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  • I assume you mean braces.
    And that's what we like to hear! CONFIDENCE!

    PS Happy Australia Day!
    Too bad what happened with the protests...
    She just keeps bouncin' from one unknown guy to the next, doesn't she...

    Oh well, good to have you back to your senses. Hope it was fun while it lasted :)
    So wacky, where are you? Havent seen you all year
    (Funny thing is, its true XD, but seriously havent seen you all year, please come back soon)
    I got Rage , Batman Arkham asylum and arkham city (games) , tons of DVDs (transformers 3 as well) and tons of chocolate and pokemon cards. What is ur xbx live name?mine is Chickenpy. Axmaster68 has one as well and Zombachu has ordered Reach and an Xbox.
    The Smogon Spriters has begun a new spriting contest. Whether you're an expert spriter or just a beginner, come on and join it. If you're inexperienced, you'll never get better by sulking about it; so wynaut (haha) come get some practice. Eventually you maybe as good as me ^-^ (I'm kidding. No one is as good as me) :P
    SWEEEEET. u and me can play reach as i now have it. Chickenpy. And r u sure u dont want anything. not a card? it would make me feel better about the cards and no trade.
    GET IN THERE WACKY!!!!!!!! We have to see a pic dude. BTW what do u want for christmas? Transformers 3?
    I have to say that Ariel rock got kicked out of TCD for her in activity, if you remain inactive like her you might be kicked.
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