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  • Hey, since you're VGC leader and all, can you look over my team? Nugget Bridge isn't really helping me actually deal with threats to the team. I mentioned some possible changes in a later post.
    Well, I'm not convinced Camerupt is worth using over Eruptran, but it's your choice. Firstly, I'd suggest replacing Tyranitar with Abomasnow. By nature of this being an Eruption-based team you NEED to have a second mode for handling rain, and Abomasnow is better suited for this. This does open you up to Latios a bit more before you have Trick Room up, so I'd next suggest Chople Scrafty over Landorus-T. (cont.)
    It's not as weak to rain, still has Intimidate, handles Lati@s like a champ, and has Fake Out to support your Trick Room setters (both of which can still be Spored before they can TR, Mental Herb or no). Dusknoir sucks. Either use Eviolite Dusclops or go with a better offensive Ghost TR-setter like Jellicent. (cont.)
    If you do go with Jellicent and Abomasnow, you can probably drop Gastrodon for something better (say, Breloom or Amoonguss). If you want to keep Gastrodon, I'd replace Muddy Water with Scald and Earth Gem with something like Rindo Berry. Lastly, Skill Swap should probably be replaced unless you switch to Heatran; Reflect or Sunny Day look like they would fit better.
    Hey when do you want to play for the UU Open? I'm free all day after 1:00 pm (EST) on both Sunday and Monday. Nice trophy btw ;)
    Ty ;)
    I'll be a bit busy for part of Monday, but I should be available all of Sunday (after I wake up, which won't be until 4 or 5 pm lol)
    Well, i made my first OU post since the ban

    Kind of felt like telling you, hopefully it's considered to be a good one
    I apoligize for disturbing you, but may I take over your Scrafty Analysis?
    No. I'm sorry, but I am very skeptical of your VGC experience.
    Hey in the ultimate perfect forum thingy, can we make a thread, just like any other forum or do we have to ask permission or something? :)
    You can, but it's not advisable for people who haven't lurked enough to post threads.
    Congratz to be the SuperMod Dark Angel, and oh, sorry to bother you, but I posted in the OU Cores thread, and my post posted 3 times. Can you delet two of them? Thanks.
    Congratz Tobes on SMods!

    Edit: I'm a little late on this, but, gratz on PS Leader too!
    Sorry to bother you, but the ubers viability thread needs a lot of updates. Quite a few write-ups need to be added and several pokemon need to change tiers. I know you are a busy person, but when you have free time, could you please update it?

    Also, congratulations for becoming a Super mod!
    Ok, I'll get to it eventually. And thank you.
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