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  • hey, DOU seasonal. gmt-5, can be pretty flexible this weekend 11am-11pm!
    What time works for you for dou your gmt-6
    I was there for a while but since I didnt see you I had to go. I could play today if you want but Im sorry that this week I'll be really busy and wont be able to play from tomorrow onwards.
    Yea same for me this last couple weeks has been quite busy, just take the win
    Ok, thanks man. Sorry to win like that.
    hey, we play for the doubles seasonal this week. i'm gmt +2 and i'm generally available during my late evenings because i work during the day on weekdays. my sunday is booked already so my preference right now would be tomorrow (wednesday) evening, friday evening or sometime on saturday my time. what works for you?
    Hi, sorry for not respond but this week i was really busy and forgot completly about the tour. I can play tomorrow if you can but since i'm the one who failed to schedule just take the win if tomorrow works bad for you.
    We're supposed to play for ssnl but I'm going to have a really busy week, so you can take the win.
    Hey, we are paired up for DOU seasonal. I'm GMT +10 and I would prefer to play on Sunday.
    I wont have great internet on Saturday but I should be able to play, but we might have to have timer off. How does 1pm sound? (9pm my time)
    Ok 1pm goes great for me, i dont have any issues so dont worry about the timer. We can do it at that time then if you want.
    Nice, see you then
    hi we're paired for duu seasonals when would u like to play? im gmt +8 and am free during tmr night and whole of saturday
    how about around 11pm my time, does that work for you?
    Hi, Im sorry but due to an unforeseen incident I wont be able to play today. I could play tomorrow at that time or whenever time you want or even monday if you prefer. Sorry for the inconvenience and let me know if you could adapt to that.
    today at 11 sounds ok as well c u then
    Hey we play for SM cup, I'm gmt-5 and won't be home tomorrow until 4pm, and assuming we have an extension I can play on Tuesday after 7pm as well
    Can you play today or tomorrow then?
    I can play tomorrow, but not in the morning since I'll have to run some errands. I get home from work at about 5:00pm and will be able to play immediately if that isn't too late for you
    Running a little late but I will be on showdown as Spurrific in a few mins if you end up being avilable
    hey, we're paired for xy cup of DOU grand prix -- I'm GMT-5, and Friday/Saturday/Sunday from my 11am-5pm are probably the best for me, so just let me know what time in there works for you!
    Hi I'm GMT +2. I prefer friday if you can, and about the time your 4-5pm works better for me. Let me know if thats ok for you.
    Yep, Friday at my 4pm works great. See you then!
    I'm in the Doubles room on my main, message me when you get on. I have to leave at around 4:45, so hopefully you're here before then.
    Hi, we're paired for XY cash tour. I'm GMT -7, would prefer to play on the weekend, I have no real preference for what time / week we play so let me know what works for you.
    Hi. I'm very busy now and I won´t be able to play till next wednesday. Wednesday onwards, I can play whenever you want. I´m GMT +1 so let me know if you could wait till next week.
    Waiting until next week works fine. Given our timezones it'd probably be easier to play on the weekend. Does next Sunday at your 7 PM work?
    I think Sunday at 7PM works well for me. We can let it for that that day or move it to another time in the weekend if there is a last minute setback.
    we're playing for DUU tour. I'm US central time (gmt-6) and pretty free most evenings during the week and most of the day during the weekend. let me know what works best for you!
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