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  1. Winnie1906

    Clefable analysis VGC regulation H [QC 0/2]

    alr, split it into 2 parts
  2. Winnie1906

    Clefable analysis VGC regulation H [QC 0/2]

    Oh ye had to change first message for edit right? well did that too so its 2 times in there now
  3. Winnie1906

    Clefable analysis VGC regulation H [QC 0/2]

    RauVGC (ty flarefox for teaching me how to ping)
  4. Winnie1906

    Clefable analysis VGC regulation H [QC 0/2]

    how do I ping members in smogon? do I just type RauVGC
  5. Winnie1906

    Clefable analysis VGC regulation H [QC 0/2]

    Bulky Redirector Sitrus berry / Safety goggles Ability: Unaware Level: 50 Tera Type: Water / Poison EV’s: 244hp / 212 def / 52 SpD Bold nature IV’s: 31 / 0 / 31 / 31 / 31 / 31 -Moonblast -Follow Me -Protect -Life Dew / Icy Wind / Skill Swap [SET COMMENTS] -Clefable is mainly used as a...
  6. Winnie1906

    Hey lily, we paired for VGC fall seasonal, I am amsterdam time, prefer to play later in the...

    Hey lily, we paired for VGC fall seasonal, I am amsterdam time, prefer to play later in the week, I can play 5pm or 9pm most days and whole day in the weekends
  7. Winnie1906

    VGC VGC Fall Seasonal - Round 5 (LOSERS BRACKET ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    Larry game me the win on his wall
  8. Winnie1906

    VGC Regulation H Analysis Reservation Thread

    If I'm only allowed to do one I would prefer doing clefable okay you can take clefable -Flarefox
  9. Winnie1906

    VGC Regulation H Analysis Reservation Thread

    I want to take clefable and indeedee F is that ok? Pick one please -Flarefox
  10. Winnie1906

    VGC VGC Fall Seasonal - Round 4

    Won in 3 vs clas, ggs
  11. Winnie1906

    are you there?

    are you there?
  12. Winnie1906

    I'm on showdown, chall me on Mut-antVGC when u r ready

    I'm on showdown, chall me on Mut-antVGC when u r ready
  13. Winnie1906

    yea that should work

    yea that should work
  14. Winnie1906

    Hi, we paired for VGC fall seasonal. I can basically play most of this week if you let me know...

    Hi, we paired for VGC fall seasonal. I can basically play most of this week if you let me know beforehand. I am Amsterdam time zone
  15. Winnie1906

    VGC VGC Fall Seasonal - Round 3 (Losers Bracket Only)

    Won in 2, ggs
  16. Winnie1906

    chall Mut-antVGC on showdown

    chall Mut-antVGC on showdown
  17. Winnie1906

    Can you play alr by any chance?

    Can you play alr by any chance?