2 guys, no girl and a Poké place

Would you be willing to do spitback for spitback corphish ?
Yep, that's what the spitback section is for. I honestly prefer spitbacks, as I like breeding my own team, just lack the time so I also do 5IVs. What ya got? Your thread said under construction so I'm not sure what you have.
CMT for nidoran male. what kind of pokeball is it in?
Pokeball, I'm not a stickler for other balls, which is great since classic is my favorite. I DO need to update OP though thanks.

Interested in Meditite.

Interested in nidoran. It doesnt matter if its male or female. CMT. Thnx

I'm not interested in anything, but I'd part w/ the female for BP item. I don't have much attachment to the females and they're WAY more common for some reason. I request BP items because I literally have everything you offer in your thread.
Pokeball, I'm not a stickler for other balls, which is great since classic is my favorite. I DO need to update OP though thanks.

Interested in Meditite.
which nature would you want? i'm trying to get rid of a jolly male that doesn't have fake out as an egg move, if you don't care for fake out let me know. :D
I dont mind having a female Nidoran, but you didnt tell me in which one of my Pkmns you were interested xD
That's odd. my type didn't go through, Um the female question was aimed at Monday. I have everything you offer already, though I'm not attached to the females so I'll do it for a 48 BP item?
Interested in Foongus, either 4 IV or 5 IV.

Can offer:
4-5 IV Sassy Iron Barbs Ferroseed with Stealth Rock and Leech Seed
4-5 IV Sassy Iron Barbs Ferroseed with Spikes Stealth Rock and Leech Seed
working on breeding:
Interested in Foongus, either 4 IV or 5 IV.

Can offer:
4-5 IV Sassy Iron Barbs Ferroseed with Stealth Rock and Leech Seed
4-5 IV Sassy Iron Barbs Ferroseed with Spikes Stealth Rock and Leech Seed
working on breeding:
interested in sneasel (pickpocket)
Drilburr Male
Sand Rush
Please refer to my already have list on the first page. I have all of those already, thanks for the interest though.

And Marill is the first Pokemon in my thread lol.
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CMT for foongus, shellos and nidoran. I have some 3+ 31 iv dittos for trade that aren't listed (Wouldn't trade one of my 4 IV ones for these though). Let me know! :)
CMT for foongus, shellos and nidoran. I have some 3+ 31 iv dittos for trade that aren't listed (Wouldn't trade one of my 4 IV ones for these though). Let me know! :)

I'm interested in a female Eevee, probably Timid. I have a 5IV male so I just need a female.
I meant Nido-M (Nidoking), sorry for being unclear=)
Maybe, M is giving me A LOT of trouble randomly. I have 6 perfect F, but no perfect M, not even one for myself. Did not foresee this being an issue. I can't trade today anyway, so hopefully tomorrow when I'm free I'll have a stock.