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  1. Zowayix

    Unpopular opinions

    I don't think people are angry about a lawsuit over plagiarism - I think people are angry because nintendo chose to do a patent lawsuit specifically. Patenting game mechanics sets all sorts of terrible precedents.
  2. Zowayix

    Unpopular opinions

    Some more thoughts/allegations I've seen bouncing around: JP patent law is apparently different from US patent law in such a way that it covers things that wouldn't be called "patents" in the US system, such as trademarks. There's some misinformation floating around that the patent allegedly...
  3. Zowayix

    Pokémon Let's Go! - Pikachu and Eevee

    For context, this is the first main series game ever approved in China. I wonder if there's a trivial explanation where only a certain number of games are allowed to be approved per [time period] or something. Obviously I have no evidence of this.
  4. Zowayix

    Pokemon Day Presents 2024 - Pokemon LZA 2025

    I was hoping for "anything main series other than just ILCA BW1", so I'm celebrating. For those who wanted a gap year you've also got that.
  5. Zowayix

    Pokemon Day Presents 2024 - Pokemon LZA 2025

    Completely off-topic but this suddenly reminded me of that June 2021 Direct with Smash in it. For context, people were wildly speculating F-Zero, someone posted "I predict nintendo will execute Captain Falcon live on stage"...and then the Direct opened with Kazuya throwing Captain Falcon off a...
  6. Zowayix

    Pokemon Day Presents 2024 - Pokemon LZA 2025

    Just got off work and watched the Presents for the first time - here are some initial thoughts (sorry if duplicate of what's been mentioned already): I don't see the point of the TCG app if you can't even play a game in it that matches the TCG's rules. First gap year since 2015 is very...
  7. Zowayix

    Pokemon Day Presents 2024 - Pokemon LZA 2025 Called it. The Japanese premiere link has been uploaded, revealing a presentation length of 12 minutes 52 seconds through a metadata leak. I wonder if Youtube will patch this bug because it's on...
  8. Zowayix

    Pokemon Day Presents 2024 - Pokemon LZA 2025

    Johto's last game was 2018 if you count Virtual Console Pokemon Crystal :toast: Both Gen 8 and Gen 9 allowed transfer-only mons at the same time, July 1 of the first year. But Gen 8 was hit by covid, delaying Worlds by two more years. I recall the prevailing argument in 2018 being the...
  9. Zowayix

    Pokemon Scarlet & Violet - 18th Nov 2022! **OFFICIAL INFO ONLY**

    @Tuoko on the Bulbagarden Discord says that Smeargle is no longer allowed to use Transform. Bye bye dupe glitch :(
  10. Zowayix

    Dec 25 - Jan 7 - Iron Leaves/Walking Wake 5* Raid Rerun

    Unfortunately, event-exclusive Pokemon have been allowed in VGC for ages, with the earliest examples being Dark Void Smeargle, level 50 Dragonite (predating level scaling), and HGSS Giratina-O.
  11. Zowayix

    SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

    For some reason, I remember people talking about something in the game that generated a wondercard and therefore a gift Pokemon, which might have been interpreted as the "PkHex feature". Did I misremember and make this up? Or was there any truth to this at all? (unused datamine, something that...
  12. Zowayix

    Pokemon Scarlet & Violet - 18th Nov 2022! **OFFICIAL INFO ONLY**

    To be fair to the "defenders" saying it wasn't a bug, that came right after people were also claiming that the legendary shiny lock was a "bug".
  13. Zowayix

    3DS/Wii U eShop Shutdown March 27 2023 - Online Services to go offline April 2024 (Bank Excluded)

    Modded versions of Home already exist (requiring a modded Switch and a modded 3DS of course); they're just permanently incompatible with the real Home (any Pokemon sent through modded Home can never go through real Home in the future). Exactly; if you hack a Pokemon with a Go origin mark into...
  14. Zowayix

    3DS/Wii U eShop Shutdown March 27 2023 - Online Services to go offline April 2024 (Bank Excluded)

    Non-technical explanation: The 3DS has better network security than the DS. (It's the same network security your bank's website probably uses.) The DS: Stranger: Hi, I'm the event server. DS: Ok event server, what events are available? (arbitrarily trusts any stranger that just says it's the...
  15. Zowayix

    Resource RBY Simple Questions & Simple Answers Thread

    Silly question: If there was a serious Japanese Red/Green metagame, would Blizzard be banned? It's almost literally a buffed Sheer Cold (27% chance to freeze permanently, 63% chance to be a 120-power move, 10% chance to miss).
  16. Zowayix

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    Early versions of Legends Arceus had a bug where alternate forms of certain Pokemon had catch rates of 0. This meant wild Cherrim were impossible to catch as long as the overworld weather was sunny.
  17. Zowayix

    (Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

    In Legends Arceus, for the 2 most annoying Pokemon to find in the first area (Munchlax and Cherubi), the location in the Pokedex is straight-up false. Cherubi's location is supposed to be the Heartwood, but every single tree and spawn point in the Heartwood has a 0% chance to encounter Cherubi...
  18. Zowayix

    Sticky Orange Islands SQSA Thread

    Does anyone know the name of the company that publishes/published the official strategy guides in Japanese? Were they officially by Nintendo or by a third party (like with Prima Games)? Did they stop after Sword/Shield like Prima Games did? All I know is that at least they went up to...
  19. Zowayix

    Things in Pokémon To Call Your Own

    For me I could say it's the things I've learned thanks to Pokemon. Just to give two examples: Learning a bunch of assembly and computer architecture things from Gen 1-2 glitches Being astonished to find out that Latin American Spanish is so different from Spain Spanish, that when Red/Blue was...