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  • :/

    Id like to have the battle today since I am rather busy this weekend. Showdown is having issues at the moment so can we play on PO (its BW1 anyway).
    Chill, I'm here. I'm GMT+2, so there is no problem in getting this done soon. How about tomorrow afternoon/evening?
    I'm on IRC atm, just not on #pokemon. Just come to Groudon's Grotto server now and we can start.
    Sorry I've been pretty busy lately. Since tomorrow is the day before I go back home from uni I shouldn't be that busy so maybe around 2pm or so catch me on here or IRC. Feel free to check if I'm ready if you see me earlier.
    We can start Monday. Any time will work for me so just tell me what will suit you and then VM me here at the time and I'll tell you what server to come to. You can also catch me on IRC as Joel (my other nicks I sometimes use are EspyJoel, Palutena, and Espeon).
    Yeah man, been long! I'll come on IRC some time, I am BioBroLyZ On the Spl/Pokemon/Ukwcop channel mostly :)
    You can find me on the Smogon IRC as "Eternal" or Pokemon Online server mostly as "King Eternal."
    hey can i use that team in an RMT cause id really like to improve but id like ur permission 1st :)
    hmmm... I don't really use the team anymore, but the SD Virizion can still be a good fit. I still need to make some improvements to the team to make it work better but yeah I will see what will fit for the team nicely :]
    hey on ur team i really liked ur old SD Virizon better then the CM one and now that u changed it u have 3 special sweepers and 1 physical :/ and could u also change back rotom to its epic trick plus hp fire moveset? i really reccomend it
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