Making it shorter will definitely increase the interestthis kinda died lol, as a result we'll be changing the duration of each cycle to 2 weeks starting next cycle (and maybe add some sort of prize? idk lmk if you got prize ideas)
we'll also be accepting suggestions for pokemon for the next cycle (starts 26th)
accidentbored_glitch why i didnt get gold on abomasnow chall since i reached 1680?
bored_glitch i reached gold with abomasnow here1clc 1b lavarina
passing out tbh i kept getting close only to lose </3
View attachment 480855View attachment 484754
guess how many times i used abomasnow (absolutely once in a blue goddamn moon)
dude i blame LeCehlou for not putting correct information
XSTATIC hadn't publish yet his score when i had done themdude i blame LeCehlou for not putting correct information
bored_glitchView attachment 486150
Gold for:
Bruxish, Clodsire, Abomasnow
Used only these 3 Pokemon when climbing.