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Tournament 1v1 Premier League V - Tournament Discussion

Lycanroc used Fire Fang!
It's super effective!
(The opposing Necrozma lost 41% of its health!)
The opposing Necrozma was burned!

The opposing Necrozma flinched and couldn't move!


Rhyps are out, so as their Overhyped Seasonal Winner it's now my solemn duty to make an experience post.

Overall, I rather enjoyed managing. I think Aliss (first shoutout of many) was an excellent captain, and the one responsible for starting the rhyps in the first place. My biggest concern was that I wouldn't have enough experience with the playerbase for proper drafting, so pairing up with someone who's been in this community for much longer than me was a huge relief in that area. Playing was a more mixed experience: I think it took me a couple weeks to quite find my style, and even then there were weeks where I just flat-out played poorly. That said, I'm happy with the final series I played, and I overall think I learned much from this PL.

Shoutouts to my team, in no particular order:

TheShadowClaw, you had one of the most impressive SM runs in the tournament, and I have to say that watching you prep is a delight and an amazement. It's insane how well you understand the meta and manage to craft useful yet unique sets that fit it perfectly.

Lancer Fr, thank you for all you did in SM2: thanks to you the slot went way positive. Very happy to have had you on the team.

413X, while you're sadly not the last undefeated player anymore, you stepped up when it was necessary and helped us win during a weak week, which I believe was essential to team morale. I'm looking forward to seeing your DPP performance later this year in classic and perhaps even WC. Also: great monopoke player!

not a racist, you were a bit of an unproven player when drafted, but you've definitely managed to live up to our expectations, especially in the essential earlier weeks. The rhyps may be out, but at least they're not racist!

I've gone much too far without mentioning eblurb, whose 9k buy was probably the biggest underpay of the entire tournament. Blurb secured essential support, provided useful feedback, and built for two slots in addition to his own. He's probably done more for the team than anyone else, and I highly urge everyone here to not let him go for this absurdly low price again next PL.

Joker 1v1, aside from that stunt with the magicarp I think you did great. Your teams were creative, your plays impressive, and overall I'm glad to see how you ended up performing.

187 Fan: I think we all agree you had some of the worst luck this PL, and I can only hope that your future tours won't be as incredibly unfortunate. Even so, you built strong teams, gave alex essential advice, and secured wins where you could, while helping out in ORAS too. You were part of our draftplan from day one, and getting you was a dream come true.

Bomb21XD, we didn't always see eye-to-eye on some issues (like how useful calcs are, or how many of your teams should have hydreigon on them, or what win odds are acceptable), but your performance can't be argued with: 4-0ing two threatening bo7 players is no small feat.

Seo., what the hell man why would you share the most cursed pictures in the chat, what did I do to deserve this, also you played monopoke once or twice so thanks for that ig.

Also shoutouts to Murman0064, Blazikin, Wanony, Boat, Euphonos, dogknees, and Kaif for making important contributions for team development and playtesting.
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My PL V Experience - Joker ^^
So coming into PL I wanted to manage, like I do every year. As every year seems to go, I find someone who is qualified and something irl comes up. I suppose each year it gets more demoralizing, when you are told you would be a bad manager, you aren't worthy enough, or will have a bad team ect. It will find away to get into your head. Sadly this year for me it did. It lead to me asking managers to take me as a sub. Each year I get hyped, its something I want to prove my worth and ability at, its my one team tour a year. We don't need to get into the WC talk. But yea, wasn't in the best morale as I would have liked to be.

After that it took a bit to zone back in, I've always done well in PLs. PL III being the exception, due to the same denial. Anyways, last year I was the last remaining undefeated player left, played during difficult times and went from an undefeated team in PL3 to a team that faced challenges early on in PL4. So I tried to put myself back into that mindset and focused on trying to win this PL
PL Starts :3
Going into week 1 I focused more so on my teammates than myself. I played SM this week vs Freddy. Someone who's number I had for years. Bringing memes and others sets. I played in classic, where I never lost...yet was given loss...funnier now looking back on it lol. I got to finals in RoA tour where I memed in finals with Elo Bandit teams :p So coming into this, I didnt prepare. I'm like, "yea sure I'll show up and win". About 10 minutes before I played Freddy I talked to dc3 and I came up with counter deo-speed that beats mega metagross. Only prep I did. https://pokepast.es/aea563ff423b99e1 so game 1, Freddy brought hax. I'm gonna say this was Freddy preparing for me, because I've always build teams that get 3-0d by hax. so good move on his part. however, oddly enough my deo-s speed beat that haxorous. but because i just saw deo-s and thought of its normal set i went for zera. so sadly i could have won that game. i then brought xsc's teams game 2 & 3. game 2 was a sort of soft 3-0 for freddy, and game 3 i thought dnite z move would do 80% did 15 or something so I picked into that lol. zera i believe beat venu unless it was like max def charm. so i just got 3-0d randomly not good on mental :(

Week 2 I played vs om. went oras cus lancer didnt like oras. so was suppose to vs om last year got to this year, all good now. i prepared for them this week. I brought a Toxic Orb fling set on Conk that beat sableye, and a scarf greninja set that beat gyarados, porygon, and zards for game 1. Game 2 I picked Jirachi as it was occa berry jirachi. game 3 i picked hydregion cus i wanted to show it off, plus i brought game 4 team game 3 cus of that :p. The idea of the set was to beat zards and other dragons. You tailwind turn 1 and if its a zard x or other you can click reflect turn two because its haban. I picked Sunday for our battle right off the bat, because why not have a cute little PL date :3

When week 3 came was when we had the power outage, and me being semi homeless that relies on the power to not freeze to death, well mentally again not good spot. i didnt prepare, was given teams and won. magikarpe cool person <3

Week 4 was odd week, just got back to my place after staying out of town 'cus a power outage, I wanted to run really stupid shit. Normally I prepare and see if i should bring it. But i never looked at a single team of bea's, didnt watch any games. Was told they were most likely to make many mistakes, so i picked absol and wanted to https://pokepast.es/64e85ef2b29203d4 it beats sableye & gyarados. i also made a dnite that beat both zards, mega lopunny, and gyarados. again not knowing or questioning what she will bring. melo showed up cus we were gonna manage together but irl plans, so he nicknamed pokemon and gave me random sets. during the series someone leaked bea's teams and kept trying to ghost me. i couldnt change my mind on anything cus i didnt want to be sus of cheating or knowing, so i made dumb calls and choices. bea won, meanwhile im panicking cus idk if im gonna be banned. everyone is celebrating bea's win, same time it feels like my loss as well....later i played bea with more serious teams and won 3-0 tho I dont take anything from that as its not for anything. bea was a nice person, just sucked how i had to play that week

Week 5. or magikarp week. fincher, who i just call fincher cus its well idk, hes just fincher :P Anyways, big meme for our team was bring magikarp, bring it all 5 games, win using magikarp. Its the youtuber, why am I not gonna do something completely stupid lol. I told smely my team told me I was allowed to use it, and they didnt say anything so smely was nice and friendly even during this ^^. Game 1. Omabasnow, as I called it was endure custap. Which did beat zards. But I also misplayed and forgot about sableye gen 6 mega. Game 2, I saw smely run it in a room tour before, so thought why not. Game 3 I brought Elo's Skuntank, because I thought it would be funny if fincher thought he won when he KOd skuntank and it said I won. And the Dnite was from bea's week. Game 4 was Elo's Mircle berry weavile :3 Game 5 was the Magikarp game. Now, I talked to alice about this in DMs a lot before hand, we went over teammates and what was good. So to clear up any confusion Alice gave me the OK. I brought it last year and won, I could do it again. I put time into the preparation. When fincher brought kyub, normally any other kyub set loses. But the max spd kyub, (which he later brought in semis im assuming) beat it. ~magikarp will return no doubt ;)

Week 6 Mubs was cool. Don't see why a global mod was called to timer is a big deal. 1 move decides the entire series "Timer is dumb, if you're someone who likes using the timer, run a mile." Anyways, hope you get a dub this PL Mubs. Wanted to play XSC but he gamesharked me

Week 7, SM vs Soulwind. Last classic champion I need to beat, so wanted it. Melo made me teams and nickname them. Soulwind wanted to play early, and didnt want to wait for sunday. I wanted to be nice, so i took melos teams that werent ready and played. game 4 i pick volcarona, but it went ahead with lele which was already locked in. so felt unfinished 2-2. Also felt pissed because I didnt get to see how it ends as they just wanted to leave tour and didnt care as much.

Semis. I played Fincher again. My team wanted me to use someone else's teams. It didnt feel like it worked well. So I picked my own and brought stuff. Metagross was 252 252+def which lives a banded chomp EQ and KOs back. Jirachi was a reuse from OMs series, and the dnite from bea's & fincher's, i brought again :p The greninja was the same from OMs as well. Game 3 onwards was when fincher moddchated, prob more so to focus. Thought nothing of it as we modchat and people speak and promote all the time. Didn't read chat much. I just gave promotions out to friends like i did game 1 & 2. We talked after, were fine. <3

<3 Messages
Seo, you played monotype very well. I didnt watch any of it, but was a nice person in channels ^^
Alex, you almost got to play week 3, but glad you got a win. Happy for ya ^^
bomb, youre the bomb...idk what to put here besides good teammate :p <3
not a racist didnt know were not a racist...ya know what I mean :p. People slept on you even when I gave them the daily reminders :p
Eblurb, you did your own bw. But you played well anyways hax or not <3
187Fan, you were a great team member thx
TSC, was nice to have you on the team. Having to help you relearn sm was fun :p Besides that was fun having you with us
Charm <3 <3 <3
Aliss , was a fun PL. I hope we all did you proud, 4-3 MENTALLITY. Take care of yourself <3

Blazikin I'm gonna be the most real with you. Being on a team where its just me awake for 3 months was sad. When you joined was more fun. Being able to enjoy pokemon more was nice. Your nicknames, to prep, your winposts. Who knows what happens next year, but I do appreciate it and am thankful for you involvement <3

smely socks Thanks for being a real pal through PL. Am happy to see you make finals, was a goal of yours for a while. And wanted you to experience it. So I hope you enjoy it and have fun <3

Euphonos <3 Thanks for everything. <3

What's next?
I hope to be able to release a new VR post in the coming future that will have a parody song attached with it. Should be sick ^^
Losing PL Semis to hax back to back sucks, but in the end TSC and me just didn't deliver this week. We should have and blurb should have won the bw game while hctc should have gone g7 which is normally a good thing for them, whatever. The sheet record is whatever, though I didn't achieve perfection as I did last year. Didn't care one week and lost Semis, which sucks but 6-0 into 6-1(2) is good, very good even so I'm satisfied with that.

Thanks to Aliss and Here Comes Team Charm! for drafting me, it has been fun.
Thanks to my mates for a fun time and many ups and downs. We started of well, but then fell of due to other teams figuring out their optimized LU and us half-assing a bit.
Thanks to the Poliwrath supporters that joined for the Semis, thanks to Blazikin and Kaif for huge contributions in SM and ORAS or BW and SS respectively.
Closing out I have to say that PL hella drains. I respect everyone who isn't burned out, still builds all new by poffs and is motivated every week. I'll prob take a break from tours and come back for WC but prob only if its playable, meaning only if Frita and/or US Central get split up.
Uhh I think Catgirls will win since they're favored in the TB imo and Rhyps vs. Porys was for place 3 and 4, powerwise in poffs, if we're honest.
Unfortunately even after going to tiebreak with Thwackeys we were unable to pull through but I am still really proud of how we did as a team. Starting the season off with 2 losses and still making it into playoffs was super intoxicating and the spirit with the team was great. I got to meet and talk to a lot of new people and old friends alike. I couldn't ask for a better first PL and I am so happy I got drafted to this team and we could have definitely made it into playoffs if we had a little bit of luck go our way but mons is mons and there's no changing the past.

pqs first and foremost is probably the most important member on the team. He helped building, and testing, and getting replay stats he was the heart and soul of the team by far and a great help for the team and we wouldn't be the same without him. He's also a certified Murman slayer

DEG Thank you for drafting me and being the most active member by far. You were great in terms of singlehandedly carrying BW as well as just being a super fun person to talk to and apparently you also excel at stealing my SS teams >:(
Mubs Despite being busy outside of mons you were still a good captain and we all have bad runs (although ur record did allow us to get bingo so I think it was worth it) I still respect you very much as a captain, player, and person in general and don't let anyone hold your performance against you.
Close Getting to know you and build with you especially in earlier weeks was probably the best experiences I had during all of PL, and your record doesn't accurately reflect your skill in any way. I still think you are one of the greatest SS players of all time and nothing will ever change that for me, I'm so glad I got to team with you and know you.
XSTATIC COLD This was my first time ever teaming with you despite hearing many things about you and although you were a little aggressive in some regards I still respect you as a player and you were nice to me even though I was afraid that wouldn't be the case. I understand you might be frustrated we were unable to go to finals but you just have to keep your head high and keep on going. Maybe one day we will get to see catgirl in XSC avatar
Kentari Your sm is singlehandedly some of the funniest and best aspects of PL from seeing Lanturn in week 1 all the way until triple scarf you were always a player who had the right mindset and boosted and helped sm as a whole so thanks for that
Jabiru the multigen slayer himself jabiru you are the goat. Who else can say they have wins in 3 different gens and even the losses were close and very unfortunate. You may have been busy but you came through when we needed you and you were just an awesome person in general
Palestine Clearly you and deg are on something else entirely as you definitely manhandled the BW pool except the times you were haxed. All the times you @everyone for your games and malded over us not linking was a super fun experience and a great mellow to the atmosphere in the discord
Trashuny Learning dpp from scratch even with the help of Jabiru is no small feat and your help in SS was also invaluable. Although I'm not very well versed in DPP your DPP record speaks for itself and you put in tons of effort so it was definitely deserved (except Fan holy shit I apologize on his behalf) ;)
Urfgurgle Your SS performance was really needed and we relied on you so many times and you were able to pull through when needed, I sometimes disagreed with your building and some of your plays but you're still a super solid player and a demon on ladder so big props to you
ExplodingDonkey THE absolute CHAD himself 5-0ing Nalei in SS (monopoke) you were just great fun to have around not much else needs to be said if you know donk
ToastedBunzzz02 I didn't really get to talk to you but I saw you helped in SM a bit so thanks for that
Metony LuckyPiper both died so that catgirls could fly
Blazikin You helped us in SM and although I didn't talk too much you were there from very early on and where a great help

Thanks to all the people who helped us from other teams including but not limited to SiceXV (free my mans) crucify Rellia eblurb OM Elo Bandit Inkreativ 187 Fan Euphonos TheShadowClaw sorry if I forgot anyone

I don't particularly like the way I played with almost every series going to last game scenarios and there were many times I crumbled under pressure and nearly threw the games although my wonderful teammates were oftentimes able to pick up my slack. I wish I could have been bigger help in the other SS slots however time constraints meant that I usually had only enough time to build for my own slots and even then just barely. I would have liked to install more confidence into my teammates next time instead of feeling like oftentimes I ended up causing them unnecessary stress and I apologize for that. This being my first real team tour it was certainly a new experience and I feel I was able to grow and expand outside of my comfort zone but in the end I just wished I was able to help more. Hopefully next PL we can try to take the trophy for ourselves

GO CATGIRLS/ UNFEZANTS idk which one we are anymore
This tournament took more time than I expected it to, and so I wish we won, but I had fun regardless.

Thank you DEG and Mubs for adding me to the team. Even though I beat both in tryouts, I did not expect to be added to the team and to play. Deg also talked so much in the team discord, which I am thankful for.

I would like to thank everyone on the team, everyone was good to play with and I was happy to play with such good players and people. I thank Jabiru Close Gym Socks! STABLE zio for teaching me gen 4 1v1 and about tournaments. I had not played it much discounting room tournaments, and I did not expect to play this tier. I also thank the people that were not on the catgirls, but helped anyways. Our discord was big in the end!

pqs was the most helpful person besides deg, you did so much help even when not playing. Awesome person to have on a team.

Xstatic Cold thank you for winning so much, and getting me bought. Every person that beats you on the swsh ladder does not get bought, so I'm happy you told deg to buy me.

Thanks to BKC for a lot of things. Watching his videos convinced me to come back to PS! because of the skill the game has. Also, he shows a lot of gen 4, which helped me with gen 4 1v1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuFJa-IMBq4wOVeZFQHvTmQ Watch a video.

Even if there was hax, it's pokemon. There always will be hax. I would lose to 187 fan and beat zio if I could choose, but even bringing Jirachi, Togekiss, and Machamp is not choosing. I have no regrets about my semifinals game or tiebreaker. I lost, but I fought hard.

One last thing, winning was fun, but gen 4 1v1 was not very fun as the tournament went. All the top tier pokes and some of the high tier pokes are toxic, and have too many good sets. And the bad pokes are very bad. I did not have any teams in gen 4 before this tournament, so, I had to make many teams as the tournament went, and often there were some teams I made that I did not like. I did not want to bring a good team game 1, because if I lost then I would have the bad teams left. So, I lost a lot in game 1, which is not good. Playing gen 4 1v1 is fun, but teambuilding is not. In other tournaments, I can play gen 4, but not for as long as I played it this tournament. I hope I can improve in swsh, because I failed in swsh this tournament.

Tbf the times I spent in the catgirls discord were one of the best times I've spent on the internet. It was pretty fun and lit and really enjoyed everyone's presence, I think the only person that could have made it more interesting was Tol. To resume it,

KentariToday at 3:53 PM
Our team chat was beyond lit
[3:55 PM]
Deg losing his mind by himself, mishlef being allergic to the enter key, me unironically posting teams with specs yanmega, jabiru was in every gen. Was p dope

I promised to share logs, so let me invite you to the discord!

Early days:


Welcome toasted bunz!








Oh ye I can't forget mishlef essays.

Forgot to do this, don't get too angry at me-

This PL's been wack for me. Obviously we didn't do as well we wanted to, myself personally more so, but it was a great experience and I'm thankful for everyone who made it as great as it was.

DEG - It'll take me a lot more than the time I have to write this to express my gratitude towards you. A few months ago, I was looking for a co-manager for 1v1PL. While I had 2 or 3 other people in mind prior, I'm really happy that I ended up with you. You really opened up my mind to the general process of managing a team and let me do a lot of the pre-draft planning while giving me some advice that came with your prior experience. As for the draft, it's definitely one to remember. I still have some of the logs which I'll drop:
[09:59:47] Mubs: man
[09:59:51] Mubs: I am nervous
[09:59:51] deg: ookokok
[10:01:20] deg: 18
[10:01:20] deg: YOOOOOOO
[10:01:21] deg: 18
[10:01:22] deg: 18
[10:01:22] deg: 18
[10:01:23] deg: 18
[10:01:27] deg: LES OGOGO
[10:01:28] deg: LETS GOOO
[10:01:30] deg: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[10:02:07] Mubs: WAIT
[10:02:08] Mubs: WHAT
[10:02:12] deg: LOOOOOL
[10:02:13] deg: WE GOT CLOSE
[10:02:14] deg: FOR 18 5
[10:02:14] Mubs: OML
[10:02:16] deg: LOOOOOOOOL
[10:02:17] Mubs: LETS FUCKING GO
[10:02:21] deg: XSC INK
[10:02:22] Mubs: Go
[10:02:23] deg: WE GET EVERYONE
[10:02:24] deg: NOW
[10:02:40] deg: im so happy
[10:04:29] deg: lmfaooo
[10:04:40] deg: LMFAO
[10:04:44] deg: IM CRYING
[10:07:05] deg: GOTTEM.
[10:07:11] Mubs: LMFAO
[10:38:06] deg: check for underpays
[10:38:07] deg: in the pool
[10:38:13] Mubs: y
[10:38:18] Mubs: ss dried up
[10:38:21] Mubs: wayyy to fast
[10:39:01] deg: neat
[10:39:14] Mubs: I think we should
[10:39:15] Mubs: get pqs
[10:39:26] Mubs: we need chat activity
[10:39:37] Mubs: + sm depth
[10:39:42] deg: true
[10:40:13] deg: how much lmni
[10:40:16] deg: u know what
[10:40:19] Mubs: 8
[10:40:19] deg: they wont be active
[10:40:21] Mubs: eh
[10:40:22] deg: ig
[10:40:29] Mubs: actually
[10:40:31] deg: ok
[10:40:32] Mubs: we want pedes
[10:40:32] deg: nvm
[10:40:34] deg: xd
[10:40:41] Mubs: to not upbid pqs
[10:40:45] deg: [17:40:22] XSTATIC COLD: pqs has no mental but is good anyway
[10:40:47] deg: LOL
[10:40:49] deg: LOOOOOL
[10:40:52] Mubs: LOL
[11:30:26] deg: can we gt donk
[11:30:31] deg: LOL
[11:30:32] Mubs: LOL
[11:30:35] Mubs: DONK is
[11:30:37] Mubs: undrafted
[11:30:40] Mubs: we have to get them
As for post draft, you really carried chat activity. especially in the latter half when I was busy with exams and stuff. Not going to lie, I thought you'd go insane building BW continuously for all those weeks. It was really nice to manage a team w you and I hope we can do it again sometime.

pqs - I told you you'd win a game this PL! In all seriousness thank you for the hours you put in generating stats for every slot, helping the SS/SM building, and just generally being a cool person to talk with in team chat. Didn't get to play that much this season but I hope you know that we all appreciate the work you put in to the team.

Mishlef - Similar to pqs you put in a lot of effort to help test every SS slot, alongside being one of our go-to SS starters. I remember thinking one of your long analyses was a copypasta LOL. Hopefully we get to play in WC together. Should be fun.

Close - DEG and I both immediately agreed that we we're going to draft you assuming Euphonos didn't upbid us to like 24k. While you didn't get the record that you wanted to have, there is no doubt in my mind that we'd do the same if given the chance to do it all over again. Goated team presence and support for SS, SM and DPP. Hopefully we get to play again some time.

XSTATIC COLD - I sincerely apologize that we weren't able to get you your 3-peat. Sometimes things just don't work out. I will admit that I was a little hesitant to try to get you earlier in draft planning. Regardless, I was surprised with how much of a presence you were in the team chat and appreciate the work you put in to put us in the best position to move forward. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

Trashuny - I was a bit suspect of having a person I've never really heard about as a dedicated sub but you decimated me in tryouts and decimated the DPP pool so I guess that worked out. You seem to have gotten the knack of how 1v1 works and I can tell you can easily be one of the best 1v1 players around here in the future so just keep at it. Was unfortunate that you weren't able to give us the lead vs zio but some things just don't work out :blobshrug:

Jabiru - Thought it'd be a problem at times not having you in the DPP slot, turns out you're a god anywhere we slot you. Also a part of the most fun team environment I've ever had.

Kentari - Not going to lie I did a double take at least 5 times when watching all of your SM series. Still went 5-3 so I won't complain. It was fun to talk to you.

Urfgurgle - We didn't really talk much in team chat but you clutched tiebreak for us so you'll always have my appreciation.

Palestine - I shouted you out don't hurt me now :bloblul: .Thanks for being around as our dedicated BW slot. Hope you do well in the future.

ExplodingDonkey LuckyPiper - Didn't play much but the former was broken monopoke and the latter broken moral support during poffs

Metony - It was unfortunate that we had the situation that we did but I wish you the best in whatever you do going forward.

ToastedBunzzz02 don't think I forgot you. Too bad we never had the opportunity to slot you. You'd do well, I know it.


OM Euphonos crucify SiceXV TheShadowClaw Elo Bandit Inkreativ frostyicelad Rellia lph - All of you helped us out a lot, especially during playoffs, despite not being on the team. You all are appreciated.

Kaif - You were in our team cord for like a day but we never lost a week after you joined so you get a shoutout.

dom LRXC - Thanks for being people I can toss around ORAS ideas with. Might not have done as well as I'd hoped but you've played a part in giving me a better understanding of the metagame alongside making me a better builder.

Felucia - We didn't talk at all about PL in our discussions but you always are an obligatory shoutout.

As always, thank you for reading and have a nice day. Mubs out.
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Where should I even start, this PL has been quite an experience. The porygons has been one of the most fun teams I’ve been on in my time in 1v1, I could not have been happier with the team. That being said, I have a lot of shoutouts to do so I’ll get to them

Alakazam and PA thanks for hosting the tour, y’all did a great job with it

Yami it was very fun to manage this tour with you I think your a great manager. Also really good stuff in swsh and thanks for helping me with dpp. We have to manage again sometime :)

Potatochan @ potatochan dogs, jokes aside I think you are like the team mvp, You have given us all we could ask for and more, preforming great in bw and helping everyone build every week. I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for us.

tears another mvp, you were a great leader for swsh on our team, you had a great performance and really clutched up in the times we needed it most.

smely socks you are a really great person and swsh player thanks for all you’ve done for us.

Tol having u in the chat is always great, your a funny guy and always brighten the mood on the team. You also really clutched up in finals to let us go to tiebreaker, it’s always nice to have u on the teams.

Aurodian this is ur first 1v1 tour I think, it was great to have you on the team. I think you will have a lot of success in 1v1 in the future if you wanna keep playing it.

Downcoming3 you are for sure the most creative person on the team. It was always fun to see what you would be building every week for sm. Overall great performance this PL, it was nice to have you on the team.

Grain2Sel for your first 1v1 team tour I think you did pretty good, you did get a bit unfortunate at times which sucks but overall good stuff this PL. It was great having you on the team

Finchinator why did people let me get the goat for 3k? For you first 1v1 team tour you did amazing, You picked really well in your series and even learned how to build 1v1 teams a bit. Really great job man, I’ll cya in World Cup.

Leru even though you were a bit busy this PL, you still managed to send some positive messages in the discord and even get a massive win in finals, good stuff man.

Elo Bandit DEG ayedan Jabiru Rellia Bopher Kentari SiceXV and Yugon
Thank you all for your support in semifinals and finals. You all did so much for us and I really appreciate that. I owe y’all for all you guys have done, thanks.

This has been a lot of fun, I hope to see y’all in World Cup.
Well, what an end that was. Gonna be honest this wasn't how I envisioned this pl going but we won so I'll take it. This was certainly a team effort so I wanted to give a special thanks to some of the people who made this possible
Yami: I know it wasn't easy at times but I really enjoyed being on your team. You've always been one of my favorite people in this community so it was great to win PL with you as my manager <3

Jamez: You did a fantastic job being a consistent manager this pl. You were always energetic and trying to keep us going even when things seemed rough. Came in clutch with the dpp in the final weeks and did great. Thanks to you and yami for drafting me

Potatochan: One of my oldest friends in this community and our shadow manager, you carried our asses in the builder this pl. You helped build for pretty much every slot, managed to secure some good wins when needed, and really held this team together. Absolutely the goat and it was great to be on your team after centranada got robbed from us

tears: You were the mvp of this tour. Glad to see you bounce back after your unfortunate run last wc. Thank you for giving us the fairy tale ending and it was so fun to watch you build/play

Downcoming3: It was nice to be on a team with you this time. Glad to see you able to shine in sm finally and I was very impressed with the amount of effort you put into your prep. Making full-on recreations of all of your opponent's former teams was out of this world and I think it paid off

Grain2Sel: I know your performance didn't end quite how you wanted but you really impressed me. You had an incredible start and really jumpstarted our team in the early weeks

Tol: It was so fun to be on your team this pl. You were one of the funniest people on our team and you did pretty well when playing too(when you brought 3 pokemon). You came in clutch in finals, beating Danny in a tier you hadn't properly played in forever. Hope you stick around because this community is much more fun with you around

Finchinator: The ORAS new blood we all needed. Not gonna lie I had no clue what to expect from you this pl seeing how it was your first 1v1 tour, but you played absolutely amazing this pl. Going 6-3 in a tier you hadn't played before was absolutely insane and I'm proud of you for that. You had a great attitude and it was really cool watching your progression as the weeks went on. Great job this pl and it was fun getting to know you

Leru: It was fun having you on our team. I know you were busy for most of it but you helped us out and got the chad 1-0 in finals so I can't complain. Thanks for playing with us and it was fun meeting you

Aurodian: I know you didn't get to play a lot which happens, but it was fun having you. Yami had always spoken highly of you so it was nice to finally meet you and see you lived up to what they said. Thanks for helping out this pl and for helping me with ssnl brackets kek

And of course, it wasn't just the Porygons who made this possible. I also want to thank those of you who helped in other ways
SiceXV Bopher Elo Bandit Jabiru DEG DezShizzels (at least until finals) Kentari Rellia ayedan Yugon and bea

Thank you all so much for helping out in the discord this pl. We really couldn't have done it without you
Nalei pqs Rellia (again) ExplodingDonkey LRXC Potatochan (again) bea (again) and Joker 1v1

Thanks to y'all for keeping me sane this pl. It wasn't easy at times but thanks for being there when I needed it <3

That's all for now. If I forgot you SORRY >_<, I'm probably just bad and missed your name. It was certainly an interesting pl for me but I'm proud of our team for winning after being the projected last seed at the start of the tour. Sure there was some luck involved but that's true about most winning teams everywhere in life. ggs to the other teams and cya
Comrades, we have finally won the war after a nail biting final battle where we lost many soldiers over the years of this stalemate. We are the winner of this war and our name shall be known worldwide for our victory and everyone will hear about it. We did it Trojan Porygons! Now lets prepare for the feast of drinking, eating, smoking and women. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Second time winning a team tour on smogon while managing. :rb/porygon: :gs/porygon: :rs/Porygon: :dp/porygon: :bw/Porygon: :xy/Porygon: :sm/porygon: :ss/porygon:

Ok I'm done with the cringe stuff. When going into the draft, me and James had a thought out plan with the number 1 thing was synergy. I believe the key to having a good team is have great synergy, as just drafting the best players just to have no synergy / don't mush with others will hinder the player and their motivation to do well. The draft itself went well for us despite what other teams and people thought. We all helped each other and cheered people on and had no mishaps other than the tiebreaker incident for finals where my team submitted the tier and the players without running it tho me after having a really horrible day. I'm really proud of y'all and hopefully we get to team up again in another tour. Im sad it is over now, as it was fun vcing, prepping, and talking in general. I had a really good time this 1v1pl and it seems most of you guys did to which makes me very happy.


Jamez Thank you for managing with me and helping me come up with a draft plan and sending lu every week. Hopefully I be back before 1v1wc and we manage together again. Our swap plan worked and with me building 20+ teams a week when i was in dpp really helped you have everything you needed to prep for your DPP matches. Sorry to say, but im DPP if i return for 1v1wc >:3

Aurodian Sorry I couldn't play you more, but thank you for being part of the team and giving 1v1 a try. You are my best friend on this website, and I dunno what I do without you, hope we can manage NDPL together when the time comes.

Potatochan DOGS. For real tho you helped us prep in many slots, and helped the most out of all of us that contributed a lot to our wins. Other than the oops in dpp of course that we won't speak of ever again. LOOOL. I hope I can get you again next year was fun seeing all the fun sets.

Finchinator Somehow we got away with a robbery with getting you for 3k and you did very well this 1v1pl. Hopefully I find the motivation to come back so we can be together again for 1v1wc.

Leru I wanted to you just because you do well usually, but I didn't realize how busy you were gonna be but pulled up the win in finals when we needed it.

Tol man remember to use https://calc.pokemonshowdown.com/ bro AND BRING 3 POKEMON OML I STILL HATE YOU FOR BRINGING 2 POKEMON IN A TOUR GAME OF 1V1PL. Jokes aside thanks for getting the tie so we could have a tiebreaker and ultimately winning

tears Thankss for doing b07 all the way tho pl, you really helped our ss and got some very important wins. Hope to team again with you soon.

Downcoming3 Sorry we didnt play you more, you really helped with SM and got some key wins when we needed them. See ya for 1v1wc.

Grain2Sel SM goat. I know you have it rough halfway tho pl, but those early wins really helped us in the end.

smely socks I always wanted to team with you since we met in 1v1 (i dont remember dustox too well so im not counting that :x) and now we did and im glad to have gotten you on my team. Hopefully we can team up again next pl or smth. You are one of my favorite 1v1 people in the community.

@everyone who helped in finals Thank you for helping Trojan Porygons getting the win DEG Kentari ayedan Jabiru bea Bopher Yugon

Now for more of a sadder tone. I'm unsure as of rn if I be around for 1v1wc. I have felt like recently that I will not belong in any community on here and unable to do what to do no matter what results and how people treat me on this website. I cant get rid of my stigma and its seen multiple times that unwelcomed in most communities. It's cuz of this I am taking a break / loa after umpl. My interest has been waning for awhile and with work being stressful and I'm basically on icbb (icbf) at work so I need the time to find myself and hopefully get a better job so I can overall be a much happier person. Dealing with my gender identity, depression, and suicidal attempts has taken a major toll on my mental health that it gets to me a lot with this game sometimes. I am sorry for the times I left the discord during pl, but you guys always welcomed me back with open arms.

For now, goodbye porygons, hope to see ya again soon. Im crying rn oml its hard to believe that 1v1pl is over and that my team Trojan Porygons won it.
This was a much better experience than I thought it would be. I came in with some worries about the community and the competitiveness, but with an open mind because I like giving every format I can a chance. I am glad I had an open mind because this was a blast. Everyone on my team was awesome and while there absolutely are some shitters still present in the community, the good far outweighed the bad. To the people keeping the community afloat and making tournaments like this possible, a genuine thank you. To my teammates who made this a fun learning experience and environment, thank you as well.

Boat I initially signed up mainly because I wanted to see what kept the sailing apparatus afloat, so thank you for being welcoming

Potatochan you are probably the person I worked with best all season. Despite my nonstop tags and nonsensical dog spam, you seemed to be dedicated in your pursuit of turning this 6v6 player into a 6 win old generation player. Not sure how we did it, but I am eternally appreciative and I am very excited to see what you do moving forward as your attitude and Pokemon skill are both fantastic. I hope we can work together more and I will be keeping my tabs moving forward, so expect many Potatochan Dogs coming your way my friend. :blobuwu:

Jamez your dedication to the craft and nearly flawless execution impressed me all season. Thanks for taking a chance on me and I feel like we will be working together again soon, so I am very excited for that. Keep on grinding and amazing things will happen.

Yami I'd be lying if I said I paid a ton of attention to all of your series, but I know you were dedicated and you were a huge help. I hope that IRL treats you a bit better as I know you have gotten the shittier end of the stick, but just remember that all of us Porygons care a whole lot about you and want to see you succeed. Today was a bright day for us all, but do not mistake it as just a one-time thing. So much happiness and success is on the horizon for you. Always rooting for you.

Aurodian Feel like I failed in playoffs x2 with you now between this and NatDex, but at least the teammates carried here. Either way, you are a good dude and an even better presence. Much respect and hope to see you continue playing moving forward.

Downcoming3 You are a boss and you need to own that shit. I think you may have some wavering confidence? but honestly I loved lurking your chat and seeing what you contributed to SM. I am sorry our visions did not always overlap and I genuinely appreciated your help, but I was super happy to have you around and I am excited for you to keep up the great work!

tears I was at 10% battery when the Bo3 started while on phone with family without a charger nearby. It was 0-3 and I was at 7% when I turned off my phone for a few. And you brought it back. All the day back. And then you won it ouright. Holy. Fucking. Shit. I do not know you too well and I honestly cannot recall many details about your games prior to the playoffs, but you own for sure. I wish we interacted more if anything, but thank you so much for putting in the work and popping off when needed most. Also, the people giving you shit about being 3-0d by Magnezone when they ran into the same exact thing in a different generation in the series should shut up. This win was all you and you deserve immense credit. Great job!!!

Leru tbh I forgot you were on the team at points, but you won in finals and I know you're always a reliable slot when needed. Good work friend

Grain2Sel Amazing upside and it really showed early. We all go through tough streaks, but your mind for the game is strong and better days are ahead. Proud of your wins and not bothered by the rough skid at the end. You deserve this PL win as much as anyone else, so I hope you are owning it my friend. Sorry we did not talk a ton, but I was not too familiar with the format you were in.

smely socks One of the smarter people I have seen on here and also just a great presence. I think your role on our team was underrated and we would not have made it here without you. I look forward to seeing what else you can do moving forward and I appreciate your attitude and help along the way a lot.

DEG Elo Bandit you guys helped me a ton in finals and in general you are amazingly chill/knowledgeable presences. I know it was a brief span, but I have a lot of respect for you both and I cannot wait to work together again at some point. Until then, keep doing your best and great things will happen!

Kentari ayedan Jabiru bea Bopher Yugon DezShizzels Rellia and SiceXV we did not talk a ton or when we did it was pretty sporadic, but thanks a ton for your help!

To all of my opponents, I have the utmost respect for all of you and it was a pleasure getting to show what I learned this PL through my series with you. To DezShizzels, one day I will kick your ass -- watch out. Until then, you own the fuck out of me aha.

Oh right. Tol you are a huge clown, but I would be lying if I said I did not enjoy every last minute of our nonsensical friendship. You are a wildcard that can be scarily silly, but you also won when it mattered the most and offered good insight. Thank you for sticking around in the face of adversity and just being you.

Never thought I would care this much about 1v1, let alone enough to write shoutouts, but the Porygons were a fantastic group and this was probably my most enjoyable experience this year thus far, so massive props to you all for making that possible. I am looking forward to 1v1 WCoP! Until then, direct all inquiries to Potatochan and his dog, thanks.
So I'm going to do a shoutout post alongside with my thoughts about the whole PL. You could even call it story time with DC3. This was actually my first PL win so I am really happy about that. I don't think I really learned much from this experience until the very end. I wasn't sure if I entirely up for this major tournament but I'm glad I was apart of it. You guys don't have to read this entire post if you don't want to.

I was actually debating on whether or not I wanted to play in this Premier League in the first place due to my poor performance in the recent 1v1 World Cup. I doubted that any team would want someone like me on their team. It wasn't until superstrike66 pmed me to sign up for PL. He was sure that I am a talented player and I would definitely get drafted. I eventually gave in and told him that I would do it just to get some likes on my sign-up post. If it wasn't for him, I probably would've never played in this Premier League in the first place so thank you for that. Around this point in time, I think a new semester had started recently for me and so I would put more energy into school work rather than Pokémon. On the day of the draft, I wasn't planning on attending/watching the draft so I slept in. By the time I woke up, the draft was pretty much over and a couple people had pmed me that I got drafted to the Trojan Porygons team. My initial thoughts were, "Oh God, I feel so bad for the team that wasted their credits on someone like me. Buying me is a very risky move". I didn't know what the managers saw in me, but I guess they wanted me to be apart of their team. I told them that I wouldn't mind filling in for any tier even if I signed up for specific tiers. I have teams for every generation. I think the managers had originally planned to put me as one of their main SS slots.

Week 1: I lost in a very tight series with Close that went up to game 5. I didn't actually build any teams for this week because everybody was dropping me teams left and right. I had an abundance of teams to choose from. The only thing was that I needed to know how the teams work and how to play certain match ups. I have been kinda rusty at SS lately. Game 1 I brought a Potatochan789 team. I was afraid of the mirror match Zapdos-Galar because mine was slow, and so I sent out Gardevoir. My opponent outpicked me so that was good on his part. Game 2 was a tears team, I managed to outplay a Choice Scarf Tapu Fini trying to Trick a Belly Drum on Snorlax. Game 3 was a zioziotrip team, I think I was actually 3-0ed by Kommo-o, not sure if Aggron woulda done anything or if Sylveon could beat the matchup. I used a smely socks team for game 4. I think my opponent was trying to lure out Snorlax after switching out the Choice Scarf Tapu Fini set with a Snorlax counter. I forget who's team I used for game 5 it's probably another zioziotrip team, but I didn't know how to use those mons and so I hard misplayed even when I could've won. Our team had already won the week so I wasn't too beat up about that loss.

Week 2: There was someone on my team that wasn't very fond of me playing in this PL and so that person heavily persuaded the managers to have other people play in my slot instead, especially after that loss last week. I didn't really mind being benched and sitting out for the rest of the PL. That also meant that I could spend more time doing my homework and other stuff. That person doesn't hate me and I don't hate them, it was just their opinion of who would perform better for the team and I totally understand where they're coming from. We tied the week against our opponent which was better than a loss.

Week 3: Our SS3 slot has lost again. The team was really thinking hard about who would be a good player to slot for that SS slot. That somebody from last week still insisted that I should sit out and give someone new a chance to shine. I didn't really say anything so I just went with it. At this point, our SS slots are kind of struggling besides tears. Tears has been very consistent in SS. We lost this week vs the other team.

Week 4: We were thinking very hard about our SS slots because our SS have been struggling besides tears. That someone was saying that they'd prefer to give the person who played last week another chance at SS. It wasn't until Yami vouched for me and said that I should play instead of sitting on the bench. The manager has spoken and so I guess I'm playing gen 8 this week. I wanted to play a bit different than I did week 1. I wanted to actually use my teams more than using teams that other people have made. I had brought a team that I made from Pre-DLC and reworked it for the current meta game 1 vs Mattorr. I missed my move with 90% accuracy which costed me the game. Game 2, I brought a tears team which was amazing. I wasn't satisfied until I got a win with my own team so I brought it again game 3. Game 4 was the same smely socks team that I reused from week 1, I think Pyukumuku may or may not have 3-0ed. I feel like I should've gotten a 3-0 this series but went 3-1 due to hax game 1. Mattorr & I talked after the series, and he was telling me how nervous he was and how it was his first 1v1 team tournament. I tried to give him some advice and some encouragement for future battles and I felt like we became friends after getting to know each other. Somehow people took this and turned it into a meme in which every opponent I beat, I became friends with them. Death2TheWest thought I didn't use any teams my teammates built for me. We ended up in a tie vs our opponent this week. If it wasn't for Yami vouching for me to play this week, I probably would've been benched for the rest of this Premier League.

Week 5: This week may have been the worst week for our team because we lost every SS & SM slot. That someone said that they really wanted to give someone else redemption at SS again. I didn't really say anything or mind it; I was benched again. We lost this week really badly, and so our team needed to really step up our performance if we wanted to make playoffs.

Week 6: Yami was very eager to play SS this week and so they stepped up. Since we were struggling with SM, I offered to step in - just for this week and probably go back sitting on the bench later. My opponent was Frostyicelad. I remember facing him last PL and won in a painstakingly close series that went up to game 5. This week is gonna be the rematch between us. I actually hadn't seriously built gen 7 in a while. I know that I use a lot of the same stuff in gen 7 so I'm easily cteamed. That's where I got the idea of prepping for my usual cteams - a lot of mons that people like to bring against me. I saw that Jirachirelia was online and was wondering if he wanted to build some teams with me; silly me lol I didn't realize that Rellia was on the opposing team. Anyways, I ended up just building all of my SM teams and did practice battles with some people in my team. Game 1, I made a team that lures Sturdymons. Luckily enough, Frostyicelad had brought 2 Sturdymons against me hehe. Game 2, I made a team that looks very weak to a lot of mons but it in fact covers more than you'd think. I know that people see my Charizard usage is off the roof and so I know a lot of mons that people like to bring against me. The Waterium Z Latios set was made to cover mons like Heatran, Terrakion, Victini, Entei, etc. and Diancie was just something extra. Game 3, I originally had Choice Band Greninja instead of the one I ended up using but I switched it last minute because someone said that Choice Band Greninja might not be the best. Looking back at it now, it would've completely OHKOed that Tapu Fini game 3. Frostyicelad & talked for a bit after the series as well. He thought my play style was very similar to Elo Bandit's. I'm actually really proud of this series because it gave the spectators a good show. We won the week.

Week 7: I honestly thought I'd be benched again this week. I only substituted in last week because our SM was lacking a bit. But after my performance the week prior, I guess they wanted me to play SM again. I was kinda bored and asked some people for ideas to build around. Blazikin was 100% confident that I was able to win vs my opponent (LaBalladeDesCieux) and boosted a lot of my confidence. Also Quantum Tesseract I'm sorry but I don't think I'll be using the Choice Scarf Chansey set you were telling me about any time soon haha. I ended up just building my own teams again and and hoped there weren't any major weaknesses. Everybody thought that LaBalladeDesCieux choked game 1, but he actually player perfectly in my opinion. Any other Zeraora would've fainted in that situation, nobody ran as much bulk as I did on my Zeraora. He was probably looking at the calc and confused at why the Zeraora was still standing lol. If anything, I choked game 1 because I I actually had Hidden Power Fire on my Choice Specs Nihilego but I didn't read my set. Game 2 was a typical cteam, a Scarfmon with a rock type move to kill the Charizard. After this game, I bet LBDC was thinking to himself "How the heck does someone bring a weak team like that, one that especially loses to Heatran?". I felt that energy radiating from him and so I brought that same team again game 3 to lure out the Heatran. I originally had Hydro Vortex on that Mew but it doesn't do enough damage for a lot of matchups so I had to switch it to All-Out Pummeling. It actually beats a lot of matchups that people might not think of. This Mew beats a lot of Sturdymons, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Aggron, Heatran, Mega Gyarados, Magnezone, Golem, Incineroar, etc., you name it. People were joking around and saying how LBDC would instantly become my friend if he lost against me, and so I just went along with the joke. This week was our best performance yet!

Semifinals: Going into this week, I saw that I was up against TheShadowClaw that went 6-1 so far in the tournament. This week, I wasn't feeling the best physically. I had a loss of appetite and felt very weak. I was also stacked with homework. I didn't say anything to my team because I didn't want them to worry about me. I didn't end up prepping any teams until the night before the match. I ended up staying up until 4 AM and getting around 5 hours of sleep. Kentari gave me the idea to build around Slaking. I only built 2 teams and reused 2 teams from the ones that I never got to use the week before. I never had a team for game 5 so I just reused a team from earlier. I'm not gonna go in detail with this series, because this one felt like any other random series. TheShadowClaw talked with me after the series and showed me a Haxorus set he was thinking about bringing against me. He also was torn between Thundurus-Therian or Aggron game 4. I reassured him that my Charizard woulda beat both of them either way. We won semifinals and we are now going to the finals. Itchyy is so funny by the way.

Finals: I was faced against Satanic Beast that also had a pretty good performance this PL. I'm feeling much better after last week and had some time to recover back to normal. While I was gone for a bit, I completely took Pokémon off my my mind and I couldn't think of how to build teams. At this point, a few new people joined our Discord because they have been eliminated from the tournament and they wanted to support us. I resorted to asking them for help building teams. I was in a voice call with Elo Bandit building teams for many hours one night; we put together 5 solid teams. In game 1, I was expecting the Mega Altaria to come out otherwise Satanic Beast would be destroyed by 252+ Attack Mega Heracross Pin Missile. In the calcs, not even Z-Celebrate Meloetta would survive that. It was unfortunate that I didn't have Sludge Wave on Nihilego. Game 2, I figured that Tapu Lele would 100% come out. I made the team specifically to lure out Tapu Lele. Picking Scarf Dragonite is a very bold move because Mega Medicham can easily bulk for Scarf Dragonite and Mega Venusaur can either Charm, Sleep, or Leech Seed the Dragonite and easily win. I guess I gave my opponent too much credit for their picks. Game 3, I honestly almost picked Hoopa-U. It seemed like a 3-0 but after I saw TheShadowClaw's Haxorus set last week, I hesitated and picked Salamence. I didn't actually think Salamence would kill the stall Mew but I guess my attacks put more pressure on their heals instead of my slow burn. In game 4, I think my opponent is very well aware of my Mew set and so he wouldn't pick the Sturdymon into my mew. That allowed me to pick Tapu Lele into the other two mons. Game 5 was painful to play. I think Magearna woulda been a nice 3-0 if I had a Z-Move, Rest, or even Pain Split. I think we teched for too many things and overlooked the team weaknesses. I know that 1 Flash Cannon into 2 Fleur Cannons kills, but that only works when I have to predict the opponent not to keep healing and letting me slowly burn. It is just a hard read in general.

Finals Tiebreak: There was a lot of discussion on who should play in the finals tiebreak. My name came up a few times but we all kinda collectively agreed that James155 is the safest slot. That someone had a lot of say in it. It turned out great, I think this tiebreak was very close. It all went up to the max amount of games. Everything turned out in our favor which makes me happy.

I felt like I was supposed to be one of the main SS slots but ended up in one of the SM slots instead. In a way, it didn't really matter because I said I wouldn't mind filling in for any slot. The week after I played in finals, my brain somehow suddenly came back to me. I know know to build 1v1 again, but just a little too late. I had an overpowered revelation, something that I feel like my teams would never lose to ever again. But because nobody chose SM for the finals tiebreak, I didn't need to reveal any of that and I get to either save it for the future or let it die with me when I am not apart of the 1v1 community. I am still really happy with everyone on the team and everyone who joined and supported us. We made some friendships, formed closer bonds, and got the win in the end. I will now be fully invested in my school work now and take a long break away from mons.

Yami you and James155 are absolutely insane for drafting someone like me. You guys seem like good managers that know each other very well from US East. And here we are, I can safely say that the risk payed off. Yami you spoke up for me, you believed in my skill, that means a lot to me.

Jamez you helped me pretty much every week by doing practice battles. That helped me a lot in understanding a lot of different matchups. Your curse of not winning finals is now broken. You and Yami put together an amazing team that worked really well together. I can see you being a big leader of 1v1 in the future.

tears your performance was stellar this Premier League. Not once has anybody thought it was a good idea to bench you. You also took some time to build me some gen 8 teams when I was lacking some which was also really nice!

smely socks even though you didn't do as well as you'd probably like to, but it was really funny making jokes with you in the team Discord. I don't think we've really been on a team together so this was pretty fun. Little small smely also did some practice battles with me when you weren't inactive half the time.

Potatochan I'm really glad that you were on this team because I was able to test teams with you. You were more active than most of the other people in the team so I could always count on you to do practice battles with me. Not only did you help me, you also helped a lot of the other people as well which is a really good member of the team to have.

Grain2Sel I think you are actually very similar to me. I was exactly where you are standing at one point or another. You perform better when you are using mons that you are familiar with. You might not know how to use teams that people pass to you, which is something that I also sometimes struggle with. In the future, if you take teams that other people make and then rework it to how you play, you would be unstoppable!

Tol I swear, I do use teams that people build for me... Also the amount of times you've praised Z-Sandstorm Raikou in my channel or in voice call is absurd lol. You clutched it for us in the finals which was more than we could ask.

Leru to be completely honest, I don't really know you. I've heard people talk about you here and there but that's about it. At least you can say you had a 100% win rate in this PL lmao.

Finchinator since the beginning of this Premier League, I saw you as a man of reason and logic. I watched some of your YouTube videos of your matches and you explain the process of how you make your picks. In terms of ideas for teambuilding though, I don't think triple Togekiss is gonna get very far. You've also said some funny things like Focus Sash or freezing an Aegislash for 9+ turns. Turning your channel into a discussion for March Madness was also something I didn't expect. Also, 1v1 voice calls aren't exactly what you think they are. I never knew you were lurking in my chat O.o

Aurodian I've never heard of you before this tournament. I'm glad that I got to know new people instead of being on a team of everybody I knew.

DezShizzels thank you for helping us with ORAS support, and also beating us in ORAS lol.

Kentari whenever I got bored and was blanking on ideas, I'd usually go to you and ask you if you had any neat ideas. Sorry that I didn't bring a lot of your wacky ideas but some of the mons that I used were because you mentioned it to me. You are also really good at SM and I wish we could be on a team together in the future. If we build teams together, our teams would be too crazy for anybody else to use.

Elo Bandit it was honestly funny to see how you build your teams. Being in a voice call with you for so long, I feel like I got to know exactly how you play and how you build without even facing you ever. You try to stray from using standard, but then the more you build, the closer you get to standard. You have some amazing analysis of people. I thought it was hilarious that we made you evaluate us more than our opponents. I would love to be on a team with you in the future. I think I can show you a completely new side of SM that you probably never even thought of.

Bopher the Kyurem, Zeraora, Hoopa-U team you gave me was really good, though I changed it so much that it's no longer the same as the original team. I am a fan of your building style. I think we have very similar building styles in terms of gen 7. You're also fun to talk to about other games like Overwatch and Valorant.

Rellia you were one of the people that was online a lot of the times so I was able to talk with you and do practice battles with you. There were even times where you offered instead of me having to ask. You are honestly really nice!

ayedan you are practically apart of the family. I know you offered to look over my teams for me which was really nice. I'm glad you joined us.

DEG I honestly thought you joined our Discord to steal top quality teams. I didn't expect you to come in here and drop a crap ton of lines in our Discord. You have more lines in our Discord in 24 hours than I have throughout this whole Premier League. The only difference is that I don't put 2 words on a line. You are also really funny, there are times where you say you'd be back in 5 minutes but then don't return until 45 minutes later. You are also a terrible team player in Apex Legends.

SiceXV you joined our team to tell us that we were good and our opponents are bad LOL. You were great with help in the SS slots.

Yugon, bea I don't really talk to you guys much but I see you guys in the Discord. Better to have you guys rather than nobody.

TheShadowClaw thank you for enlightening me on your Mew set. I had it in one of my teams, I just didn't send it out. You are someone with many different SM sets, therefore it is hard to know what you are thinking and what mons you're going to bring. You've done really well this PL!

"the cost of exotic teambuilding is the lack of consistency in performance" - Rosa

I was gonna do funny logs but I don't feel like it.
After popular demand, I'm bringing this back - with some new catagories. Teammate of the year, alongside the best series and best replay of the tour. Since people have asked me, rookie of the year refers to a user who has never played in an Official 1v1 Team Tournament. This does include World Cup, as well.

Also, I'm doing MVP differently this time around. I've asked the teams who made playoffs who they would nom for the MVP of the tour. Candidates will be in soon.

I'll close this form around friday, so get your votes in. As always thanks for reading and have a nice day.

Talked to all the playoff team managers. Here are the MVP Candidates:


Trojan Porygons: Potatochan
Price: 18k
Record: 5-5 (5-4 BW, 0-1 ORAS)
Reasoning: Potatochan was the anchor of the Trojan Porygons, providing immense building support the various amount of slots while being a very reliable BW Slot, especially in playoffs.


Trigger-Happy Thwackeys: STABLE
Price: 15k (Self-Bought Manager)
Record: 6-3 (1-0 SS, 3-1 BW, 2-2 DPP)
Reasoning: Similar to Potatochan, STABLE was the catalyst of the Trigger-Happy Thwackeys, contributing builds to multiple slots while having the prowess to play in them if needed. While he wasn't able to get the win in the end, such contributions merit him of this nomination.


Castelia City Catgirls: XSTATIC COLD
Price: 18k
Record: 5-3 (0-2 SS, 3-0 SM, 2-1 ORAS)
Reasoning: While XSTATIC COLD does come with a certain type of reputation, once the managers of the Catgirls figured themselves out in Week 3, he went on a 5-1 run, with his only loss being due to a series of unfortunate events in semifinals. Alongside that, he was an active and great contributor to the team as a whole.


RPS Rhyperiors: eblurb
Price: 9k
Record: 3-5 (3-5 BW)
In addition to handling the entire BW slot by himself, eblurb took care of a huge chunk of SS building, notably building most of not a racist's teams and helping me and alice out where necessary. He was one of the most active members, with his message count only eclipsed by the managers, and showed a clear commitment to the team, going above and beyond what we expected of a player.

Will close this on monday.
Will close this on monday.

Well THAT was a fucking lie.

Anyways, here are the results:

Part I:

Most Valuable Player (MVP):


Winner: Potatochan
(20/38, 52.6%)

Runner Up: STABLE (11/38, 28.9%)​

Manager of the Year:


Winner: DEG
(23/37, 62.2%)

Runner Up: Tie - zio and STABLE (5/37, 13.5%)​

Rookie of the Year:


Winner: Tie - lvl100Blaziken (Fragments) and Finchinator
(14/39, 35.9%)

Runner Up: Murman (6/39, 15.4%)​

Builder of the Year:


Winner: Potatochan
(13/38, 34.2%)

Runner Up - STABLE (11/38, 28.9%)​

Teammate of the Year:


Winner: Potatochan
(14/39, 35.9%)

Runner Up - pqs (13/39, 33.3%)​

Most Improved Player:


Winner: tears
(21/39, 53.8%)

Runner Up - Maki (7/39, 17.9%)​

Biggest Underpay:


Winner: tears
(21/39, 53.8%)

Runner Up - Finchinator - (12/39, 30.8%)​

Biggest Overpay:


Winner: Gym Socks!
(16/39, 41%)

Runner Up - dogknees (10/39, 25.6%)​

Part II:

Best Series of 1v1 PL V?

tears vs DenisTheMenace (Finals Tiebreaker)
Link to Series
(13/36, 36.1%)

Runner Up - LRXC vs Bomb21XD (Week 7) (11/36, 30.6%)
Link to Series

Best Game of 1v1 PL V?


Winner: LRXC vs Bomb21XD (link)
(20/38, 52.6%)

Runner Up - Finchinator vs Joker 1v1 (link) (8/38, 21.1%)

Well, that is all from me. As always, thank you for reading, and have a nice day. Mubs out.