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  • hola chico, when can u play for OST ? i'm gmt +0
    I'm GMT -8 and I think Thursday would probably work the best for me atm. I definitely won't be able to play Saturday or Sunday and Friday may be difficult too.
    hmm, ok for thursday
    ok I'm online, PM me on irc when you're on/ready
    did you know you still have an active infraction from Lady Bug on your profile for 10 points?

    We'll be facing each other for SPL this week. I'm usually free after 6PM Pacific. When would be a good time for you?
    R Inanimate
    R Inanimate
    The weekend should be okay with me, although I will be unavailable for Saturday, as I'll be out of town on that day. I should be around for all of Sunday though, so it shouldn't be too hard to find a time to play then.
    R Inanimate
    R Inanimate
    When would you like to battle?
    I can fight now
    Hey we have to play for OST R3. I am GMT-8 and can most likely play this Friday between 7-9pm and Saturday 3-6pm
    Cool we're in the same timezone, I think I should be fine with those times but I've been sick lately so I may have to push it back. I'll let you know if I feel the need to do that.
    Hey I'm sorry but I can't play today due to personal issues. I will be able to play tomorrow though anytime after 3pm. If that doesn't work for you let me know what other times will.
    That should be fine, I'll let you know otherwise.
    we have to play for OST r2 when are you on? I'd like to get it done in the next week. I'm gmt -5 btw.
    I'm GMT -8 (PST) and thats fine but I'd prefer not to play on Tuesday or Wednesday since I have longer days of class on those days. Do you have a preference?
    thats fine as well, how about sometime thursday? I'll be around from your 4-9 or soemthing.
    That should be fine
    just watched your spl match vs Biosci. You trained your Deo-A well ;d It learns Detect, btw

    I have no clue what he was trying to accomplish with Charm Liepard and Rage Powder Volcarona n_n
    Oh I wasn't sure it had Detect, I didn't think it would be a problem lol. I thought it was a pretty good idea to bring Liepard too, thought I may be biased from a VGC perspective.

    I've actually meant to talk to someone that works w/ Doubles. I qualified for Suspect Voting with a 3:1 ratio but after the elo implementation it was removed, is there something I can do about that?
    yea a lot of people got screwed by that; I asked Joim if he still has access to the pre-reset records, but he said they get wiped for space...

    thanks for your interest, though.
    YO TFC

    If you can, I can play anytime in the next 3 days(Today included) after noon EST. Wednesday I leave for Apex, but can play after 5-6 PM EST then. I'm gonna be traveling a lot of Thursday and Friday, but I might be able to play then though I really would prefer not to. Saturday and Sunday I'll be at Apex and will not be able to play at all.
    We talked on irc where you mentioned Thurs 2 PM+ EST, that sounds solid.
    Whats your timezone and when can you play? GMT -8 and I'm good for most of the week, class starts on Friday though
    I'm GMT +1 and I should be on IRC plenty, especially during my night/morning (which is your afternoon/evening) since my sleep schedule is completely fucked up.

    I'm ready whenever so I guess just shoot a message on IRC when you see me online, I'm on #spl as cbb.
    #timeforchange this saturday
    wait is it really it's the 12th of october that's saturday :o debate sounds rewarding, hope you're having fun (enough to make it worth missing out on pokémon)!
    Cards are on the 12th, VGC on the 13th. So unless I'm wrong I should have debate then mons the next day and if I am wrong thats gonna be a pain in the ass lol
    I (somewhat) recently realized that you meant XY's release while I meant VGC. That explains why I had been so confused at first lol, I still don't have a 3DS but hopefully my luck at VGC won't be bad and I can win the one offered there.
    Hey we're paired for the NU Open r2. I can play on Sunday and I'm GMT -4 so just let me know when you can play.
    If you want to do them soon I'll try and be on for all the tour times this weekend - once the week hits it will be a little harder to schedule but I am always on.
    So we're playing for NU Open and maybe RU Open I guess when are you available lol
    Lol that's amusing. I'm having comp troubles so for now all say Friday+weekends in PST. We can work a more specific time out.
    okay i have school next week from 8:30 AM to 3:00 PM (GMT -4) Then I have to study from 3 to 6. You're PST so I don't think that should matter much as I can battle pretty much everyday after that. I'm very available so shoot me a PM.
    i can battle today all the day, if you cant battle i can battle after 6pm gmt-6 all the next week. you can find me on irc as Robert most of the time.
    I should be getting a new modem/router soon later this week should be better. Any day you'd prefer?
    saturday would be fine, pretty much around this time if thats not a problem for you
    I was online for a few hours but ill be busy the rest of the day, hopefully tomorrow will work out
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