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1v1 2022 1v1 Circuit Championship - Grand Finals [Won by Justdelemon]

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Nick vs Rosa - nicholas cares abt the tour, rosa's full time job is showdown but theyre asleep half the time

PG is PG vs Justdelemon - both these guys just had a hype af win from last round, i think delemon is gonna win with better building

Boat vs Nalei - boat is packing the entirety of central us

XSTATIC COLD vs Trashuny - idk if trashuny got lucky last round or is just a god at cteaming, but i think this round is coming down to who the better clicker is

Golden009 vs deddd - what is this mu bro

Close vs Jamez - italian motivation

smely socks vs SiceXV - smely socks said i cant have their custom if they win, society..

Tom1535 vs DEG - deg vs tom numbers part 3, tom numbers gets packwatched unless deg's unlucky streak hits him again
everyone johned to the weekend predicts

Nick (1) vs Rosa (8) tails
Boat (15) vs Nalei (7) boat put the wise tree in his winpost so i cannot predict against them
XSTATIC COLD (3) vs Trashunny (6) this shouldn't be hard for trashunny to win judging from last round

Golden009 (16) vs deddd (9) adv lt winner difference
Close (4) vs Jamez (5) bruv
smely socks (2) vs SiceXV (10) Sice fifteen will bring lickitung and win
Tom1535 (14) vs DEG (11) why
XSTATIC COLD (3) vs deddd (9) unlocked xsc power
Boat (15) vs Jamez (5) heads
PG is PG (13) vs smely socks (2) RO vs the entire room
Nick (1) vs (Winner of Tom1535 vs DEG) tom numbers loses power when he gets johnned, and deg gets another extension to play nick next wednesday
XSTATIC COLD (3) vs deddd (9) throwback to adv lt where deddd destroyed xstatic in 3
Boat (15) vs Jamez (5) they'll both be reusing teams from a year ago so it'll be interesting
PG is PG (13) vs smely socks (2) with support from 15 people pg will win
Nick (1) vs (Winner of Tom1535 vs DEG) deg's playing fifa rn but will probably say he's "busy" then I'll lose the coinflip. nick takes the w easily tho
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