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  1. RIP

  2. NU NeverUsed Ladder Tournament VIII - Cycle 3

    Realistic Waters NT69DN reaLw memes yes
  3. Official SV NU - Grimmsnarl Suspect Voting

    Grimmsnarl: Do Not Ban
  4. NU NeverUsed Ladder Tournament VIII - Cycle 2

    Forum name: Realistic Waters Cycle 2 Alt: NT82JM Water Water Does my alt for Cycle 2 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
  5. NU NeverUsed Ladder Tournament VIII - Cycle 1

    Forum name: Realistic Waters Cycle 1 Alt: NT81ZV realw Does my alt for Cycle 1 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
  6. I am a clefairy i have a pink body and i abuse magic guard, if you dont repost this comment on...

    I am a clefairy i have a pink body and i abuse magic guard, if you dont repost this comment on 10 different pages ill find you in ur NU ladder games and wall your toxic protect delphox
  7. Metagame NP: Stage 2 - Welcome and Goodbye (Hoopa Ban post #45)

    I think it's time for a Zoroark suspect / even a QB vote. Don't have too much to say but it's easily the most customisable/versatile mon here with a bunch of different sets / filler moves with near equal viability effectively giving it no true counters. Here's the set I've been using lately...
  8. just take the win, sorry we couldn't play

    just take the win, sorry we couldn't play
  9. or even now

    or even now
  10. is there any chance you can do earlier? 7/8?

    is there any chance you can do earlier? 7/8?
  11. hey we have till Wednesday although I'd like to play sooner than later. Are you available to...

    hey we have till Wednesday although I'd like to play sooner than later. Are you available to play today?
  12. yes i'll see you on

    yes i'll see you on
  13. hey sorry scheduling has been so bad, the deadline is sunday, lets try and play today. How...

    hey sorry scheduling has been so bad, the deadline is sunday, lets try and play today. How about 9pm today my time? if not i am flexible
  14. hey sorry for late reply, can do anyday, you can find me on PS as "rw" i'll be on at those...

    hey sorry for late reply, can do anyday, you can find me on PS as "rw" i'll be on at those times still if you can do that, although im still flexible
  15. Project NU Creative / Underrated Sets

    Braviary @ Heavy-Duty Boots Ability: Sheer Force Tera Type: Flying EVs: 72 Atk / 252 SpA / 184 Spe Mild Nature - Defog - Close Combat / Roost - Hurricane - Brave Bird This Braviary set gives a surprise factor and offers hazard control with an improved matchup most noteabley on...
  16. Hello when would you like to play for NU open? I'm GMT+1, I'm free most evenings and nights but...

    Hello when would you like to play for NU open? I'm GMT+1, I'm free most evenings and nights but will try to accommodate
  17. ok, that's cool if we could play afternoon/evening that would be great

    ok, that's cool if we could play afternoon/evening that would be great
  18. Sure, good with me, You can find me in the NU room on PS.

    Sure, good with me, You can find me in the NU room on PS.