1v1 1v1 Ladder Tournament VIII - Cycle 4 Signups (Cycle 4 @ Post #197)

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reach for the summit
is a Social Media Contributor

hosted by bern | art by Gaboswampert

Hello one and all to the eighth iteration of 1v1 Ladder Tournament! The rules are quite simple, all you have to do is ladder and qualify to enter the playoffs; a 16-person seeded double-elimination tournament that will crown a winner after eight rounds!

Qualifications (PLEASE READ):

1. The qualifications period of the 1v1 Ladder Tournament will run for 28 days. At the end of each cycle, the top 4 accounts that appear on the ladder will qualify (Using ELO).

2. In order to sign up, follow the Sign-Up format below and register your account on PS!

3. YOU MUST SIGN UP WITH YOUR FRESHLY MADE ALT BEFORE STARTING BATTLES WITH IT. Your alt must be registered on the day of sign-ups or onwards to prevent people from registering an account beforehand and laddering with it to gain an unfair advantage. It's very easy to check when an account was registered and we will be checking to make sure people comply. You will be allowed to include A MAXIMUM OF 3 ALTS in your sign-up for each cycle. You will not be allowed to edit these alts after you include them in your initial sign-up for any given cycle. By the way, make sure to register your LT alt on Pokemon Showdown!. All too often, we've had to deal with cases of people who got their account registered by someone else because they could only register 2 accounts at a time, and just left the third unprotected. To avoid cases like these, it is advised that you either register your accounts before signing up so that they cannot be stolen, or otherwise stay on PS using your third account after signing up until you can register it.

4. Once you make the top 4 and qualify (this does not mean making the top 4 at any given point during the cycle, it means being in the top 4 at the end of the cycle), you’re qualified for playoffs. You are free to ladder any other week you wish. HOWEVER, ONCE YOU QUALIFY, YOU CANNOT SIGN UP FOR FURTHER CYCLES.

5. Any person found cheating the ladder will be subject to punishments. This includes the likes of boosting, begging for forfeits, sharing accounts, laddering on LT accounts you didn't sign up with, etc. All ladder games involving an LT account are also to be treated as a proper tournament game, to which the general tournament guidelines apply.


Once the qualifications period is over, the seed you qualify in will decide your spot in the playoffs round. The first seed will battle the sixteenth, second will battle the fifteenth, etc. Your seed will be decided after the qualification period and will be decided by ELO; that means if you have the highest ELO at the end of the qualifications period you will be Seed #1 and etc.


Forum name: bern
Cycle 1 alts: 1VLTCL bern, 1VLTCL bernian, 1VLTCL cramorant
Do my alts for Cycle 1 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: Yes


Deadline: Sunday May 12th 11:59pm GMT-4
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