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  • I'm afraid I don't have the answer to either question. And it is unwise to ask the Mods, they don't like that.
    Sounds like a fair trade-off. You can't do both at the same time anyway... or can you?
    Yo Zombachu, I'm a friend of Thundrcunt. I actually didn't realize he was banned, lol. Probrably cuz he hates smogon... maybe i'll ask a mod?
    Alrite. For our battle:
    You should get Pokemon Online! The filesize isn't that big, and it has all the tools you need for battling! You'll be unimpressed at first [I was...] but then you'll realize that you can make teams and battle them in under 15 minutes, no need to EV train, RNG, and breed.

    However, I am a big fan of traditional game based battling. I don't RNG in Gen5 (I stopped wanting to do so much work) So if you don't download Pokemon Online anytime soon, I'm open to battle sometime soon, I just have to build a proper team.
    Hey everyone, there was a HUGE house fire up the street. (like 3 stories high!) It didn't help that the tradewind was blowing TOWARDS our house. At one point everyone watching got smoked out and had to go inside. We took photos and we are about to send them to the news. Wish the homeowners luck!
    Thanks for the Happy Pika Independence Day :) (this is the first time I've visited since then)

    And I like your avatar!
    You're very welcome! Sorry about disconnecting with you in the middle, look on the bright side, you got a win :)
    I'd like to play again sometime, and next time, my brother can play too! He's likely as good as you (or you might be a bit better).
    Looking forward to a next time!
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