Going into week 1 I focused more so on my teammates than myself. I played SM this week vs Freddy. Someone who's number I had for years. Bringing memes and others sets. I played in classic, where I never lost...yet was given loss...funnier now looking back on it lol. I got to finals in RoA tour where I memed in finals with Elo Bandit teams :p So coming into this, I didnt prepare. I'm like, "yea sure I'll show up and win". About 10 minutes before I played Freddy I talked to dc3 and I came up with counter deo-speed that beats mega metagross. Only prep I did.
https://pokepast.es/aea563ff423b99e1 so game 1, Freddy brought hax. I'm gonna say this was Freddy preparing for me, because I've always build teams that get 3-0d by hax. so good move on his part. however, oddly enough my deo-s speed beat that haxorous. but because i just saw deo-s and thought of its normal set i went for zera. so sadly i could have won that game. i then brought xsc's teams game 2 & 3. game 2 was a sort of soft 3-0 for freddy, and game 3 i thought dnite z move would do 80% did 15 or something so I picked into that lol. zera i believe beat venu unless it was like max def charm. so i just got 3-0d randomly not good on mental :(
Week 2 I played vs om. went oras cus lancer didnt like oras. so was suppose to vs om last year got to this year, all good now. i prepared for them this week. I brought a Toxic Orb fling set on Conk that beat sableye, and a scarf greninja set that beat gyarados, porygon, and zards for game 1. Game 2 I picked Jirachi as it was occa berry jirachi. game 3 i picked hydregion cus i wanted to show it off, plus i brought game 4 team game 3 cus of that :p. The idea of the set was to beat zards and other dragons. You tailwind turn 1 and if its a zard x or other you can click reflect turn two because its haban. I picked Sunday for our battle right off the bat, because why not have a cute little PL date :3
When week 3 came was when we had the power outage, and me being semi homeless that relies on the power to not freeze to death, well mentally again not good spot. i didnt prepare, was given teams and won. magikarpe cool person <3
Week 4 was odd week, just got back to my place after staying out of town 'cus a power outage, I wanted to run really stupid shit. Normally I prepare and see if i should bring it. But i never looked at a single team of bea's, didnt watch any games. Was told they were most likely to make many mistakes, so i picked absol and wanted to
https://pokepast.es/64e85ef2b29203d4 it beats sableye & gyarados. i also made a dnite that beat both zards, mega lopunny, and gyarados. again not knowing or questioning what she will bring. melo showed up cus we were gonna manage together but irl plans, so he nicknamed pokemon and gave me random sets. during the series someone leaked bea's teams and kept trying to ghost me. i couldnt change my mind on anything cus i didnt want to be sus of cheating or knowing, so i made dumb calls and choices. bea won, meanwhile im panicking cus idk if im gonna be banned. everyone is celebrating bea's win, same time it feels like my loss as well....later i played bea with more serious teams and won 3-0 tho I dont take anything from that as its not for anything. bea was a nice person, just sucked how i had to play that week
Week 5. or magikarp week. fincher, who i just call fincher cus its well idk, hes just fincher :P Anyways, big meme for our team was bring magikarp, bring it all 5 games, win using magikarp. Its the youtuber, why am I not gonna do something completely stupid lol. I told smely my team told me I was allowed to use it, and they didnt say anything so smely was nice and friendly even during this ^^. Game 1. Omabasnow, as I called it was endure custap. Which did beat zards. But I also misplayed and forgot about sableye gen 6 mega. Game 2, I saw smely run it in a room tour before, so thought why not. Game 3 I brought Elo's Skuntank, because I thought it would be funny if fincher thought he won when he KOd skuntank and it said I won. And the Dnite was from bea's week. Game 4 was Elo's Mircle berry weavile :3 Game 5 was the Magikarp game. Now, I talked to alice about this in DMs a lot before hand, we went over teammates and what was good. So to clear up any confusion Alice gave me the OK. I brought it last year and won, I could do it again. I put time into the preparation. When fincher brought kyub, normally any other kyub set loses. But the max spd kyub, (which he later brought in semis im assuming) beat it. ~magikarp will return no doubt ;)
Week 6 Mubs was cool. Don't see why a global mod was called to timer is a big deal. 1 move decides the entire series "Timer is dumb, if you're someone who likes using the timer, run a mile." Anyways, hope you get a dub this PL Mubs. Wanted to play XSC but he gamesharked me
Week 7, SM vs Soulwind. Last classic champion I need to beat, so wanted it. Melo made me teams and nickname them. Soulwind wanted to play early, and didnt want to wait for sunday. I wanted to be nice, so i took melos teams that werent ready and played. game 4 i pick volcarona, but it went ahead with lele which was already locked in. so felt unfinished 2-2. Also felt pissed because I didnt get to see how it ends as they just wanted to leave tour and didnt care as much.
Semis. I played Fincher again. My team wanted me to use someone else's teams. It didnt feel like it worked well. So I picked my own and brought stuff. Metagross was 252 252+def which lives a banded chomp EQ and KOs back. Jirachi was a reuse from OMs series, and the dnite from bea's & fincher's, i brought again :p The greninja was the same from OMs as well. Game 3 onwards was when fincher moddchated, prob more so to focus. Thought nothing of it as we modchat and people speak and promote all the time. Didn't read chat much. I just gave promotions out to friends like i did game 1 & 2. We talked after, were fine. <3
<3 Messages
Seo, you played monotype very well. I didnt watch any of it, but was a nice person in channels ^^
Alex, you almost got to play week 3, but glad you got a win. Happy for ya ^^
bomb, youre the bomb...idk what to put here besides good teammate :p <3
not a racist didnt know were not a racist...ya know what I mean :p. People slept on you even when I gave them the daily reminders :p
Eblurb, you did your own bw. But you played well anyways hax or not <3
187Fan, you were a great team member thx
TSC, was nice to have you on the team. Having to help you relearn sm was fun :p Besides that was fun having you with us
Charm <3 <3 <3
Aliss , was a fun PL. I hope we all did you proud, 4-3 MENTALLITY. Take care of yourself <3
Blazikin I'm gonna be the most real with you. Being on a team where its just me awake for 3 months was sad. When you joined was more fun. Being able to enjoy pokemon more was nice. Your nicknames, to prep, your winposts. Who knows what happens next year, but I do appreciate it and am thankful for you involvement <3
smely socks Thanks for being a real pal through PL. Am happy to see you make finals, was a goal of yours for a while. And wanted you to experience it. So I hope you enjoy it and have fun <3
Euphonos <3 Thanks for everything. <3
What's next?
I hope to be able to release a new VR post in the coming future that will have a parody song attached with it. Should be sick ^^