inb4 this is declared republican propaganda
inb4 literally three quarters of people who have replied on this thread.
inb4 this is declared republican propaganda
inb4 literally three quarters of people who have replied on this thread.
Anecdotally a lot of people I work with (I work at a financial firm in downtown boston, lots of upper middle class, east coast liberal types). “Bernie can’t beat the orange clown” was a surprisingly common take from some of the managers. Not saying I agree with that at all lol. Agree with bughouse that if you don’t know anyone who supports Biden you need to expand your social circles. Online support is also very deceiving, see: the entire Yang campaign.I mean aside from mikedawg and rl I actually don't personally know active biden supporters, does anyone else?
Yes that’s why I said certain people, you’re right in that it’s not the majority; also the voters are separate from the campaign and a lot of activists that you’d want doing on the ground work are pretty dead set against doing anything for him (anyone get a call or make calls for Biden lol?). A good chunk of people aren’t gonna give a shit about the endorsement because it’s changed very little about the substance of Biden’s campaignKingler12345 They announced the creation of six joint task forces with people from both campaigns, so where is this idea coming from that the Sanders campaign is not onboard? Some individual members maybe but they’re seemingly the exception here.
Oh look what happened to said conservative judge:Ironically, I wouldn't be shocked to see WI voting numbers up for a primary during the pandemic. While it certainly depresses turnout in the sense of scaring people away or due to polling places being closed, I could also see voting be up for others because they have nothing else to do. Many people whose jobs would not ordinarily make voting easy now are not working. Also, despite this recent court drama, absentee voting, generally speaking, should be way up from past primaries. The salience of the court's action itself could also increase turnout today, since a court seat is on the ballot. I'm not sure which if any of these factors outweighs others.
This of course isn't to say anything about the court order. The ~10k people who didn't receive their requested absentee ballot should not be required to vote in person, whether or not there is a pandemic.
Voting green is better than not voting, at least you are showing the democratic party you aren't ok with moderate candidates like biden
I actually dont get why people are saying they wont vote because they dont like biden, at least vote for howie hawkins and show that you aren't ok with voting for rapists