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  • hehe no prob, I'm just super sleepy XD Mornings </3
    Cool, so first trade bring the Garchomp and 2 fodders :D Take your time
    after that, on Gen4 my friend code is 0001 0533 4139 : )
    Let me know when you're heading to the Gen5 wifi room.
    Let's do the gen5 trades first if you're available now. Black FC: 2064 9584 1284

    I have a dw female Dratini, Carvanha, and Vulpix ready for ya. :3
    Hey zelen, I have awesome news. I can RNG, and I now have a flawless victini of my OT! Bad news? I'm not going to keep it. It ended up as careful, even with the synch.
    there's not really much you'll need to do, it just means that instead of trading gligar for zorua they will be traded for junk pokemon, and between the 2 trades I'll leave the trade room for a moment ;)
    My FC is 4684 8970 4189

    I haven't had a chance to clone the Gligar yet, so would it be okay with you if I do so during the trade?

    I'll trade you the Gligar for a "junk" Pokemon
    I'll leave the trade room and reload the save where I still have the Gligar
    I'll trade you a "junk" pokemon for the Zorua.
    Yeah, I'm actually just doing some breeding right now. Would you prefer the original Gligar (bad nature, bad ivs, dream ball) or one of her offspring (impish, 31 hp/defense/speed, pokeball)?
    Sure thing, that should work nicely! :3
    Umm... at the moment I am back at work though.. ;) I will try to get online at the proper time tomorrow morning for our trade. I'm not sure how I managed to sleep through my alarm clock this morning in the first place, it's fairly loud. I must have been in a deep sleep...
    Also, because I have HeartGold you can trade me fodder in Gen5 for the dreamworld Pokes from me, and then I'll trade you fodder in Gen4 for the Pokes that you're giving me -- if this is preferable to you? That or I'll transfer them over ^_^

    Just let me know what you like better.
    but yeah, before and after our trade (tomorrow morning if I don't sleep through my alarm clock again O_o) I can try to transfer as many Pokemon as possible for you before heading off for work. If that sounds good to you. :)
    I can help you transfer Pokemon!! :D
    I got a 3DS for my birthday last friday, and have 2 DS' now. The only catch is that I likely wont have a lot of time in the morning when I find you online, so I may have to help you with transfers more on the weekend than on the weekdays (because of work).

    I can transfer as many as you want, time permitting. No worries about that. :) It's just... time constraints for work.

    Speaking of which I apologise for not showing up this morning at 7:30am as planned... I accidently slept in and would have missed my train if it wasn't 20 minutes late for some reason (lucky for me I guess!).. I'll try to have better success waking up tomorrow morning XD
    Are you still here? ^_^ Latias was trolling me so I quit it for a while xD

    You'll need this FC now: 4555 4557 5350

    Did you make copies for yourself? :)
    hello, I'm online again :D
    My eye is kinda screwed up for now, so can you tell me whatever it is I have to do next so I can do it when I come back from school?
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