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  • if you cant beat someone as simple as blissey then you are by no means competitive. Blissey sweeps nubs who cant handle him so i dont have to waste my time entertaining shitty teams like urs.
    Poliwag and Hippoptas. I'll try and catch you some other time when we're online.
    Head on over to WFC, I'll be there momentarily.

    EDIT - Okay, I'm in there right now waiting.
    Shouldn't take more than a few hours unless the Vs. Seeker is REALLY uncooperative.

    Oh, and I'll do it on my Platinum game.
    Two things.

    1) I can't copy it, but I'd have no problems just picking up a copy later.
    2) Am I also supposed to level it? Because unless it's at 72 already, there's no chance that it'd reach that point on a 252/252 spread.
    Yes, I can, but I'm busy now. I need to do a trade and then I need to finish RNGing something :P

    If you're willing to wait till tomorrow, that's fine ^^ But, if you need these clones ASAP, I would find someone else.
    Ok, thank you ;) You gain two credits in my thread if you don´t have any clones of the two Pokes ;)
    I VM´d you TWO times and you didn´t response, and i don´t wanted to wait more then three hours, and i don´t stay up until 4am or so.
    Ok, i´ll going to pick them up now.
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