Max. Optimizer
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  • Hi Max , can you do cloning ? I got a victini that needs to be cloned !
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Technically speaking I can clone, yes. I am however currently very busy and I got to take care of my real life obligations. Feel free to ask in the Simple Questions/Requests thread. Thank you for your understanding.
    C y 1
    Ok thanks ! I try my luck there then !
    Hi Max ! May I request the smogon Facebook ga Winsi’s shiny galvantula , LegoFigure11’s absol, Caleb’s shiny umbreon ,Xen’s shiny manectric, joe’s clefable , and Reaper’s thundurus from you via link trade if possible ?
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I unfortunately don't have any of these. I've given you pretty much all of the giveaway Pokémon that I currently own. Feel free to try your luck in the Simple Questions/Requests thread.
    C y 1
    Ok thanks np ! Just trying my luck to get those I miss out on !
    Hey Max, what's up?

    May I ask if you can CMT for these two, Please?

    LegoFigure11's Stakataka - Heavy ball
    Max. Optimizer's Sakiko - Shiny Celebi
    You merged with Smogon, haven't you? Good to see you this active here, I wish I could.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    To be fair, they're pretty much the exact same games. If anything, USUM is what SuMo should've been in the first place. Some Pokémon get new egg moves, the move tutors are back and we got 3 (or 4) new Ultra Beasts, but it's nothing revolutionary. It's already pretty much confirmed that these were the last Pokémon games on the 3DS and that Generation 8 will take place on the Nintendo Switch.
    Hm, so if I ever want to get back to collecting perfect Pokémon, I have to buy these games.. and such a sad thing I need a switch for the new ones! Well, I will think about it haha. Not sure if anyone cares if I get back here or not. :P
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Why not? I mean, you've been here for a very long time and your Dittos have helped out a lot of people (including myself). I'm pretty sure that people would be positively surprised if you were to make a comeback. Either way, I can hit you up with a plethora of perfect shinies and breedables anytime you want. You know where to ask. :)
    Do you still have Facebook Stakatakas? IGN is Jack, deposited a level 18 male salandit in a quick ball.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Do you still need help with that transfer by the way? I replied to your post in the SQR thread, but you haven't gotten back to me about it yet.
    Someone else took care of it for me, no need to worry
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Alright, I figured I should ask regardless just to make sure. I hadn't forgotten about it! :)
    Hi Max , ! May I request the smogon Facebook ga Xen’s shiny suicon, sondre’s shiny feraligatr , LegoFigure11’s shiny gardevoir, Jayvee’s shiny decidueye ,Lottie’s giratina-0 and SmogonU’s mewtwo from you via link trade if possible ?
    Hi Max again ! May I request the smogon Facebook ga Xen’s flygon, sondre’s shiny primarina , joki’s shiny medicham , Xen’s shiny diggersby , vee4phoenix’s shiny Ninetales-aloha and Abdre’s pidgeot from you via link trade if possible ?
    Hi Max again ! May I request the smogon Facebook ga Thomas’s shiny tyranitar, Joki’s Porygon2, Joki’s Snorlax, LegoFigure11's Lopunny, Joe’s blaziken and Dratias’s shiny Pinsir from you via link trade if possible ? Sorry for requesting again as I only came to know abt the smogon ga on the later part of the year n has miss most of tem!
    Hi Max! May I request the smogon Facebook ga Blacephalon, Joki's shiny Aegislash , Anput’s Landurous, Joki’s Lugia, Joki’s Volcorona, D.cage’s Zygarde 100% and LegoFigure11's shiny Breeddrill from you via link trade if possible ?
    Best OI Poster
    Level 51
    Max. Optimizer
    Grats on top 5!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    You can go to my trade thread by clicking on the link in my signature.
    Wow, thanks, it looks like you poured a lot of time into that.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Indeed! When I first started here (exactly 2 years ago) I literally had 0 Pokémon and everything you can find in my trade thread was obtained with a lot of patience by myself or via trades with friends and other users in general. I was given a lot and I was taught a lot and now I'm the one helping out new users. :)
    For FB givaways, do you just send in the starmie, or do you have to post your IGN somewhere?
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Just deposit a Staryu nicknamed "SmogonU" on the GTS and ask for a Latias Lv.91 or higher. You don't need to post anything, the winners are always picked randomly. Feel free to check out the Smogon University's Facebook page during the weekends, you can always re-read the rules on how to participate there if you wish to. :)
    I’m taking the ACT Saturday, so how about Saturday, 2:30, GMT-6? Thanks so much!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Sure thing. That'll be 22:30 my time. Sia then.
    May I request a copy of that GA mettagross? I deposited a male level 19 salandit in a premier ball. I already have the mega stone, my IGN is GravelmousUM.
    If you don't have it, NP, but do you know someone who does? Thank's in advance, and GL for best poster, I am cheering for you and pikachu!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    Unfortunately I don't know anybody that has a copy off the top of my head, but I can recommend asking in the Wi-Fi section's "Simple Questions/Requests" thread. Good luck!
    I don't know how you knew about that but thank you! I will check out that thread!
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    A couple of my friends and acquaintances are article writers and translators, so I always keep an eye on these sections too. I saw your posts there.
    Hi Max, may I request a copy of the GA Stakataka from you? I've deposited a Lv 17 male Salandit in a Quick Ball for it. Thanks as always!
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