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  • I doubt that anyone will see this but just in case someone is ever looking for me, I've decided to leave Smogon. I may still rarely lurk but I don't plan on posting again and I stopped playing competitively a while ago. I did enjoy much of my time on the forums and playing, and I feel like I learned a great deal, but I think that my time is better spent elsewhere now.
    I never knew you, but I just saw this post and felt somewhat sad. I hope things go well for you, though!
    goodbye and thanks for your time here (sorry couldn't resist the pun). while i also never knew you personally, ive def enjoyed reading quite a few of your posts in the past, so ty
    i saw you like my post about ou analysis stuff yesterday, were you interested in contributing?
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    Goodbye & Thanks
    Thank you very much! Writing is a hobby of mine and I am interested in writing for the dex, so I’ll consider it more and get back to you.
    you really don’t need to know too much, game understanding is as valuable as playing and you have that, writing skill is more valuable than playing and you definitely have that. what’s your discord? id love to talk further and answer your questions if you want
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    Goodbye & Thanks
    I'm goodbyeandthanks on discord. I'd be happy to talk with you more there about possibly contributing and some of the more specific details about how to properly contribute to analyses.
    That was a really good post. I hope I do not come across as someone who thinks some groups of players are a bane on Smogon, ever. Having an open mind to the expanses of commuities beyond a mere English-speaking forum is rare I feel, and I'm glad to see people like you. Good day.
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    Goodbye & Thanks
    Hey, thank you very much! I’ve only looked over the discussion thread again for the past few days, but I never read anything from you that came across as wanting to limit who is a part of the Smogon community at all, so I don’t think you have anything to be concerned about there. I hope that you have a nice day as well!
    1/5 but my man is still cheering on me:psywoke:
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    Goodbye & Thanks
    Lol I believe in you! Idk if you remember but we played in an early round of DPP Cup years ago and you were a very nice opponent, so I’ve been rooting for you ever since. Good luck man!
    I do :) Thanks man, appreciate it !
    Hey, I'm still ironing out the details to your question - I haven't forgotten about it and I'll be back with a good explanation.
    I kind of feel insane responding to this two years after the fact, but seeing that post in the Smogon discord reminded me of this and I figured that maybe you would want to know. Anyways, regardless of if you still play or not, I hope this info was useful/interesting and I hope the time you spend on this site and showdown is enjoyable & healthy.
    Have a nice day!
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    Hey, thank you very much! It was very considerate of you to remember and reach back out after so much time has passed. What you said makes sense as well - I don't remember the specific details but I think that some of the accounts that were displaying GXE used to be in the top 500 in various tiers but they must have decayed out of it and then stopped decaying, if I'm understanding the process correctly.
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    And also, I don't play competitively anymore and I only check smogon occasionally, but I feel like I've come to appreciate the time that I did spend playing/on this site and my perspective is better now. I hope that everything is going well for you too!
    That encouraged me to play and build a lot more and I had a lot of fun bc of that, so thank you.
    I'm saying this because you said you were 'planning on not being too active going forward'. ik that's not the same as saying "I'm quitting" but, it was more like a prompt to say thank you, bc I've been meaning to do so for a while now.
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    Goodbye & Thanks
    Thanks so much for saying this; it's extremely kind of you! I remember that Obstagoon team of yours too, and it's really nice to know that I helped someone continue playing and enjoying Pokemon! That's probably the most important thing I've done on these forums.
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    Goodbye & Thanks
    I likely won't be as active going forward mainly just because of real world responsibilities and getting burned out with the game a little, but I'm sure that I'll still continue to lurk around at least. So thanks again for writing this - it made my day!
    read ur rmt abt galeezing which was rly solid
    btw pressure doesn’t proc unless the move actually targets the pressure mon so maybe that eases up on clefables weakness to it
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    Goodbye & Thanks
    Thank you very much! And you're right about Pressure; I never realized that. That RMT was from the pre-DLC meta so it's outdated now, but I'll update it anyway to correct what I said about Pressure affecting Wish and Protect, and I'll credit you as well for the correction.
    hey! we play for adv cup. what time works for you? i'm free basically at most points in ET afternoon/evening/night so
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    Goodbye & Thanks
    Hi, sorry for responding late. Mornings in EST tend to work better for me, but I could also play either in the early afternoon between like 12 and 2 or at night after 7. If you're available/would want to, I'd be down to play tomorrow. Please just let me know
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