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  • I have been thinking of making different weather teams. What other pokemon would be good in a sandstorm team besides garchomp, tyranitar, excadrill, and himpowdon?
    Thank you that would be great. The whole reason I started my group was to learn how to raise and battle more effectively, not only me but others as well.
    So do you focus on raising pokemon individually?
    No, not really. I do not know a lot of people who play pokemon seriously and I do not have wi fi either. But when I have played with other people, the results are not favorable for me.
    I have been thinking about the apprentice program but don't have the time...
    50/50. I dont like them cause even the style is hard to understand much less the strategies. and 2 pokemon at once is a bit overwhelming, but 3 is insane! for crying out loud, u give AT LEAST HALF of your team away before the first turn! its makes room for no suprises at all.
    okay then if u want anything for when you can get a legit one i can get it for you. i really just need max attack, hp, and then at least 25 or so in defense and special defense. If u can get that what would you want for it?
    perhaps i should change it. also dang, i thought the scizor was legit but oh well, it would have been to much to ask for then. Im tyring to get one but i lost my SS.
    well yes but its basically for te two best stats aka speed and attacka nd hp and speed. ididnt post them cause with all the strategies and calculations today u could make your ev set bulit to survive/outrun what u want to, really.
    I've got Gengar pretty much done. I'm working with the fawful smile. It's a bit difficult. I'll have it done soon
    it depends, you could use it over flare blitz in a sun team i guess though id keep it. you could put both cause then youd have 2ways to stat boost and with enties hp you might be able to set those up and live. but yeah, i would. just make sure youre facing something TOO bulky
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