the game although default could win here if he tries


AG Circuit Champion
as promised, a shout-out post to the great people I’ve met along the way!

Primordiallite the GOAT, my good friend, and my UMPL teammate. I’m willing to bet that half of all SVAG games that occurred on the site were between us. Waiting patiently on the legendary Agcl2 Ragib comeback run :0

TaxFraud helped me with teambuilding throughout the tour and throughout SV. Seasoned professional in talking about metagames way more than he plays them. Never change.

Swas taught me how to play mons a while ago, and tolerated me when I was a noob. If you happen to be reading this, you are a nerd.

my umpl and agpl teams, I’m not exactly a veteran as far as tournaments go but being a part of these teams showed me the ropes. I’m grateful for that.

And finally, the AG community! I haven’t been around for very long but you’ve all been so kind and made this run a great experience. I’m looking forward to a great 2024 : )


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