Max. Optimizer
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  • Max i skimmed orange islands and i didn’t see you, rip. You really are great, and thanks for all you do.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I'm mainly active in the Wi-Fi section, but I occasionally post in the Orange Islands section too. I suppose I got nominated due to the quality of my posts, as opposed to the quantity of posts. Feel free to skim the section some more and feel free to post there as well!
    Hi Max, looking for the following Smogon FB GA Pokémon as I didn't manage to deposit for them during their respective weeks: shiny Ho-Oh, Blacephalon and shiny Metagross. Was wondering if I could obtain them from you if you happen to have them?
    No problem at all, glad to be of help to my fellow users!
    Oh I didn't know you had the GA Ludicolo as well. I also missed out on that one. Do you mind if I deposit a Salandit on the GTS asking for it? If so, I've gone ahead and deposited a Lv 16 male Salandit in a Dusk Ball. Thanks!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Sent! Enjoy!
    Hi Max. Optimizer,

    I was resetting yesterday for a 0 atk iv Timid Lunala in a Beast Ball. I ended up with 30/0/31/31/31/31. I was wondering if you want a copy as thanks for helping me so often. You can even have full distribution right.
    Though I will only be able to trade this weekend and then have to focus on college exams.


    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Yes, I'm sure. Again, I highly appreciate the offer, but I'd feel bad for accepting it. I rather prefer giving to others than to receive from others. :)
    I respect your decision. Though I wouldn't lose anything if you were to make a copy for yourself (if you meant that by feeling bad for accepting). I would probably clone myself an army if the game I obtained it was Pokemon Emerald.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    It's alright. Let me know if you ever need it (or other Pokémon) cloned for a trade or a giveaway. I won't keep a copy for myself through. :)
    Hello again Max! It is ok to request cannibal's shiny Hitmontop from you? (I see that its free redi and looking one for a while)
    eyooo hmu when you can trade dude!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Alright, I'm heading online as well! Unfortunately I don't have the last 2. Also it's no trouble at all, you're always more than welcome. :)
    you rock, thank you! lmk if you want anything, gonna be updating my thread again
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    It's only natural to help a friend out. Also sure, I'm always interested in shiny Pokémon from VC games, I'll def. let you know whenever I need something.
    Hi Max. Optimizer,

    if you want, we can trade whenever you are available. I am here for more than an hour.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Alright, I'll be online in just a second. See you at the Festival Plaza! I'll send you the trade request.
    thx again. In case you have to reset a lonely Stakataka, the abra after reaching lv8 has exactly one point higher than 0 or 1 speed iv Lonely Stakataka.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    You're welcome, enjoy!
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