I would play for money but then I would suggest hitting the reset button on the league so everyone starts with equal footing. The keeper experiment was fun but if we hit reset I'd also rather just do a full draft every year. I'm not sure how long this will continue to last, tbh, since we're not all as connected as we once were. Plus, then we could contract or expand as needed in future years, if necessary. The whole keeper thing makes it pretty locked in terms of participants.
If we stay with keepers, I'm cool with that but I'm not really sure how to "fix" it. Trading has always been tough since we're all competitive and don't want to get the raw end of a deal... I think increasing the keeper count forces a solve there. However, let's be realistic, we all love the 2 hour draft that happens once a year and increasing keepers reduces the number of FA available to draft (and who wants to spend a fifth of their budget on Teddy Purcell or Scott Hartnell....).
So yeah, to sum up, my vote is a yahoo pro league, custom scoring (TBD), with my pokemon friends.
On Aldaron's stats, I'm not really surprised my playoffs have been better than my regular season. Not because I necessarily think that I "build for playoffs", since I really don't and anything can happen on a given week (see championships 2007, 2010), but because my mindset has always been "just make top 6". I've done this multiple times in pro leagues now.. all you need is a good team and some good fortune to win in h2h playoffs, not necessarily the best team. Hot goalies down the stretch tend to help. That said, don't asterisk my damn championships!!