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  • I appreciate the feedback on that PUs post. It's actually more of a cheeky reference to Super Mario 64, rather than actual alternate timelines.
    Your signature.
    I FUCKING KNEW IT. that makes so much sense with my struggles with finding them in gold
    Yup, I could hardly believe it either, but the code is right there. The game keeps track of the last three areas you were in, and when the legendary beasts choose an area to travel to, they will intentionally ignore the oldest of the three. (So if you just arrived in A, and your last three areas were ABA, the legendary beasts will never pick A.)
    You wouldn't happen to know if this was the case in later gens, would you?
    Can't speak for Gen 3, but there's a disassembly around so it's only a matter of time until someone with good ASM knowledge comes along and analyses it enough. I'm fairly sure this doesn't happen in Gen 4 just because the Poketch's Marking Map did all the heavy lifting, and I remember using it to shuffle between two areas and that worked.
    Hey, you're that guy who does the hardest runs of games ever! Seriously, I applaud how much work you put into the WLP runs.
    Ridiculously late reply, but thanks! (My current run isn't dead yet by the way; I just haven't had enough free time in a long time.)
    About the legendary IVs issue. You said:

    "Normally, when you catch a Pokemon, data for its IVs is copied from the "wild" data slot to the "box/party" data slot.

    However, on a roaming Pokemon, the copying messes up, copying only the last eight bits instead of all 30 of them. The uncopied bits are all set to zero."

    The last sentence is my query. Are we sure the uncopied bits are actually set? What if they're instead left as what was previously in the memory location? And what happens when you deposit or release a Pokemon - is the relevant data all zeroed out, or is only some of it changed? The point is, might it be possible to have the legendary appear with IVs of what previously occupied its party or box slot, instead of the usual zeroes?
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