Nick vs Rosa - nicholas cares abt the tour, rosa's full time job is showdown but theyre asleep half the time
PG is PG vs Justdelemon - both these guys just had a hype af win from last round, i think delemon is gonna win with better building
Boat vs Nalei - boat is packing the entirety of central us
XSTATIC COLD vs Trashuny - idk if trashuny got lucky last round or is just a god at cteaming, but i think this round is coming down to who the better clicker is
Golden009 vs deddd - what is this mu bro
Close vs Jamez - italian motivation
smely socks vs SiceXV - smely socks said i cant have their custom if they win, society..
Tom1535 vs DEG - deg vs tom numbers part 3, tom numbers gets packwatched unless deg's unlucky streak hits him again