Search results

  1. Rate my Battle Subway Team! (Singles)

    Hi, this is my Battle Subway team. I don't know exactly how far I've gotten through it, but I wanna say it's something like a 56 or 58 kill win streak. I know I beat the subway boss (this is super singles if you couldn't tell). It works alright, but that win streak did involve luck here and...
  2. My First Bulky Offensive Team.

    Thank you for the suggestion! Tyranitar is already proving very helpful, since I switched out Metagross.
  3. My First Bulky Offensive Team.

    ------------------------------ --My First "Rate My Team"-- ------------------------------ Hello. I'm not entirely new to Competitive Battling. However, The last time I played, I believe it was either during the late Diamond/Pearl era, or the early Platinum era. But, coming back to it, the...