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  • Want to battle my challenge team just for kicks? It is a triple and you don't ahve to use your challenge team. I will probably be on another 45 minutes.
    Personally, i prefer mixed tiers, because i believe with a little effort, a raticate can take on arceus (id provide evidence but im too lazy) any way my uber team or my normal team?
    Maybe later. I recently started BW over, and have yet to get my new team. However if your willing to do ubers ill take you on sometime after i get my Experiment (label) team from bald accountant.
    i dunno know. i guess it could but togekiss has so many move/item combinations it really could be anything. but yeah i guess.
    Do you mean the first weeks challenge, or the second?
    I don't really care about the prize, just the fun of the challenge.
    I hope your birthday went great.
    Sorry again for the negativity this weekend.
    I told BS that I did not really want to try to be an idea person for team rocket anymore because all my ideas are either too corny or rub the Smogon establishment wrong. I hope he is not mad at me for that.
    I will make you a togekiss, any specific moveset? if not I will make one like I use for non trick room, a choice scarf paraflincher.
    basicallytogekiss is better just as a whole. i think it should also have atleast one attack move aka air slash if it has to fend for itself eventually in say the final worlds vgc battle and your down to 1-1 with the oipponent
    zapdos+sitrus berry and hitmontop with life orb. zap could also have leftovers though. but siturs is better.
    ok good. im just saying its not very bulky, dont expect to survive much though it can set well. basically youre out for one a turn or two-three tops, then dead probably.
    and no, try for no sabyle. sorry, but they have unreliable stats, if you are going to use heatran and sbayle, use drought nintales, and then venasuar with it followed by maybe cherrub or whatever its called
    of course. in fact are you intersted in any rain team pokemon or a cresselia? I can get them and i have a modest, pretty good stats cresselia that i dont need.
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